Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 7.3 Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 7.3 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration.

Practice Set 7.3 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 7 Mensuration

Practice Set 7.3 Geometry Class 10 Question 1.
Radius of a circle is 10 cm. Measure of an arc of the circle is 54°. Find the area of the sector associated with the arc. (π = 3.14)
Given : Radius (r) = 10 cm,
Measure of the arc (θ) = 54°
To find : Area of the sector.
Area of sector = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times \pi r^{2}\)
= \(\frac { 54 }{ 360 } \) × 3.14 × (10)2
= \(\frac { 3 }{ 20 } \) × 3.14 × 100
= 3 × 3.14 × 5
= 15 × 3.14
= 47.1 cm2
∴ The area of the sector is 47.1 cm2.

Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 Question 2.
Measure of an arc of a circle is 80° and its radius is 18 cm. Find the length of the arc. (π = 3.14)
Given: Radius (r) = 18 cm,
Measure of the arc (θ) = 80°
To find: Length of the arc.
Length of arc = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times 2 \pi r\) × 2πr
= \(\frac { 8 }{ 360 } \) × 2 × 3.14 × 18
= \(\frac { 2 }{ 9 } \) × 2 × 3.14 × 18
= 2 × 2 × 3.14 × 2 = 25.12 cm
∴ The length of the arc is 25.12 cm.

Practice Set 7.3 Geometry Question 3.
Radius of a sector of a circle is 3.5 cm and length of its arc is 2.2 cm. Find the area of the sector.
Given: Radius (r) = 3.5 cm,
length of arc (l) = 2.2 cm
To find: Area of the sector.
Area of sector = \(\frac{l \times \mathrm{r}}{2}\)
= \(\frac{2.2 \times 3.5}{2}\)
= 1.1 × 3.5 = 3.85 cm2
∴ The area of the sector is 3.85 cm2.

Question 4.
Radius of a circle is 10 cm. Area of a sector of the circle is 100 cm2. Find the area of its corresponding major sector, (π = 3.14)
Given: Radius (r) = 10 cm,
area of minor sector =100 cm2
To find: Area of maj or sector.
Area of circle = πr2
= 3.14 × (10)2
= 3.14 × 100 = 314 cm2
Now, area of major sector
= area of circle – area of minor sector
= 314 – 100
= 214 cm2
∴ The area of the corresponding major sector is 214 cm2.

Question 5.
Area of a sector of a circle of radius 15 cm is 30 cm2. Find the length of the arc of the sector.
Given: Radius (r) =15 cm,
area of sector = 30 cm2
To find: Length of the arc (l).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 1
∴ The length of the arc is 4 cm.

Practice Set 7.3 Question 6.
In the adjoining figure, radius of the circle is 7 cm and m (arc MBN) = 60°, find
i. Area of the circle.
ii. A(O-MBN).
iii. A(O-MCN).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 2
Given: radius (r) = 7 cm,
m(arc MBN) = θ = 60°
i. Area of circle = πr2
= \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × (7)2
= 22 × 7
= 154 cm2
∴ The area of the circle is 154 cm2

ii. Central angle (θ) = ∠MON = 60°
Area of sector = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times \pi r^{2}\)
∴ A(O – MBN) = \(\frac { 60 }{ 360 } \) × \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × (7)2
\(\frac { 1 }{ 6 } \) × 22 × 7
= 25.67 cm2
= 25.7 cm2
∴ A(O-MBN) = 25.7 cm2

iii. Area of major sector = area of circle – area of minor sector
∴ A(O-MCN) = Area of circle – A(O-MBN)
= 154 – 25.7
∴ A(O-MCN) = 128.3 cm2

Question 7.
In the adjoining figure, radius of circle is 3.4 cm and perimeter of sector P-ABC is 12.8 cm. Find A(P-ABC).
Given: Radius (r) = 3.4 cm,
perimeter of sector 12.8 cm
To find: A(P-ABC)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 3
Perimeter of sector
= Iength of arc ABC + AP + CP
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3
∴ 12.8 = l + 3.4 + 3.4
∴ 12.8 = l + 6.8
∴ l = 12.8 – 6.8 = 6cm
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∴ A(P-ABC) = 10.2 cm2

7.3 Class 10 Question 8.
In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of the sector. ∠ROQ = ∠MON = 60°. OR = 7 cm, and OM = 21 cm. Find the lengths of arc RXQ and (π = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3
Given: ∠ROQ = ∠MON = 60°,
radius (r) = OR = 7 cm, radius (R) = OM = 21 cm
To find: Lengths of arc RXQ and arc MYN.
i. Length of arc RXQ = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times 2 \pi r\)
= \(\frac { 60 }{ 2 } \) × 2 × \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × 7
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 } \) × 2 × 22
= 7.33 cm
ii. Length of arc MYN = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times 2 \pi R\)
= \(\frac { 60 }{ 2 } \) × 2 × \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × 21
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 } \) × 2 × 22 × 3
= 22 cm
∴ The lengths of arc RXQ and arc MYN are 7.33 cm and 22 cm respectively.

Question 9.
In the adjoining figure, if A(P-ABC) = 154 cm2, radius of the circle is 14 cm, find
i. ∠APC,
ii. l(arc ABC).
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Given: A(P – ABC) = 154 cm2,
radius (r) = 14 cm
i. Let ∠APC = θ
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Std 10 Geometry Mensuration Question 10.
Radius of a sector of a circle is 7 cm. If measure of arc of the sector is
i. 30°
ii. 210°
iii. three right angles, find the area of the sector in each case.
Given: Radius (r) = 7 cm
To find: Area of the sector.
i. Measure of the arc (θ) = 30°
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∴ Area of the sector is 12.83 cm2.
ii. Measure of the arc (θ) = 210°
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∴ Area of the sector is 89.83 cm2.
iii. Measure of the arc (θ) = 3 right angle
= 3 × 90° = 270°
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∴ Area of the sector is 115.50 cm2.

Mensuration Practice Question 11.
The area of a minor sector of a circle is 3.85 cm2 and the measure of its central angle is 36°. Find the radius of the circle.
Given: Area of minor sector = 3.85 cm2,
central angle (θ) = 36°
To find: Radius of the circle (r).
Area of minor sector = \(\frac{\theta}{360} \times \pi r^{2}\)
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∴ The radius of the circle ¡s 3.5 cm.

10th Geometry Practice Set 7.3 Question 12.
In the given figure, ꠸PQRS is a rectangle. If PQ = 14 cm, QR = 21 cm, find the areas of the parts x, y and z.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 12
Given: In rectangle PQRS,
PQ = 14 cm, QR = 21 cm
To find: Areas of the parts x, y and z.
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∠Q = ∠R = θ = 90° …[Angles of a rectangle]
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For the sector (Q – PA),
PQ = QA …[Radii of the same circle]
∴ QA = 14 cm
Now, QR = QA + AR … [Q – A – R]
∴ 21 = 14 + AR
∴ AR = 7 cm
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Area of rectangle = length × breadth
area of ꠸PQRS = PQ × QR
= 14 × 21
= 294 cm2
Area of part z = area of ꠸PQRS
– area of part x – area of part y
= 294 – 154 – 38.5
= 101.5 cm2
∴ The area of part x is 154 cm2, the area of part y is 38,5 cm2 and the area of part z is 101.5 cm2.

