Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 3.1 If … Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If ….

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 3.1 If … Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Form groups and chat.

Question 1.
How do you react when your parents scold you?
My parents do not scold me without any rhyme or reason. If they scold me, it should be my mistake. Whenever they get angry and scold me, I try to keep mum so that they cool down. I also accept my mistake frankly if that is the only reason of their scolding.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
How do you feel when someone insults you?
When someone insults me, I try to find out the reason why he/she behaves like that. If there is a mistake from my side I try to avoid the same mistake again. I never get angry even if someone insults me for my petty mistake.

Question 3.
How would you react when you are cheated by your friend?
I am quite sure that any of my friend wouldn’t dare to cheat me. But if it happens I would try to make him/her realize whatever he/she has done is very wrong. And whatever he/she has done is not good for him/her too.

Question 4.
Why is it wrong to make a difference among friends who belong to a different class, colour or community?
We are friendly with those who are good at soul and mind. When our behaviour and mind match with each other, we become friends. I personally feel that friendship is not built on the basis of caste, colour or community. It develops on the basis of how we understand one another.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

1. Complete the table by providing suitable responses to the given actions:

Question 1.
Complete the table by providing suitable responses to the given actions:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 1

Action Response
1. You are punished by the teacher without any reason. I shall not lose my temper but I shall talk to the teacher afterwards to clear the doubt.
2. Your friends spread rumour about you. I shall try to keep myself cool and confident and try to find out the reason.
3. Someone doubts you. I shall try to clear his/her doubts about me personally.
4. Your relative blames you for something. I shall try to find out the reason and I shall convince him/her not to blame me un­necessarily.
5. Someone hurts you. I shall try to keep away from such people but I shall definitely introspect.

2. Complete the sentences meaningfully and share them with the class:

Question 2.
Complete the sentences meaningfully and share them with the class:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. If you read books, you will gain knowledge.
  2. If you do exercise daily, ………………………… .
  3. If ……………………… , you will pass the exam.
  4. If ……………………….., …………………………….. .
  5. ……………………………, If …………………………… .


  1. If you read books, you will gain knowledge.
  2. If you do exercise daily, you will become healthy.
  3. If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
  4. If you respect others, others will respect you.
  5. We should accept the truth, if we know it very well.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

3. Classify the following into weaknesses and strengths:

Question 1.
Classify the following into weaknesses and strengths:
fear, confidence, clarity, confusion, worry, courage, cowardice, compassion, bravery, hesitation, punctuality, laziness, anger, faith, patience, ambition, generous, impatient, cheerful, tolerant, arrogant, aggressive.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 2

Weaknesses Strengths
fear, confusion, worry, cowardice, hesitation, laziness, anger, impatience, arrogant, aggressive confidence, clarity, courage, compassion, bravery, punctuality, faith, patience, generous, cheerful, tolerant, ambition

English Workshop:

1. Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:

Question 1.
Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 3

Advice Answer
1. Get angry when others commit mistakes. Disagree
2. Run away from troubles. Disagree
3. Get angry when others blame us Disagree
4. Reconstruct something we have built with care even if it has been broken by others. Agree

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

2. Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract:

Question 2.
Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract:
(Answers are directly given)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 4

Positive qualities Negative qualities
keep your head lose your head
1. trust yourself 1. doubt others.
2. be truthful 2. deal in lies.
3. be smart 3. give way to hating.

3. Why do the lines in the poem begin with, ‘If you can …?’ What effect does this have?

Question 1.
Why do the lines in the poem begin with, ‘If you can …?’ What effect does this have?
The lines in the poem begin with ‘If you can… ’ because the poet insistently wants to emphasise the importance of his good advice and attract his son’s attention to every piece of advice given by him. The repetition of the lines has a musical effect.

4. Look at the use of opposite reactions in the Poem.

Question 1.
Look at the use of opposite reactions in the Poem.
For example, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs”. Find four other such opposite reactions from the extract.

  1. or being lied about, don’t deal in lies.
  2. or being hated, don’t give way to hating.
  3. you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
  4. you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.

5. Complete the following:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

Question (a)
Say WHAT …………….
are the two imposters ? …………………….. .
can the unforgiving minute be made up of? …………………….. .
Say WHAT …………….
are the two imposters ? Triumph and Disaster.
can the unforgiving minute be made up of? sixty seconds, worth of distance run.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question (b)
Say WHO …………….
should you trust, when doubted? …………………….. .
can you talk with and walk with? ……………………… .
Say WHO …………….
should you trust, when doubted? oneself.
can you talk with and walk with? crowd and kings.

Question (c)
Say WHEN ……………..
can the Earth become yours? …………………….. .
should you start re-building with old tools? …………………….. .
Say WHEN ……………..
can the Earth become yours? when we can make good use of every single minute.
should you start re-building with old tools? when we watch things created by us being broken up.

