Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.2 The Luncheon Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharati Textbook Solutions Unit 4.2 The Luncheon

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.2 Warming Up Questions and Answers

The Luncheon Questions And Answers Class 10 Question 1.
Talk with your partner and discuss the following questions:
(a) Have you ever been invited to lunch, at any hotel, by your friend?
(b) What was the occasion?
(c) Did you enjoy the lunch? Why?
(a) Have you ever been invited for a lunch to any hotel by your friend? (You can think of the name of the hotel, what you ate there, what you saw there, etc.)
(b) What was the occasion? (Was it for a birthday, a celebration of some sort, a get-together, etc.)
(c) Did you enjoy the lunch? Why? (Was the food good/bad, was the service good/ bad, was the place clean/unclean/noisy, etc.)

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The Luncheon Questions And Answers Question 2.
Discuss in pairs:
People with foibles are often not conscious of them. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
I agree with this. My grandmother has a foible that we all know about, but she is not conscious of it. When the house is untidy, she gets irritated. She will tuck in the edge of her sari and walk about the house, muttering to herself. She is not even aware of this peculiar behavior.

The Luncheon English Workshop Question 3.
As you know, every country has its own currency. Find out the currency of at least 6 countries along with their current exchange rate in India, with the help of the internet. One is done for you.
For example, Switzerland: franc; 1 franc = 66.73 INR

Country Currency Exchange Rate in Indian Currency
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Country Currency Exchange Rate in Indian Currency
1. Switzerland franc 1 franc = 66.73 INR
2. United States of America Dollar 1 dollar = 72.04 rupees
3. Afghanistan Afghani 1 Afghani= 0.9532 rupees
4. Japan Yen 1 Yen =0.6422 rupees
5. Indonesia Rupiah 1 Rupiah= 0.005 rupees
6. Malaysia Malaysian ringgit 1 Malaysian ringgit= 17.412 rupees

The Luncheon Class 10 English Workshop Questions and Answers Maharashtra Board

1. Choose the correct option from the bracket and fill in the blanks given below.
(addressed, luncheon, generously, unwise, insist)
(a) The chief guest …………………… the students.
(b) The crow was …………………… to sing.
(c) I invited my relatives to ……………………
(d) Parents always …………………… on children to be allrounders.
(e) The king decided to donate his wealth among his subjects ……………………
(a) addressed
(b) unwise
(c) luncheon
(d) insist
(e) generously

Question 2.
Go through the story again and find out various instances which create humour in ‘The Luncheon’. Complete the table by picking up various humorous instances and the particular line from the story. One is done for you.

Humorous Instance Line from the story
The woman is a voracious eater ‘‘Follow my example, and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.’’


Humorous instance Line from the passage
1. The author ordered a single mutton chop. (i) “I see you’re in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon.”

(ii) “Why don’t you follow my example and eat just one thing?”

2. The woman wanted to eat asparagus.
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(i) “I couldn’t possibly eat anything more unless they had some of those giant asparagus. I should be sorry to leave Paris without eating some of them.”
(ii) “I’m not in the least hungry, but if you insist, I don’t mind having some asparagus.”
3. The writer was afraid that he would not have enough money to pay the bill. I would put my hand in my pocket and with a dramatic cry. start-up and say that it had been picked.

Question 3.
Who said these words/sentences? Under what circumstances?

Words/Sentences Who said? Under what circumstances?
1. I never eat anything for luncheon.
2. It’s many years since we first met.
3. Are you still hungry?
4. I don’t believe in overloading my stomach.
5.  I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.


Words/Sentences  Who said?  Under what circumstances?
1. I never eat anything for luncheon. Guest When the writer was startled on seeing the prices on the menu.
2. It’s many years since we first met. The Guest When she met the writer at a play and called him over during the interval to talk to him.
3. Are you still hungry? Author When the guest said that one should get up from a meal feeling that one could eat a little more, and she had already eaten quite a lot.
4. I don’t believe in overloading my stomach. Guest When the writer ordered a mutton chop for himself.
5.  I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight. Author When the luncheon was over and they were leaving the hotel, he knew that he had the whole month before him and he did not have any money for food. That was when he said the words.