Question 13.
∆ALMN is an equilat triangle. LM = 14 cm. As shown in figure, three sectors are drawn with vertices as centres and radius 7 cm. Find,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 16
i. A (∆ LMN).
ii. Area of any one of the sectors.
iii. Total area of all the three sectors.
iv. Area of the shaded region. (\(\sqrt { 3 }\) = 1.732 )
Given: In equilateral triangle LMN, LM =14 cm,
radius of sectors (r) = 7 cm
i. ∆LMN is an equilateral triangle.
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ii. Central angle (θ) = 60° …[Angle of an equilateral triangle]
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∴ Area of one sector = 25.67 cm2
iii. Total area of all three sectors
= 3 × Area of one sector
= 3 × 25.67
= 77.01 cm2
∴ Total area of all three sectors = 77.01 cm2
iv. Area of shaded region
= A(∆LMN) – total area of all three sectors
= 84.87 – 77.01
= 7.86 cm2
∴ Area of shaded region = 7.86 cm

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Chapter 7 Mensuration Intext Questions and Activities

Mensuration Practice Set 7.3 Question 1.
Complete the following table with the help of given figure. (Textbook pg. no. 149)
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Question 2.
Observe the figures below. Radii of all circles are equal. Observe the areas of the shaded regions and complete the following table. (Textbook pg. no. 150)
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Thus, if measure of an arc of a circle is θ, then
Area of sector (A) = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) × Area of circle
∴ Area of sector (A) = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) × πr2
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Mensuration In Maths Question 3.
In the following figures, radii of all circles are equal. Observe the length of arc in each figure and complete the table. (Textbook pg. no. 151)
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Thus, if the measure of an arc of a circle is 0, then
Length of arc (l) = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) × circumference of circle
∴ Length of arc (l) = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) × 2πr
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Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 7.2 Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 7.2 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration.

Practice Set 7.2 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 7 Mensuration

Question 1.
The radii of two circular ends of frustum shaped bucket are 14 cm and 7 cm. Height of the bucket is 30 cm. How many litres of water it can hold? (1 litre = 1000 cm3)
Given: Radii (r1) = 14 cm, and (r2) = 7 cm,
height (h) = 30 cm
To find: Amount of water the bucket can hold.
Volume of frustum = \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πh (r12 + r22 + r1 × r2)
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∴ The bucket can hold 10.78 litres of water.

Question 2.
The radii of ends of a frustum are 14 cm and 6 cm respectively and its height is 6 cm. Find its
i. curved surface area,
ii. total surface area,
iii. volume, (π = 3.14)
Given: Radii (r1) = 14 cm, and (r2) = 6 cm,
height (h) = 6 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.2 2
i. Curved surface area of frustum
= πl (r1 + r2)
= 3.14 × 10(14 + 6)
= 3.14 × 10 × 20 = 628 cm2
∴ The curved surface area of the frustum is 628 cm2.

ii. Total surface area of frustum
= πl (r1+ r2) + πr12 + πr22
= 628 + 3.14 × (14)2 + 3.14 × (6)2
= 628 + 3.14 × 196 + 3.14 × 36
= 628 + 3.14(196 + 36)
= 628 + 3.14 × 232
= 628 + 728.48
= 1356.48 cm2
∴ The total surface area of the frustum is 1356.48 cm2.

iii. Volume of frustum
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πth(r12 +r22 + r1 × r2)
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) × 3.14 × 6(142 + 62 + 14 × 6)
= 3.14 × 2(196 + 36 + 84)
= 3.14 × 2 × 316
= 1984.48 cm3
∴ The volume of the frustum is 1984.48 cm3.

Question 3.
The circumferences of circular faces of a frustum are 132 cm and 88 cm and its height is 24 cm. To find the curved surface area of frustum, complete the following activity. (π = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))
Circumference1 = 27πr1 = 132 cm
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Curved surface area of frustum = π (r1 + r2) l
= π (21 + 14) × 25
=π × 35 × 35
= \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × 35 × 25
= 2750 cm2

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 7.1 Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 7.1  Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration.

Practice Set 7.1 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 7 Mensuration

Practice Set 7.1 Geometry 10th Question 1. Find the volume of a cone if the radius of its base is 1.5 cm and its perpendicular height is 5 cm.
Given: For the cone,
radius (r) = 1.5 cm,
perpendicular height (h) = 5 cm
To find: Volume of the cone.
Volume of cone = \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πr2h
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∴ The volume of the cone is 11.79 cm3.

Mensuration Practice Set 7.1 Question 2. Find the volume of a sphere of diameter 6 cm. [π = 3.14]
Given: For the sphere, diameter (d) = 6 cm
To find: Volume of the sphere.
Radius (r) = \(\frac { d }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 6 }{ 2 } \) = 3 cm
Volume of sphere = \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) πr2
= \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) × 3.14 × (3)3
= 4 × 3.14 × 3 × 3
= 113.04 cm3
∴ The volume of the sphere is 113.04 cm3.

Practice Set 7.1 Geometry Class 10 Question 3. Find the total surface area of a cylinder if the radius of its base is 5 cm and height is 40 cm. [π = 3.14]
Given: For the cylinder,
radius (r) = 5 cm,
height (h) = 40 cm
To find: Total surface area of the cylinder.
Total surface area of cylinder = 2πr (r + h)
= 2 × 3.14 × 5 (5 + 40)
= 2 × 3.14 × 5 × 45
= 1413 cm2
The total surface area of the cylinder is 1413 cm2.

Practice Set 7.1 Geometry Question 4. Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm.
Given: For the sphere, radius (r) = 7 cm
To find: Surface area of the sphere.
Surface area of sphere = Aπr2
= 4 × \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × (7)2
= 88 × 7
= 616 cm2
∴ The surface area of the sphere is 616 cm2.

Practice Set 7.1 Question 5. The dimensions of a cuboid are 44 cm, 21 cm, 12 cm. It is melted and a cone of height 24 cm is made. Find the radius of its base.
Given: For the cuboid,
length (l) = 44 cm, breadth (b) = 21 cm,
height (h) = 12 cm
For the cone, height (H) = 24 cm
To find: Radius of base of the cone (r).
Volume of cuboid = l × b × h
= 44 × 21 × 12 cm3
Volume of cone = \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πr2H
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) × \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × r2 × 24 cm3
Since the cuboid is melted to form a cone,
∴ volume of cuboid = volume of cone
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∴ r2 = 21 × 21
∴ r = 21 cm …[Taking square root of both sides]
∴ The radius of the base of the cone is 21 cm.

10th Class Geometry Practice Set 7.1 Question 6. Observe the measures of pots in the given figures. How many jugs of water can the cylindrical pot hold?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1 3
Given: For the conical water jug,
radius (r) = 3.5 cm, height (h) = 10 cm
For the cylindrical water pot,
radius (R) = 7 cm, height (H) = 10 cm
To find: Number of jugs of water the cylindrical pot can hold.
Volume of conical jug = \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πr2h
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∴ The cylindrical pot can hold 12 jugs of water.

Mensuration Class 10 Practice Set 7.1 Question 7. A cylinder and a cone have equal bases. The height of the cylinder is 3 cm and the area of its base is 100 cm2. The cone is placed up on the cylinder. Volume of the solid figure so formed is 500 cm3. Find the total height of the figure
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1 5
Given: For the cylindrical part,
height (h) = 3 cm,
area of the base (πr2)= 100 cm2
Volume of the entire figure = 500 cm3
To find: Total height of the figure.
A cylinder and a cone have equal bases.
∴ they have equal radii.
radius of cylinder = radius of cone = r
Area of base = 100 cm2
∴ πr2 =100 …(i)
Let the height of the conical part be H.
Volume of the entire figure
= Volume of the entire + Volume of cone
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∴ Height of conical part (H) =6 cm
Total height of the figure = h + H
= 3 + 6
= 9 cm
∴ The total height of the figure is 9 cm.

10th Geometry Practice Set 7.1 Question 8. In the given figure, a toy made from a hemisphere, a cylinder and a cone is shown. Find the total area of the toy.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1
Given: For the conical Part,
height (h) = 4 cm, radius (r) = 3 cm
For the cylindrical part,
height (H) = 40 cm, radius (r) = 3 cm
For the hemispherical part,
radius (r) = 3 cm
To find: Total area of the toy.
Slant height of cone (l) = \(\sqrt{\mathrm{h}^{2}+\mathrm{r}^{2}}\)
= \(\sqrt{\mathrm{4}^{2}+\mathrm{3}^{2}}\)
= \(\sqrt { 16+9 }\)
= \(\sqrt { 25 }\) = 5 cm
Curved surface area of cone = πrl
= π × 3 × 5
= 15π cm2
Curved surface area of cylinder = 2πrH
= 2 × π × 3 × 40
= 240π cm2
Curved surface area of hemisphere = 2πr2
= 2 × π × 32
= 18π cm2
Total area of the toy
= Curved surface area of cone + Curved surface area of cylinder + Curved surface area of hemisphere
= 15π + 240π + 18π
= 2737 π cm2
∴ The total area of the toy is 273π cm2.

