Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

5th Standard Marathi Digest Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई Textbook Questions and Answers

1. खालील प्रशनांची उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न (अ)
मालतीला कोणत्या गोष्टीचे नवल वाटले?
शेतावरून घरी आल्यावर मलण्णाने बैलांना घरी आणून गोठ्यात बांधले. त्यांना चारा, पाणी दिले. अतिश्रमाने थकून मलण्णा लवकर झोपला. सकाळी लवकर उठला. बाहेर जाताच त्याला गोठ्यात एकच बैल दिसला. दुसरा बैल कुठे गेला? मलण्णाने घाबरून मालतीला विचारले. मालतीला बैल नाहीसा झाल्याचे कळले, तेव्हा तिला या गोष्टीचे नवल वाटले.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

प्रश्न (आ)
मलण्णा, डोक्याला हात लावून का बसला?
मलण्णा व मालती एक गरीब शेतकरी जोडपे होते. या जोडप्याचा, गोठ्यात बांधलेल्या दोन बैलांपैकी एक बैल नाहीसा झाला होता. त्यांनी गावभर त्या बैलाचा शोध घेतला; पण त्यांना बैल मिळाला नाही. मलण्णा तर खूपच निराश झाला. काय करायचे? एकाच बैलावर शेती कशी करायची? या विचाराने मलण्णा डोक्याला हात लावून बसला.

प्रश्न (इ)
बैल चोरणारा माणूस मनातून का घाबरला?
बैल चोरी झाला म्हणून मालती व मलण्णा दोघांनीही तालुक्याला जाऊन गुरांच्या बाजारातून बैल खरेदी करण्याचे ठरवले. गुरांच्या बाजारात फिरता फिरता मालतीला त्यांचा हरवलेला बैल दिसला; दोघेही बैलाजवळ आले. आपला बैल म्हणून मालतीने त्याला आंजारले, गोंजारले. “या माणसाने आमचा बैल चोरला,” असे म्हणत तिने आरडाओरडा करायला सुरुवात केली. आपली चोरी आता उघडी पडेल या विचाराने बैल चोरणारा माणूस मनातून घाबरला.

प्रश्न (ई)
मालतीने युक्ती करायचे का ठरवले?
मालतीने आरडाओरडा करायला सुरुवात केली तेव्हा चोरानेही कांगावा केला की, मी तुमचा बैल कशाला घेऊ? मी या बैलाला लहानाचा मोठा केलाय. हा माझाच बैल आहे. मालतीच्या लक्षात आले की, चोर सहजासहजी आपल्याला बैल देण्यास तयार होणार नाही. म्हणून तिने बैल मिळवण्यासाठी युक्ती करायचे ठरवले.

प्रश्न (उ)
मालतीने कोणती युक्ती केली?
गुरांच्या बाजारात मालती-मलण्णाला त्यांचा चोरलेला बैल दिसला. चोराला सांगूनही तो चोरीची कबुली दयायला तयार होईना, तेव्हा मालतीने झटकन बैलाच्या डोक्यावर हात ठेवला व त्याला प्रश्न विचारला, “सांग बरं, याचा कोणता डोळा अधूआहे, डावा की उजवा?” चोर म्हणाला, “माझ्या बैलाचा डावा डोळा अधूआहे.” यावर मालतीने ते तपासून घेऊ, असे चोराला म्हटले आणि चोर त्यात अडकला. कारण मालतीच्या बैलाचे दोन्ही डोळे चांगले होते. चोर पकडण्यासाठी मालतीने ही युक्ती केली.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

प्रश्न (ऊ)
चोराची भंबेरी का उडाली?
मालतीची युक्ती कामी आली आणि चोराची लबाडी उघड झाली. चोराने खोटेपणाने सांगितले की, “माझ्या बैलाचा डावा डोळा अधू आहे.” पण प्रत्यक्षात मात्र मालतीच्या बैलांचे दोन्ही डोळे चांगले होते. अशाप्रकारे लोकांसमोर चोराची लबाडी उघडकीस आल्यामुळे चोराची भंबेरी उडाली.

2. रिकाम्या जागा भरा.

प्रश्न 1.
रिकाम्या जागा भरा.
(अ) मालती ………….. बाहेर आली.
(आ) एका बैलावर ……….. कशी करायची?
(इ) तेवढ्यात मालतीला त्यांचा ……………… बैल दिसला.
(उ) बैलाभोवती लोकांची ………………….. जमली.
(ऊ) सगळ्यांनी मालतीच्या …………. कौतुक केले.
(अ) झटकन
(आ) नांगरणी
(इ) हरवलेला
(उ) गर्दी
(ऊ) चतुराईचे

3. पटकन, झटकन यासारखे आणखी शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
पटकन, झटकन यासारखे आणखी शब्द लिहा.

  1. खटकन
  2. चटकन
  3. गटकन
  4. मटकन
  5. सटकन

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

4. आरडाओरडा, सहजासहजी, भाजीभाकरी हे जोडशब्द आलेली पाठातील वाक्ये लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
आरडाओरडा, सहजासहजी, भाजीभाकरी हे जोडशब्द आलेली पाठातील वाक्ये लिहा.
1. “या माणसाने आमचा बैल चोरला,” असे म्हणत तिने आरडाओरडा करायला सुरुवात केली.
2. हा चोर आपला बैल सहजासहजी देणार नाही.
3. त्याची पत्नी मालती हिने भाजीभाकरी केली होती.

5. मालतीच्या चतुराईचे सर्वांनी कौतुक केले. तुमच्या/मित्राच्या/मैत्रिणीच्या चतुरपणाचे कौतुक कधी झाले आहे का? घरी व वर्गात सांगा.

प्रश्न 1.
मालतीच्या चतुराईचे सर्वांनी कौतुक केले. तुमच्या/मित्राच्या/मैत्रिणीच्या चतुरपणाचे कौतुक कधी झाले आहे का? घरी व वर्गात सांगा.

6. खालील शब्दांचे विरुद्धार्थी शब्द पाठात शोधून लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांचे विरुद्धार्थी शब्द पाठात शोधून लिहा.
(अ) खरेदी
(आ) लहान
(इ) डावा
(अ) विक्री
(आ) मोठा
(इ) उजवा

7. खालील शब्द असेच लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्द असेच लिहा.
दोन्ही, गोष्टी, विक्री, निरीक्षण, गर्दी, स्त्री.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई


आतापर्यंतच्या पाठांत आलेले जोडशब्द शोधा. ते ‘माझा शब्दसंग्रह’ वहीत लिहा.

Marathi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
एक-दोन शब्दात उत्तरे लिहा.

  1. शेतकऱ्याचे नाव काय होते?
  2. शेतकऱ्याच्या पत्नीचे नाव काय होते?
  3. मलण्णाकडे किती बैल होते?
  4. मलण्णाने बैलांना काय दिले?
  5. जनावरांच्या बाजाराला काय म्हणतात?
  6. बाजारात जनावरांची काय सुरू होती?
  7. मलण्णा-मालतीने बैलाचा शोध कुठे घेतला?
  8. चोराने बैलाचा कोणता डोळा अधू आहे असे सांगितले?
  9. चोराला कोणाच्या ताब्यात दिले?


  1. मलण्णा
  2. मालती
  3. दोन
  4. चारा-पाणी
  5. गुरांचा बाजार
  6. खरेदी-विक्री
  7. गावभर
  8. डावा
  9. पोलिसांच्या

प्रश्न 2.
रिकाम्या जागा भरा.

  1. दोन्ही बैलांना ………………….. बांधले.
  2. मीच याला लहानाचा मोठा केला असा तो ……………. करू लागला.
  3. त्याच्या मनात …………. निर्माण झाला.
  4. लोकांसमोर चोराची …………. उघडकीस आली.
  5. चोराला पोलिसांच्या …………… दिले.


  1. गोठ्यात
  2. कांगावा
  3. गोंधळ
  4. लबाडी
  5. ताब्यात

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

एका वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
मालतीने मलण्णाला शेतातून आल्यावर काय खायला दिले?
मालतीने मलण्णाला शेतातून आल्यावर भाजीभाकरी खायला दिली.

प्रश्न 2.
सकाळी लवकर उठल्यावर मल्लण्णाने काय पाहिले?
सकाळी लवकर उठल्यावर मलण्णाने पाहिले की, गोठ्यात एकच बैल आहे.

प्रश्न 3.
बैल खरेदी करण्यासाठी मालती व मलण्णा कोठे गेले?
बैल खरेदी करण्यासाठी मालती व मलण्णा तालुक्याला गुरांच्या बाजारात गेले.

प्रश्न 4.
मालती व मलण्णाला त्यांचा बैल कुठे दिसला?
मालती व मलण्णाला त्यांचा बैल तालुक्याला गुरांच्या बाजारात दिसला.

प्रश्न 5.
मालतीने आरडाओरडा का केला?
मालतीने आरडाओरडा केला, कारण तिने आपल्या हरवलेल्या बैलाला ओळखले.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

प्रश्न 6.
बैल चोरणाऱ्याने कशाप्रकारे कांगावा केला?
“तुमचा बैल मी कशाला घेऊ?” हा माझाच बैल आहे. मीच याला लहानाचा मोठा केला आहे.’ अशाप्रकारे बैल चोरणाऱ्याने कांगावा केला.

प्रश्न 7.
मालतीने बैल चोरणाऱ्याला कोणता प्रश्न विचारला?
“सांग बरं, याचा कोणता डोळा अधू आहे, डावा की उजवा?’ हा प्रश्न मालतीने बैल चोरणाऱ्याला विचारला.

प्रश्न 8.
लोकांसमोर कोणती गोष्ट उघड झाली?
लोकांसमोर चोराची लबाडी उघड झाली.

थोडक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
मालती व मलण्णा घरी आनंदाने का आले?
मालतीने केलेल्या युक्तीमुळे चोरी पकडल्याबरोबर चोराची भंबेरी उडाली. सगळ्यांनी मालतीच्या चतुराईचे कौतुक केले आणि चोराला पोलिसांच्या ताब्यात दिले. आपला चोरीला गेलेला बैल, चतुराईने मिळाल्यामुळे मालती मलण्णा घरी आनंदाने आले.

व्याकरण व भाषाभ्यास:

1. कंसातील वाक्प्रचारांचा खालील वाक्यात उपयोग करून वाक्य पुन्हा लिहा. (भंबेरी उडणे, डोक्याला हात लावणे, अंजारणे गोंजारणे, कांगावा करणे, थकून जाणे, लबाडी करणे)

प्रश्न 1.
खूप वर्षांनी पाहिलेल्या नातवाला आजीने प्रेमाने थोपटले
खूप वर्षांनी पाहिलेल्या नातवाला आजीने प्रेमाने अंजारले गोंजारले.

प्रश्न 2.
भुकंपामुळे झालेले नुकसान पाहून भुकंपग्रस्त विचारात पडले.
भुकंपामुळे झालेले नुकसान पाहून भुकंपग्रस्तांनी डोक्याला हात लावला.

प्रश्न 3.
पोलिसांनी पकडलेला चोर मी चोरी केलीच नाही, असे खरे बोलण्याचा आव आणू लागला.
पोलिसांनी पकडलेला चोर मी चोरी केलीच नाही, असा कांगावा करू लागला.

प्रश्न 4.
अचानक पाहुणे आल्याने आई खूप गोंधळून गेली.
अचानक पाहुणे आल्याने आईची भंबेरी उडाली.

प्रश्न 5.
व्यापारी जास्त पैसा मिळवण्याच्या नादात नेहमीच खोटपणा करतात.
व्यापारी जास्त पैसा मिळवण्याच्या नादात नेहमीच लबाडी करतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

प्रश्न 6.
दिवसभर नृत्याचा सराव करून मुले दमून गेली.
दिवसभर नृत्याचा सराव करून मुले थकून गेली.

प्रश्न 7.
समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. चतुराई
  2. पाणी
  3. पत्नी
  4. झोप
  5. नवल
  6. शोध
  7. झटकन
  8. सुरुवात
  9. कौतुक
  10. गोंधळ
  11. आनंद
  12. मन
  13. भांडण
  14. युक्ती
  15. बैल
  16. डोळा
  17. लबाडी


  1. चातुर्य
  2. जल
  3. बायको
  4. निद्रा
  5. आश्चर्य
  6. तपास
  7. पटकन
  8. आरंभ
  9. स्तुती
  10. गडबड
  11. हर्ष
  12. चित्त
  13. वाद
  14. शक्कल
  15. वृषभ
  16. नेत्र
  17. फसवणूक

प्रश्न 8.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. सकाळ
  2. लवकर
  3. बाहेर
  4. हरवणे
  5. सुरुवात
  6. लक्ष
  7. गर्दी
  8. माझा
  9. विचार
  10. चांगले
  11. कौतुक
  12. आनंद
  13. घाबरट
  14. गोंधळ
  15. उघडे
  16. डावा


  1. संध्याकाळ
  2. उशिरा
  3. आत
  4. मिळणे/सापडणे
  5. शेवट
  6. दुर्लक्ष
  7. पांगापांग
  8. तुझा
  9. अविचार
  10. वाईट
  11. निंदा
  12. दुःख
  13. धीट
  14. शांतता
  15. बंद
  16. उजवा

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई

प्रश्न 9.
लिंग बदला.

  1. शेतकरी
  2. पत्नी
  3. बैल
  4. स्त्री


  1. शेतकरीण
  2. पती
  3. गाय
  4. पुरुष

प्रश्न 10.
वचन बदला.