Question 4.
Answer in your own words.
(a) Although the author was not a vindictive man, he was very happy to see her weigh twenty one stone and had finally had his revenge. What makes him say this? Explain.
Twenty years earlier, the writer was earning barely enough money to make both ends meet. The lady wanted him to give her a luncheon at Foyot’s, an expensive restaurant. The writer thought that he could stand her a modest luncheon. The lady reassured him by saying that ‘she never ate anything for luncheon’. However, she ended by eating about six different items, some of which were very expensive yet she insisted till the end that she never ate more than one thing for luncheon and advised him against ‘filling his stomach with a lot of meat’ when all he had eaten was one small mutton chop – the cheapest item on the menu. The writer was finally left with a whole month before him and no money in his pocket. He could not forget this incident, and when he met her twenty years later, she had become very fat and weighed twenty-one stone. This made the writer feel that though he was not a vindictive man, he had got his revenge.

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(b) There are quite a few places where the author uses the expressions ‘My heart sank, panic seized’ etc. What was the reason for this ? Explain.
The writer was living in a tiny apartment in Paris and earning barely enough money to make both ends meet. The lady wanted him to give her a little luncheon at Foyot’s, an expensive restaurant. When they met, she ordered some of the most expensive dishes available. The writer was terribly worried about whether he had enough money to pay the bill. Hence, he has used the expressions ‘my heart sank’, ‘panic seized me’, etc.

(c) What are the instances which create humour in “The Luncheon”?
The instances in the story that create humour are:
(i) when the writer sees the woman at Foyot’s.
(ii) when she orders dish after dish, after first saying that she eats nothing for luncheon, and then stretching the irony she insists that she ate only one thing for luncheon,
(iii) when she tells the writer, who is eating only a mutton chop – the cheapest item on the menu – that he should not overload his stomach,
(iv) when she says that the writer has insisted on her eating asparagus,
(v) when the writer imagines what he would do while paying the bill,
(vi) when the writer says that he would not eat anything for dinner that night,
(vii) when the writer tells us the woman’s weight, when he sees her aghin after twenty years.

(d) Describe the use of irony and humour in “The Luncheon”.
In this story, the writer uses humour and irony to depict the character of the woman. The narrator takes the woman to an expensive restaurant called Foyot’s. He is startled when he sees the high prices on the menu, but relieved when his guest tells him, “I never eat anything for luncheon,” and “I never eat more than one thing.” After stating this, ironically, the woman eats some of the most expensive things available, like salmon and caviar, while the poor author only eats a mutton chop. Looking at it, she takes him to task for eating a ‘heavy’ luncheon, and tells him that he should follow her example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon. She said that she would eat the asparagus because the writer ‘insists’, when it was she who had asked for them. In the end, when she repeats once again that he should follow her example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon, the writer retorts that he would do better than that— he would not eat anything for dinner that night!

Question 5.
Pick out the words and phrases in the story that indicate that the author was not financially well off. One is done for you.

Words not afford
Phrases beyond my means


Words not afford modest, cheapest, borrow, mean.
Phrases beyond my means
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earning barely enough money, manage well enough, prices were a great deal higher, horribly expensive, ten francs short, what they cost, inadequate tip, not a penny in my pocket, eat nothing for dinner.

Question 6.
After reading the story, put the following events into correct order:
(a) She gave me her last kind advice how to improve my eating habits.
(b) I met her in the theatre after many years and I could hardly recognize her.
(c) Twenty years ago, I lived in Paris and earned just enough money to get by.
(d) I was really scared what could happen when I would pay the bill.
(e) “I never eat anything for luncheon.”
(f) I ordered a mutton chop for myself.
(g) She had read a book of mine.
(h) She ordered asparagus.
(i) She suggested him to invite her to a famous and expensive restaurant.
(j) I didn’t have dinner for the rest of the month.
(c) Twenty years ago, I lived in Paris and earned just enough money to get by.
(b) I met her in the theatre after many years and I could hardly recognize her.
(g) She had read a book of mine.
(i) I invited her to a famous and expensive restaurant.
(e) “I never eat anything for luncheon.”
(f) I ordered a mutton chop for myself.
(h) She ordered asparagus.
(d) I was really scared what could happen when I would pay the bill.
(a) She gave me her last kind advice on how to improve my eating habits.
(j) I didn’t have dinner for the rest of the month.

Question 7.
The irony is the expression of meaning through the use of language signifying the opposite. Describe the use of irony in ‘The Luncheon’. Pick the sentences from the story that are examples of irony. Fill in the table ‘A’ the general direct meaning while in table ‘B’ its hidden meaning or the opposite meaning intended by the speaker. One is done for you.

