By going through these Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 6 Stress students can recall all the concepts quickly.

Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 6 Stress

Being well adjusted: A dynamic balance:

  • Richard Lazarus: Stress ¡s a feeling experienced when an individual feels that the demands exceed the personal and social resources an individual is able to mobilize.
  • Indian philosophy: Our desires and involvement in the material world are the cause of our stress which leads to Kiesha. There are five types of Kleshas.
  • All of us experience stress at different points and everyone deals with it ¡n their own way.
  • Moderate stress helps one to achieve optimum performance.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 6 Stress

Types of stress and Gas:

  • Hypo stress: It is caused when one has nothing to do at all. Due to hypo stress, an individual feels bored, demotivated, unenthusiastic, and restless.
  • Hyper stress: It is caused due to extremely pressurizing conditions. Due to hyper stress, a person may panic and engage in exaggerated reactions, leading to frustration and agitation.
  • Eustress: It is a positive form of stress. Eustress has a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance and emotional well-being.
  • Distress: It is a negative type of stress and is experienced when the normal routine of an individual is constantly altered and adjusted. Two types of distress are: Acute and Chronic distress.
  • Acute distress is an intense, short-term negative stress while chronic distress is a long-lasting, recurrent negative distress.
  • Hans Selye introduced the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model in 1936.
  • GAS showed the effects of stress on the human body.
  • GAS model consists of three stages: Alarm stage, Resistance stage, and Exhaustion stage.

Stressors and conflict of motives:

  • Stressors are environmental conditions, external stimuli, or events that cause stress.
  • There are two types of stressors, viz, internal stressors and external stressors.
  • Interna I stressors are stressors within us.
  • External stressors are stressors resulting from the outside environment.
  • Conflict of motives refers to the clash between two or more equally strong and incompatible motives occurring at the same time that compels an individual to make a choice.
  • The types of conflict are Approach-Approach conflict, Avoidance-Avoidance conflict, Approach-Avoidance conflict, and Double Approach-Avoidance conflict.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Notes Chapter 6 Stress

Coping with stress: strategies:

  • Everyone tries to deal with internal and external stressors and resolve conflicts.
  • If one does not resolve the conflicts, it leads to stress.
  • There are two broad strategies of coping with stress: Problem and emotions-focused coping.
  • Problem-focused coping is known as a direct way of reducing stressors or resolving conflict.
  • Problem-focused coping involves three strategies: Attack, Compromise, and Withdrawal.
  • Emotion-focused coping involves reducing negative emotional responses associated with stress.
  • According to Freud’s theory, our personality is controlled by ID, Ego, and Superego.
  • Our reaction in a particular situation will depend upon the interaction of ID, Ego, and Superego.
  • Defence mechanism is an indirect way to combat stress.
  • Some popular defence mechanisms are repression, displacement, projection, sublimation, identification, daydreaming and rationalisation.