7.1.8 Practice Question 9. In the given figure, a cylindrical wrapper of flat tablets is shown. The radius of a tablet is 7 mm and its thickness is 5 mm. How many such tablets are wrapped in the wrapper?
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Given: For the cylindrical tablets,
radius (r) = 7 mm,
thickness = height(h) = 5 mm
For the cylindrical wrapper,
diameter (D) = 14 mm, height (H) = 10 cm
To find: Number of tablets that can be wrapped.
Radius of wrapper (R) = \(\frac { Diameter }{ 2 } \)
= \(\frac { 14 }{ 2 } \) = 7 mm
Height of wrapper (H) = 10 cm
= 10 × 10 mm
= 100 mm
Volume of a cylindrical wrapper = πR2H
= π(7)2 × 100
= 4900π mm3
Volume of a cylindrical tablet = πr2h
= π(7)2 × 5
= 245 π mm3
No. of tablets that can be wrapped
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∴ 20 tables can be wrapped in the wrapper

Class 10 Maths 7.1 Question 10. The given figure shows a toy. Its lower part is a hemisphere and the upper part is a cone. Find the volume and the surface area of the toy from the measures shown in the figure.
(π = 3.14)
Given: For the conical part,
height (h) = 4 cm, radius (r) = 3 cm
For the hemispherical part,
radius (r) = 3 cm
To find: Volume and surface area of the toy.
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Now, volume of the toy
= Volume of cone + volume of hemisphere
= 12π + 18π
= 30π
= 30 × 3.14
= 94.20 cm3
Also, surface area of the toy
= Curved surface area of cone + Curved surface area of hemisphere
= 15π + 18π
= 33π
= 33 × 3.14
= 103.62 cm2
∴ The volume and surface area of the toy are 94.20 cm3 and 103.62 cm2 respectively.

Question 11.
Find the surface area and the volume of a beach ball shown in the figure.
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Given: For the spherical ball,
diameter (d) = 42 cm
To find: Surface area and volume of the beach ball.
Radius (r) = \(\frac { d }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 42 }{ 2 } \) = 21 cm
Surface area of sphere= 4πr2
= 4 × 3.14 × (21)2
= 4 × 3.14 × 21 × 21
= 5538.96 cm2
Volume of sphere = \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) πr3
= \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) × 3.14 × (21)3
= 4 × 3.14 × 7 × 21 × 21
= 38772.72 cm3
∴ The surface area and the volume of the beach ball are 5538.96 cm2 and 38772.72 cm3 respectively.

Question 12.
As shown in the figure, a cylindrical glass contains water. A metal sphere of diameter 2 cm is immersed in it. Find the volume of the water.
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Given: For the metal sphere,
diameter (d) = 2 cm
For the cylindrical glass, diameter (D) =14 cm,
height of water in the glass (H) = 30 cm
To find: Volume of water in the glass.
Let the radii of the sphere and glass be r and R respectively.
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Volume of water with sphere in it = πR2H
= π × (7)2 × 30
= 1470π cm3
Volume of water in the glass
= Volume of water with sphere in it – Volume of sphere
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∴ The volume of the water in the glass is 1468.67 π cm3 (i.e. 4615.80 cm3).

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Chapter 7 Mensuration Intext Questions and Activities

Question 1.
The length, breadth and height of an oil can are 20 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm respectively as shown in the adjacent figure. How much oil will it contain? (1 litre = 1000 cm3) (Textbook pg. no.141)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1
Given: For the cuboidal can,
length (l) = 20 cm,
breadth (b) = 20 cm,
height (h) = 30 cm
To find: Oil that can be contained in the can.
Volume of cuboid = l × b × h
= 20 × 20 × 30
= 12000 cm3
= \(\frac { 12000 }{ 1000 } \) litres
= 12 litres
∴ The oil can will contain 12 litres of oil.

Question 2.
The adjoining figure shows the measures of a Joker’s dap. How much cloth is needed to make such a cap? (Textbook pg. no. 141)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1
Given: For the conical cap,
radius (r) = 10 cm,
slant height (l) = 21 cm
To find: Cloth required to make the cap.
Cloth required to make the cap
= Curved surface area of the conical cap
= πrl = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \) × 10 × 21
=22 × 10 × 3
= 660 cm2
∴ 660 cm2 of cloth will be required to make the cap.

Question 3.
As shown in the adjacent figure, a sphere is placed in a cylinder. It touches the top, bottom and the curved surface of the cylinder. If radius of the base of the cylinder is ‘r’,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1
i. what is the ratio of the radii of the sphere and the cylinder ?
ii. what is the ratio of the curved surface area of the cylinder and the surface area of the sphere?
iii. what is the ratio of the volumes of the cylinder and the sphere? (Textbook pg. no. 141)
Radius of base of cylinder = radius of sphere
∴ Radius of sphere = r
Also, height of cylinder = diameter of sphere
∴ h = d
∴ h = 2r …(i)
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∴ radius of sphere : radius of cylinder = 1 : 1.
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∴ curved surface area of cylinder : surface area of sphere = 1:1.
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∴ volume of cylinder : volume of sphere = 3 : 2.

Question 4.
Finding volume of a sphere using cylindrical beaker and water. (Textbook, pg. no. 142)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Practice Set 7.1
i. Take a ball and a beaker of the same radius.
ii. Cut a strip of paper of length equal to the diameter of the beaker.
iii. Draw two lines on the strip dividing it into three equal parts.
iv. Stick this strip on the beaker straight up from the bottom.
v. Fill the water in the beaker upto the first mark of the strip from bottom.
vi. Push the ball in the beaker so that it touches the bottom.
Observe how much water level rises.
You will notice that the water level has risen exactly upto the total height of the strip. Try to obtain the formula for volume of sphere using the volume of the cylindrical beaker.
Suppose volume of beaker upto height 2r is V.
V = πr2 h
∴ V = πr2(2r) …[∵ h = 2r]
∴ V = 2πr3
But, V = volume of the ball + volume of water in the beaker
∴ 2πr3 = Volume of the ball + \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) × 2πr3
∴ Volume of the ball = 2πr3 – \(\frac { 2 }{ 3 } \) πr3
= \(\frac{6 \pi r^{3}-2 \pi r^{3}}{3}\)
∴ Volume of the ball = \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) πr3
∴ Volume of a sphere = \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 } \) πr3

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Problem Set 6 Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Problem Set 6 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry.

Problem Set 6 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 6 Trigonometry

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternative answer for the following questions.

i. sin θ.cosec θ = ?
(A) 1
(B) 0
(C) \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \)
(D) \(\sqrt { 2 }\)

ii. cosec 45° = ?
(A) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
(B) \(\sqrt { 2 }\)
(C) \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\)

iii. 1 + tan2 θ = ?
(A) cot2 θ
(B) cosec2 θ
(C) sec2 θ
(D) tan2 θ

iv. When we see at a higher level, from the horizontal line, angle formed is ______
(A) angle of elevation.
(B) angle of depression.
(C) 0
(D) straight angle.