Sentence Direct meaning Hidden meaning
If I cut out coffee for the next two days, to stop drinking coffee to stop spending money in order to save money for some purpose.


Sentence Direct Meaning Irony (Hidden meaning)
(1) I never eat more than one thing. I am careful and do not eat much; I eat only one thing. She goes on to eat six expensive items during the luncheon.
(2) I don’t believe in overloading my stomach. I do not eat much, but in limited quantities. She has a hearty and expensive meal.
(3) If you insist, I don’t mind ‘ having some asparagus. I am eating asparagus because you are forcing me to. The writer had certainly not insisted; she had asked for it.
(4) I’m not in the least hungry. I am not at all hungry and cannot eat anything. She thrusts the asparagus down her throat in large mouthfuls.
(5) One thing I thoroughly believe in—one should get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more. One should always leave space in the stomach for more food. She has had a hearty meal and was probably very full.
(6) I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I’ve just had a snack. I am a very light eater; I hardly eat anything during the day. She has had six different items for luncheon.
(7) You’ve filled your stomach with a lot of meat. You have eaten a lot. The writer had just one little miserable mutton chop.
(8) I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight. I won’t have anything for dinner tonight. The writer had no money left.
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Question 8.
Fill in the blank a word or a phrase given in the brackets in their appropriate forms. (startle, catch sight of, overload, water, pass)
1. “I never …………………… my stomach”, she said.
2. I was …………………… when the menu was brought.
3. The author …………………… the guest at the play.
4. I had seen asparagus in the shops, my mouth often …………………… at the sight of them.
5. The author’s guest was …………………… through Paris.
1. overload
2. startled
3. caught sight of
4. watering
5. passing

Question 9.
Use appropriate articles.
1. I have just had …………………… snack.
2. I have …………………… cup of coffee in the morning.
3. I want just …………………… ice cream and coffee.
4. Author and his guest gave …………………… order and then waited for asparagus to be cooked.

Question 10.
Classify the following words in the given table appropriately. (modest, luncheon, generously, rank, restaurant, appearance, large, expensive, watch, coffee, brought, afford, practical, apartment, moment, brightly, started, thoroughly)

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
luncheon, restaurant, appearance, watch, coffee, apartment, moment brought, afford, started, sank modest, large, expensive, practical, generously, brightly, thoroughly

Question 11.
Study the different uses of ‘could’. Identify what it indicates.
(a) Lack of rain could cause draught. (possibility/condition)
(b) Abhi could perform well in his school days. (suggestion/past ability)
(c) Instead of playing computer games you could play real games with friends. (past ability/suggestion)
(d) Could I use your computer for surfing net? (possibility/request)
(e) We could go on an excursion, if we didn’t have exam. (suggestion/condition)
(1) could – possibility
(2) could – past ability
(3) could – suggestion
(4) could – request
(5) could – condition

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Question 12.
Fill in the gaps with appropriate Prepositions to make the passage meaningful.
I waited …………………… the airport …………………… Atlanta. My old school-mate was going to arrive …………………… New Airlines …………………… Mumbai, …………………… 21st March …………………… the year 2018. We had not met …………………… 40 years …………………… 1978. She was going to stay …………………… a week …………………… me …………………… Atlanta …………………… 21st …………………… 27th March, 2018.

My joy knew no bounds, when I saw her …………………… 40 years. …………………… home, I introduced her …………………… my family. Then I took her …………………… a big mall …………………… shopping. It was just …………………… my house. We went …………………… the street and climbed …………………… using the elevator, …………………… the staircase.

I waited at the airport in Atlanta. My old school-mate was going to arrive by New Airlines from Mumbai, on the 21st of March in the year 2018. We had not met for 40 years, since 1978. She was going to stay for a week with me in Atlanta, from the 21st to 27lh of March, 2018.

My joy knew no bounds when I saw her after 40 years. At home, I introduced her to my family. Then I took her to a big mall for shopping. It was just near my house. We went across the street and climbed up using the elevator near the staircase.

Question 13.
On the occasion of Diwali, write a letter to your friend to invite him/her to celebrate the festival in an innovative way. Use the following hints. time and place special dish is prepared – other friends have also invited post-lunch fun programs, innovative activity
Manju Mhatre
8-B, Tulsi Angan
Garodia Nagar
Mumbai – 400 077
21st October, 2020

Dear Diya,
Hi there! How are you? You seem to have forgotten me completely afteroining college! Well, I haven’t, and I am writing this letter for a special reason.