  1. घर
  2. गोठा
  3. बैल
  4. काम
  5. अंथरूण
  6. गोष्ट
  7. गाव
  8. तालुका
  9. जनावर
  10. युक्ती
  11. डोळा
  12. मन
  13. भांडण
  14. हात
  15. लबाडी


  1. घरे
  2. गोठे
  3. बैल
  4. कामे
  5. अंथरुणे
  6. गोष्टी
  7. गावे
  8. तालुके
  9. जनावरे
  10. युक्त्या
  11. डोळे
  12. मने
  13. भांडणे
  14. हात
  15. लबाड्या

मालतीची चतुराई Summary in Marathi


मलण्णा व मालती हे गरीब शेतकरी जोडपे. त्यांचा एक बैल चोरीला गेला. आठवड्याच्या बाजारात मालतीने तो बैल चतुराईने कसा मिळवला याचे वर्णन या पाठात आले आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 25 मालतीची चतुराई


  1. गोठा – गुरे बांधण्याची जागा – (shed for cattle)
  2. चारा – पशुपक्ष्यांचे अन्न (fodder)
  3. दमणे – थकणे (tired)
  4. बैल – वृषभ (a bull)
  5. झटकन – लवकर (quickly)
  6. नवल – आश्चर्य (a wonder)
  7. शोध – चौकशी (inquiry)
  8. गुरे – गाय, बैल इ. जनावरे (a cattle)
  9. बाजार – मंडई (a market)
  10. खरेदी – विकत घेणे (purchase)
  11. युक्ती – क्लृप्ती (an idea)
  12. अधू – अपंग (handicap)
  13. चतुराई – चातुर्य (cleverness)
  14. कौतुक – आश्चर्य (surprise)
  15. भंबेरी – गोंधळ (disorder)
  16. तालुका – जिल्ह्याचा एक भाग (a subdivision of a district)
  17. कांगावा – उगाच केलेला आरडा ओरडा (a false uproar)
  18. लबाडी – खोटेपणा (a fraud)
  19. नांगरणी – जमीन उकरणे (ploughing)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया

5th Standard Marathi Digest Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया Textbook Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
चित्र पाहा व त्याविषयी माहिती लिहा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया 1
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया 2
1. गुलाबाला ‘फुलांचा राजा’ म्हणतात. गुलाब अनेक रंगांचे असतात. गुलाबाच्या फुलांना मोहक सुगंध असतो. गुलाब फुलाचा उपयोग गुलाबपाणी, वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारची सुगंधी द्रव्ये, गुलकंद बनवण्यासाठी होतो. गुलाबाशी संबंधित व्यवसाय म्हणजे गुलाबपाणी तयार करणे, गुलकंद तयार करणे, गुलाबापासून सुगंधी द्रव्ये तयार करणे इ. होत.

2. मला मोर खूप आवडतो. तो खूप सुंदर दिसतो. त्याचा रंगीबेरंगी पिसारा पाहत राहवेसे वाटते. मोर आपला राष्ट्रीय पक्षी आहे. मोराचा निळा रंग एवढा वेगळा आहे की त्याला इंग्लिशमध्ये ‘peacock blue’ व मराठीत ‘मोरपिशी रंग’ असे म्हंटले जाते. भारतात गुजरात व राजस्थान राज्यात मोरांची संख्या लक्षणिय आहे. मोराच्या मादीला मराठीत लांडोर असे म्हणतात. मोराला पावसाळा फार आवडतो. आकाशात काळे ढग जमले की तो ‘म्याओ म्याओ’ ओरडतो आणि आपला सुंदर पिसारा फुलवून थुई, थुई नाचू लागतो. मोराला शेतकऱ्यांचा मित्र म्हणतात, कारण तो शेतातील किटक व साप खातो, तसेच तो दाणेही खातो.

3. दिवाळी हा संपूर्ण भारतात साजरा होणारा सण आहे. दिव्यांचा सण म्हणून याला ‘दिवाळी’ किंवा ‘दीपावली’ असे म्हणतात. दिवाळीत दारात कंदील लावले जातात, रांगोळी काढली जाते. सगळीकडे लाल दिव्यांची रोषणाई असते. वेगवेगळ्या आकाराची, प्रकारची मिठाई, आकर्षक कपडे व फटाके हे दिवाळी सणाचे विशेष आहे. धनत्रयोदशी, लक्ष्मीपूजन, भाऊबीज आणि पाडवा असे चार दिवस दिवाळी सण साजरा केला जातो.

4. बागा अथवा उदयाने ही मुलांसाठी व वृद्धांसाठी विरंगुळ्याची स्थाने आहेत. उदयानात मुलांसाठी खेळायला घसरगुंडी, सी-सॉ, झोपाळा यांसारखी खेळण्याची साधने असतात. वृद्धांना आरामात बसण्यासाठी बाके असतात. बागेत सगळीकडेच हिरवळ तसेच झाडेच झाडे असल्यामुळे येथील हवा शुद्ध असते. बागेतील संपूर्ण परिसर शांत, डोळ्यांना सुखावणारा असतो. लहान मुलांची तर जणू येथे मौजच असते. उदयानांना ‘शहरी फुफ्फुसं’ (Lungs) असे म्हटले जाते.

5. कुत्रा हा इमानदार प्राणी आहे तो पाळीव प्राणी आहे. याच्या अनेक जाती-प्रजाती आहेत. कुत्रा हा खरंतर मांसाहारी प्राणी पण तो शाकाहारी आवडीने खातो. कुत्रा आपल्या मालमत्तेचे व आपले रक्षण करतो. कुत्र्यांच्या इमानदारीचा उपयोग मोठमोठे गुन्हेगार शोधण्यासाठीही केला जातो. कुत्रा हा मानवप्रिय प्राणी आहे.

6. जत्रा म्हणजे एखादया उत्सवप्रसंगी भरवण्यात आलेला मेळा. या मेळ्यात अनेक माणसे, फेरीवाले, काम करणारे, व्यापारी इ. असतात. रात्री जत्रेत आणखी मजा येते. विद्युत रोषणाईने भरलेले चक्र, पाळणे, चक्राकार फिरणारे पाळणे (Jaint wheel, mery-go round) पाहण्यासारखे असते. दूरदूरची माणसे इथे येऊन फळे, वस्त्रे, दागिने, गृहोपयोगी वस्तू, इतर काही विशेष वस्तूंची व खाण्याच्या पदार्थांची खरेदी करतात. जत्रेचा लहान मुले मनमुराद आनंद लुटत असतात. पारंपारिक जत्रा जरी वर्षातून एकदाच भरत असली तरी (fun-fair) मात्र नियमितपणे सर्वत्र भरत असतात.

Marathi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
एक-दोन शब्दांत उत्तरे लिहा.

  1. मला फळांचा राजा म्हणतात.
  2. आंब्याच्या रसाला काय म्हणतात?
  3. आब्यांच्या झाडांच्या बागेला कायं म्हणतात?
  4. ख्रिश्चन बांधव प्रभू येशूच्या जन्मदिवसाला काय म्हणतात?
  5. ख्रिसमस च्या शुभेच्छा देताना ख्रिश्चन बांधव काय म्हणतात?
  6. मुलांच्या मनातील इच्छा कोण पूर्ण करतो?
  7. मी आहे एक दुचाकी, जिला लागत नाही कोणते इंधन ओळखा पाहू मी कोण?
  8. मी केवळ पाण्यातच राहू शकतो, म्हणून मला जलचर म्हणतात, सांगा पाहू मी कोण?
  9. मासा पोहताना कशाचा वापर करतो?
  10. मासा कोणाचे अन्न आहे?
  11. डोक्यावर तुरा अनंगीत पिसारा, ओळखा पाहू मी कोण?
  12. माझ्यापासून बनतो गुलकंद, सांगा मी कोण?


  1. आंबा
  2. आमरस
  3. आमराई
  4. नाताळ
  5. मेरी ख्रिसमस
  6. सांताक्लॉज
  7. सायकल
  8. मासा
  9. शेपूट, पर
  10. मानवाचे
  11. मोर
  12. गुलाब

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया

एका वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
आंबा पिकला की काय होते?
आंबा पिकला की आंब्याचा रंग बदलून त्याला छान वास येतो व तो चवीला गोड लागतो.

प्रश्न 2.
आंब्याच्या वेगवेगळ्या जातींची नावे लिहा?
हापूस, पायरी, केशर, खोक्या, गोटी, चिक्कूळ्या इत्यादी.

प्रश्न 3.
ख्रिसमस या सणाच्या दिवशी कोणते गोडधोड पदार्थ बनवले जातात?
ख्रिसमस या सणाच्या दिवशी डोनट, केक यांसारखे गोडधोड पदार्थ बनवले जातात.

प्रश्न 4.
सायकल वापरण्याचे फायदे कोणते?
सायकल वापरल्यामुळे इंधन बचत होते व शरीराचा चांगला व्यायाम होतो.

प्रश्न 5.
माशाला जलचर का म्हणतात?
मासा समुद्र, नदी, तलावांच्या पाण्यात राहतो, म्हणून माशाला जलचर म्हणतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया

प्रश्न 6.
माशाचे अन्न कोणते?
पाण्यातले कीटक, लहान मासे व पाणवनस्पती हे माशाचे अन्न आहे.

थोडा विचार करा, अन् सांगा पाहू.

प्रश्न 1.
थोडा विचार करा, अन् सांगा पाहू.

  1. आंब्याचा आमरस तसे केळ्याचे काय?
  2. कच्या कैरीपासून काय काय तयार होते?
  3. मला आहे राष्ट्रीय पक्ष्याचा मान, सांगा पाहू मी कोण?
  4. सण हा मौजेचा, दिव्यांच्या रोषणाईचा लाडू, चकली, करंजी खाण्याचा?


  1. शिकरण
  2. पन्हं, मुरांबा, लोणचं
  3. मोर
  4. दिवाळी

वाचूया लिहूया Summary in Marathi


चित्रांशी संबंधित दिलेल्या शब्दांचा उपयोग करून वाक्ये कशी लिहावीत हे विदयार्थ्यांना या पाठातून दाखविले आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 22 वाचूया लिहूया


  1. आंबा – (mango)
  2. वास-गंध – (smell)
  3. रस – (pulp)
  4. सण – उत्सव (festival)
  5. येशू – (Jesas) (ख्रिश्चन धर्मियांचा देव)
  6. चर्च – ख्रिश्चनांचे प्रार्थनास्थळ
  7. शुभेच्छा – (wishes)
  8. गोडधोड – गोड चवीचे (sweets)
  9. शिकवणूक – शिकवण (teachings)
  10. सायकल – दुचाकी. (bycycle)
  11. इंधन – (fuel)
  12. तलाव – तळे (lake)
  13. शेपूट – (tail),
  14. पर-पंख – (wings)
  15. मानव – (human)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Marathi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

5th Standard Marathi Digest Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला Textbook Questions and Answers

1. कोण ते लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
कोण ते लिहा.
(अ) पाचवीत शिकणारी
(आ) कपड्यांच्या घड्या करणारा
(इ) आईजवळ पैसे देणारे
(ई) पैसे परत करणारे
(उ) पैसे मोजून घेणारी
(ऊ) दामूकाकांना बक्षीस देऊ करणारे
(अ) शिवानी
(आ) भाऊ (शिवराज)
(इ) बाबा
(ई) दामूकाका
(उ) आई
(ऊ) बाबा

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

2. कोण, कोणास म्हणाले ते लिहा.

प्रश्न (अ)
“त्याला टेबलावर ठेवलेले कपडे पिशवीतच भरून दे.’
असे, आई शिवानीला म्हणाली.

प्रश्न (आ)
“काय रे बाबा? कपडे आणलेस का?”
असे, आई दामूकाकांना म्हणाली.

प्रश्न (इ)
“तुझा प्रामाणिकपणा मला आवडला.”
असे, बाबा दामूकाकांना म्हणाले.

प्रश्न (ई)
“आम्ही गरीब आहोत; पण कष्टानंच कमवून खातो.”
असे, दामूकाका बाबांना म्हणाले.

3. ‘प्रामाणिकपणा’ यासारखे आणखी शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
‘प्रामाणिकपणा’ यासारखे आणखी शब्द लिहा.

  1. शहाणपणा
  2. मूर्खपणा
  3. वेडेपणा
  4. चांगुलपणा
  5. आगाऊपणा
  6. शिष्टपणा

4. गोलातील शब्द लावून नवीन शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
गोलातील शब्द लावून नवीन शब्द लिहा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 1

  1. इस्त्रीवाले
  2. रिक्षावाले
  3. भाजीवाले
  4. फळवाले
  5. झाडूवाले

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

5. खालील शब्द वाचा व असेच लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्द वाचा व असेच लिहा.
स्वयंपाकघर, इस्त्रीवाला, कावरीबावरी, प्रामाणिक, संध्याकाळ.

6. वाक्ये वाचा. क्रिया कोणती ते लिहा. क्रिया करणारी व्यक्ती कोण ते ओळखा. योग्य रकान्यात ‘✓’ अशी खूण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
वाक्ये वाचा. क्रिया कोणती ते लिहा. क्रिया करणारी व्यक्ती कोण ते ओळखा. योग्य रकान्यात ‘✓’ अशी खूण करा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 2
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 2.1

7. खालील वाक्यातील अधोरेखित नामांचे लिंग ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील वाक्यातील अधोरेखित नामांचे लिंग ओळखा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 2.2

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

8. रिकाम्या जागी योग्य नाम लिहा. वाक्यातील क्रियापद ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
रिकाम्या जागी योग्य नाम लिहा. वाक्यातील क्रियापद ओळखा.

1. ………………. गवत खातो.हत्तीखातो
2. ……………….. गवत खाते.हत्तीखाते
3. …………………. पत्र लिहिते.मिनललिहिते
4. ते ………………. सुंदर आहे.देऊळआहे
5. ……………… पुस्तक वाचतो.मुलगावाचतो
6. ते ……….. मोठे आहे.घरआहे

9. रिकाम्या जागी योग्य क्रियापद लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
रिकाम्या जागी योग्य क्रियापद लिहा.
(अ) सुधीर गोष्ट ………………..
(आ) ते झाड उंच ……………….
(इ) रोझी गाणे …………………..
(ई) ती वेल हिरवीगार ………………
(अ) ऐकतो
(आ) आहे
(इ) गाते
(ई) आहे

10. चौकटीत काही अक्षरे दिली आहेत. त्यापासून अर्थपूर्ण शब्द बनवा. त्या शब्दांची कार्डे तयार करा.

प्रश्न 1.
चौकटीत काही अक्षरे दिली आहेत. त्यापासून अर्थपूर्ण शब्द बनवा. त्या शब्दांची कार्डे तयार करा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 3

Marathi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला Additional Important Questions and Answers

एका वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
शिवानीच्या घरात कोणकोण राहत होते?
शिवानीच्या घरात आई, बाबा, भाऊ शिवराज आणि शिवानी हे सर्व राहत होते.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

प्रश्न 2.
घरची सगळी कामे कोण करते?
घरची सगळी कामे आई करते.

प्रश्न 3.
कपडे वाळल्यानंतर भाऊने काय केले?
कपडे वाळल्यानंतर भाऊने त्यांच्या घड्या करून टेबलावर ठेवले.

प्रश्न 4.
बाबांनी आईला पैसे दिल्यावर तिने काय केले?
बाबांनी आईला पैसे दिल्यावर तिने पैसे टेबलावर घड्या घातलेल्या कपड्यांत ठेवले.

प्रश्न 5.
आई कावरीबावरी का झाली?
बाबांनी दिलेले पैसे न सापडल्यामुळे आई कावरीबावरी झाली.

प्रश्न 6.
इस्त्रीवाल्याला पैसे कुठे सापडले?
इस्त्रीवाल्याला पैसे कपड्यांच्या घड्यांमध्ये सापडले.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

प्रश्न 7.
बाबा बक्षीस म्हणून 100 रूपये देऊ लागल्यावर दामूकाका काय म्हणाले?
“आम्ही गरीब आहोत; पण कष्टानंच कमवून खातो’.