Question (d)
Say WHY ………….
do knaves twist the truth? …………………….. .
should you consider all men equally important? …………………….. .
Say WHY ………….
do knaves twist the truth? to make trap for fools.
should you consider all men equally important? because neither foe nor friend can hurt us.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

6. What should be our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes?

Question 1.
What should be our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes?
Our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes should be positive and fair. We should treat all of them equally. We should not discriminate them on the ground of race, gender, class or religion. We may keep company with the rich but at the same time you should connect with the common man and the poor. Whatever their place in the society intermingle with them wholeheartedly. We should make efforts to integrate with all of them.

7. What, according to Rudyard Kipling, is the highest quality that makes a man a true human being?

Question 1.
What, according to Rudyard Kipling, is the highest quality that makes a man a true human being?
According to Rudyard Kipling, treating all people equally without any discrimination makes a man a true human being.

8. Identify the figures of speech used in the following lines : (Choose from the brackets.)

Question 1.
Identify the figures of speech used in the following lines : (Choose from the brackets.)
(Simile/Repetition/Antithesis/Personification/ Metaphor/Alliteration/Apostrophe)

  1. “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” – Antithesis
  2. “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same” – personification
  3. “And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise” – Repitition
  4. With worn-out tools – Alliteration

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

9. Write a letter to your parents, thanking them for advising you; when you were in a confused state of mind. Cover up the following points in the body of the letter:

Question 1.
Write a letter to your parents, thanking them for advising you; when you were in a confused state of mind. Cover up the following points in the body of the letter:

  • Your problem and confusion.
  • The advice of your parents.
  • How you followed their advice.
  • How the problem got solved.
  • Your deep gratitude to them.

Prathamesh Purandare,
10, K.B.P. Boy’s Hostel,
Satara – 415 001.
23rd Nov., 2020.
Dear Aai and Baba,

I am extremely happy to write this letter and thank both of you for your good advice. Actually when I joined the hostel, I was not willing to stay here any longer. I couldn’t adjust to the environment and even with the boys here. But in Diwali vacation you both convinced me and told me, how to mingle with the boys here and even how to get accustomed to the conditions here, so now I am quite sure that I would live here happily. Whatever advice you have given, is definitely good for me.

When I came back here, the whole scenario of the hostel and my preconceptions about the hostel life got totally changed. Why I don’t know, but now I am very much happy to live here and intermingle with my hostel mates. If you had not advised me on this issue, I would have left the hostel long before. And my whole academic year would have gone wasted. Thank you very much for making me realize the importance of education and adjustment in the life. Thank you once again for whatever you have done for me. Convey my regards to Grandma and love to little Preksha. Waiting for your next letter as early as possible.

Your loving son,

10. Draft a speech to be given during the farewell for Standard X on the topic Changes, I would like in the School Education of our State.

Question 1.
Draft a speech to be given during the farewell for Standard X on the topic Changes, I would like in the School Education of our State.

  • Greeting and salutation
  • Self introduction and introduction of the topic
  • A catchy thought/episode/news etc. to start with
  • 2 to 3 changes that you suggest with their reason
  • Conclusion
  • Thank you/greeting

“Changes, I would like in School Education of our State ”

Honourable Chairperson, respected Headmaster and teachers.

I, Nikita Desai from Std. X-A wishing you a very pleasant morning. I am here to express my views on behalf of all my classmates and to bid farewell to our school, teachers and all of you.

After spending almost 10-12 years in this school, we are now capable to keep our steps out in a very different world. And I am sure being the students of this school; we would never fall short anywhere and in any field. I know the Chief Guest of today’s programme is the Education Minister of our state. So I take this opportunity to suggest some changes in the school education of our state.

The first and very important thing I would recommend is about the option. There should be internal option to each and every subject. The child should be free to opt whatever he or she likes. Teaching and learning process should not be monotonous. It should be interesting. Every child should take part in this process. Teacher should not be an authoritarian.

One more thing, I would suggest about the examination. Examination should not be mandatory. Even upgradation of a child should be based on his / her internal performance. Written examination should not be given the whole credit. There should not be a burden of homework. It should be done at school.

I know, it is quite difficult to implement everything all of a sudden. But if you go step-by-step, it is quite a feasible suggestion. I know education in Maharashtra is better than other states. But if we make these changes, teaching and learning will be more enjoyable. I hope you will try to understand the views of every child.

Wishing my friends all the best for their examination and for their bright future life. Thank you for listening to me carefully and attentively.

Jai Hind.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If


Question 1.
Rudyard Kipling’s work is known to all of us. Write at least five poems of Kipling in your ; notebook and submit it to your teacher. You f can take help of your school library or search for these poems on the internet.