This is an invitation for lunch at my place on 4 November on the occasion of Diwali. This will be a sort of house-warming too-you can see from the address above that I have shifted to a new place.

I have also called our other badminton friends—Divya, Rajni, Shubha and Kirti. My Mom has promised to I prepare traditional Diwali dishes, which I am sure ! you will enjoy. And after that—well, that’s going to be i a surprise! But I am sure all of us will enjoy this too.

So do come. Come at about 12.30. Be prepared to be here till 5. Bye.

Your friend,

Question 14.
Further reading:
(a) “The Phantom Luncheon” by Saki.
(b) “The Ant and the Grasshopper” by William Somerset Maugham.

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Form 4 groups of the class. Every group will visit the school’s library or use the internet to read both the creations of Saki and W. S. Maugham. After reading them, every group will summarise both the creations and later read out in the class.

Question 15.
Choose the correct options from the bracket and fill in the blanks: (younger, eighty, twenty, interval)
(1) 1 went over during the interval and sat down beside her.
(2) None of us are getting any younger.
(3) It was twenty years ago.
(4) I had eighty francs to last me the rest of the month.
(1) interval
(2) younger
(3) twenty
(4) eighty

Question 16.
Complete the following:
(1) The profession of the narrator: a writer.
(2) The lady was free on the following Thursday.
(3) At the time when the writer met the lady, he was living in a tiny apartment in Paris.
(4) The lady wanted to meet the narrator to have a chat with him.
(1) a writer
(2) on the following Thursday
(3) tiny apartment in Paris
(4) have a chat with him

Question 17.
Where and when did they decide to have luncheon?
They decided to have a little luncheon at Foyot’s restaurant on the following Thursday.

Question 18.
Choose the correct options from the brackets and fill in the blanks: (pass, caught sight of, overload, modest, addressed, luncheon, interval)
(1) The film was so boring that we went home during the interval.
(2) Though it was a modest apartment, it was extremely clean.
(1) interval
(2) modest

Question 19.
Find out the ‘Synonyms’ from the passage for the words:
(1) A set of rooms:
(2) Acknowledged:
(3) Handle:
(4) Directed a remark:
(1) Apartment
(2) Recognized
(3) Manage
(4) Addressed

Question 20.
Rewrite the following sentence using the antonym of the underlined word: We’re none of us getting any younger.
We’re all of us getting older.

Question 21.
Rewrite the following sentence using ‘except’: The only free moment she had was on the following Thursday.
She had no free moment except on the following Thursday.

Question 22.
I hardly think about it. (Begin the sentence with ‘How …!)
How little I think about it!

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Question 23.
She had read a book of mine. (Begin the sentence with ‘Hadn’t …?)
Hadn’t she read a book of mine?

Question 24.
If you were in the place of the narrator, how would you have reacted in the given situation?
If I were in the place of the narrator, I would have bluntly told the lady that I was a struggling writer and could not afford to give her a luncheon at Foyot’s. I would have suggested some cheaper restaurant that I could afford. I would not try to show off, or spend more than I can afford,ust to impress someone.

Question 25.
They decided to have luncheon at Foyot’s restaurant at half-past twelve on a Thursday.
Foyot’s restaurant at half-past twelve on a Thursday.

Question 26.
The writer ‘was startled when the menu was brought because ………………
The prices were a great deal higher than what he had thought.

Question 27.
What do you think the woman reassured the narrator about?
The woman realized that the narrator was startled when he saw the prices on the menu. So she indirectly reassured him that he would not have to spend much, for she never ate anything for luncheon.

Question 28.
‘I never eat anything for luncheon’. Explain the irony in this line.
The irony is that after informing the author that she never ate anything for luncheon, the lady immediately wanted salmon and caviar, some of the most expensive items available.

Question 29.
From the sentences given below pick out the sentence that indicates that the lady was doing exactly the opposite of what she was saying.
(1) ‘I think you’re unwise to eat meat.”
(2) ‘‘I don’t believe in overloading my stomach.”
“I don’t believe in overloading my stomach.”