एका शब्दात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
एका शब्दात उत्तरे लिहा.

  1. शिवानी कोणत्या इयत्तेत शिकत होती?
  2. बाबा बाहेरून किती वाजता आले?
  3. शिवानीचा भाऊ कुठे गेला होता?
  4. इस्त्रीवाल्या काकांचे नाव काय होते?
  5. सवयीप्रमाणे आई पैसे कुठे शोधू लागली?
  6. बाबा बक्षीस म्हणून दामूकाकाला किती पैसे देऊ लागले?


  1. पाचव्या
  2. पाच
  3. खेळायला
  4. दामू
  5. कपाटात
  6. शंभर रुपये

थोडक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
इस्त्रीवाल्या दामूकाकांचा प्रामाणिकपणा कोणत्या गोष्टीवरून दिसून येतो?
शिवानीच्या बाबांनी ठेवायला दिलेले पैसे आईकडून चुकून इस्त्रीच्या घड्यांमध्येच राहिले. हे कपडे दामूकाका इस्त्रीवाल्याने जेव्हा इस्त्री करण्यासाठी घेतले, तेव्हा कपड्यांच्या घड्यांमध्ये त्यांना हे पैसे सापडले. इस्त्रीचे कपडे परत करताना सापडलेले पैसेही त्यांनी परत केले. इस्त्रीवाल्या दामूकाकांचा प्रामाणिकपणा या गोष्टीवरून दिसून येतो.

प्रश्न 2.
आईने कोणती चूक केली?
बाबांनी आईजवळ पैसे दिले व तिला ते ठेवायला सांगितले. आईने कामाच्या गडबडीत ते पैसे टेबलावर घड्या घातलेल्या कपड्यांत ठेवले व ती कामात व्यग्र झाली. दोन दिवसांनंतर बाबांनी जेव्हा पैसे मागितले तेव्हा ते सापडले नाहीत. आईने पैसे योग्य ठिकाणी म्हणजेच कपाटात ठेवले नाहीत ही चूक केली.

कोण, कोणास म्हणाले ते लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
“पैसे मोजून घ्या आणि हे कपडेही घ्या.”
असे, दामूकाका आईला म्हणाले.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

प्रश्न 2.
“पैसे बरोबर आहेत’.
असे, बाबा दामूकाकांना म्हणाले.

प्रश्न 3.
“पैसे गेले कुठे?”
असे, आईने स्वत:लाच विचारले.

व्याकरण व भाषाभ्यास:

प्रश्न 1.
खाली काही वाक्प्रचार दिले आहेत, त्यांचे अर्थ कंसात दिले आहेत. कंसातील योग्य अर्थ वाक्प्रचाराच्या बाजूला लिहा. (कामात मग्न होणे, गाढ विचार करणे, तपासून बघणे, रागावणे, मेहनत करणे, प्रशंसा करणे.
वैतागणे – रागावणे, कामात गढून जाणे – कामात मग्न होणे, शोधाशोध करणे – तपासून बघणे, कौतुक करणे – प्रशंसा करणे, विचारात पडणे – गाढ विचार करणे, कष्ट करणे – मेहनत करणे

प्रश्न 2.
वाक्ये वाचा. क्रिया कोणती ते लिहा. क्रिया करणारी व्यक्ती कोण ते ओळखा. योग्य रकान्यात ‘✓’ अशी खूण करा.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला 4

प्रश्न 3.
समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. कुटुंब
  2. घड्या
  3. अभ्यास
  4. पिशवी
  5. कपडे
  6. बक्षीस
  7. मदत


  1. परिवार
  2. दुमड
  3. अध्ययन
  4. थैली
  5. वस्त्र
  6. पुरस्कार
  7. साहाय्य

प्रश्न 4.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. छोटे
  2. काम
  3. घाई
  4. दे
  5. संध्याकाळ
  6. गरीब


  1. मोठे
  2. कार्य
  3. विलंब
  4. घे
  5. सकाळ
  6. श्रीमंत

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला

प्रश्न 5.
वचन बदला.

  1. काम
  2. कपडे
  3. टेबल
  4. कपाट
  5. खिसा
  6. पैसा
  7. घडी
  8. बक्षीस


  1. कामे
  2. कपडा
  3. टेबले
  4. कपाटे
  5. खिसे
  6. पैसे
  7. घड्या
  8. बक्षीसे

प्रश्न 6.
लिंग बदला.

  1. आई
  2. भाऊ
  3. काका
  4. दादा


  1. बाबा
  2. बहीण
  3. काकू/काकी
  4. वहिनी

प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला Summary in Marathi


या पाठात एका प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाल्याचे वर्णन आले आहे. इस्त्रीच्या कपड्यांबरोबर नकळत आलेले पैसे इस्त्रीवाला प्रामाणिकपणे परत करतो आणि कौतुकास पात्र ठरतो, अशी ही कथा आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Marathi Solutions Chapter 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला


  1. कुटुंब – परिवार (family)
  2. घडी – दुमड (a fold)
  3. सवय – एखादी गोष्ट नेहमी करण्याचे वळण (a habit)
  4. वाळत घालणे – सुकवणे – (To dry the clothes)
  5. वैतागणे – त्रासणे (To get disgusted)
  6. कावरीबावरी – बेचैन (restlessness)
  7. प्रामाणिकपणा – सचोटी (honesty)
  8. बक्षीस – इनाम (a reward)
  9. गरीब – दरिद्री – poor
  10. कष्ट – मेहनत (hardwork)
  11. आकृती – प्रतिमा, चित्र (image)
  12. कौतुक – प्रशंसा (admiration)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

5th Std EVS 2 Digest Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blank.

Question a.
That period, of which the tools that we find are mainly made from stone, is called the ………………….. .
(Copper Age, Iron Age, Stone Age)
That period, of which the tools that we find are mainly made from stone, is called the Stone Age.

Question b.
………………. near Nashik is a well-known Old Stone Age site in Maharashtra.
(Gangapur, Sinnar, Chandwad)
Gangapur near Nashik is a well-known Old Stone Age site in Maharashtra.

2. Find out the odd pair from the following.

Question 1.
Find out the odd pair from the following.
a. Rajasthan – Bagor
b. Madhya Pradesh – Bhimbetka
c. Gujarat – Langhnaj
d. Maharashtra – Bijapur
d. Maharashtra – Bijapur

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

3. Answer the following question in brief.

Question a.
How did man use the percussion technique?
1. The man in Old Stone Age used the percussion technique to make stone tools.
2. Percussion technique involves beating or striking one large pebble against another to obtain stone flakes.

Question b.
What revolution was brought about by Homo sapiens in the tool-making technique?

  1. The Homo sapiens devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow blades of stone.
  2. He made knife, scraper, borer and chisel from these long blades.
  3. He used ivory and rare stones of the quartz variety for making tools and other articles.

4. Compare the tools from all the three periods of the Stone Age.

Question 1.
Compare the tools from all the three periods of the Stone Age.

Old Stone AgeMiddle Stone AgeNew Stone Age
1. Tools were crude as these made by the percussion technique1. The quality of tools improved. Homo sapiens brought about a revolution in technique of making tools.1. The tools were polished and had smooth and shiny finish as new type of tool-making technique was developed.
2. Chopper, hand-axe and clearer were made.2. Different tools were used for different kinds of work.2. Tools were mainly made for agricultural work as hunting had become a secondary activitiy.
3. Large stones and their flakes were rather heavy and odd in size.3. Tools were light weight, durable proportionate and symmetrical.3. Tools were light weight, durable, proportionate, symmetrical and efficient.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

5. Which of the following modern machines has stone grinders?

Question 1.
Which of the following modern machines has stone grinders?
a. Mixer
b. Flour mill
c. Juicer
b. Flour mill

6. Show the following places on the map of India.

Question 1.
Show the following places on the map of India.
a. A site of the Old Stone Age in Maharashtra.
b. A river basin with New Stone Age sites.
c. A site of the Middle Stone Age in Madhya Pradesh.
a. A site of Old Stone Age in Maharashtra : Gangapur
b. A river basin with New Stone Age site : Basin of river Ganga.
c. A site of Middle Stone Age in Madhya Pradesh: Bhimbetka

Activity :

Question 1.
Visit various industries in your locality and collect information about the tools used there. Make a chart by classifying those tools.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age Stone Tools 1

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.

  1. Apes like the chimpanzee also used ………………. to break seeds and nuts.
  2. Apes like the chimpanzee used ……………. to stir the ants out from ant hills to catch them.
  3. Early humans too, used bones, stones, twigs and sticks as
  4. Humans learnt that they could ………… rods, bones sticks and stones into tools to carry out their tasks more efficiently.
  5. They also learnt they could give their tools any …………. they desired.
  6. Humans made tools thousands of years ago, but only the …………. tools can be found today.
  7. The Stone Age is divided into ……… periods.
  8. Palaeolithic Age meAnswer:……….. Stone Age.
  9. Mesolithic Age meAnswer:…………… Stone Age.
  10. Neolithic Age meAnswer:……….. Stone Age
  11. Homo habilis and Homo erectus belonged to the ……………… Stone Age.
  12. Old Stone Age man used ………….. techniques to make tools.
  13. The first tools made in the Old Stone Age were ……………..
  14. ………. were tools with only one side having a sharp edge.
  15. Choppers were used for ………………… nuts or bones
  16. Tools like the hand-axe and cleaver were made by ………
  17. Homo erectus could……………… visualize his tools even before he actually shaped them.
  18. The Neanderthal Man made further ……….. in tool – making techniques.
  19. Homo sapiens brought about a ….. in the technique of making tools.
  20. He devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow ……….. of stone.
  21. Groups of Homo sapiens began to build ………… and live in them.
  22. They also started celebrating …………… festivals.
  23. Homo sapiens started using ornaments to ……….. themselves.
  24. ……………. were made from shells, bones and the teeth of animal.
  25. Fossils of a human skull and the …………….. bone of an Old Stone Age woman were found on the bank of the Narmada.
  26. A fossilized skull of a ……………… from the Stone Age was found at a village near Puducherry.
  27. Gangapur is on the banks of the ……………… river.
  28. Middle Stone Age man domesticated the …………….
  29. ……………………. started to harvest food grains that grew in the wild and to domesticate animals.
  30. In the New Stone Age, the stone tools were ………….. to give a smooth and shiny finish.
  31. In the New Stone Age, ……………….. was no more a major means of obtaining food.
  32. A……………….. is large/broad bladed axe.
  33. Tools like the hand-axe and cleaver were made by ……………..
  34. Groups of …….. had begun to build huts and live in them.


  1. tones
  2. sticks
  3. tools
  4. sharpen
  5. shape
  6. stone
  7. three
  8. old
  9. middle
  10. new
  11. old
  12. percussion
  13. crude
  14. choppers
  15. breaking
  16. Homo erectus
  17. mentally
  18. progress
  19. revolution
  20. blades
  21. huts
  22. social
  23. adorn
  24. beads
  25. collar
  26. child
  27. Godavari
  28. dog
  29. Homo sapiens
  30. polished
  31. hunting
  32. clearer
  33. Homo erectus
  34. Homo sapiens

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Match the columns :

Question 1.

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Fossil of a human skulla. Along the Ganga river in South India
2. Fossil of a child’s skullb. Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
3. New Stone Age site in Indiac. Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh
4. Remains of Old Stone Aged. Patane in Jalgaon district in Maharashtra
5. Site of Middle Stone Agee. A village near Puducherry
6. Knife and sicklef. Homo erectus
7. Antlers used as hammerg. Homo sapiens
8. Choppers and scrappersh. Mesolithic Age
9. Domesticated animalsi. Old Stone Age man


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Fossil of a human skullc. Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh
2. Fossil of a child’s skulle. A village near Puducherry
3. New Stone Age site in Indiaa. Along the Ganga river in South India
4. Remains of Old Stone Ageb. Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
5. Site of Middle Stone Aged. Patane in Jalgaon district in Maharashtra
6. Knife and sickleg. Homo sapiens
7. Antlers used as hammerf. Homo erectus
8. Choppers and scrappersi. Old Stone Age man
9. Domesticated animalsh. Mesolithic Age

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
What did apes like the chimpanzees use to break seeds and nuts?
Apes like the chimpanzees used stone to break seeds and nuts.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 2.
For what purpose did the apes like the chimpanzees use sticks?
Apes like the chimpanzees used sticks to stir ants out from ant-hills to catch them.

Question 3.
What were the tools of the early man made of?
The tools of the early man were made of bones, stones, dried twigs and sticks.

Question 4.
Why is the period of time called the ‘Stone Age’? ‘or’ What is meant by ‘Stone Age’?
The period of time mainly stone tools found is called the Stone Age.

Question 5.
On what basis is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided on the basis of the shape and types of tools found.

Question 6.
Into how many periods is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided into three periods – Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and New Stone Age

Question 7.
What is the Old Stone Age also called?
The Old Stone Age is also called the Palaeolithic Age.

Question 8.
What does Palaeolithic Age mean?
Palaeo means ‘old’ and lithos means ‘stone’. Hence, Palaeolithic Age means the Old Stone Age’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 9.
What is the Middle Stone Age called?
The Middle Stone Age is called the Mesolithic Age.

Question 10.
What does Mesolithic mean?
Mesolithic means ‘middle’. Hence, the Middle Stone Age.

Question 11.
What is the New Stone Age called?
The New Stone Age is called the Neolithic Age.

Question 12.
What does Neolithic mean?
Neo means ‘New’. Hence, Neolithic means the “New Stone Age

Question 13.
Which species of human evolution belong to Old Stone Age?
The species Homo habilis and Homo erectus belong to Old Stone Age.

Question 14.
Who used the percussion technique of making tools?
Homo habilis and Homo erectus used the percussion technique of making tools.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 15.
How were the frist tools of the Old Stone Age?
The tools of the Old Stone Age were very crude

Question 16.
What were choppers?
Choppers were crude tools, where only one side of which had a sharp edge.

Question 17.
For what purpose were the choppers used?
Choppers were used to break nuts or bones.

Question 18.
Which tools made by Homo erectus were more proportionate and symmetrical than the tools made by Homo habilis?
The hand-axe and cleaver were more proportionate and symmetrical” than the tools made by Homo habilis.

Question 19.
What could Homo erectus do before he actually shaped the tools?
Homo erectus could mentally visualize his tools before he actually shaped them.

Question 20.
How did Homo erectus use antlers?
He used things like antlers as hammers to obtain stone flakes.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 21.
How did Homo erectus make scrapers?
He sharpened the edges of the flakes by scraping off smaller pieces to make scrapers with very sharp edges.

