Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1

Question 1.
A manufacturing firm produces two types of gadgets A and B, which are first processed in the foundry and then sent to a machine shop for finishing. The number of man-hours of labour required in each shop for production of A and B and the number of man-hours available for the firm is as follows.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q1
Profit on the sale of A is ₹ 30 and B ₹ 20 Per unit Formulate the LPP to have maximum profit.
Let the manufacturing firm produce x gadgets of type A and y gadgets of type B.
On selling x gadgets of type A the firm gets ₹ 30 and that on type B is ₹ 20.
∴ Total profit is z = ₹ 30x + 20y.
Since x and y are the numbers of gadgets, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
From the given table, the availability of man-hours of labour required in each shop and for the firm is given as 60 and 35.
∴ The inequation are 10x + 6y ≤ 60 and 5x + 4y ≤ 35.
Hence the given LPP can be formulated as Maximize z = 30x + 20y
Subject to 10x + 6y ≤ 60, 5x + 4y ≤ 35, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1

Question 2.
In a cattle breeding farm, it is prescribed that the food ratio for one animal must contain 14, 22, and 1 unit of nutrients A, B, and C respectively. Two different kinds of fodder are available. Each unit weight of these two contains the following:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q2
The cost of fodder 1 is ₹ 3 per unit and that of fodder 2 is ₹ 2 per unit. Formulate the LPP to minimize the cost.
Let x unit of fodder 1 and y unit of fodder 2 be included in the ration of an animal
The cost of 1 unit of fodder 1 is ₹ 3 and the cost of 1 unit of fodder 2 is ₹ 2.
∴ The total cost is ₹ 3x + 2y.
The minimum requirement of the nutrients A, B, and C is given as 14 units, 22 units, and 1 unit.
∴ From the given table, the daily food ration will include (2x + 2y) unit of Nutrient A, (2x + 3y) unit of Nutrient B, and (x + y) of Nutrient C.
The total cost is 2 = ₹ 3x + 2y
Hence the given LPP can be formulated as Minimize z = 3x + 2y
subject to 2x + y ≥ 14, 2x + 3y ≥ 22, x + y ≥ 1, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Question 3.
A Company manufactures two types of chemicals A and B. Each chemical requires two types of raw materials P and Q. The table below shows a number of units of P and Q required to manufacture one unit of A and one unit of B.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q3
The company gets profits of ₹ 350/- and ₹ 400/- by selling one unit of A and one unit of B respectively. Formulate the problem as LPP to maximize the profit.
∴ Let the company manufactures x unit of chemical A and y unit of chemical B.
The availability of the raw materials for the production of chemicals A and B are given as 120 and 160 units.
The company gets ₹ 350 as profit on selling one unit of chemical A and ₹ 400 as profit on selling one unit of chemical B.
∴ Total profit is ₹ (350x + 400y).
The inequation can be written as.
3x + 2y ≤ 120
2x + 5y ≤ 160
and x & y cannot be negative
Hence the LPP can be formulated as follows,
Maximize z = 350x + 400y
Subject to 3x + 2y ≤ 120, 2x + 5y ≤ 160, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1

Question 4.
A printing company prints two types of magazines A and B. The company earns ₹ 10 and ₹ 15 on magazines A and B per copy. These are processed on three machines I, II, III. Magazine A requires 2 hours on the machine I, 5 hours on machine II, and 2 hours on machine III. Magazine B requires 3 hours on machine 1, 2 hours on machine II and 6 hours on machine III. Machines I, II, III are available for 36, 50, 60 hours per week respective. Formulate the linear programming problem to maximize the profit.
Let the company print x magazine of type A and y magazines of type B.
Then the total earnings of the company are ₹ 10x + 15y.
The given problem can be tabulated as follows.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q4
From the table, the total time required for Machine I is (2x + 3y) hours, for machine II is (5x + 2y) hours, and for machine III is (2x + 6y) hours.
The machine I, II, and III are available for 36, 50, and 60 hours per work.
∴ The constraints are 2x + 3y ≤ 36, 5x + 2y ≤ 50 and 2x + 6y ≤ 60.
Since x and y cannot be negative, we have x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.
Hence the given LPP can be formulated as
Maximize z = 10x + 15y
Subject to 2x + 3y ≤ 36, 5x + 2y ≤ 50, 2x + 6y ≤ 60, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Question 5.
Manufacture produces bulbs and tubes. Each of these must be processed through two machines M1 and M2. A package of bulbs requires 1 hour of work on machine M1 and 3 hours of work on M2. A package of tubes requires 2 hours on machine M1 and 4 hours on machine M2. He earns a profit of ₹ 13.5 per package of bulbs and ₹ 55 per package of tubes. Formulate the LPP to maximize the profit. He operates M1 for at most 10 hours and M2 for at most 12 hours a day.
Let the manufacturer produce x packages of bulbs and y packages of tubes.
He earns a profit of ₹ 13.5 per packages of bulbs and ₹ 55 per package of tubes.
∴ His total profit = ₹ (13.5x + 55y).
The given problem can be tabulated as follows.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q5
From the above table, the total time required for M1 is (x + 2y), and that of M2 is (3x + 4y).
M1 and M2 are available for at most 10 hrs per day and 12 hours per day.
∴ The constraint for the objective function is x + 2y ≤ 10, 3x + 4y ≤ 12
Hence the give LPP can be formulated as
Maximize z = 13.5x + 55y
Subject to x + 2y ≤ 10, 3x + 4y ≤ 12, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1