Question 30.
Choose the correct options from the brackets and fill in the blanks: (pass, startled, overload, imposing, afford, generously, reassured, unwise)
(1) I was …………… when I saw that I remembered all that I had revised.
(2) The monument was really very ………………… .
(3) You cannot ………… to waste time with friends during exams. (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
(1) reassured
(2) imposing
(3) afford

Question 31.
Change the voice of the following sentences:
(1) She reassured me.
(2) I ordered it for my guest.
(1) I was reassured by her.
(2) It was ordered for my guest, (by me)

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Question 32.
“You’re unwise to eat meat,” she said. (Rewrite in indirect speech)
She told him that he was unwise to eat meat.

Question 33.
Are you careful in your eating habits?
My mother sees that I eat healthily, and I like I fruits and salads. However, when I am with friends and we go out, I eatunk food. I know it is important to eat healthy food and I take good care to do so.

Question 34.
Name the food items mentioned in the passage
The food items mentioned in the passage are:
(1) caviar,
(2) mutton chops,
(3) salmon,
(4) asparagus

Question 35.
Explain what the use of the word ‘sank’ suggests about the narrator’s feelings.:
The use of the word ‘sank’ suggests that the narrator was getting unhappy and worried about his guest’s desire to eat expensive food.

Question 36.
From the sentences given below, pick out the sentence that indicates that the lady was doing the exact opposite of what she was saying: (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
(1) “I see that you’re in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon.”
(2) “Why don’t you follow my example andust: eat one thing.”
“Why don’t you follow my example andust eat one thing.”

Question 37.
Choose the correct options from the brackets and fill in the blanks: (pass, quite seriously, water, gaily, insist, mortifying, dramatic)
(1) The ……………… turn of events shocked all of us.
(2) It was ……………. to apologise to the bully.
(3) My mother waved ………………… to me as she went for the hike.
(4) The author’s guest took him ………………. to task.
(1) dramatic
(2) mortifying
(3) gaily
(4) quite seriously

Question 38.
Fill in the blanks with the words from the brackets: (Board’s Model Activity Sheet) (task, menu, wondered)
(1) The ……………… to rescue the flood victims was very difficult.
(2) I was thinking about buying a new vehicle and …………………. if we had the money.
(3) The restaurant …………………. seemed to be tempting.
(1) task
(2) wondered
(3) menu

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Question 39.
She ate the caviar and she ate the salmon. (Begin the sentence with not only … but also and rewrite the sentence.)
Not only did she eat the caviar but she also ate the salmon.

Question 40.
Rewrite the following sentence as an affirmative sentence: I couldn’t possibly eat anything more unless they had some of those giant asparagus.
I could possibly eat something more only if they had some of those giant asparagus.

Question 41.
Which food do you prefer to eat-home food or restaurant food. Why?
My mother cooks very tasty food and hence I prefer to eat home food. It is also always fresh. Restaurant food is generally oily, spicy and often prepared under unhygienic conditions. All this is unhealthy. I believe that health is wealthhence I prefer home food.

Question 42.
Complete the web: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.2 The Luncheon 1

Question 43.
‘Thera a terrible thing happened.’ Describe the narrator’s emotions at this point in the story. Why does he mot express this emotion?
At this point in the story, the writer had given up ail hopes that he could pay the bill. He was resigned to his fate. He had mentally decided on different methods to save his reputation. He does not express this emotion because the lady had already eaten a lot of expensive food: the damage was already done. Besides, he did not want to look mean in her eyes.

Question 44.
Match the columns:

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) head (a) peaches
(2) terrible (b) mouthfuls
(3) huge (c) waiter
(4) large (d) thing


‘A’ ‘B’
(1) head (c) waiter
(2) terrible (d) thing
(3) huge (a) peaches
(4) large (b) mouthfuls

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Question 45.
Complete the table:

Positive Comparative Superlative


Positive Comparative Superlative
(1) hungry hungrier hungriest
(2) terrible more terrible most terrible

Question 46.
Rewrite the following in reported speech: “Are you still hungry?” I asked faintly.
I asked her faintly whether she was still hungry.

Question 47.
Pick out the modal auxiliaries from the following sentence and write what they indicate: “One should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.”
Should – indicates advice. Could – indicates ability.

Question 48.
‘I was past caring now’. Explain why, in your view, the narrator feels this way.
The writer had been worried from the beginning that he would not be able to pay the bill. To add to that, his guest had ordered some of the most expensive items on the menu. He had now given up all hopes of being able to pay the bill. Hence, he says that he was past caring now.