Question 22.
What benefits did Homo erectus acquire with his improved tools?
With his improved tools, Homo erectus could have a greater variety of food as he could hunt a variety of big and small animals.

Question 23.
Who brought about a revolution in the technique of making tools?
Homo sapiens brought about a revolution a in the technique of making tools.

Question 24.
What did the Homo sapiens build to live in?
Homo sapiens built huts to live in.

Question 25.
What did the Homo sapiens start celebrating?
Homo sapiens started celebrating social festivals.

Question 26.
What did the Homo sapiens create to enhance their festivals?
The Homo sapiens created artistic objects and cave paintings to enhance their festivals.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 27.
How did they adorn themselves?
They adorned themselves with ornaments and beads made from shells, bones and teeth of animals.

Question 28.
What fossils were found in Madhya Pradesh?
Fossils of a human skull and the collar bone of an Old Stone Age woman was found on the bank of Narmada in Madhya Pradesh.

Question 29.
Which fossil was found at a village in Puducherry?
A fossilized skull of a child from the Stone Age was found at a village in Puducherry.

Question 30.
Which are the well-known Old Stone Age sites in Maharashtra?
Gangapur near Nasik and Chirki-Nevasa near Nevasa are among the few well-known Old Stone Age sites in Maharashtra.

Question 31.
Which animal did man of the Middle Stone Age domesticate?
Man of the Middle Stone Age domesticated the dog.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 32.
Why did the life of humans begin to change?
The life of humans began to change due to changes in the climate and environment.

Question 33.
What did the Homo sapiens begin to harvest?
The Homo sapiens began to harvest food grains that grew in the wild.

Question 34.
How did the humans in the Middle Stone Age make their tools?
He used to make implements like the knife and sickle by firmly fixing a row of blades as small as fingernails into a groove in a bone or a piece of wood.

Question 35.
What quality of tools were found in the Neolithic Age?
In the Neolithic Age, the stone tools were polished to give a smooth, shiny finish.

Question 36.
What became the routine way of life for the humans in the New Stone Age?
In the New Stone Age, agriculture and domestication of animals or animal husbandry had become a routine way of life.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 37.
Where are the sites of the New Stone Age culture in India?
The sites of the New Stone Age culture in India are along the Ganga river and in South India.

Question 38.
What did Homo habilis use the flakes of stone for?
Homo habilis used the flakes of stone for scraping meat from hide, for chopping meat and other foodstuffs, for sharpening wooden sticks, etc.

Give reasons for the following :

Question 1.
Only stone tools can be found today among those made by humans thousands of years ago.
i. Rarely do we find tools made from bones.
ii. Since twigs and sticks decompose easily, we find only stone tools made by humans thousands of years ago.

Question 2.
The beginning of human culture goes back to the Old Stone Age.

  1. The Homo sapiens made significant progress in knowing the environment, making tools for obtaining food.
  2. This enabled man to lead a stable life and live in one place.
  3. They started celebrating festivals and adorning themselves.
  4. Thus, we conclude that the beginning of human culture goes back to Old Stone Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 3.
Homo sapiens or the Middle Stone Age man now needed several different types of tools
that were light in weight and durable
i. Besides hunting, the Homo sapiens began to undertake a variety of tasks like fishing, harvesting”, cutting of trees etc.
ii. Therefore, they now needed several different types of tools that were light in weight and durable.

Question 4.
Hunting was no more the major means of obtaining food.
i. By the time of the New Stone Age, agriculture and animal husbandry became a routine way of life.
ii. Therefore, hunting was no more a major means of obtaining food.

Answer the following questions in brief :

Question 1.
List out the factors that determine the choice of tools.
The four factors that determine the choice of tools is as follows:

  1. Availability of resources
  2. Minimal use of time and energy
  3. Maximum efficiency
  4. Skill of handling tools which is acquired through practice.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 2.
How did man learn to modify his tools?

  1. Man began to observe the environment & nature around him, continuously and minutely
  2. With his inborn creativity, he learnt that he could sharpen rods, bones, sticks and stones into tools to carry out their task more efficiently.
  3. He also learnt that he could shape these objects and use it to his advantage.

Question 3.
How can we conclude that the early man used tools made of twigs, bones and stones?

  1. The early man made tools using twigs, bones sticks and other materials available in nature.
  2. Since twigs and sticks decompose easily, we do not find any tools made from them.
  3. Only stone tools can be found today. Hence, we can conclude that the early man made tools not only out of stone but other materials also.

Question 4.
How is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided into 3 periods on the basis of the shape and the types of tools found.

  1. Old Stone Age or Palaeolithic Age.
  2. Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic Age
  3. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age.

Question 5.
What lead the Homo sapiens to lead a more stable life?

  1. Homo sapiens made significant” progress in gaining knowledge of his environment and in the techniques of making tools and obtaining food.
  2. This enabled him to stay in one place so he build huts to live in
  3. They celebrated social festivals, made artistic objects and cave paintings.
  4. They started using ornaments to adorn themselves. All this meant that Homo sapiens lead a very stable life.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 6.
How did the life of humans change during the Mesolithic Age?

  1. Due to the changes in the climate and the environment, the way of life in the Mesolithic Age began to change.
  2. Besides hunting, man started to harvest food grains that grew in the wild and also domesticated animals.
  3. Their diet also included various plant foods.
  4. They settled in one place, made different types of tools that were light in weight and durable, for hunting, fishing, harvesting and cutting of trees.

Question 7.
Compare the tools of all the three periods of the Stone Age.
A comparative study of tools of all three periods of Stone Age is as follows:

Old Stone Age

  1. The tools made during the Palaeolithic Age were very crude.
  2. Tools were made from any material that was commonly available from nature eg. bones, sticks, twigs and stones.
  3. They used the percussion technique to make tools like choppers, hand – axe, cleavers and scrapers.

Middle Stone Age :

  1. The tool making devise had been revolutionized during this period.
  2. Man devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow blades of stone.
  3. He made various implements which were sharper, symmetrical and light-weighted than the earlier age.
  4. He made tools like knife, scraper, borer, chisel etc.
  5. He also recognized the quality of stones and began to use ivory and rare stones of quartz for making tools.
  6. He used ‘microliths’ to make arrows. He also made implements like knife and sickle.

New Stone Age :

  1. The tools made during this age were sharper and more polished.
  2. Man now made use of a tool-making technique where stone tools were polished to give a smooth and shiny finished look.
  3. Since hunting became a secondary occupation, man in this age concentrated on making implements for agricultural use.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 8.
Homo erectus could have a greater variety of food.

  1. Homo erectus had improved tools.
  2. He could now hunt a variety of big and small animals.
  3. He could thus have a greater variety of food.

Question 9.
Middle Stone Age man began to settle in one place for a part of the year.

  1. Due to changes in the climate and the environment in the Middle Stone Age, the way of life of humans had begun to change.
  2. The Middle Stone Age man had started to harvest food grains and domesticate animals.
  3. Thus, he began to settle in one place for a part of the year.

Question 10.
What is meant by a ‘Chopper’?

  1. The first tools in the Old Stone Age were made with the percussion technique and were
  2. Only one side of these tools had a sharp edge.
  3. These tools were called ‘Choppers’ and were used to break nuts or bones.

Question 10.
Where were the remains of Old Stone Age found in India?

  1. Remains of the Old Stone Age were found in India at various places from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu.
  2. Fossils of a human skull and the collar bone of an Old Stone Age woman were found near Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh.
  3. The fossilized skull of a child was found at a village near Puducherry.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Glossary :

  1. domesticated : tame and keep as pet
  2. durable : not perishable
  3. Implements : piece le of equipments
  4. Antlers : branched horns on the head of an adult dear
  5. crude : in a natural or raw
  6. proportionate : corresponding in size or amount to something else
  7. symmetrical : exactly similar parts
  8. harvesting : gather crops
  9. acquired : buy or obtain
  10. minutely : with great attention to detail
  11. ivory : hard, creamy white elephant tusks
  12. quartz : a hard mineral, crystal
  13. significant : sufficiently great or important
  14. microliths : a small shaped flint
  15. grinder : machine used for grinding o something
  16. revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government
  17. enhance: intensify or o increase

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blank.

Question a.
A healthy and wholesome life leads to feelings of …………….. .
A healthy and wholesome life leads to a feeling of friendship.

Question b.
Constant presence of tobacco in the digestive organs can lead to cancer of ………….. .
Constant presence of tobacco in the digestive organs can lead to cancer of (any) digestive organs.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question c.
…………… leads to diseases of the liver, intestines and urinary bladder
Alcoholism leads to diseases of the liver, intestines and urinary bladder

Question d.
The most important factor in the country’s progress and development are its ……………. .
The most important factor in the country’s progress and development are its people.

Question e.
Good community ………… can be achieved through habits of hygiene and good health.
Good community health and hygiene can be achieved through habits of hygiene and good health.

2. True or false? Correct the wrong statement.

Question a.
Pollution, squalor, epidemics, addictions, and insect-borne diseases are all beneficial for community health.
1. True
2. False
Pollution, squalor. epidemics. addictions and insect-borne diseases are all threats to the community

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question b.
There is a ban on spitting in public places.
1. True
2. False
1. True.

Question c.
A nutritious diet, personal hygiene, exercise and pursuit of hobbies lead to excellent health.
1. True
2. False
1. True

Question d.
We cannot live a wholesome life if we take care of our health.
1. True
2. False
We can live a wholesome life if we take care of our health

3. Answer the following question.

Question a.
How can you achieve excellent health?
Nutritious food. personal cleanliness. exercise and pursuit of hobbies leads to achievement of excellent health.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question b.
What factors are a threat to community health?
Pollution, squalor, epidemics of infectious diseases. addiction, insect-borne diseases, malnutrition are the factors that cause a threat to community health.

Question c.
What are the ill effects of chewing tobacco?

  1. If tobacco is consumed, there are ulcers in the mouth. Ulcers develop into bigger wounds and they are later turned into tumours.
  2. Oral cancer, i.e. cancer of the mouth may be formed.
  3. Tobacco entering into the digestive system cause cancer of any of the digestive organs. It also leads to various complaints of the digestive system.
  4. A person with cancer has to undergo painful treatment. It can lead to death.

Question d.
What are the ill effects of alcoholism?

  1. Alcohol acts on the brain of a person. Person becomes drowsy and confused.
  2. Alcohol makes a person lose control over one’s actions.
  3. Alcohol causes diseases of the liver, intestines and kidney, and urinary bladder.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Use your brain power

Question 1.
What bad habits will you guard against while trying to achieve your aim or interest in life?
Do it yourself

Activity :

Question 1.
Write and present a short play on preventing addictions in society.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the option given below:

Question 1.
Pollution, squalor, epidemics of infectious diseases and insect borne diseases, addictions are all …………………. to community health.
(a) encouragement
(b) threats
(c) addictions
(b) threats

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 2.
It is a ………………… offence to spit in public places.
(a) legal
(b) illegal
(c) criminal
(a) legal

Question 3.
If we take care of our health it is possible to lead a ……………… life.
(a) happy
(b) wholesome
(c) comfortable
(a) happy

Question 4.
Cigarettes, bidis, masheri are …………… products.
(a) factory
(b) modern
(c) tobacco
(c) tobacco

Question 5.
An entire family is destroyed due to …………………. of alcohol.
(a) addiction
(b) consumption
(c) solution
(a) addiction

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 6.
Addiction of tobacco can cause diseases like ………….
(a) tuberculosis
(b) cancer
(c) malaria
(b) cancer

Question 7.
We must make ………….. to ensure good health for all.
(a) efforts
(b) pollution
(c) ugliness
(a) efforts

Question 8.
To nurture community health is to ………… the general public from disease.
(a) avoid
(b) protect
(c) encourage
(b) protect

Question 9.
People are urged in every possible way to keep their ………………. clean.
(a) surroundings
(b) body
(c) mind
(a) surroundings

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 10.
If we take care of our health, it is possible for us to lead a ……………… life.
(a) complete
(b) incomplete
(c) wholesome
(c) wholesome

Question 11.
We see many people …………. tobacco in different ways.
(a) consuming
(b) destroying
(c) shunning
(a) consuming

Question 12.
Drinking alcohol has …………… effects on the body.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) adverse
(c) adverse

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 13.
Addiction to alcohol is called ………….. .
(a) fanatism
(b) alcoholism
(c) lunatism
(b) alcoholism

Question 14.
……………. makes a person drowsy and confused.
(a) Alcohol
(b) Milk
(c) Coffee
(a) Alcohol

Question 15.
………………….. causes diseases of the liver, intestines and urinary bladder.
(a) Fanatism
(b) Alcoholism
(c) Socialism
(b) Alcoholism

Question 16.
Addiction to tobacco or alcohol are both very ……… habits.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) ugly
(b) bad

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 17.
Never be ………… about health.
(a) negative
(b) assertive
(c) negligent
(c) negligent

Question 18.
The family of an addict gets deprived of health and happiness is …………
(a) ruined
(b) built
(c) restored
(a) ruined

Question 19.
Tobacco, drugs and alcohol produce a state of …………… .
(a) peace
(b) aggression
(c) intoxication
(c) intoxication

Question 20.
Learn to say ………… firmly in order to avoid bad habits.
(a) Yeas
(b) No
(c) OK
(b) No

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

From the actions given below, mark those that are harmful with a cross (✗) and healthy with a (✓) marks:

Question 1.

  1. Burning of tyres. [ ]
  2. Spitting anywhere on the road. [ ]
  3. Using public toilets [ ]
  4. Looking after domestic animals [ ]
  5. Following doctor’s instructions in cases of infectious diseases [ ]
  6. Washing your hands before a meal or snack. [ ]
  7. Throwing the garbage from your house on to the road. [ ]


  1. Burning of tyres. [✗]
  2. Spitting anywhere on the road. [ ✗]
  3. Using public toilets [✓]
  4. Looking after domestic animals [✓]
  5. Following doctor’s instructions in cases of infectious diseases [✓]
  6. Washing your hands before a meal or snack. [✓]
  7. Throwing the garbage from your house on to the road. [✗]

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What leads to good health?
Nutritious food, personal hygiene, exercise and pursuit of hobbies lead to excellent health and good personal development.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 2.
How is mass media used to ensure community health?
Mass media are used under community welfare programmes to educate people about issues such as taking care of drinking water and food.

Question 3.
How can we lead a wholesome life?
If we take care of our health, it is possible for us to lead a wholesome life.

Question 4.
What happens when people of a society live a healthy and wholesome life?
If people of a society live a healthy and wholesome life, social tensions also decrease and feelings of friendship can be nurtured.

