Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

5th Std EVS 2 Digest Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Textbook Questions and Answers

1. From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.

Question 1.
From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.


a. Stone tools : ………. Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : ………… Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : …………. Age.
a. Stone tools : Stone Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : Copper Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : Iron Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

2. Arrange the following in chronological order.

Question a.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper
  2. Gold
  3. Iron


  1. Gold
  2. Copper
  3. Iron.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper Age
  2. Iron Age
  3. Stone Age


  1. Stone Age
  2. Copper Age
  3. Iron Age.

3. Write about the consequence of the following event.

Question a.
Discovery of copper …………
Copper was used for making tools and implements by humans.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Discovery of wheel ………..
The wheel was first used by the potters and later for running bullock carts and chariots.

Question c.
Use of script …………
The script is used for permanent record-keeping production and other events.

4. Write notes.

Question a.
Use of metal.

  1. Christian Thomsen studied the pre-historic artifacts and antique objects and introduced the ‘Three Age System’ for classifying these objects.
  2. The objects were classified into the following order :
    • Stone tools
    • Copper tools and articles
    • Iron tools and articles.
  3. Gold was the first metal used. It was a soft metal and could not be used to make tools and implements.
  4. Humans discovered copper to make tools and thereby the ‘Copper Age’ began.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Social organization in the ancient cities

  1. The roots of culture in cities were in the culture of village-settlements of the New Stone Age.
  2. The earlier faith system, social life, and festivals became more elaborate in cities.
  3. Grand temples were built in many cities. Chiefs of these temples became chief administrators of these cities. Later the positions of temple head and King were held by the same individual.

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.

  1. ……….. in Europe had large collections of pre-historic artefacts and antique objects.
  2. A scholar named .. ……….. introduced a method for classifying the pre-historic artefacts.
  3. The method put forth by Thomsen is called the Three ………… System.
  4. Thomsen established with the help of evidence that ……………. tools were the earliest.
  5. The period of ………………. tools and articles was next.
  6. It is a belief that ………………….. was the first metal to come into use.
  7. Actually, ……. Was the first metal to be used.
  8. ……………could not be used to make tools and implements.
  9. The invention of the …………….. is the most important invention.
  10. The ………… was first used by potters.
  11. Once the potters began to use a wheel, it became possible to make pots in …….. numbers.
  12. People started making …………… pots with beautiful designs painted on them.
  13. As the scale of production increased, ……….. too expanded with it.
  14. Wheeled vehicles like ……….. and ………. were first to come into use.
  15. It became necessary to keep permanent …… of the expanding trade and growing production.
  16. Rise in trade had been a major factor that contributed to the emergence and development of ………… .
  17. The social life and …………… based on agricultural faith systems became more elaborate in cities.
  18. Grand …………. were built in many cities.
  19. Chiefs of those temples became chief ………… of these cities.
  20. The positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the …………… individual
  21. Urban culture had its roots in the culture …………. of the New Stone Age.


  1. museums
  2. Christian Thomsen
  3. Age
  4. stone
  5. copper
  6. copper
  7. gold
  8. gold
  9. wheel
  10. wheel
  11. large
  12. symmetrical
  13. trade
  14. cart, chariots
  15. records
  16. cities
  17. festivals
  18. temples
  19. administrators
  20. same
  21. village-settlements.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Answer each of the following question in one sentence:

Question 1.
Where were the artefacts and antique objects placed?
Pre-historic artefacts and antique objects were placed in museums in Europe.

Question 2.
Who introduced the system of classifying the artefacts?
A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced the method for classifying the artefacts.

Question 3.
What was the system introduced by Christian Thomsen called?
The classifying system by Thomsen was called the “Three Age System’.

Question 4.
Into which periods were the artefacts classified?
They were classified into three periods i.e. Stone Age, Copper Age and Iron Age respectively.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
Which was the first metal to be used?
Gold was the first metal to be used.

Question 6.
Why could gold not be used to make tools and implements?
Gold is a soft metal so it could be used to make tools and implements.

Question 7.
Which other metal was discovered?
Copper was discovered.

Question 8.
Which was the most important invention in the Copper Age?
The invention of the wheel was the most important invention in the Copper Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 9.
By whom was the wheel first used by?
Wheel was first used by potters.

Question 10.
With the use of wheel, what was possible for the potters?
With the use of the wheel, the potters were able to make a large number of symmetrical and beautiful pots.

Question 11.
Why did potters and other craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlements?
In the village settlements, the potters and craftsmen lived close to each other so as to manage their work more easily.

Question 12.
What led to the expansion of trade?
Increase in production led to the expansion of the trade.

Question 13.
Which wheeled vehicles came in to use?
Wheeled vehicles like carts and chariots came into use.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 14.
What happened when carts and chariots were introduced?
Long distance trade and rapid transport of goods became possible with the introduction of wheels into transport.

Question 15.
What became necessary due to the expanding trade?
It became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population

Question 16.
What was used to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing production?
Script was developed for the purpose of keeping permanent records of expanding trade and growing production.

Question 17.
What did rise in trade contribute to?
Rise in trade contributed to the emergence and development of cities.

Question 18.
What was built in cities?
Grand temples were built in cities.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 19.
Who became the chief administrator of the cities?
The chiefs of the temple became the chief administrator of the cities.

Question 20.
What did the position of temple-head merge into?
The position of the temple-head merged into that of the king.

Answer each of the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Explain in brief the ‘Three Age System’.

  1. A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced this method of classifying pre historic artefacts.
  2. Thomsen classified the objects into three groups.
    • Stone Age – Stone tools
    • Copper Age – Copper tools and other copper articles.
    • Iron Age – Iron tools and other iron articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 2.
Which village settlements expanded rapidly?

  1. Potters and craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlement so as to manage their work more easily.
  2. This became the industrial area of that village where skilled craftsmen had their settlements and centres of production
  3. This happened mainly in those village settlements where the raw material was easily available and in those which were conveniently situated for trade.
  4. Such village-settlements expanded rapidly.

Question 3.
Why was the need to maintain records felt?
i. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.
ii. Therefore, it became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population.

Question 4.
How did each culture develop its own script?

  1. There was an increase in trade and production and also the growth in the volume of records to be kept
  2. This resulted in much modification and improvement in the signs and symbols used for these purposes.
  3. In this way, each culture developed its own script.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
How did kingship develop in cities?

  1. Grand temples were built in many cities that had prospered due to the rise in trade.
  2. Chiefs of those temples became chief administrators of those cities.
  3. Later, the positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the same individual.
  4. This is how initially kingship developed in the ancient urban civilizations.

Question 6.
How did the people engaged in different
types of work come together?

  1. Expansion of village-settlements resulted in increase in production.
  2. Due to increase in production, trade too expanded and there was then a need to change the old systems of transport.
  3. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 7.
What is ‘pivot?
i. A pointed quartz pebble fixed at the bottom of a potter’s wheel is called a pivot.
ii. When the potter’s wheel is put in motion, it is balanced on this pivot and thus revolves with a great speed.

Question 8.
Into how many groups is the Three Age System’ classified?
The Three Age System’, is classified into.

  • Stone Age – Stone tools
  • Copper Age – Copper tools and other articles
  • Iron Age – Iron tools and other articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Glossary :

  1. antique : ancient, hare
  2. classifying : separating
  3. Urban : of a town or city
  4. rapid : fast
  5. scripts : written text
  6. emergence : process of coming into existence
  7. durable : able to withstand pressure or damages

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