Question 6.
A Company manufactures two types of fertilizers F1 and F2. Each type of fertilizer requires two raw materials A and B. The number of units of A and B required to manufacture one unit of fertilizer F1 and F2 and availability of the raw materials A and B per day are given in the table below
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q6
By selling one unit of F1 and one unit of F2, the company gets a profit of ₹ 500 and ₹ 750 respectively. Formulate the problem as LPP to maximize the profit.
Let the company manufacture x units of Fertilizers F1 and y units of fertilizer F2.
The company gets a profit of ₹ 500 and ₹ 750 by selling a unit of F1 and F2.
∴ Total profit = ₹ (500x + 750y)
The availability of raw materials A and B per day is given as 40 and 70.
∴ From the given table the constraints can be written as 2x + 3y ≤ 40 and x + 4y ≤ 70.
Since x & y cannot be negative, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
Hence the given LPP can be formulated as
Maximize z = 500x + 750y
Subject to 2x + 3y ≤ 40, x + 4y ≤ 70, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Question 7.
A doctor has prescribed two different kinds of feeds A and B to form a weekly diet for a sick person. The minimum requirement of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are 18, 28,14 units respectively. One unit of food A has 4 units of fat, 14 units of carbohydrates, and 8 units of protein. One unit of food B has 6 units of fat, 12 units of carbohydrates and 8 units of protein. The price of food A is ₹ 4.5 per unit and that of food B is ₹ 3.5 per unit. Form the LPP so that the sick person’s diet meets the requirements at minimum cost.
Let x unit of food A and y unit of food B be consumed by a sick person.
The cost of food A in ₹ 4.5 per unit and food B is ₹ 3.5 per unit.
∴ Total cost = ₹ (4.5x + 3.5y)
The given conditions can be tabulated as follows.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1 Q7
∴ The given LPP can be formulated as
Minimise z = 4.5x + 3.5y
Subject to 4x + 6y ≥ 18, 14x + 12y ≥ 28, 8x + 8y ≥ 14, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Question 8.
If John drives a car at a speed of 60 kms/hour he has to spend ₹ 5 per km on petrol. If he drives at a faster speed of 90 km/ hour, the cost of petrol increases to ₹ 8 per km. He has ₹ 600 to spend on petrol and wishes to travel the maximum distance within an hour. Formulate the above problem as LPP.
Let John drive x km at a speed of 60 km/hr and y km at a speed of 90 km/hr.
∴ Time required to drive a distance of x km is \(\frac{x}{60}\) hours and the time require to drive at a distance of y km is \(\frac{y}{90}\) hours.
∴ Total time required \(\left(\frac{x}{60}+\frac{y}{90}\right)\) hours.
Since he wishes to drive maximum distance within an hour,
\(\frac{x}{60}+\frac{y}{90} \leq 1\)
He has to spend ₹ 5 per km at a speed of 60 km/hr and ₹ 8 per km at a speed of 90 km/hr.
He has ₹ 600 on petrol to spend, 5x + 8y ≤ 600
The total distance he wishes to travel is (x + y) hours.
∴ The given LPP can be formulated as
Maximize z = x + y
Subject to \(\frac{x}{60}+\frac{y}{90}\) ≤ 1, 5x + 8y ≤ 600, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Linear Programming Ex 6.1

Question 9.
The company makes concrete bricks made up of cement and sand. The weight of a concrete brick has to be at least 5 kg. Cement costs ₹ 20 per kg. and sand costs ₹ 6 per kg. Strength considerations dictate that a concrete brick should contain a minimum of 4 kg of cement and not more than 2 kg of sand. Formulate the LPP for the cost to be minimum.
Let the concrete brick contain x kg of cement and y kg of sand.
The cost of cement is ₹ 20 per kg and sand is ₹ 6 per kg.
∴ The total cost = ₹ (20x + 6y)
Since the weight of the concrete brick has to be at least 5 kg, therefore, x + y ≥ 5
Also, the concrete brick should contain a minimum of 4 kg of cement, i.e. x ≥ 4, and not more than 2 kg of sand, i.e, y ≤ 2.
∴ The LPP can be formulated as
Minimize z = 20x + 6y
Subject to x + y ≥ 5, x ≥ 4, y ≤ 2, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.