Question 5.
What is addiction?
At first, a person may consume drugs, alcohol or tobacco casually, but later he becomes dependent and cannot give up the habit. This stage is called addiction.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 6.
What happens to people when they are tobacco addicts?
When people develop this habit, they become restless if they do not get tobacco. They are not able to pay attention to anything else as they have to have tobacco in their mouth at all times.

Question 7.
Why should we stay away from drugs, tobacco and alcohol?
Addiction to drugs, alcohol or tobacco eventually kills the person. So everyone should be aware of the ill-effects of these addictions and strictly stay away from them.

Question 8.
How can we help an addict?
An addict should be given the help of counsellors or doctors immediately to rid the person of the habit.

Question 9.
What is the only solution to stay away from bad habits?
Learning to say ‘NO! firmly is the best way to stay away from bad habits.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Burning tyres is not good.
Tyres are made of rubber. When rubber burns it gives out many gases which are poisonous. These gases spread in the air and when inhales these gases affect the health of the people. Burning tyres also causes pollution of air. This will also affect birds and animals. Hence it is not good to burn tyres.

Question 2.
One should not spit on the road.
Spitting on the road spreads infectious diseases if the spit is of a person already suffering from a disease. The spit dries up and it flies in the air and when we inhale this air we get the disease. Hence spitting on the road is not good.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene

Question 3.
One should not throw garbage on the road.
Garbage thrown on the road decays and many flies sit on this. Even water gets stagnated due to garbage and mosquitoes breed there. Decaying garbage emits a foul smell and makes the place dirty. Hence this can affect the people’s health.

Question 4.
State whether true or false? Correct the wrong statements:

  1. Alcoholism causes diseases of liver, intestines, and urinary bladder.
  2. Eating mawa, pan masala are good for health.
  3. Community welfare programmes educate people about safe drinking water and food.
  4. Ban on smoking in public places helps in preventing the bad effects of passive smoking


  1. True
  2. False. Eating pan masala is bad for health.
  3. True
  4. True

Some important factors that are harmful for community health are mentioned below. Some suggested remedies are mentioned in the next box. Add other ill effects and remedies to the respective boxes.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene 1
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene 2
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene 3

What’s the solution?

Question 1.
You have seen one of your friend’s brother smoking and drinking alcohol and he is slowly becoming addicted.
If you see your friend’s, brothers becoming addicted with smoking and drinking alcohol, you should tell this to his parents. Then your friend’s, brother should be taken to a doctor or councellor to rid him of the habit. The family members and friend should support him and help him to give up the habit. Once he is rid of the habit, he should engage himself in some sports or other hobbies.

Question 2.
There is a slum area is your locality where there is lot of filth, dirt and people are living in squalor.
People should be educated about the need to maintain hyginic conditions. The students can plan an awareness drive and do street plays and people should be educated about how they should keep their surroundings clean.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 25 Community Health and Hygiene+

Glossary :

  1. malnutrition – faulty nutrition due to inadequate or unblanced intake of nutrients
  2. envy – a feeling of discontent aroused by someone’s qualities etc.
  3. tuberculosis – a communicable disease that affects the • lungs caused by tubercle bacillus.
  4. epidemic – an outbreak of disease affecting a large population
  5. infectious – communicable by infection
  6. wholesome – promoting healthy body
  7. restless – showing unrest of mind.
  8. passive smoking – involuntary inhalations of tobacco smoke by a nonsmoker,
  9. remedies – treatment that relieves or cures a disease.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 19 Constituents of Food Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 19 Constituents of Food Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
The body requires adequate quantity of protein.
To meet the requirement of protein necessary for our body, we should consume protein rich food. We should include foods like, eggs, meat, fish, pulses, beans and dairy products like cheese, milk, yoghurt etc. in our diet. Vegetarian people should include at least one cup (katon) of dal daily in their diet as that is the only source of protein in their diet.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

2. Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Why are children told to drink milk everyday?
Children are growing tall and hence their bones are also growing. Calcium is needed for strong bones. Hence children need to get large amounts of calcium, for proper growth of bones. Milk is a source of calcium which can supply the required amount of calcium necessary for growth of bones. Therefore children are told to drink milk everyday.

3. Give two sources of each of the following constituents:

Question 1.
Give two sources of each of the following constituents:

ConstituentsExamples of Sources of food
(a) Minerals(1) Milk (2) Green leafy vegetables
(b) Proteins(1) Egg (2) Pulses
(c) Starch(1) Potato (2) Jowar

4. Fill in the blanks:

Question (a)
………………….. in our food give us the ability to resist diseases.
(a) proteins
(b) vitamins
(c) fats
(b) vitamins

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question (b)
Calcium makes our bones …………………… .
(a) strong
(b) weak
(c) smooth
(a) strong

Question (c)
Food stuff that taste sweet contain various kinds of ……………….. .
(a) sugars
(b) jaggery
(c) honey
(a) sugars

Question (d)
A diet that provides all the constituents of food in the right proportions is called a …………….. diet.
(a) irregular
(b) regular
(c) balanced
(c) balanced

5. Answer the following questions.

Question (a)
Of what use are the sugars that we get from the digestion of starch?
The sugars obtained from digestion of starch bum slowly in our body and release energy which is necessary for doing various works.

Question (b)
Name the sources of fibre in our diet.
Sources of fibres in our diet are cereals, like wheat, jowar, bajra etc. from which we make chapati or bhakari and all the fruits and vegetables that we eat.

Question (c)
What are carbohydrates?
Constituents of food like starch, fibres and sugars that provide energy to our body are called carbohydrates.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question (d)
What is meant by malnutrition?
Our diet should supply various constituents like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, viatmins and minerals in the right proportion for proper nourishment and growth. If the diet taken lacks in some constituents over a long period of time, the person does not get proper nourishment. This leads to a condition called malnutrition . Malnutrition has serious consequence on health. Lack of sufficient quantities of proteins and carbohydrates lead to stunted growth.

6. Match the following:

Question 1.
Match the following:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Fats(a) Jowar
2. Proteins(b) Oil
3. Vitamins(c) Bran of cereals
4. Minerals(d) Pulses
5. Starchy foods(e) Iron


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Fats(b) Oil
2. Proteins(d) Pulses
3. Vitamins(c) Bran of cereals
4. Minerals(e) Iron
5. Starchy foods(a) Jowar

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 19 Constituents of Food Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
Starch turns blackish blue when it comes in contact with ………………… solution.
(a) sodium
(b) calcium
(c) iodine
(c) iodine

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 2.
Cereals like jowar, bajra, wheat, rice contain a lot of ………………. .
(a) starch
(b) protein
(c) vitamin
(a) starch

Question 3.
When the starchy foods we eat are digested …………………. are formed.
(a) chocolate
(b) sugars
(c) fuel
(b) sugars

Question 4.
Sugars formed by the digestion of starch act as ………………… of our body.
(a) strength
(b) fuel
(c) muscles
(b) fuel

Question 5.
Fibre is also called …………………. .
(a) muscles
(b) fruits
(c) roughage
(c) roughage

Question 6.
If our diet does not contain enough fibre, it can lead to ……………….. .
(a) constipation
(b) vomiting
(c) fever
(a) constipation

Question 7.
……………… deposited under the skin prevents loss of heat from the body.
(a) Fats
(b) Oil
(c) Muscles
(a) Fats

Question 8.
…………………. are known as the building blocks of our body.
(a) Vitamins
(b) Proteins
(c) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 9.
Night blindness is caused due to lack of …………………… .
(a) vitamin D
(b) vitamin A
(c) vitamin B
(b) vitamin A

Question 10.
Deficiency of ……………….. leads to anaemia.
(a) calcium
(b) protein
(c) iron
(c) iron

Question 11.
When a person does not get enough proteins and carbohydrates through their diet their growth is ………….. .
(a) increased
(b) decreased
(c) stunted
(c) stunted

Question 12.
Sago and sweet potato contain …………………… .
(a) starch
(b) protein
(c) carbohydrates
(a) starch

Question 13.
Cereals like jowar, bajra, wheat, rice contain a lot of ………………… .
(a) protein
(b) starch
(c) fuel
(b) starch

Question 14.
We get …………………. from starchy foods.
(a) fuel
(b) energy
(c) sugar
(b) energy

Question 15.
Our body uses energy for different kinds of …………………. .
(a) food
(b) fuel
(c) work
(c) work

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 16.
Wheat is ground into a ………………… .
(a) fuel
(b) paste
(c) flour
(c) flour

Question 17.
Bran is a …………………. substance.
(a) fibrous
(b) starchy
(c) sticky
(a) fibrous

Question 18.
In the process of digestion, fibre has a function.
(a) festive
(b) special
(c) delicious
(b) special

Question 19.
……………………. helps to form stool from undigested food.
(a) Protein
(b) Sugar
(c) Fibre
(c) Fibre

Question 20.
Oil is a ………………. substance.
(a) fatty
(b) sugary
(c) fibrous
(a) fatty

Question 21.
Paper becomes ………………… when a fatty substance is applied to it.
(a) pulpy
(b) translucent
(c) sticky
(b) translucent

Question 22.
Fats in our food provide ……………… to our body.
(a) energy
(b) starch
(c) sugar
(a) energy

Question 23.
Fats give …………………. as much energy as carbohydrates.
(a) once
(b) twice
(c) thrice
(b) twice

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 24.
The fats we eat get …………………. in our body.
(a) used
(b) digested
(c) stored
(c) stored

Question 25.
The ………………….. undergoes wear and tear continuously.
(a) body
(b) mind
(c) soul
(a) body

Question 26.
Malnutrition has serious …………………. for the person’s health.
(a) essentials
(b) viruses
(c) consequences
(c) consequences


Question (A)
Match the following:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Iron deficiency(a) Weak and brittle bones
2. Calcium deficiency(b) Malnutrition
3. Vitamin A deficiency(c) Weak bones and teeth
4. Vitamin D deficiency(d) Anaemia
5. Proteins and Carbohydrate deficiency(e) Night blindness


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Iron deficiency(d) Anaemia
2. Calcium deficiency(c) Weak bones and teeth
3. Vitamin A deficiency(e) Night blindness
4. Vitamin D deficiency(a) Weak and brittle bones
5. Proteins and Carbohydrate deficiency(b) Malnutrition

Question (B)
Match the following:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Constituent of food giving energy(a) Iron
2. Costituent of food needed for repair(b) Vitamins
3. Constituent of food proetcting internal organs(c) Proteins
4. Constituents of food helping in resisting diseases(d) Carbohydrates
5. Constituent of food necessary to supply enough oxygen(e) Fats


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Constituent of food giving energy(d) Carbohydrates
2. Costituent of food needed for repair(c) Proteins
3. Constituent of food proetcting internal organs(e) Fats
4. Constituents of food helping in resisting diseases(b) Vitamins
5. Constituent of food necessary to supply enough oxygen(a) Iron

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 1.
Give two sources of each of the following constituents:

ConstituentsExamples of Sources of food
(a) Vitamin A(1) Carrots (2) Papaya
(b) Calcium(1) Milk, cheese (Dairy products) (2) brocoli (3) Leafy vegetables
(c) Fats(1) Oils (2) Butter (3) Peanut
(d) Iron(1) Meat (2) Spinach (palak)
(e) Vitamin C(1) Lemon (2) Tomatoes (3) Sprouted pulses
(f) Sugars(1) Fruits (2) Sugarcane
(g) Vitamin D(1) Fish oil like (Cod liver oil) (2) egg yolk
(h) Vitamin B(1) Nuts (2) Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli etc. (3) cereals (wheat, millet)

Answer the following in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
How will you detect the presence of starch in food?
The presence of starch in food is detected by adding iodine solution. If the food turns bluish black then starch is present.

Question 2.
What is a balanced diet?
A diet which provides all the constituents like, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in right quantities is called a balanced diet.

Question 3.
Which food constituents are necessary for normal functioning of various processes in our body and help in maintaining resistance to diseases.
Vitamins and minerals are the food constituents which are necessary for normal functioning of various processes in our body and help in maintaining resistance to diseases.

Question 4.
Why are proteins called building blocks of our body?
Proteins help in healing and repairing of our body which undergoes wear and tear continuously and it also helps in building muscles. Therefore they are called building blocks of our body.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 5.
Which mineral in necessary for carrying oxygen to different parts of our body?
Iron is necessary for carrying oxygen to different parts of our body.

Question 6.
Which minerals and vitamin help to make our bones strong?
Vitamin D and the mineral calcium makes our bones strong.

Question 7.
What do we obtain from cereals?
We obtain flour from cereals like jowar, bajra, wheat and rice.

Question 8.
What is the sugar obtined from jaggery and table sugar called?
Sugar obtained from jaggery and table sugar is called sucrose.

Question 9.
How does fibrous substance help in our digestion?
Fibrous substances help the food to move forward in the alimentary canal at the right speed.

Question 10.
How is carbohydrates useful to the body?
The most important use of carbohydrates is to provide the body with energy.

Question 11.
What happens if our food does not contain enough fibre?
If our food does not contain enough fibre it can lead to constipation.

Question 12.
What does paper becoming translucent signify?
Paper becoming translucent is a sign of the presence of fats in the food stuff kept on it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 13.
Which food item contain fats?
Cream, butter, ghee, oil, nuts, meat, egg, yolk contain fats.

Question 14.
Why does our body store the fats we eat?
Our body store the fats we eat because if sometimes food is not available then it can get energy from the stored fats.

Question 15.
Where does the body store fats?
The body stores fats in a layer under the skin.

Question 16.
How does fats under the skin help us?
The fats under the skin gives shape to the body and like a blanket prevents loss of heat from the body.

Question 17.
How are our internal organs protected?
The layer of fat in the body protects our internal organs, that is why, an injury from outside does not at once cause damage to our bones or other internal organs.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 18.
Why is protein required in our body?
The healing and repair of the tissues in our body goes on all the time without us being aware of it. Proteins are necessary for this process.

Question 19.
Which food stuff contains protein?
All the different daals, pulses, groundnuts, milk and milk products like yoghurt, khoya, paneer, eggs, meat and fish are rich sources of proteins.

Question 20.
What are macronutrients?
Our body requires carbohydrates, fats and proteins in large proportions. These food constituents are called macronutrients.

Question 21.
What are micronutrients?
We need certain food constituents in very small quantities. These are called micronutrients, e.g. vitamins and minerals.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 22.
Which vitamins are most important vitamins?
Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K are the most important vitamins.

Question 23.
Why do we need vitamins in our body?
We need very small quantities of vitamins in . our body as lack of or deficiency of any vitamin
results in serious disorders.

Question 24.
What does deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ lead to?
Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night blindness.

Question 25.
What does deficiency of vitamin D lead to?
Deficiency of vitamin D results in weak and brittle2 bones.

Question 26.
Which minerals are essential for the body?
Minerals like iron, calcium, sodium, potassium are essential for the body.