Question 2.
Rudyard Kipling’s book, entitled ‘The Jungle Book’ is famous world wide. Its theme and setting of the story attracts the readers from the beginning. Write a book review of Kipling’s book ‘The Jungle Book’ in 100 to 150words.

Language Study:

1. Look at the following sentences:

Question 1.
Look at the following sentences:
1. If I practise hard, I shall win the game.
2. If you buy a new car, it will cost you a lot of money.
Each of those sentences has two clauses – main clause and subordinate clause.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 5
Here, the subordinate clause indicates ‘possibility’ or ‘likelihood’. The tense of a subordinate clause depends on the main clause.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 6

Complete the following sentences:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underline.)
a. If I like it, ………………………….. .
b. If it rains, ………………………….. .
c. If ………………………….., you would catch the train.
d. If she had obeyed her parents, ………………………….. .
a. If I like it, I will buy it at any cost.
b. If it rains, I will remain at home.
c. If you came on time, you would catch the train.
d. If she had obeyed her parents, she would have saved her life.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

2. Pick out lines that contain the following figures of speech.

Question (a)
Antithesis (Opposite ideas): ………………………………………… .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Antithesis (Opposite ideas): If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.

Question (b)
Personification: …………………………………………………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Personification: If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster….

Question (c)
Repetition: ………………………………………………………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Repetition: If you can dream and not make dreams your master.

Question (d)
Metaphor: ………………………………………………………………… .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Metaphor: And stoop and rebuilt them up with worn-out tools.

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 3.1 If … Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. When the people around us doubt us, we should trust ourselves.
  2. We can dream but we should not be slave to our dreams.
  3. We can bear to hear the truth spoken by dishonest people.
  4. When all people around us are unable to act in sensible way, we should keep our head cool.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:

Advice Answer
1. Keep friendship with all classes of people. Agree
2. Hate the rich people and help the poor. Disagree
3. We should treat everyone equally. Agree
4. If we use every minute for the sake of good, we will be a real ‘human being’. Agree

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. We should not lose the common touch even while walking with the kings.
  2. If we treat everyone equally, neither foes nor loving friends can hurt us.
  3. The speaker in this poem is ‘the father’.
  4. The poem is addressed to ‘the son’.

Complex Factual Activities:

Find the line/lines from the extract as a proof for the following explanations:

Question 1.
If you watch the things created by you are being broken, you can build them up by using worn out tools.
or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools :

Question 2.
You should treat both Triumph and Disaster in the same way as they treat you.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two imposters just the same;

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 3.
How should you react when someone lies about you and hates you?
If someone lies about me, I will not tell such lies to others about him/her. And if someone hates me I will not allow myself to be controlled by his / her hatred and I would not appear to be perfect or show off my knowledge.

Question 4.
What does the poet call people who twist the truth to suit them?
The poet calls “knaves” to the people who twist the truth to suit them.

Question 5.
Match the following idiomatic expressions in column ‘A’ with meaning in column ’B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. lose the common touch (a) keep one’s goodness or morals under any condition
2. unforgiving minute (b) refuse to interact with common people
3. keep one’s virtue (c) to be a good, perfect human being
4. to be a man (d) time that does not wait for anyone


  1. lose the common touch – refuse to interact with common people
  2. unforgiving minute – time that does not wait for anyone
  3. keep one’s virtue – keep one’s goodness or morals under any condition
  4. to be a man – to be a good, perfect human being

Question 6.
Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract: (Answers are directly given.)

Positive qualities Negative qualities
1. walk with the kings lose the connect with common man
2. treat all people equally differentiate people unfairly

Activities based on Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Write down all musical pairs from the extract and add your own rhyming word for each of them.

Musical pairs Added rhyming word
you  – too two
waiting – hating rating
lies – wise prize
master – disaster monster
aim – same claim
spoken – broken grown
fools – tools wools

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
Name the figures of speech:
1. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. – Antithesis
2. Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it. – Tautology

Question 3.
Find and write the rhyming pairs from the extract and add your own rhyming word for each of them

Rhyming pairs Added rhyming word
1. virtue – you too
2. touch – much such
3. minute- it wit
4. run – son fun

Appreciation of Poem:

  1. Title: The title of the poem is ‘If’.
  2. Poet: The poet of this poem is Rudyard Kipling.
  3. Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme for the ; first stanza is ‘aaaa’. All the other five stanzas have the rhyme scheme ‘abab’.
  4. Figure of speech (Any 1): Antithesis, Tautology, Personification anaphora.
  5. Theme / Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is certain valuable pieces of advice ; imparted by a father to his son.

Several of the lines in the poem begin with the conjunction ‘if’. ; (The very title of the poem is ‘If’.) The theme j running through the poem is that ‘if the son ; fulfils certain conditions, he can be rest assured of certain favourable results’. Both the conditions and the results have a direct bearing upon the lives of all young people.

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