By going through these Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 1 Story of Psychology students can recall all the concepts quickly.

Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 1 Story of Psychology


  • Human behaviour is full of diversity.
  • Psychology studies different forms of emotions, behaviour and moods of human beings.

History of Psychology:

  • Psychology is a vast field studying behavioural aspects of mankind.
  • The word Psychology is derived from Greek words Psyche and Logos.
  • Plato believed that knowledge is innate.
  • John Locke thought that each child is born as an ‘empty slate’.
  • Wilhelm Wundt introduced the term ‘conscious experience’ and established first Psychological laboratory.
  • Dr. Sigmund Freud defined Psychology as the study of the unconscious.
  • Latest definition of Psychology is ‘The study of human behaviour and mental processes.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 1 Story of Psychology

Study of behaviour:

  • John B. Watson redefined Psychology as a Science of human behaviour.
  • John B. Watson developed the S-O-R Model.

Study of Cognition:

  1. During 1950-1960s, focus of Psychology shifted to cognitive processes.
  2. Cognitive Psychology is the study of processes like perception, thinking, memory and other higher-order activities.

Psychology in India:
During 1916 to 1989 there was Professional development of Psychology in India.

Psychology: Indian Perspective:

  • Upanishads: Explain the self and personality structure with the help of kosha.
  • Five Koshas: Annamaya kosha, Pranmaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vidnyanmaya kosha and Anandmaya kosha.
  • Ayurveda has given 3 types of Doshas and Gunas.
  • Three Doshas known as Kapha, Vata and Pitta determine Prakruti (characteristics) of human beings.
  • Three types of Gunas: Sattva Guna, Rajas Guna, Tamas Guna explain human temperament.
  • Sage Patanjali explained a deep thought about Psychology in ‘Yogsutra’ and developed the
    theory of ‘Ashtangyoga’.
  • Eight aspects of Ashtangyoga are Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 1 Story of Psychology

Goals of Psychology:
The four main goals of Psychology are:

  1. Describe: What is happening?
  2. Explanation: Why it is happening?
  3. Prediction: What will happen next?
  4. Control: How can it be changed?