Question 27.
What is ‘anaemia’?
If there is a deficiency of iron in the blood, the body does not get enough supply of oxygen and one feels constantly weak and tired. This condition is called ‘anaemia’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 28.
What are the sources of vitamins and minerals?
All kinds of fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouted, pulses, their skin and the bran of cereals and pulses are all sources of vitamins and minerals.

Question 29.
What is the requirement for our good health?
For good health, our body should get all the different constituents of food, namely, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the right quantities.

Question 30.
What happens when a person does not get enough carbohydrates and proteins?
If a person does not get enough carbohydrates and proteins, their growth gets stunted, he feels constantly tired and cannot cope with his studies, games or other tasks.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
We should eat fruits with their skins as far as possible.

  1. The skin of fruits contains, fibres, viatmins and minerals.
  2. Vitamins and minerals help our body to resistance.
  3. Vitamins and minerals also help in smooth working of all the process taking place in our body.
  4. The roughage present in skin allow the smooth movement of food in the alimentary canal and hence prevents constipation.

Therefore we should eat fruits with their skins as far as possible.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 2.
Growing children and body builders need to have more proteins in their diet.
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. They are needed for healing and repairing the wear and tear taking place in our body. They are also needed for building muscles. Since building up processes take place more in growing children and body builders, their diet should contain more proteins.

Question 3.
If a person is suffering from anaemia, he constantly feels weak and tired.
A person suffers from anaemia when he has iron deficiency. Iron is present in the blood cells. Iron helps transporting oxygen to various parts of our body. The oxygen is used to bum the sugars slowly and release energy. This energy releases is used for doing various work.

When there is deficiency of iron, sufficient oxygen is not transported and supplied to various parts of the body. Due to less supply oxygen less energy is released from sugars. Due to lack of energy the person suffering from anaemia constantly feels weak and tired.

Question 4.
It is necessary to include some amount of fats in our food.
Fats are stored in our body and when food is not available the body uses this fat to release energy. The fats stored give shape to our body and also prevent loss of heat from our body. This helps in keeping the body warm. The fats also protect our internal organs from damage. Therefore it is necessary to include some amount of fat in our food.

Question 5.
We doesnot wash vegetables after cutting them.
Vegetables conatin vitamins and minerals which get washed away if vegetables are washed after cutting them. Hence we do not wash vegetables after cutting them.

Question 6.
State whether the following statements are right or wrong:

  1. By eating vada pav daily we can fulfill the nutritional requirement of our body.
  2. Deficiency diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet.
  3. Our diet will be balanced diet if it contains, variety of food, like dal, rice, roti, vegetable, cereals and salads.
  4. Daily eating meat alone would provide all the nutrients to the body.
  5. Eating vegetables and fruits makes a person disease resistant.


  1. Wrong
  2. Right
  3. Right
  4. Wrong
  5. Right

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Read the items of food listed below:
Classify them into carbohydrates rich, protein rich and fat rich food and write it in the tabular form.
Chick pea (chana) dal, fish, mustard oil, sweet potato, rice, peas, maize, white bread, sweet corn, paneer, egg, palm oil, ghee, butter.

Carbohydrate richProtein richFat rich
RiceChickpea dal (chana dal)Mustard oil
Sweet potatoFishPalm oil
White breadPaneerButter
Sweet cornEgg

Question 4.
Why do we use a padding of cloth under a mortar, when we place it on the floor and pound something on it?
The cloth serves as shock absorberIt prevents the floor from getting damaged from the vibrations of the mortar and pestle by absorbing these vibrations. Thus we use the cloth to protect the floor and prevent from cracking due to the providng of the mortar and pestle.

Question 5.
How can you test presence of starch in food?
We should take the food item and mash it and put it in a test tube and add some drops of iodine solution. If the colour changes to blackish blue, starch is present. If it remains pale yellow . starch is absent.

Question 6.
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are components of foods which help us to fight diseases and they build up our resistance. They are required in small quantities. There are different kinds of vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, D, K and E. The main sources of vitamins are green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 7.
Why are carbohydrates called energy giving food?
When carbohydrates are digested they are converted to sugars. The sugars combine with oxygen and bum slowly in our body releasing energy. This energy is utilised for doing various work. Hence carbohydrates are called energy giving food.

Question 8.
State the functions of fats in our body.
Fats provide energy like carbohydrates. They are stored in our body and are utilised to provide energy when carbohydrates are not available. They give shape to our body and prevent heat loss. Hence they keep our body warm. They also proetct our internal organs from damage as they act like shock absorber.

What’s the solution?

Question 1.
Sameer is having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. Specially he has difficulty in seeing at night. Doctor suggested he is suffering from Night blindness.
Sameer is suffering from Vitamin A deficiency. So he should include foods rich in vitamin A. He should include foods like carrots, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, raddish, mango, papaya in his diet. He can also take vitamin A drops which are given by the doctors in Municipal hospital.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
What substances do we use to give our food a sweet taste?
We use sugar and jaggery to give our food a sweet taste. Sometimes dates, also are used to give sweet taste.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 2.
What are the preparations that are served as mid day meal?
Mostly Khichdi made by cooking mixture of rice, pulses like moongdal, groundnuts, vegetables etc. is served as mid day meal. This is a whole some food as it serves all the nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fats and vitamins. Sometimes snacks like upma and poha are also served as mid day meal.

Question 3.
Why are boxes of fragile articles like TV, refrigerator, light, bulbs, glasses, mirrors packed with corrugated cardboard, thermocol or bubble wrap?
The corrugated cardboard, thermocol or bubble wrap absorb the shocks, when there is a jerky movement and protect the fragile articles from getting damaged. Therefore they are used for packing these fragile articles.

Question 4.
Suppose a wall is to be built. The cement, sand, water is all there but the mason says the most important material is missing. What can that be?
The bricks which are building blocks are missing. Without these the walls cannot be built.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Use your brain power:

Question 1.
Threads get stick between the teeth when we eat certain types of magoes. Which kind of carbohydrates are they?
The threads found in mangoes are made up of fibres and they are a type of carbohydrate.

Question 2.
Do we get all the different constituents of food from a meal that consists of a green veg thalipeeth eaten with yoghurt?
Thalipeeth is made from a flour made by grinding a mixture of cereals and pulses. Cereals and pulses will provide us with carbohydrate and proteins. Green vegetable added to it will provide us with vitamins and some minerals. Yoghurt will also provide us with minerals and proteins. Therefore we will get all the constituents needed if we eat this green veg thalipeeth with yoghurt.

Question 3.
Which food constituents do we get from the ingredients used to make bhel?
From the murmura or puffed rice used we get carbohydrates. The sev and farsan used provide, proteins and fats. The vegetables like onion, tomato, coriander etc. provide us with vitamins and minerals. The (sweet and hot) chutneys used also provide us with sugars, vitamins and minerals.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 19 Constituents of Food

Question 4.
Why do we feel hungrier in winter than we do in summer?
The sugars obtained by digestion of carbohydrates are slowly burnt to release energy. Some of the energy released is utilised by the body to generate heat and keep the body warm. During winter when the temperature outside is cold. Therefore the body needs to bum more sugar to generate more heat to keep the body warm. Whereas in summer less heat is required so less sugar is burnt to produce heat.

Since more sugar is required in winter to keep the body warm than in summer, we feel hungrier in winter than we do in summer.


  1. resisting – trying to prevent.
  2. brittle – hard but can break easily
  3. stunted – reduced, spoiled.
  4. anaemia – weakness.
  5. malnutrition – lack of proper nutrition
  6. absorber – reduce the effect of
  7. pestle – a device used since ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder.
  8. corrugated – a series of parallel ridges and furrows
  9. fragile – not strong.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Historic Period Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

5th Std EVS 2 Digest Chapter 10 Historic Period Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following question in one sentence.

Question a.
Where did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village settlements?
The people in the New Stone Age established their village-settlements on the banks of rivers.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question b.
What articles were the Harappan craftsmen skilled at making?
The Harappan craftsmen were highly skilled in making bronze objects and beads from semi-precious stones of different colours.

2. Answer the following question in brief.

Question a.
What are some of the well-known characteristics of Harappan cities?
The well-known characteristics of Harappan cities are :

  1. Systematic town planning.
  2. The houses were built in blocks created by parallel roads that crossed each other at right angles.
  3. Huge granaries and spacious houses.
  4. Concern for public hygiene indicated by bathrooms and latrines in every house and a covered drainage system.
  5. Carefully constructed private and public wells.
  6. City divided into two to four parts, each having a separate fortification.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question b.
What made the soil on the banks of the Nile fertile?

  1. The river Nile gets flooded every year.
  2. The land along her banks has become very fertile due to flood deposits.
  3. Small embankments were built on the river to store the floodwater.
  4. After the soil in the flood water settled to the bottom, the water was used for irrigation.

3. Complete the following chart.

Question 1.
Complete the following chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period 1

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Activities :

Question a.
Show the sites of Harappan Culture in an outline map of india.

Question b.
Visit various artistes in your locality who play musical instruments. Collect information a bout their instruments.

Question c.
Visit some senior citizens in your locality and collect information about the traditional sports and games of their times.

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 10 Historic Period Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.

  1. ………………….. records are available in the form of inscriptions, manuscripts, books, etc.
  2. We humans change the natural character of our …………….. to some extent.
  3. Humans do not eat their ……………….. in its natural form as other animals do.
  4. Humans make pots, bricks and many other things from ……………
  5. Cultures which flourished in the New Stone Age were based on an ………………… way of life.
  6. Fertile soil and constant water supply are essential to grow good ………
  7. People in the New Stone Age established their village-settlements on the banks of various
  8. New Stone Age cultures gave rise to early …………
  9. The civilizations of the four regions are known as ……… Civilizations.
  10. Mesopotamia is the name of a ………………….
  11. Mesopotamia means the ………………… between two rivers.
  12. Ancient Mesopotamia was the land between two rivers ………………….. and …………
  13. Ancient ……………. has great cities like Ur, Uruk, Nippur etc.
  14. The river ………………. flows through the eastern part of the Sahara Desert
  15. One of the ancient civilizations that flourished along the banks of river Nile is known as ……………… civilization
  16. The ancient civilization of China developed and flourished in the valley of the ……………… river.
  17. According to the Chinese tradition, a king named ………………….. introduced agriculture, animal husbandry, carts, chariots, boats and clothing in China.
  18. Luoyang, Beijing and Chang are among the important cities of ancient ………… .
  19. The earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent is known as ………… civilization.
  20. ……………. in Punjab and …… Sind are the two sites of the ………………… civilization.
  21. The Harappan worshipped……………. and a mother goddess.
  22. ……………….. and ………………. were important means of entertainment in Harappan civilization.
  23. Games played with the help of game boards and ………….. were also popular.
  24. Music and ……………. were also very important in the early civilization.
  25. Ancient people used many types of ……… instruments.
  26. In Mesopotamia, a stringed instrument ………… known as ……………… was very popular.
  27. Egyptian kings were known as ………..
  28. A bronze image of a …………….. was found in excavation at Mohen-jo-daro.


  1. written
  2. surroundings
  3. food
  4. clay
  5. agricultural
  6. crop
  7. rivers
  8. civilizations
  9. Riverine
  10. region
  11. and
  12. Tigris, Euphrates
  13. Mesopotamia
  14. Nile
  15. Egyptian
  16. Huang He
  17. Huangdi
  18. China
  19. Harappan
  20. Harappa, Mohen-jo-daro
  21. Pashupati
  22. hunting, wrestling
  23. gamesmen
  24. dance
  25. musical
  26. Balag
  27. Pharaoh
  28. dancer.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Answer each of the following questions in one sentence :

Question 1.
How are written records available?
Written records are available in the form of inscriptions, manuscripts, books etc.

Question 2.
What brought an end to the New Stone Age?
With the rise of ancient civilization, the New Stone Age came to an end and the Historic Period began.

Question 3.
What is a significant difference between humans and animals?
Animals do not bring about change in their environment, whereas humans change the character of their surroundings, they process substances from nature to suit their needs. This is the significant difference between humans and animals.

Question 4.
Where did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village-settlements?
The people in the New Stone Age established their village settlements on the banks of various rivers.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 5.
Why did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village-settlements on the banks of various rivers?
Fertile soil and constant water supply are essential to grow good crops. Since the people in the New Stone Age followed the agricultural way of life, they established their village settlements on the banks of various rivers.

Question 6.
What gave rise to the early civilizations?
Increased production because of industrial skills, the use of the wheel, flourishing of trade, use of well-developed scripts etc. gave rise to the early civilization.

Question 7.
In which four regions of the world did the ancient civilization come into existence?
Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indian subcontinent and China are the four regions of the world where ancient civilization came into existence.

Question 8.
What are these four civilizations called? Why?
The ancient civilizations in these four regions developed in river valleys and hence they are called ‘Riverine Civilizations!

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 9.
What does Mesopotamia mean?
Mesopotamia means ‘Land between two rivers’

Question 10.
Between which two rivers did Mesopotamia bloom?
Mesopotamia bloomed between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

Question 11.
Which were the ancient cities in Mesopotamia?
Cities like Ur, Uruk, Nippur blossomed in ancient Mesopotamia.

Question 12.
Where did the Egyptian Civilization flourish?
The Egyptian Civilization flourished along the banks of river Nile in the north of Africa.

Question 13.
Where did the ancient civilization at China flourish?
The ancient civilization of China flourished in the valley of the Huang He River.

Question 14.
What did the Chinese King introduce to the civilization?
A Chinese king Huangdi introduced agriculture, animal husbandry, wheeled carts and chariots, boats and clothing in China.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 15.
What was the ancient Chinese belief?
The ancient Chinese believed that their queen invented the technique of silk production and silk dyeing

Question 16.
Which were the important cities of ancient China?
Luoyang, Beijing and Chang were the important cities of ancient China.

Question 17.
Which was the earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent?
The Harappan Civilization was the earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent.

Question 18.
Where did the Harappan Civilization develop?
The Harappan Civilization developed in the Indus Valley.

Question 19.
‘Indus’ is the English word for which name?
‘Indus is the English word for the name ‘Sindhu’.

Question 20.
Which two sites of Harappan Civilization was unearthed first?
Harappa in Punjab and Mohenjo-daro in Sind were the two sites of Harappan Civilization.

Question 21.
Which are the famous sites of the Harappan Civilization in India?
Lothal and Dhola Vira in Gujarat and Kalibangan in Rajasthan are among the famous sites of the Harappan Civilization in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 22.
What articles were the Harappan craftsmen skilled at making?
The Harappan craftsmen were highly skilled in making bronze objects and beads from precious stones of various colours.

Question 23.
Which things had great demand in Mesopotamia?
The bronze objects and beads made of colourful precious stones made by the Harappan craftsman were in great demand in Mesopotamia.