Question 2.
If sin θ = \(\frac { 11 }{ 61 } \), find the value of cos θ using trigonometric identity.
sin θ = \(\frac { 11 }{ 61 } \) … [Given]
We know that,
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 2
…[Taking square root of both sides]

Question 3.
If tan θ = 2, find the values of other trigonometric ratios.
tan θ = 2 …[Given]
We know that,
1 + tan2 θ = sec7 θ
∴ 1 + (2)7 = sec7 θ
∴ 1 + 4 = sec7 θ
∴ sec7 θ = 5
∴ sec θ = \(\sqrt { 5 }\) …[Taking square root of both sides]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 3

Question 4.
If sec θ = \(\frac { 13 }{ 12 } \), find the values of other trigonometric ratios.
sec θ = \(\frac { 13 }{ 12 } \) … [Given]
We know that,
1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 5
∴ sin θ = \(\frac { 5 }{ 13 } \), cos θ = \(\frac { 12 }{ 13 } \), tan θ = \(\frac { 5 }{ 12 } \), cot θ = \(\frac { 12 }{ 5 } \), cosec θ = \(\frac { 13 }{ 5 } \)

Question 5.
Prove the following:
i. sec θ (1 – sin θ) (sec θ + tan θ) = 1
ii. (sec θ + tan θ) (1 – sin θ) = cos θ
iii. sec2 θ + cosec2 θ = sec2 θ × cosec2 θ
iv. cot2 θ – tan2 θ = cosec2 θ – sec2 θ
v. tan4 θ + tan2 θ = sec4 θ – sec2 θ
vi. \(\frac{1}{1-\sin \theta}+\frac{1}{1+\sin \theta}\) = 2 sec2 θ
vii. sec6 x – tan6 x = 1 + 3 sec2 x × tan2 x
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 6
i. L.H.S. = sec θ (1 – sin θ) (sec θ + tan θ)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 7
∴ sec θ (1 – sin θ) (sec θ + tan θ) = 1

ii. L.H.S. = (sec θ + tan θ) (1 – sin θ)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 8
∴ (sec θ + tan θ) (1 – sin θ) = cos θ

iii. L.H.S. = sec2 θ + cosec2 θ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 9
∴ sec2 θ + cosec2 θ = sec2 θ × cosec2 θ

iv. L.H.S. = cot2 θ – tan2 θ
= (cosec2 θ – 1) – (sec2 θ – 1)
[∵ tan2 θ = sec2 θ – 1,
cot2 θ = cosec2 θ – 1]
= cosec2 θ – 1 – sec2 θ + 1
cosec2 θ – sec2 θ
= R.H.S.
∴ cot2 θ – tan2 θ = cosec2 θ – sec2 θ

v. L.H.S. = tan4 θ + tan2 θ
= tan2 θ (tan2 θ + 1)
= tan2 θ. sec2 θ
…[∵ 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ]
= (sec2 θ – 1) sec2 θ
…[∵ tan2 θ = sec2 θ – 1]
= sec4 θ – sec2 θ
= R.H.S.
∴ tan4 θ + tan2 θ = sec4 θ – sec2 θ

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 10

vii. L.H.S. = sec6 x – tan6 x
= (sec2 x)3 – tan6 x
= (1 + tan2 x)3 – tan6 x …[∵ 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ]
= 1 + 3tan2 x + 3(tan2 x)2 + (tan2 x)3 – tan6 x …[∵ (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3]
= 1 + 3 tan2 x (1 + tan2 x) + tan6 x – tan6 x
= 1 + 3 tan2 x sec2 x …[∵ 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ]
= R.H.S.
∴ sec3x – tan6x = 1 + 3sec2x.tan2x
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 11
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 12
x. We know that,
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
∴ 1 – sin2 θ = cos2 θ
∴ (1 – sin θ) (1 + sin θ) = cos θ. cos θ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 13
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 14
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 15

Question 6.
A boy standing at a distance of 48 metres from a building observes the top of the building and makes an angle of elevation of 30°. Find the height of the building.
Let AB represent the height of the building and point C represent the position of the boy.
Angle of elevation = ∠ACB = 30°
BC = 48 m
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 16
In right angled ∆ABC,
tan 30° = \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) … [By definition]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 17
∴ The height of the building is 16\(\sqrt { 3 }\) m.

Question 7.
From the top of the lighthouse, an observer looks at a ship and finds the angle of depression to be 30°. If the height of the lighthouse is 100 metres, then find how far the ship is from the lighthouse.
Let AB represent the height of lighthouse and point C represent the position of the ship.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 18
Angle of depression ∠PAC 30°
AB = 100m.
Now, ray AP || seg BC
∴ ∠ACB = ∠PAC … [Alternate angles]
∴ ∠ACB = 30°
AB = 100m
In right angled ∆ABC,
tan 30° = \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) …[By definition]
∴ \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{100}{\mathrm{BC}}\)
∴ BC = 100\(\sqrt { 3 }\)m
∴ The ship is 1oo\(\sqrt { 3 }\)m far from the lighthouse.

Question 8.
Two buildings are in front of each other on a road of width 15 metres. From the top of the first building, having a height of 12 metre, the angle of elevation of the top of the second building is 30°. What is the height of the second building?
Let AB and CD represent the heights of the two buildings, and BD represent the width of the road.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 19
Draw seg AM ⊥ seg CD
Angle of elevation = ∠CAM = 30°
AB = 12m
BD = 15m
In ꠸ ABDM,
∠B = ∠D = 90°
∠M 90° …[segAM ⊥ segCD]
∠A 90° …[Remaining angle of ꠸ABDM]
꠸ABDM is a rectangle …[Each angle is 90°]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 20
∴ The height of the second building is 20.65 m.

Question 9.
A ladder on the platform of a fire brigade van can be elevated at an angle of 70° to the maximum. The length of the ladder can be extended upto 20 m. If the platform is 2 m above the ground, find the maximum height from the ground upto which the ladder can reach. (sin 70° = 0.94)
Let AB represent the length of the ladder and AE represent the height of the platform.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 21
Draw seg AC ⊥ seg BD.
Angle of elevation = ∠BAC = 70°
AB = 20 m
AE = 2m
In right angled ∆ABC,
sin 70° = \(\frac { BC }{ AB } \) …..[By definition]
∴ 0.94 = \(\frac { BC }{ 20 } \)
∴ BC = 0.94 × 20
= 18.80 m
∠E = ∠D = 90°
∠C = 90° … [seg AC ⊥ seg BD]
∴ ∠A = 90° … [Remaining angle of ꠸ACDE]
∴ ꠸ACDE is a rectangle. … [Each angle is 90°]
∴ CD = AE = 2 m … [Opposite sides of a rectangle]
Now, BD = BC + CD … [B – C – D]
= 18.80 + 2
= 20.80 m
∴ The maximum height from the ground upto which the ladder can reach is 20.80 metres.

Question 10.
While landing at an airport, a pilot made an angle of depression of 20°. Average speed of the plane was 200 km/hr. The plane reached the ground after 54 seconds. Find the height at which the plane was when it started landing, (sin 20° = 0.342)
Let AC represent the initial height and point A represent the initial position of the plane.
Let point B represent the position where plane lands.
Angle of depression = ∠EAB = 20°
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Problem Set 6 22
Now, seg AE || seg BC
∴ ∠ABC = ∠EAB … [Alternate angles]
∴ ∠ABC = 20°
Speed of the plane = 200 km/hr
= 200 × \(\frac { 1000 }{ 3600 } \) m/sec
= \(\frac { 500 }{ 9 } \) m/sec
∴ Distance travelled in 54 sec = speed × time
= \(\frac { 500 }{ 9 } \) × 54
= 3000 m
∴ AB = 3000 m
In right angled ∆ABC,
sin 20° = \(\frac { AC }{ AB } \) ….[By definition]
∴ 0.342 = \(\frac { AC }{ 3000 } \)
∴ AC = 0.342 × 3000
= 1026 m
∴ The plane was at a height of 1026 m when it started landing.

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 5.3 Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.3 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry.

Practice Set 5.3 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Practice Set 5.3 Geometry Class 10 Question 1. Angles made by the line with the positive direction of X-axis are given. Find the slope of these lines.
i. 45°
ii. 60°
iii. 90°
i. Angle made with the positive direction of
X-axis (θ) = 45°
Slope of the line (m) = tan θ
∴ m = tan 45° = 1
∴ The slope of the line is 1.

ii. Angle made with the positive direction of X-axis (θ) = 60°
Slope of the line (m) = tan θ
∴ m = tan 60° = \(\sqrt { 3 }\)
∴ The slope of the line is \(\sqrt { 3 }\).

iii. Angle made with the positive direction of
X-axis (θ) = 90°
Slope of the line (m) = tan θ
∴ m = tan 90°
But, the value of tan 90° is not defined.
∴ The slope of the line cannot be determined.

