By going through these Maharashtra State Board Secretarial Practice 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 5 Deposits students can recall all the concepts quickly.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Notes Chapter 5 Deposits

→ Company can raise funds by accepting deposits from public. It is a cheap source to raise funds. There is no dilution of control.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Notes Chapter 5 Deposits 1

Company can invite deposits:

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Notes Chapter 5 Deposits 2

→ Deposit can be secured or unsecured. For secured deposits, a charge on company’s tangible assets are created

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Notes Chapter 5 Deposits

Period / Tenure of Deposit-

  • Minimum 6 months, maximum 36 months.
  • Premature repayment – after minimum 3 months.
  • Company can also renew deposit with same terms and conditions of issue.
  • Company cannot accept deposits repayable on demand made by depositor.

→ Deposit Receipt has to be issued within 21 days from date of receipt of deposit money.

Deposit Trustee-

  • Appointed when secured deposits are issued.
  • The company can appoint one or more Deposit Trustees.
  • Protect the interest of depositors.

Trust Deed-

  • Company signs a contract with Deposit Trustees.
  • Contains terms and conditions of the contract.
  • Must be signed at least 7 days before issuing the circular or advertisement.

→ If Deposit Amount + Interest is more than Rs. 20,000, then Deposit Insurance must be taken.

Deposit Repayment Reserve Account-

  • Opened in Scheduled Bank.
  • On or before 30th April, the company deposits up to 15% amount in DRRA.
  • used for repaying deposits.
  • Private companies accepting deposits from members cannot open Deposit Repayment Reserve Account.