Question 49.
Write if the following statements are True or False:
(1) The writer thought that the lady was mean.
(2) The writer’s tip was rather inadequate.
(3) The lady was now like a stone.
(4) The writer planned to have a heavy dinner.

Question 50.
Complete the reasons:
(a) The writer planned to ‘eat nothing’ for dinner that night because….
The writer had no money left after paying for the luncheon. He also wanted to make his luncheon guest aware of how much she had made him spend. Hence, he said that he planned to ‘eat nothing’ for dinner that night.

(b) The lady thought that the writer was mean because
The writer had only three francs left to tip the waiter. His guest did not know this, and seeing this inadequate sum, thought he was mean.

Question 51.
Complete the table by picking the various humorous instances and the particular lines from the passage.

Humorous instance Line from the passage
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Humorous instance Line from the passage
1. The woman is a voracious eater. “Follow my example, and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” *
2. The writer had no money for dinner. “I’ll do better than that,” I retorted, “I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.”
3. The woman had become very fat. Today she weighs twenty- one stone.

Question 52.
Fill in the blanks with one word from the passage for the following: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) Something that is not enough: ………………….
(2) A man who is revengeful: ………………….
(3) A person who fills his or her writings with humour: ………………….
(4) A person who is stingy and does not like to spend money: ………………….
(1) inadequate.
(2) a vindictive man.
(3) a humorist.
(4) a mean person.

Question 53.
Pick out the verbs from the following sentences and write their tense:
(1) I’ have just had a snack and I shall enjoy a peach.
(2) The bill came and when 1 paid it I found that I had only enough for a quite inadequate tip.
(1) have had – present perfect tenseshall enjoy – simple future tense.
(2) came, paid, found, had – simple past tense.

Question 54.
Do you think that the lady never ‘ate more than one thing for luncheon’ on a regular basis?
No, I’m sure she ate a large luncheon every day, but fooled herself into thinking that she was eating only one thing. She seems to be a foolish and thick-skinned woman who believes whatever is convenient to her.

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Question 55.
(1) Pick out an infinitive from the lesson and use it in your own sentence.
(2) Punctuate: humorist she cried gailyumping into a cab youre quite a humorist
(3) Find out five hidden words from the given word: satisfaction
(4) Use the following phrase in your own sentence: the only free moment
(5) Spot the errors and rewrite the correct sentence: She have read a book of mine and have written to me about it.
(6) Identify the type of sentence: How time does fly!
(7) Write the correct verb + present/past participles from the following:
(1) attract
(2) write
(3) pass
(4) bear
(5) eat
(6) meet
(8) Arrange the following in alphabetical order: table, tumbler, tablespoon, teaspoon
(1) to eat: I was hungry, and I knew it was time to eat.
(2) “Humorist!” she cried gaily,umping into a cab. “You’re quite a humorist!”
(3) satisfaction: fiction, fission, faint, stint, satin
(4) the only free moment: The Principal was so busy that the only free moment she had was during lunch.
(5) She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it.
(6) Exclamatory sentence
(7) (1) attract-atractting
(2) write-written
(3) pass-passing
(4) bear-bearring
(5) eat-eatten
(6) meet-meeted
(8) table, tablespoon, teaspoon, tumbler

Question 56.
Use the following word and its homograph in two separate sentences : mine
(i) I knew that the book was mine,
(ii) Three people entered the coal mine to inspect it.

Question 57.
‘I’m not in the least hungry,” my guest sighed, “but if you insist, I don’t mind having some asparagus.” (Rewrite in reported speech.)
My guest told me with a sigh that she was not in the least hungry, but that if I insisted, she wouldn’t mind having some asparagus.

Question 58.
Word Register: Complete the web showing the things that the woman ate or drank throughout the luncheon.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.2 The Luncheon 3

Question 59.
Why don’t you follow my example? (Change the voice beginning Why ….)
Why isn’t my example followed (by you)?

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Question 60.
Use the following word as a verb and a noun in two separate sentences: mind
(2) I chose the cheapest dish on the menu. (Rewrite in the positive and comparative forms.)

  • “Mind your language, young man,” said the shopkeeper angrily, (verb)
  • I knew that I had to keep all the instructions in my mind, (noun)

(2) I chose the dish that was cheaper than all the other dishes on the menu, (comparative)
No other dish on the menu was as cheap as the one I chose, (positive)

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