Practice Set 5.3 Geometry Question 2. Find the slopes of the lines passing through the given points.
i. A (2, 3), B (4, 7)
ii. P(-3, 1), Q (5, -2)
iii. C (5, -2), D (7, 3)
iv. L (-2, -3), M (-6, -8)
v. E (-4, -2), F (6, 3)
vi. T (0, -3), s (0,4)
i. A (x1, y1) = A (2, 3) and B (x2, y2) = B (4, 7)
Here, x1 = 2, x2 = 4, y1 = 3, y2 = 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 1
∴ The slope of line AB is 2.

ii. P (x1, y1) = P (-3, 1) and Q (x2, y2) = Q (5, -2)
Here, x1 = -3, x2 = 5, y1 = 1, y2 = -2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 2
∴ The slope of line PQ is \(\frac { -3 }{ 8 } \)

iii. C (x1, y1) = C (5, -2) and D (x2, y2) = D (7, 3)
Here, x1 = 5, x2 = 7, y1 = -2, y2 = 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 3
∴ The slope of line CD is \(\frac { 5 }{ 2 } \)

iv. L (x1, y1) = L (-2, -3) and M (x2,y2) = M (-6, -8)
Here, x1 = -2, x2 = – 6, y1 = – 3, y2 = – 8
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 4
∴ The slope of line LM is \(\frac { 5 }{ 4 } \)

v. E (x1, y1) = E (-4, -2) and F (x2, y2) = F (6, 3)
Here,x1 = -4, x2 = 6, y1 = -2, y2 = 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 5
∴ The slope of line EF is \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \).

vi. T (x1, y1) = T (0, -3) and S (x2, y2) = S (0, 4)
Here, x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = -3, y2 = 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 6
∴ The slope of line TS cannot be determined.

5.3.5 Practice Question 3. Determine whether the following points are collinear.
i. A (-1, -1), B (0, 1), C (1, 3)
ii. D (- 2, -3), E (1, 0), F (2, 1)
iii. L (2, 5), M (3, 3), N (5, 1)
iv. P (2, -5), Q (1, -3), R (-2, 3)
v. R (1, -4), S (-2, 2), T (-3,4)
vi. A(-4,4),K[-2,\(\frac { 5 }{ 2 } \)], N (4,-2)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 8
∴ slope of line AB = slope of line BC
∴ line AB || line BC
Also, point B is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points A, B and C are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 9
∴ slope of line DE = slope of line EF
∴ line DE || line EF
Also, point E is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points D, E and F are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 10
∴ slope of line LM ≠ slope of line MN
∴ Points L, M and N are not collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 11a
∴ slope of line PQ = slope of line QR
∴ line PQ || line QR
Also, point Q is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points P, Q and R are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 12
∴ slope of line RS = slope of line ST
∴ line RS || line ST
Also, point S is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points R, S and T are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 13
∴ slope of line AK = slope of line KN
∴ line AK || line KN
Also, point K is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points A, K and N are collinear.

Practice Set 5.3 Geometry 9th Standard Question 4. If A (1, -1), B (0,4), C (-5,3) are vertices of a triangle, then find the slope of each side.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 14
∴ The slopes of the sides AB, BC and AC are -5, \(\frac { 1 }{ 5 } \) and \(\frac { -2 }{ 3 } \) respectively.

Geometry 5.3 Question 5. Show that A (-4, -7), B (-1, 2), C (8, 5) and D (5, -4) are the vertices of a parallelogram.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 15
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 16
∴ Slope of side AB = Slope of side CD … [From (i) and (iii)]
∴ side AB || side CD
Slope of side BC = Slope of side AD … [From (ii) and (iv)]
∴ side BC || side AD
Both the pairs of opposite sides of ꠸ABCD are parallel.
꠸ABCD is a parallelogram.
Points A(-4, -7), B(-1, 2), C(8, 5) and D(5, -4) are the vertices of a parallelogram.

Question 6.
Find k, if R (1, -1), S (-2, k) and slope of line RS is -2.
R(x1, y1) = R (1, -1), S (x2, y2) = S (-2, k)
Here, x1 = 1, x2 = -2, y1 = -1, y2 = k
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 17
But, slope of line RS is -2. … [Given]
∴ -2 = \(\frac { k+1 }{ -3 } \)
∴ k + 1 = 6
∴ k = 6 – 1
∴ k = 5

5.3 Class 10 Question 7. Find k, if B (k, -5), C (1, 2) and slope of the line is 7.
B(x1, y1) = B (k, -5), C (x2, y2) = C (1, 2)
Here, x1 = k, x2 = 1, y1 = -5, y2 = 2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 18
But, slope of line BC is 7. …[Given]
∴ 7 = \(\frac { 7 }{ 1-k } \)
∴ 7(1 – k) = 7
∴ 1 – k = \(\frac { 7 }{ 7 } \)
∴ 1 – k = 1
∴ k = 0

Question 8.
Find k, if PQ || RS and P (2, 4), Q (3, 6), R (3,1), S (5, k).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.3 19
But, line PQ || line RS … [Given]
∴ Slope of line PQ = Slope of line RS
∴ 2 = \(\frac { k-1 }{ 2 } \)
∴ 4 = k – 1
∴ k = 4 + 1
∴ k = 5

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 5.2 Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.2 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry.

Practice Set 5.2 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Question 1.
Find the co-ordinates of point P if P divides the line segment joining the points A (-1, 7) and B (4, -3) in the ratio 2:3.
Let the co-ordinates of point P be (x, y) and A (x1, y1) B (x2, y2) be the given points.
Here, x1 = -1, y1 = 7, x2 = 4, y2 = -3, m = 2, n = 3
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 1
∴ The co-ordinates of point P are (1,3).

Question 2.
In each of the following examples find the co-ordinates of point A which divides segment PQ in the ratio a : b.
i. P (-3, 7), Q (1, -4), a : b = 2 : 1
ii. P (-2, -5), Q (4, 3), a : b = 3 : 4
iii. P (2, 6), Q (-4, 1), a : b = 1 : 2
Let the co-ordinates of point A be (x, y).
i. Let P (x1, y1), Q (x2, y2) be the given points.
Here, x1 = -3, y1 = 7, x2 = 1, y2 = -4, a = 2, b = 1
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 2
∴ The co-ordinates of point A are (\(\frac { -1 }{ 3 } \),\(\frac { -1 }{ 3 } \)).

ii. Let P (x1,y1), Q (x2, y2) be the given points.
Here, x1 = -2, y1 = -5, x2 = 4, y2 = 3, a = 3, b = 4
By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 3
∴ The co-ordinates of point A are (\(\frac { 4 }{ 7 } \),\(\frac { -11 }{ 7 } \))

iii. Let P (x1, y1), Q (x2, y2) be the given points.
Here,x1 = 2,y1 = 6, x2 = -4, y2 = 1, a = 1,b = 2
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 4
∴ The co-ordinates of point A are (0,\(\frac { 13 }{ 3 } \))

Question 3.
Find the ratio in which point T (-1, 6) divides the line segment joining the points P (-3,10) and Q (6, -8).
Let P (x1, y1), Q (x2, y2) and T (x, y) be the given points.
Here, x1 = -3, y1 = 10, x2 = 6, y2 = -8, x = -1, y = 6
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 5
∴ Point T divides seg PQ in the ratio 2 : 7.

Question 4.
Point P is the centre of the circle and AB is a diameter. Find the co-ordinates of point B if co-ordinates of point A and P are (2, -3) and (-2,0) respectively.
Let A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and P (x, y) be the given points.
Here, x1 = 2, y1 =-3,
x = -2, y = 0
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 6
Point P is the midpoint of seg AB.
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 7
∴ The co-ordinates of point B are (-6,3).

Question 5.
Find the ratio in which point P (k, 7) divides the segment joining A (8, 9) and B (1,2). Also find k.
Let A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and P (x, y) be the given points.
Here, x1 = 8, y1 = 9, x2 = 1, y2 = 2, x = k, y = 7
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 8
∴ Point P divides seg AB in the ratio 2 : 5, and the value of k is 6.

Question 6.
Find the co-ordinates of midpoint of the segment joining the points (22, 20) and (0,16).
Let A (x1, y1) = A (22, 20),
B (x2,y2) = B (0, 16)
Let the co-ordinates of the midpoint be P (x,y).
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 9
The co-ordinates of the midpoint of the segment joining (22, 20) and (0, 16) are (11,18).