Question 24.
Which were the main deities of the Harappan civilization?
Pashuapati and a mother goddess were the main deities of the Harappan civilization.

Question 25.
Which were the important sports of the Harappans?
Hunting and wrestling were the important sports of the Harappans.

Question 26.
Which were the popular indoor games of the Harappans?
Games played with the help of game boards and gamesmen were popular indoor games of the Harappans.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 27.
Which indoor game similar to chess was played in ancient Egypt?
Senat’ a game similar to chess was played in ancient Egypt

Question 28.
List some toys found in the excavations of Harappan sites.
Whirls, whistles, rattles, bullock carts, animals and birds on wheels etc were some of the ‘toy’ found in the excavations of Harappan sites.

Question 29.
What was important in celebrating any festival in early civilizations?
Music and dance were very essential in elebrating any festival in early civilizations.

Question 30.
What is ‘Balag’?
In Mesopotamia, a stringed instrument known as ‘Balag’ was very popular.

Question 31.
Name some musical instruments in early civilization.
Cymbals, rattles, flutes, drums etc. were some of the musical instrumentof the early civilization

Question 32.
What were the Egyptian kings known as?
The Egyptian kings were known as ‘Pharaohs’?

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 33.
What did the Pharaoh do on the occasion of certain festivals?
On the occasion of certain festivals, the Pharaoh himself used to participate in the celebrations and dance.

Question 34.
What shows that dance was important in the Harappan Civilization?
The bronze image of a dancer found in the excavation’ at Mohen-jo-daro is evidence that dance was important in the Harappan Civilization.

Question 35.
On what did humans and all other animals depend for satisfying their needs?
Humans and all other animals depend on their environment and nature for satisfying their needs.

Question 36.
What are the characteristics of the earthen pots of the Harappan?
The characteristics of the earthen ports are that they are well-baked, red in colour with beautiful designs.

Answer the following questions in brief.

Question 1.
What is ‘culture’?

  1. Every generation hands over the knowledgeof artistic skills and tradition to the next generation.
  2. With this exchange of thoughts and ideas, language becomes richer and richer.
  3. The knowledge of various arts, skills and tradition inherited from generation to generation and the way of life founded on that knowledge is ‘culture

Question 2.
What made the soil fertile on the banks of Nile?
i. River Nile gets flooded every year. The land along her banks becomes very fertile because of the flood deposits.
ii. Ancient Egyptians used to build small embankments on the river to store the flood water. After the soil in the flood water settles at the bottom, the water is then used for irrigation

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Question 3.
What are the characteristics of the earthen pots made by the Harappans?
The characteristics of the earthen pots made by the Harappans are

  1. Well baked pots, red in colour.
  2. These pots had beautiful designs like pipal leaves and fish scales.
  3. When tapped, these pots produced a metallic sound.

Question 4.
Explain how music and dance were very important in early civilizations.

  1. Music and dance were very important in the early civilizations.
  2. They were an essential part of celebrating a festival.
  3. Ancient people used many types of musical instruments like balag, cymbals, rattles, flutes, drums, etc.
  4. A bronze image of a dancer was found in the excavation at Mohen-jo-daro is evidence that dance too, was important in the Harappan Civilization.

Question 5.
Which were the games and sports of the ancient civilizations?

  1. Hunting and wrestling were important sports in the ancient civilizations.
  2. There were several games played on game boards like chess.
  3. In ancient Egypt people played a game that was similar to chess known as Senat’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 10 Historic Period

Glossary :

  1. rattles : an instrument making rattling sound
  2. cymbals : brass instruments
  3. worshipped : prayed to
  4. bloomed : sprout out
  5. dyeing : add a colour to or change a colour
  6. excavation : a site that has ben escavated
  7. fertile : capable of producing vegetation
  8. spacious : having ample space
  9. drainage : all the components that carry the sewage and other waste water to a point of disposal
  10. hygiene : maintaining cleanlines
  11. metallic : made of metal

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

5th Std EVS 2 Digest Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Textbook Questions and Answers

1. From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.

Question 1.
From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.


a. Stone tools : ………. Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : ………… Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : …………. Age.
a. Stone tools : Stone Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : Copper Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : Iron Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

2. Arrange the following in chronological order.

Question a.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper
  2. Gold
  3. Iron


  1. Gold
  2. Copper
  3. Iron.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper Age
  2. Iron Age
  3. Stone Age


  1. Stone Age
  2. Copper Age
  3. Iron Age.

3. Write about the consequence of the following event.

Question a.
Discovery of copper …………
Copper was used for making tools and implements by humans.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Discovery of wheel ………..
The wheel was first used by the potters and later for running bullock carts and chariots.

Question c.
Use of script …………
The script is used for permanent record-keeping production and other events.

4. Write notes.

Question a.
Use of metal.

  1. Christian Thomsen studied the pre-historic artifacts and antique objects and introduced the ‘Three Age System’ for classifying these objects.
  2. The objects were classified into the following order :
    • Stone tools
    • Copper tools and articles
    • Iron tools and articles.
  3. Gold was the first metal used. It was a soft metal and could not be used to make tools and implements.
  4. Humans discovered copper to make tools and thereby the ‘Copper Age’ began.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Social organization in the ancient cities

  1. The roots of culture in cities were in the culture of village-settlements of the New Stone Age.
  2. The earlier faith system, social life, and festivals became more elaborate in cities.
  3. Grand temples were built in many cities. Chiefs of these temples became chief administrators of these cities. Later the positions of temple head and King were held by the same individual.

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.

  1. ……….. in Europe had large collections of pre-historic artefacts and antique objects.
  2. A scholar named .. ……….. introduced a method for classifying the pre-historic artefacts.
  3. The method put forth by Thomsen is called the Three ………… System.
  4. Thomsen established with the help of evidence that ……………. tools were the earliest.
  5. The period of ………………. tools and articles was next.
  6. It is a belief that ………………….. was the first metal to come into use.
  7. Actually, ……. Was the first metal to be used.
  8. ……………could not be used to make tools and implements.
  9. The invention of the …………….. is the most important invention.
  10. The ………… was first used by potters.
  11. Once the potters began to use a wheel, it became possible to make pots in …….. numbers.
  12. People started making …………… pots with beautiful designs painted on them.
  13. As the scale of production increased, ……….. too expanded with it.
  14. Wheeled vehicles like ……….. and ………. were first to come into use.
  15. It became necessary to keep permanent …… of the expanding trade and growing production.
  16. Rise in trade had been a major factor that contributed to the emergence and development of ………… .
  17. The social life and …………… based on agricultural faith systems became more elaborate in cities.
  18. Grand …………. were built in many cities.
  19. Chiefs of those temples became chief ………… of these cities.
  20. The positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the …………… individual
  21. Urban culture had its roots in the culture …………. of the New Stone Age.


  1. museums
  2. Christian Thomsen
  3. Age
  4. stone
  5. copper
  6. copper
  7. gold
  8. gold
  9. wheel
  10. wheel
  11. large
  12. symmetrical
  13. trade
  14. cart, chariots
  15. records
  16. cities
  17. festivals
  18. temples
  19. administrators
  20. same
  21. village-settlements.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Answer each of the following question in one sentence:

Question 1.
Where were the artefacts and antique objects placed?
Pre-historic artefacts and antique objects were placed in museums in Europe.

Question 2.
Who introduced the system of classifying the artefacts?
A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced the method for classifying the artefacts.

Question 3.
What was the system introduced by Christian Thomsen called?
The classifying system by Thomsen was called the “Three Age System’.

Question 4.
Into which periods were the artefacts classified?
They were classified into three periods i.e. Stone Age, Copper Age and Iron Age respectively.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
Which was the first metal to be used?
Gold was the first metal to be used.

Question 6.
Why could gold not be used to make tools and implements?
Gold is a soft metal so it could be used to make tools and implements.

Question 7.
Which other metal was discovered?
Copper was discovered.

Question 8.
Which was the most important invention in the Copper Age?
The invention of the wheel was the most important invention in the Copper Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 9.
By whom was the wheel first used by?
Wheel was first used by potters.

Question 10.
With the use of wheel, what was possible for the potters?
With the use of the wheel, the potters were able to make a large number of symmetrical and beautiful pots.

Question 11.
Why did potters and other craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlements?
In the village settlements, the potters and craftsmen lived close to each other so as to manage their work more easily.

Question 12.
What led to the expansion of trade?
Increase in production led to the expansion of the trade.

Question 13.
Which wheeled vehicles came in to use?
Wheeled vehicles like carts and chariots came into use.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 14.
What happened when carts and chariots were introduced?
Long distance trade and rapid transport of goods became possible with the introduction of wheels into transport.

Question 15.
What became necessary due to the expanding trade?
It became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population

Question 16.
What was used to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing production?
Script was developed for the purpose of keeping permanent records of expanding trade and growing production.

Question 17.
What did rise in trade contribute to?
Rise in trade contributed to the emergence and development of cities.

Question 18.
What was built in cities?
Grand temples were built in cities.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 19.
Who became the chief administrator of the cities?
The chiefs of the temple became the chief administrator of the cities.

Question 20.
What did the position of temple-head merge into?
The position of the temple-head merged into that of the king.

Answer each of the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Explain in brief the ‘Three Age System’.

  1. A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced this method of classifying pre historic artefacts.
  2. Thomsen classified the objects into three groups.
    • Stone Age – Stone tools
    • Copper Age – Copper tools and other copper articles.
    • Iron Age – Iron tools and other iron articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 2.
Which village settlements expanded rapidly?

  1. Potters and craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlement so as to manage their work more easily.
  2. This became the industrial area of that village where skilled craftsmen had their settlements and centres of production
  3. This happened mainly in those village settlements where the raw material was easily available and in those which were conveniently situated for trade.
  4. Such village-settlements expanded rapidly.

Question 3.
Why was the need to maintain records felt?
i. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.
ii. Therefore, it became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population.

Question 4.
How did each culture develop its own script?

  1. There was an increase in trade and production and also the growth in the volume of records to be kept
  2. This resulted in much modification and improvement in the signs and symbols used for these purposes.
  3. In this way, each culture developed its own script.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
How did kingship develop in cities?

  1. Grand temples were built in many cities that had prospered due to the rise in trade.
  2. Chiefs of those temples became chief administrators of those cities.
  3. Later, the positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the same individual.
  4. This is how initially kingship developed in the ancient urban civilizations.

Question 6.
How did the people engaged in different
types of work come together?

  1. Expansion of village-settlements resulted in increase in production.
  2. Due to increase in production, trade too expanded and there was then a need to change the old systems of transport.
  3. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 7.
What is ‘pivot?
i. A pointed quartz pebble fixed at the bottom of a potter’s wheel is called a pivot.
ii. When the potter’s wheel is put in motion, it is balanced on this pivot and thus revolves with a great speed.

Question 8.
Into how many groups is the Three Age System’ classified?
The Three Age System’, is classified into.

  • Stone Age – Stone tools
  • Copper Age – Copper tools and other articles
  • Iron Age – Iron tools and other articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Glossary :

  1. antique : ancient, hare
  2. classifying : separating
  3. Urban : of a town or city
  4. rapid : fast
  5. scripts : written text
  6. emergence : process of coming into existence
  7. durable : able to withstand pressure or damages

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 20 Our Emotional World

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 20 Our Emotional World

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question (a)
Just as man is able to think, he is also …………….. .
(a) emotional
(b) sensational
(c) fascinating
(a) emotional

Question (b)
We must always think about the …………………. in our friends first.
(a) vices
(b) virtues
(c) abnormalities
(b) virtues

2. Answer in one sentence.

Question (a)
How does a balanced personality develop?
A balanced personality develops, when we learn to cope with our emotions.

Question (b)
Why does our attitude of co-operation and understanding decrease?
Our attitude of co-operation and understanding decreases when we become short tempered and stubborn.

Question (c)
What must we do after we have found the flaws in our nature?
After we have found the flaws in our nature, we must try to correct them ourselves.

3. Answer in short.

Question (a)
What is meant by ‘coping with emotions’?

  1. If someone does something wrong, we get angry.
  2. We must not lose our temper.
  3. We must be able to keep a balance between our thoughts and emotions.
  4. If we think properly, we can control or cope with our emotions.

Question (b)
What are the harmful effects of anger?
The harmful effects of anger are:

  1. It affects our body and mind.
  2. We become short tempered and stubborn.
  3. Our attitude of co-operation and understanding decreases.
  4. We hurt others.
  5. We face consequence such as headaches, loss of sleep and dullness.

Question (c)
Why must we know our flaws?
We must know our flaws so that
(a) We can improve upon them.
(b) Just because we are unable to do something, it does not mean that we stop trying to excel at what we can do.

Write how you will react:

Question (a)
Your teacher does not listen to you.
I will be patient and wait for an opportunity to speak to my teacher.

Question (b)
Your parents ask for your opinion while making decisions.
I will think on the matter and try to give my opinion.

Question (c)
Your friend got a big prize.
I will be happy and congratulate him for his success.

Question (d)
Your classmates praise you.
I will thank my friends.

Question (e)
Rohan insulted you in class.
I will feel sad. But wait for the correct opportunity to speak to him about his behaviour.

What will you do in this situation?

Question (a)
Rohini won a prize in an essay competition.
I will be happy and congratulate her for her good work.

Question (b)
Kavita refuses to eat her tiffin because she was angry.
I will speak to her and tell her to control her anger and eat her tiffin.

Question (c)
Veena keeps herself to herself at school.
I will try befriend her and make her involve in school activities.

Question (d)
Makarand says, “I can’t help it if I have a stubborn personality.”
I will make Makarand understand that being stubborn leads to misunderstanding and hurting others.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
……………… adjustments involves coping with your emotions, controlling and impressing them in a reasonable manner.
(a) Psychological
(b) Physical
(c) Emotional
(c) Emotional

Question 2.
………………… is an emotion just like happiness
or sadness.
(a) Happiness
(b) Anger
(c) Sadness
(b) Anger

Question 3.
If we speak about our flaws as openly as we speak about our talents, it will be to our ……………… .
(a) disadvantage
(b) advantage
(c) control
(b) advantage

Question 4.
Human nature has many ………………….. aspects.
(a) similar
(b) different
(c) equal
(b) different

Question 5.
Anger, joy, sorrow, jealousy, disappointment, fear etc. are all …………….. .
(a) emotions
(b) motions
(c) demotions
(a) emotions

Question 6.
We should be able to strike a ……………….. between our thoughts and emotions.
(a) difference
(b) match
(c) balance
(c) balance

Question 7.
If someone does something wrong, we get …………………. .
(a) angry
(b) happy
(c) sad
(a) angry

Question 8.
It is natural to desire something but we must not be ………………… for it.
(a) hungry
(b) greedy
(c) emotional
(b) greedy

Question 9.
If we think properly we can control our ………………….. .
(a) emotions
(b) hunger
(c) thirst
(a) emotions

Question 10.
We get angry if we see someone being
(a) angry
(b) cursing
(c) ill-treating
(c) ill-treating

Question 11.
We may be good at some subject, art or sport and just as ……………….. at another.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) ugly
(b) bad

Question 12.
Just because we are unable to do something it does not mean that we stop trying to ……………… at what we can do.
(a) learn
(b) excel
(c) diminish
(b) excel

Question 13.
We must help each other to get rid of our ……………… .
(a) flaws
(b) friendship
(c) goodness
(a) flaws

Question 14.
Once we know the flaws in our nature, we must try to …………………. them ourselves.
(a) try
(b) improve
(c) correct
(c) correct

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is the adverse effect of anger?
If anger cannot be controlled it will have adverse effect on our body and mind.