Question 7.
Find the centroids of the triangles whose vertices are given below.
i. (-7, 6), (2,-2), (8, 5)
ii. (3, -5), (4, 3), (11,-4)
iii. (4, 7), (8, 4), (7, 11)
i. Let A (x1, y1) = A (-7, 6),
B (x2, y2) = B (2, -2),
C (x3, y3) = C(8, 5)
∴ By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 10
∴ The co-ordinates of the centroid are (1,3).

ii. Let A (x1 y1) = A (3, -5),
B (x2, y2) = B (4, 3),
C(x3, y3) = C(11,-4)
∴ By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 11
∴ The co-ordinates of the centroid are (6, -2).

iii. Let A (x1, y1) = A (4, 7),
B (x2, y2) = B (8,4),
C (x3, y3) = C(7,11)
∴ By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 12
∴ The co-ordinates of the centroid are (\(\frac { 19 }{ 3 } \),\(\frac { 22 }{ 3 } \))

Question 8.
In ∆ABC, G (-4, -7) is the centroid. If A (-14, -19) and B (3, 5), then find the co-ordinates of C.
G (x, y) = G (-4, -7),
A (x1, y1) = A (-14, -19),
B(x2, y2) = B(3,5)
Let the co-ordinates of point C be (x3, y3).
G is the centroid.
By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 13
∴ The co-ordinates of point C are (-1, – 7).

Question 9.
A (h, -6), B (2, 3) and C (-6, k) are the co-ordinates of vertices of a triangle whose centroid is G (1,5). Find h and k.
A(x1,y1) = A(h, -6),
B (x2, y2) = B(2, 3),
C (x3, y3) = C (-6, k)
∴ centroid G (x, y) = G (1, 5)
G is the centroid.
By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 14
∴ 3 = h – 4
∴ h = 3 + 4
∴ h = 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 15
∴ 15 = -3 + k
∴ k = 15 + 3
∴ k = 18
∴ h = 7 and k = 18

Question 10.
Find the co-ordinates of the points of trisection of the line segment AB with A (2,7) and B (-4, -8).
A (2, 7), B H,-8)
Suppose the points P and Q trisect seg AB.
∴ AP = PQ = QB
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 16
∴ Point P divides seg AB in the ratio 1:2.
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 17
Co-ordinates of P are (0, 2).
Point Q is the midpoint of PB.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 18
Co-ordinates of Q are (-2, -3).
∴ The co-ordinates of the points of trisection seg AB are (0,2) and (-2, -3).

Question 11.
If A (-14, -10), B (6, -2) are given, find the co-ordinates of the points which divide segment AB into four equal parts.
Let the points C, D and E divide seg AB in four equal parts.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 19
Point D is the midpoint of seg AB.
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 20
∴ Co-ordinates of D are (-4, -6).
Point C is the midpoint of seg AD.
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 21
∴ Co-ordinates of C are (-9, -8).
Point E is the midpoint of seg DB.
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 22
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 23
∴ Co-ordinates of E are (1,-4).
∴ The co-ordinates of the points dividing seg AB in four equal parts are C(-9, -8), D(-4, -6) and E(1, – 4).

Question 12.
If A (20, 10), B (0, 20) are given, find the co-ordinates of the points which divide segment AB into five congruent parts.
Suppose the points C, D, E and F divide seg AB in five congruent parts.
∴ AC = CD = DE = EF = FB
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 24
∴ co-ordinates of C are (16, 12).
E is the midpoint of seg CB.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 25
∴ co-ordinates of E are (8, 16).
D is the midpoint of seg CE.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 26
∴ co-ordinates of F are (4, 18).
∴ The co-ordinates of the points dividing seg AB in five congruent parts are C (16, 12), D (12, 14), E (8, 16) and F (4, 18).

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Intext Questions and Activities

Question 1.
A (15, 5), B (9, 20) and A-P-B. Find the ratio in which point P (11, 15) divides segment AB. Find the ratio using x and y co-ordinates. Write the conclusion. (Textbook pg. no. 113)
Suppose point P (11,15) divides segment AB in the ratio m : n.
By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 27
∴ Point P divides seg AB in the ratio 2 : 1.
The ratio obtained by using x and y co-ordinates is the same.

Question 2.
External division: (Textbook pg. no. 115)
Suppose point R divides seg PQ externally in the ratio 3:1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.2 28
Let the common multiple be k.
Let PR = 3k and QR = k
Now, PR = PQ + QR … [P – Q – R]
∴ 3k = PQ + k
∴ \(\frac { PQ }{ QR } \) = \(\frac { 2k }{ k } \) = \(\frac { 2 }{ 1 } \)
∴ Point Q divides seg PR in the ratio 2 : 1 internally.
Thus, we can find the co-ordinates of point R, when co-ordinates of points P and Q are given.

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 6.2 Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 6.2 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry.

Practice Set 6.2 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 6 Trigonometry

Question 1.
A person is standing at a distance of 80 m from a church looking at its top. The angle of elevation is of 45°. Find the height of the church.
Let AB represent the height of the church and point C represent the position of the person.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 1
BC = 80 m
Angle of elevation = ∠ACB = 45°
In right angled ∆ABC,
tan 45° = \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) … [By definition]
∴ 1 = \(\frac { AB }{ 80 } \)
∴ AB = 80m
∴ The height of the church is 80 m.

Question 2.
From the top of a lighthouse, an observer looking at a ship makes angle of depression of 60°. If the height of the lighthouse is 90 metre, then find how far the ship is from the lighthouse. ( \(\sqrt { 3 }\) = 1.73)
Let AB represent the height of lighthouse and point C represent the position of the ship.
AB = 90 m
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 2
Angle of depression = ∠PAC = 60°
Now, ray AP || seg BC
∴ ∠ACB = ∠PAC … [Alternate angles]
∴ ∠ACB = 60°
In right angled ∆ABC,
tan 60° = \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) … [By definition]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 3
∴ The ship is 51.90 m away from the lighthouse.

Question 3.
Two buildings are facing each other on a road of width 12 metre. From the top of the first building, which is 10 metre high, the angle of elevation of the top of the second is found to be 60°. What is the height of the second building?
Let AB and CD represent the heights of the two buildings, and BD represent the width of the road.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 4
Draw seg AM ⊥ seg CD.
Angle of elevation = ∠CAM = 60°
AB = 10 m
BD= 12 m
∠B = ∠D = 90°
∠M = 90° … [seg AM ⊥ seg CD]
∴ ∠A = 90° … [Remaining angle of ꠸ABDM]
∴ ꠸ABDM is a rectangle …. [Each angle is 90°]
∴ AM = BD = 12 m opposite sides
DM = AB = 10 m of a rectangle
In right angled ∆AMC,
tan 60° = \(\frac { CM }{ AM } \) …[By definition]
∴ \(\sqrt { 3 }\) = \(\frac { CM }{ 12 } \)
∴ CM = 12\(\sqrt { 3 }\) m
Now, CD = DM + CM … [C – M – D]
∴ CD = (10 + 12\(\sqrt { 3 }\))m
= 10 + 12 × 1.73
= 10 + 20.76 = 30.76
∴ The height of the second building is 30.76 m.

Question 4.
Two poles of heights 18 metre and 7 metre are erected on a ground. The length of the wire fastened at their tops is 22 metre. Find the angle made by the wire with the horizontal.
Let AB and CD represent the heights of two poles, and AC represent the length of the wire.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 5
Draw seg AM ⊥ seg CD.
Angle of elevation = ∠CAM = θ
AB = 7 m
CD = 18 m
AC = 22 m
∠B = ∠D = 90°
∠M = 90° …[seg AM ⊥ seg CD]
∴ ∠A = 90° … [Remaining angle of ꠸ABDM]
∴ □ABDM is a rectangle. … [Each angle is 90°]
∴ DM = AB = 7 m … [Opposite sides of a rectangle]
Now, CD = CM + DM … [C – M – D]
∴ 18 = CM + 7
∴ CM = 18 – 7 = 11 m
In right angled ∆AMC,
sin θ = \(\frac { CM }{ AC } \) …..[By definition]
∴ sin θ = \(\frac { 11 }{ 22 } \) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \)
But, sin 30° = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \)
∴ θ = 30°
∴ The angle made by the wire with the horizontal is 30°.

Question 5.
A storm broke a tree and the treetop rested 20 m from the base of the tree, making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. Find the height of the tree.
Let AB represent the height of the tree.
Suppose the tree broke at point C and its top touches the ground at D.
AC is the broken part of the tree which takes position CD such that ∠CDB = 60°
∴ AC = CD …(i)
BD = 20 m
In right angled ∆CBD,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 6
tan 60° = \(\frac { BC }{ BD } \) … [By definition]
∴ \(\sqrt { 3 }\) = \(\frac { BC }{ 20 } \)
∴ BC = 20\(\sqrt { 3 }\) m
Also, cos 60° = \(\frac { BC }{ CD } \) … [By definition]
∴ \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 20 }{ CD } \)
∴ CD = 20 × 2 = 40 m
∴ AC = 40 m …[From(i)]
Now, AB = AC + BC ….[A – C – B]
= 40 + 20\(\sqrt { 3 }\)
= 40 + 20 × 1.73
= 40 + 34.6
= 74.6
∴ The height of the tree is 74.6 m.

Question 6.
A kite is flying at a height of 60 m above the ground. The string attached to the kite is tied at the ground. It makes an angle of 60° with the ground. Assuming that the string is straight, find the length of the string. (\(\sqrt { 3 }\) = 1.73)
Let AB represent the height at which kite is flying and point C represent the point where the string is tied at the ground.
∠ACB is the angle made by the string with the ground.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 7
∠ACB = 60°
AB = 60 m
In right angled ∆ABC,
sin 60° = \(\frac { AB }{ AC } \) … [By definition]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.2 8
∴ AC = 40 \(\sqrt { 3 }\) = 40 × 1.73 = 69.20 m
∴ The length of the string is 69.20 m.

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 2 Practice Set 5.1 Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.1 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry.

Practice Set 5.1 Geometry 10th Std Maths Part 2 Answers Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry

Practice Set 5.1 Geometry Class 10 Question 1. Find the distance between each of the following pairs of points.
i. A (2, 3), B (4,1)
ii. P (-5, 7), Q (-1, 3)
iii. R (0, -3), S (0,\(\frac { 5 }{ 2 } \))
iv. L (5, -8), M (-7, -3)
v. T (-3, 6), R (9, -10)
vi. W(\(\frac { -7 }{ 2 } \),4), X(11, 4)
i. Let A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = 2, y1 = 3, x2 = 4, y2 = 1
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 3
∴ d(A, B) = 2\(\sqrt { 2 }\) units
∴ The distance between the points A and B is 2\(\sqrt { 2 }\) units.

ii. Let P (x1, y1 ) and Q (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = -5, y1 = 7, x2 = -1, y2 = 3
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 1
∴ d(P, Q) = 4\(\sqrt { 2 }\) units
∴ The distance between the points P and Q is 4\(\sqrt { 2 }\) units.

iii. Let R (x1, y1) and S (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = 0, y1 = -3, x2 = 0, y2 = \(\frac { 5 }{ 2 } \)
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 2
∴ d(R, S) = \(\frac { 11 }{ 2 } \) units
∴ The distance between the points R and S is \(\frac { 11 }{ 2 } \) units.

iv. Let L (x1, y1) and M (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = 5, y1 = -8, x2 = -7, y2 = -3
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 4
∴ d(L, M) = 13 units
∴ The distance between the points L and M is 13 units.

v. Let T (x1,y1) and R (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = -3, y1 = 6,x2 = 9,y2 = -10
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 5
∴ d(T, R) = 20 units
∴ The distance between the points T and R 20 units.

vi. Let W (x1, y1) and X (x2, y2) be the given points.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 6
∴ d(W, X) = \(\frac { 29 }{ 2 } \) units
∴ The distance between the points W and X is \(\frac { 29 }{ 2 } \) units.

Practice Set 5.1 Geometry 10th Question 2. Determine whether the points are collinear.
i. A (1, -3), B (2, -5), C (-4, 7)
ii. L (-2, 3), M (1, -3), N (5, 4)
iii. R (0, 3), D (2, 1), S (3, -1)
iv. P (-2, 3), Q (1, 2), R (4, 1)
i. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 8
∴ d(A, B) = \(\sqrt { 5 }\) …(i)
On adding (i) and (iii),
d(A, B) + d(A, C)= \(\sqrt { 5 }\) + 5\(\sqrt { 5 }\) = 6\(\sqrt { 5 }\)
∴ d(A, B) + d(A, C) = d(B, C) … [From (ii)]
∴ Points A, B and C are collinear.

ii. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 9
On adding (i) and (iii),
d(L, M) + d(L, N) = 3\(\sqrt { 5 }\) + 5\(\sqrt { 2 }\) ≠ \(\sqrt { 65 }\)
∴ d(L, M) + d(L, N) ≠ d(M, N) … [From (ii)]
∴ Points L, M and N are not collinear.

iii. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 10
On adding (i) and (ii),
∴ d(R, D) + d(D, S) = \(\sqrt { 8 }\) + \(\sqrt { 5 }\) ≠ 5
∴ d(R, D) + d(D, S) ≠ d(R, S) … [From (iii)]
∴ Points R, D and S are not collinear.

iv. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 11
On adding (i) and (ii),
d(P, Q) + d(Q, R) = \(\sqrt { 10 }\) + \(\sqrt { 10 }\) = 2\(\sqrt { 10 }\)
∴ d(P, Q) + d(Q, R) = d(P, R) … [From (iii)]
∴ Points P, Q and R are collinear.

Coordinate Geometry Class 10 Practice Set 5.1 Question 3. Find the point on the X-axis which is equidistant from A (-3,4) and B (1, -4).
Let point C be on the X-axis which is equidistant from points A and B.
Point C lies on X-axis.
∴ its y co-ordinate is 0.
Let C = (x, 0)
C is equidistant from points A and B.
∴ AC = BC
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 12
∴ (x + 3)2 + (-4)2 = (x- 1)2 + 42
∴ x2 + 6x + 9 + 16 = x2 – 2x + 1 + 16
∴ 8x = – 8
∴ x = – \(\frac { 8 }{ 8 } \) = -1
∴ The point on X-axis which is equidistant from points A and B is (-1,0).

10th Geometry Practice Set 5.1 Question 4. Verify that points P (-2, 2), Q (2, 2) and R (2, 7) are vertices of a right angled triangle.
Distance between two points
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 13
Consider, PQ2 + QR2 = 42 + 52 = 16 + 25 = 41 … [From (i) and (ii)]
∴ PR2 = PQ2 + QR2 … [From (iii)]
∴ ∆PQR is a right angled triangle. … [Converse of Pythagoras theorem]
∴ Points P, Q and R are the vertices of a right angled triangle.

Question 5.
Show that points P (2, -2), Q (7, 3), R (11, -1) and S (6, -6) are vertices of a parallelogram.
Distance between two points
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 14
PQ = RS … [From (i) and (iii)]
QR = PS … [From (ii) and (iv)]
A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, if both the pairs of its opposite sides are congruent.
∴ □ PQRS is a parallelogram.
∴ Points P, Q, R and S are the vertices of a parallelogram.

Question 6.
Show that points A (-4, -7), B (-1, 2), C (8, 5) and D (5, -4) are vertices of rhombus ABCD.
Distance between two points
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 15

∴ AB = BC = CD = AD …[From (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)]
In a quadrilateral, if all the sides are equal, then it is a rhombus.
∴ □ ABCD is a rhombus.
∴ Points A, B, C and D are the vertices of rhombus ABCD.

Practice Set 5.1 Question 7. Find x if distance between points L (x, 7) and M (1,15) is 10.
X1 = x, y1 = 7, x2 = 1, y2 = 15
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 17
∴ 1 – x = ± 6
∴ 1 – x = 6 or l – x = -6
∴ x = – 5 or x = 7
∴ The value of x is – 5 or 7.