Question 2.
Name some human emotions.
Anger, joy, sorrow, jealousy, disappointment, fear are some of human emotions.

Question 3.
What is emotional adjustment?
Emotional adjustment is coping with our emotions, being able to control them and expressing them in a reasonable manner.

Question 4.
When do we become free from faults such as blaming other unneccessarily?
When we learn to cope with our emotions, our personality becomes balanced, we are able to understand others and overcome difficult situations. It is then that we become free from faults such as blaming others unnecessarily.

Question 5.
Why is it necessary to know our flaws and talents?
We must know our flaws and talents so that we can improve upon them.

Question 6.
How must we always think about our friends?
We must always think about the good qualities or virtues in our friends.

Question 7.
Why must we know our flaws?
Once we know the flaws in our nature, we can then try to correct them ourselves.

Question 8.
Why should the aspects of our nature that bothers us and others be changed?
We must try hard to change this aspect as it may take the shape of flaws in our personality.

Can you tell?

Question (A)
Are the following persons coping well with their emotions? Put (✓) if they are, put (✗) if they aren’t.
1. Ramesh told Suresh that Amit had said something bad about him. Suresh decided to react only after confirming the facts. (✓)
2. Chhaya and Meena usually make equal progress in their studies. The teacher praised Chhaya’s essay. This made Meena angry and she decided not to speak to Chhaya. (✗)
3. Dinesh took Manoj’s pen and pencil from his bag and hid them. Later, he said, ‘Sorry’ to Manoj and promised not to do it again. (✓)
4. Sunita wanted to go to the market with her mother, but for some reason, her mother had to leave early. Sunita was angry with her mother. But later, she asked her mother the reason why she had to leave early. Her anger subsided when she learnt the reason. (✗)


Question 1.
Manoj says, “I’m going to school!” and instead goes to the playground to play. Is this correct?
No, what Manoj has done is incorrect.

Question 2.
What will you tell a friend who has a habit of borrowing things and not returning them on time?
I will tell my friend that borrowing things from friends is not a good habit and even if any thing is borrowed it must be returned otherwise it is just like robbing.

What would you do?

Question 1.
Ranjit and Abhay are fighting over who gets to sit on the first bench. They are both very angry. They are close to throwing each other’s bags.
I will try to make them understand that they can take turns to sit on the first bench instead
of fighting.

Question 2.
Hemant wants to take part in the kabbadi competition, but he is shy. He is nervous about telling it to the teacher.
I would take Hemant to our sports teacher and tell him about Hemant’s desire to join the Kabaddi team.

Question 3.
Rekha accidently took Nisha’s notebook home.
Rekha can call Nisha and inform her that the book is with her and promise to bring it the next day to school.


1. short-tempered – to get angry quickly
2. flaws – weakness.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question a.
We need to make a sherbet quickly for some guests. But we only have sugar candy in the house.
We can pound sugar candy into a fine powder. When the powder is fine, it will quickly dissolve in water. Therefore we can make sherbet quickly.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question b.
We need to rub salt on a corncob but only salt crystals are available.
We can pound salt crystals. Either we can use mortar pestle or we can also crush the crystals of salt in a grinder. Such powdered salt can be easily applied on the corncob.

2. Use your brain power!

Question a.
Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day ?
Tablets of Camphor are in solid state. Camphor has a property to turn into gaseous state directly from a solid state. Therefore, camphor decreases in size gradually. One can also notice the fragrance of camphor as it turns into vapour.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question b.
How do we save fuel by using public transport ?
Each automobile vehicle needs fuel either in the form of petrol, diesel, or CNG. If all the people use a separate vehicle, the amount of fuel consumed would be much more. If many people start using public transport, fuel consumption would be reduced. A single bus or a train can carry many people and thus it can save lots of fuel.

3. Answer the following questions.

Question a.
When and why do clothes smell of naphthalene?
The naphthalene balls are continuously converted into small particles in the gaseous state. These particles settle down on the clothes in which they are kept. Therefore if naphthalene balls are kept for a long time in the clothes, they smell of naphthalene due to these particles.

Question b.
In which states is water found in nature?
Water is found in all three states in nature, solid, liquid and gaseous state. Ice is the solid state of water. Water in lakes, sea etc. are in liquid state and steam or vapour is the gaseous state of water.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question c.
What is the difference between the solid, liquid and gaseous states of a substance?
The differences in the solid, liquid and gaseous state of substances is given in the table below:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy 1

Question d.
What is meant by energy?
The capacity to do the work is called energy.

Activities :

Question 1.
Make different kinds of articles from clay.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 2.
Visit a wood workshop and observe the work being done there.

Question 3.
Obtain some information about the power generation plants in Maharashtra and present it in the classroom.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
All substances we see around us are made up of very tiny ………
(a) dust
(b) particles
(c) mud
(b) particles

Question 2.
…………….. of particles of any substance must come together to form a particle that can be visible to our eyes.
(a) Lakhs
(b) Thousands
(c) Hundreds
(a) Lakhs

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 3.
Naphthalene balls which are kept open are continuously converted to small particles in the …… state.
(a) liquid
(b) solid
(c) gaseous
(c) gaseous

Question 4.
Different substances have different …………..
(a) material
(b) properties
(c) code
(b) properties

Question 5.
…………… is required to do work.
(a) Energy
(b) Strength
(c) Health
(a) Energy

Question 6.
When something burns energy is released in the form of …………..
(a) heat
(b) rain
(c) cold
(a) heat

Question 7.
Energy in the form of motion is called ……… energy.
(a) Kinesthetic
(b) Kinetic
(c) Solar
(b) Kinetic

Question 8.
Stores of …………….. and ……. which are used as fuels, on earth are limited.
(a) mineral oil
(b) uranium
(c) coal
(a) mineral oil, (c) coal

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 9.
Energy obtained from sun is called …………… energy
(a) lunar
(b) solar
(c) tidal
(b) solar

Question 10.
Energy obtained by breaking the tiniest particle of a substance is called …
(a) solar
(b) atomic
(c) kinetic
(b) atomic

Question 11.
Sunlight, wind and water are ……………. sources of energy
(a) exhaustible?
(b) depleting
(c) non-exhaustible
(c) non-exhaustible

Question 12.
When iron or copper is made smooth with a file, we get …………….. of iron or copper.
(a) particles
(b) soil
(c) saudust
(a) particles

Question 13.
Liquids are also made of small…….
(a) droplets
(b) particles
(c) dust
(b) particles

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 14.
…………… is found in three states – solid, liquid and gaseous.
(a) Mineral oil
(b) Carbon
(c) Water
(c) Water

Question 15.
In nature, every substance occurs in a………… state.
(a) special
(b) specific
(c) partial
(b) specific

Question 16.
Aluminium and coal are is. ………. state.
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(a) solid

Question 17.
Kerosene and petrol are in ……
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(b) liquid

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 18.
Nitrogen and Oxygen are in … ………….state.
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(c) gaseous

Question 19.
The capacity of a body to do work is called
(a) work out
(b) energy
(c) exercise
(b) energy

Question 20.
When petrol or diesel burns in a motor vehicle, …………… gets released.
(a) fire
(b) fuel
(c) energy
(c) energy

Question 21.
Machines can be run using ……………….
(a) energy
(b) fuels
(c) water
(b) fuels

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 22.
Coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol are all substances from which energy is obtained in form of
(a) heat
(b) rain
(c) cold
(a) heat

Question 23.
When a person or vehicle moves, heat energy gets converted into …….
(a) electricity
(b) rain
(c) motion
(c) motion

Question 24.
Electricity is also a form of ………….
(a) machine
(b) energy
(c) heat
(b) energy

Question 25.
We use ……………. to run the T.V.
(a) wires
(b) plugs
(c) electricity
(c) electricity

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 26.
In a solar cooker …………………. energy is used.
(a) solar
(b) electricity
(c) L.P.G.
(a) solar

Question 27.
Plants use……. to prepare their food.
(a) LPG
(b) induction
(c) sunlight
(c) sunlight

Question 28.
When we burn substances like coal or mineral oil, the …………………. energy, they contain is converted into heat energy.
(a) solar
(b) stored
(c) lunar
(b) stored

Question 29.
Stores of coal and mineral oil on earth are
(a) unlimited
(b) limited
(c) plenty
(b) limited

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 30.
………… batteries produce electricity using sunlight
(a) Water
(b) Solar
(c) Tidal
(b) Solar

Name the following:

Question 1.
Any three substances found in solid state.
Iron, copper, aluminium, wood

Question 2.
Three substances found in liquid state.
Water, milk, cough syrup.

Question 3.
Three substances found in gaseous state.
Naphthalene balls, iodine crystals

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 4.
Substances which goes into gaseous state directly from solid state.
Naphthalene balls

Question 5.
Properties of substances.
Transparency, hardness, colour, smell, solubility in water.

Question 6.
Fuels used for running machines.
LPG, CNG, coal, diesel, petrol.

Question 7.
Examples of kinetic energy.
Moving wind mill, sailing boats, running water, moving car etc.

Question 8.
Forms of energy.
Sound, heat, light, electricity.

Question 9.
Main source of energy used by us.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 10.
Energy sources which do not cause pollution
Wind energy, solar energy.

Answer in one sentence :

Question 1.
What are all subtances made up of?
All substances are made up of fine particles.

Question 2.
Why do naphthalene balls grow smaller in size and gradually disappear?
Naphthalene when left open continuously gets converted into small gaseous particles, so, as these particles leave the naphthalene balls, they grow smaller is size and slowly disappear.

Question 3.
Which substance is found in all three states?
Water is found in all three states – solid, liquid and gaseous.

Question 4.
What are the different properties of substance?
Different substances have different properties, like hardness, transparency, colour, smell, solubility in water etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 5.
What is ‘energy?
The capacity of a body to do work is called energy

Question 6.
How is energy released?
When petrol or diesel burns in a motor vehicle, energy gets released.

Question 7.
Name some substance from which energy is obtained.
Coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol are all substances from which energy is obtained.

Question 8.
What is Kinetic energy?
Energy in the form of motion is called Kinetic energy.

Question 9.
Why should we find alternate sources of energy?
Stores of coal and mineral oil on earth are very limited and fast depleting therefore we must find alternate sources of energy.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 10.
What are solar batteries?
Batteries which produce electricity using sunlight are called solar batteries.

Question 11.
Why should we make a habit of using minimum amount of electricity?
In any method of electricity generation, resources from the environment have to be used. Hence, we should make a habit to conserve electricity

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
What uses of heat energy do we see in our daily life?
We use heat energy to cook food, to heat water, to press our clothes, to keep us warm during cold winters in areas where temperature is very low, etc.

Question 2.
Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day?
Camphor particles present in the tablets escape by getting converted directly to gaseous state. Therefore the tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 3.
How do we save fuel by using public transport?
If people drive car instead of using public transport while going to work, more fuel will be burnt, as each car will burn the fuel to release energy and work. However if public transport is used. We need to use fuel, only for one transport vehicle. Hence it will save a lot of fuel if people use the public transport.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is meant by energy? Name the sources of energy
The capacity of a body to do work is called energy. Energy is obtained by burning fuel is in the form of heat. This heat is used to do work. The sources of energy are the sun, coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol, wind, moving water and electricity

Question 2.
What is the original source of energy for the electricity produced at a thermal power station? How is electricity generated?
In a thermal power station coal is the original source of energy. Here coal is burnt to release heat. The heat generated is utilised to convert water to steam. Then steam is used to rotate the turbines. As the turbine rotates electricity is produced.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Can you tell?

1. Write a few lines on the black board with a chalk. Now observe the chalk.

Question a.
What change do you see in the chalk?
The chalk becomes smaller in size, after writing.

Question b.
Why did the chalk become smaller in size after writing on the board?
When we wrote on the board the pieces of chalk stick to board, therefore the chalk became smaller in size.

2. Wipe the board with a duster and then tap the duster against the table.

Question a.
What do you see?
A fine white particles of chalk fell of the duster when we tapped it against the table.

Question b.
From where did these white particles come?
When we rubbed the board, the chalk particles from the board stuck to the duster and when we tapped the duster these chalk particles fell.

Question c.
If there is a sudden shower, we take shelter under a roof on the road side. Even though the rain does not fall on us directly we get wet to some extent why?
The raindrops slow down the roof and fall on the ground. They break into fine droplets when they fall and bounce off the ground. These droplets make us wet. Hence though the rain does not fall on us directly we get wet to some extent.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question d.
Asmita went to buy an earthen pot. There she saw many things kept for sale. How did she identify what she needed? From what substance had the potter made all the things?
Asmita identified the things kept from their shape and colour. The potter had made all the things using clay.

Question e.
What is the difference between a substance and an object?
Difference between substance and object is given below:

1. Substances are made up of tiny particles.1. Objects are made using substances.
2. Substances may or may not have definite shape. They occur in a specific state.2. Objects have definite shape. Their parts are put together in a particular way.
3. Wood, aluminium, coal, iron etc are examples of substances.3. Table, chair, flower pots, lamp etc. are examples of objects.

Question f.
There is a car. Its tank is full of fuel, but it does not move. Why is that?
The energy has to be released from the fuel to make the car move. The energy is released when the petrol burns. The petrol starts burning only after we turn on the car engine. Since the engine is not on, the car does not move even when its tank is full of fuel.

Question g.
When we have run a long distance, we feel tired. We have to stop. Why is that?
We need energy to run. Hence when we run a long distance, the food present in the body is continuously burn to release energy. This energy is used to do the work of running. After running a long distance the food gets exhausted and the energy released decreases and therefore we feel tired and we stop.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Glossary :

  1. fossil fuel – fuel formed in the earth o from plant or animal remains
  2. exhaustible – the resources which can not be renewed or recycled
  3. depleting – reduction in quantity
  4. corncob – core of Indian com.