Geometry 5.1 Question 8. Show that the points A (1, 2), B (1, 6), C (1 + 2\(\sqrt { 3 }\), 4) are vertices of an equilateral triangle.
Distance between two points
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 18
∴ AB = BC = AC … [From (i), (ii) and (iii)]
∴ ∆ABC is an equilateral triangle.
∴ Points A, B and C are the vertices of an equilateral triangle.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Chapter 5 Coordinate Geometry Intext Questions and Activities

Question 1.
In the figure, seg AB || Y-axis and seg CB || X-axis. Co-ordinates of points A and C are given. To find AC, fill in the boxes given below. (Textbook pa. no. 102)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Practice Set 5.1 19
In ∆ABC, ∠B = 900
∴ (AB)2 + (BC)2 = [(Ac)2 …(i) … [Pythagoras theorem]
seg CB || X-axis
∴ y co-ordinate of B = 2
seg BA || Y-axis
∴ x co-ordinate of B = 2
∴ co-ordinate of B is (2, 2) = (x1,y1)
co-ordinate of A is (2, 3) = (x2, Y2)
Since, AB || to Y-axis,
d(A, B) = Y2 – Y1
d(A,B) = 3 – 2 = 1
co-ordinate of C is (-2,2) = (x1,y1)
co-ordinate of B is (2, 2) = (x2, y2)
Since, BC || to X-axis,
d(B, C) = x2 – x1
d(B,C) = 2 – -2 = 4
∴ AC2 = 12 + 42 …[From (i)]
= 1 + 16 = 17
∴ AC = \(\sqrt { 17 }\) units …[Taking square root of both sides]

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 1 Practice Set 6.3 Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 6.3 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics.

Practice Set 6.3 Algebra 10th Std Maths Part 1 Answers Chapter 6 Statistics

Question 1.
The following table shows the information regarding the milk collected from farmers on a milk collection centre and the content of fat in the milk, measured by a lactometer. Find the mode of fat content.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 2
Here, the maximum frequency is 80.
∴ The modal class is 4 – 5.
L = lower class limit of the modal class = 4
h = class interval of the modal class = 1
f1 = frequency of the modal class = 80
f0 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 70
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 60
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 3
∴ The mode of the fat content is 4.33%.

Question 2.
Electricity used by some families is shown in the following table. Find the mode of use of electricity.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.1 20
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 5
Here, the maximum frequency is 100.
∴ The modal class is 60 – 80.
L = lower class limit of the modal class = 60
h = class interval of the modal class = 20
f1 = frequency of the modal class = 100
f0 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 70
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 80
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 6
∴ The mode of use of electricity is 72 units.

Question 3.
Grouped frequency distribution of supply of milk to hotels and the number of hotels is given in the following table. Find the mode of the supply of milk.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 8
Here, the maximum frequency is 35.
∴ The modal class is 9 – 11.
L = lower class limit of the modal class = 9
h = class interval of the modal class = 2
f1 = frequency of the modal class = 35
f0 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 20
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 18
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 9
∴ The mode of the supply of milk is 9.94 litres (approx.).

Question 4.
The following frequency distribution table gives the ages of 200 patients treated in a hospital in a week. Find the mode of ages of the patients.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 10
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 11
Here, the maximum frequency is 50.
The modal class is 9.5 – 14.5.
L = lower class limit of the modal class = 9.5
h = class interval of the modal class = 5
f1 = frequency of the modal class = 50
f0 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 32
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 36
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.3 12
∴ The mode of the ages of the patients is 12.31 years (approx.).

Maharashtra Board 10th Class Maths Part 1 Practice Set 6.2 Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 6.2 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics.

Practice Set 6.2 Algebra 10th Std Maths Part 1 Answers Chapter 6 Statistics

Statistics Practice Set 6.2 Question 1.
The following table shows classification of number of workers and the number of hours they work in a software company. Find the median of the number of hours they work.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 2
Cumulative frequency which is just greater than (or equal) to 500 is 650.
∴ The median class is 10 – 12.
Now, L = 10, f = 500, cf = 150, h = 2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 3
∴ The median of the number of hours the workers work is 11.4 hours.

10th Class Algebra Practice Set 6.2 Question 2.
The frequency distribution table shows the number of mango trees in a grove and their yield of mangoes. Find the median of data.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 5
Here, total frequency = ∑fi = N = 250
∴ \(\frac { N }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 250 }{ 2 } \) = 125
Cumulative frequency which is just greater than (or equal) to 125 is 153.
∴ The median class is 150 – 200.
Now, L = 150, f = 90, cf = 63, h = 50
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 6
∴ The median of the given data is 184 mangoes (approx).

Statistics Class 10 Practice Set 6.2 Question 3.
The following table shows the classification of number of vehicles and their speeds on Mumbai-Pune express way. Find the median of the data.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 8
Here, total frequency = ∑fi = N = 200
∴ \(\frac { N }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 200 }{ 2 } \) = 100
Cumulative frequency which is just greater than (or equal) to 100 is 184.
∴ The median class is 74.5 – 79.5.
Now, L = 74.5, f = 85, cf = 99, h = 5
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 9
∴ The median of the given data is 75 km/hr (approx.).

Practice Set 6.2 Geometry Class 10 Question 4.
The production of electric bulbs in different factories is shown in the following table. Find the median of the productions.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 10
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 11
Cumulative frequency which is just greater than (or equal) to 52.5 is 67.
∴ The median class is 50 – 60.
Now, L = 50, f = 20, cf = 47, h = 10
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 12
∴ The median of the productions is 52750 bulbs (approx.).

Practice Set 6.2 Question 1.
If the number of scores is odd, then the (\(\frac { n+1 }{ 2 } \))th score is the median of the data. That is, the number of scores below as well as above \({ K }_{ \frac { n+1 }{ 2 } }\) is \(\frac { n-1 }{ 2 } \) Verify the fact by taking n = 2m + I. (Textbk pg. no. 139)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 13
The sequence of the terms of scores is 1,2, 3, …….., m, m + 1, m + 2, …, 2m + 1
Thus, we have to prove that m + 1 is the middle term if the number of scores is 2m + 1
i.e. to prove
number of terms from 1 to m = number of terms from m + 2 to 2m + 1 …(i)
Consider the L.H.S. of equation (i)
The sequence is an A.P. with a = 1,d = 1, tn1 = m
tn1 = a + (n1 – 1) d
∴ m = 1 + (n1 – 1)1
∴ m = 1 + n1 – 1
∴ m = n1
Consider the R.H.S. of equation (ii)
The sequence is an A.P. with a = m + 2, d = 1, tn2 = 2m + 1
tn2 = a + (n2 – 1)d
∴ 2m + 1 = m + 2 + (n2 – 1)1
∴ 2m + 1 = m + n2 + 1
∴ m = n2
∴ number of terms from 1 to m = number of terms from m + 2 to 2m + 1 = m = \(\frac { n-1 }{ 2 } \)
∴ m + 1 is the middle term if the number of scores is 2m + 1.

Question 2.
If the number of the scores is even, then the mean of the middle two terms is the median. This is because the number of terms below \({ K }_{ \frac { n }{ 2 } }\) and above \({ K }_{ \frac { n+2 }{ 2 } }\) is equal, which is \(\frac { n-2 }{ 2 } \). Verify this by taking n = 2m. (Textbook pg. no. 139)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Statistics Practice Set 6.2 14
The sequence of the terms of scores is 1, 2, 3 … m – 1, m, m + 1, m + 2,…., 2m
Thus, we have to prove that m and m + 1 are the middlemost terms if the number of scores is 2m.
i.e. to prove
number of terms from 1 to m – 1 = number of terms from m + 2 to 2m …(i)
Consider the L.H.S. of equation (i)
The sequence is an A.P. with a = 1, d = 1, tn1 = m – 1
tn1 = a + (n1 – 1)d
∴ m – 1 = 1 + (n1 – 1)1
∴m – 1 = 1 + n1 – 1
∴ n1 = m – 1
Consider the R.H.S. of equation (i)
The sequence is an A.P. with a = m + 2, d = 1, tn2= 2m
tn2= a + (n2 – 1) d
∴ 2m = m + 2 + (n2 – 1)1
∴ 2m = m + 2 + n2 – 1
∴ n2 = m – 1
∴ number of terms from 1 to m – 1 = number of terms from m + 2 to 2m = m – 1 = \(\frac { n-2 }{ 2 } \)
∴ m and m + 1 are the middlemost terms if the number of scores is 2m.