Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

My English Coursebook Std 9 Digest Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


Form pairs or groups of four. Use these questions to start a conversation with your friends.

  • Are you a talkative person?
  • Do you like to share your thoughts?
  • What would you like to do after 10th?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

My Thoughts:

1. Form groups of 4-6. Discuss the following with your friends in the group and then complete the sentences.

Question 1.
Form groups of 4-6. Discuss the following with your friends in the group and then complete the sentences.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower 1

English Workshop:

1. Read the poem aloud.

Question 1.
Read the poem aloud.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

2. Put the words given in brackets in the proper blanks.

Question 1.
Put the words given in brackets in the proper blanks.
(a) The ………….. is talking to its . (father/child)
(b) The …………. is leading and the …………. is following. (father/child)
(c) Someday the ……………. will become a ………… (father/child)
(d) The ………….. does not wish to fall while following its …………… (father/child)
(a) The child is talking to its father. (father/child)
(b) The father is leading and the child is following, (father/child)
(c) Someday the child will become a father. (father/child)
(d) The child does not wish to fall while following its father. (father/child)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

2. Find and write pairs of rhyming words from the poem. (Words that appear at the end of the line.)

Question 1.
Find and write pairs of rhyming words from the poem. (Words that appear at the end of the line.)

  1. small-fall
  2. see-me.
  3. be-me
  4. true-you.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

3. The meanings of the words in the following pairs show that they are related

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower 2
Find five more pairs of related words:
Examples :

  • teacher: …………….
  • doctor: ………………
  • give: ………………….
  • ………………………….
  • ………………………….

Question 1.
Find five more pairs of related words:

  1. teacher ⇄ student
  2. doctor ⇄ patient
  3. give ⇄ take
  4. owner ⇄ servant
  5. come ⇄ go.

4. The child in the poem requests his father to walk slower. Here, the poet implies that the child wants to understand his father’s actions better. The child would like to act the same way, but wants the father to be more understanding towards the child’s needs. What is implied in the following lines?

Question a.
Sometimes your steps are very fast…
Sometimes the father’s actions are too quick for the child to follow them properly.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Question b.
Sometimes your steps are hard to see …
Sometimes the actions of the father are so difficult that the child cannot understand, observe and act accordingly.

Question c.
I would want to lead just right…
The child who is grown up now wants to guide his child correctly in the journey of his life.

Question d.
And know that I was true …
The grown up child is confident about his opinions, judgements and actions in his life. He was correct and sincere throughout his life like his father.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

5. Using your own ideas, frame three sentences that show continuous action.
Example: You are leading me.

Question 1.
Using your own ideas, frame three sentences that show continuous action.

  1. My elder sister was helping me with my studies.
  2. He is making us laugh.
  3. Our team players are gaining confidence.

6. Using your own ideas, frame at least three sentences that show future action or state.
Who’ll (who will) want to follow me.
When I’m all grown up …

Question 1.
Using your own ideas, frame at least three sentences that show future action or state.

  1. Who will want to participate in the elocution competition?
  2. When I’m in Std. X.
  3. They are going to arrive tomorrow.
  4. I’ll be 16 years old in 2018.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

7. Discuss the following and write the summary of your discussion in the form of bullet points.

Question a.
How are certain ideas/customs/knowledge passed on from one generation to the next?

  1. preserved by forefathers and passed on to new generations
  2. continued to exist till this date
  3. mythological literature, vedas, folklores, fables and arts instilled cultural values into them
  4. known to them through celebrations of festival and religious ceremonies
  5. Every community wants to preserve their cultural heritage because of their conservative mindset

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Question b.
Is it necessary for children to follow the footsteps of their forefathers? If yes, why? Why is it sometimes necessary to change the old ways?

  1. Yes, it is necessary to follow the footsteps of our forefathers
  2. because of its importance in life and the moral values it involves
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to change the old ways because many of the traditions and customs are based on superstitions which cannot be explained by reason or science
  4. have to accept good modern ideas
  5. To safeguard the moral standard of people which is declining everywhere

8. Do you have a role model? What qualities do you appreciate in your role model?

Question 1.
Do you have a role model? What qualities do you appreciate in your role model?
My role model is Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India. He was known as the Missile-man – the man behind India’s missile programme. I appreciate his intelligence, dedication to his duty, hard work, serenity and simplicity, his commitment to inspire and guide the youth of India, there was no change in his simplicity, politeness, humility and thoughtfulness even in his capacity as the President.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

9. Think of an occasion when you did not like the decision/actions of your family members but realised later on that they were tight. Write about it in 5-8 lines.

Question 1.
Think of an occasion when you did not like the decision/actions of your family members but realised later on that they were tight. Write about it in 5-8 lines.
Our class went for a trip to Lonavala. Before going there, all elderly persons warned me not to venture on any risky place especially if it is a river. At Lonavala, we saw a big river. All students were enjoying on the bank of the river. Some started swimming in it. I also tried to enter the river but suddenly slipped and fell into the river. I did not know swimming. I began to drown. I was terrified and cried for help. One of our teachers knew swimming. He boldly jumped into the river.

He swam towards me and holding my hand firmly brought me to the bank of river. I lay unconscious. Water in my stomach was removed. I felt a little better but could not enjoy the picnic anymore. The dangerous situation taught me the lesson of a life time. I realised that my family was right and decided never to disregard my parent’s advice.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

10. Within two minutes, write as many phrases or sentences as you can using ‘a little’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower 3

Question 1.
Within two minutes, write as many phrases or sentences as you can using ‘a little’.

  • a little while.
  • I need a little more time.
  • Move a little forward.
  • a little earlier.
  • a little smaller.
  • You just need a little bit of luck.
  • a little old lady.
  • quite a little milk.
  • a little confusion.
  • I found him a little smarter.
  • a little improved.

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following extract and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What would happen if the child tried to walk fast? Why?
If the child tried to walk fast he/she will not be able to properly understand the actions, thoughts, etc. of his/her father and will fail to achieve success in life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Does the word ‘walk’ refer only to the act of walking? What does the poet actually mean to say?
No, the word ‘walk’ does not refer here only to the act of walking. The poet actually wants to say that the father should communicate his thoughts and feelings to the child and help him/her to learn or become familiar with the ways of life by showing him/her or explaining the child how to behave and act for living a good life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Question 2.
What do the ‘footsteps’ of the father refer to?
The ‘footsteps’ of the father refers here to the father’s mannerisms, distinctive and individual gestures, traits of speaking and behaving, his actions and his all other characteristics that makes a person successful in life.

Question 3.
What qualities of your parents/eiders would you like to adopt?
Their ability, noble thoughts and actions, kindness and love for others, discipline, hard work, I honesty, perseverance and to remain happy in good or bad condition.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 Walk a Little Slower

Appreciation of Poem:

1. Title: ‘Walk a little slower…’
2. Poet/Poetess: The poet is unknown.
3. Theme/Central Idea: The importance of l the father as a role model is the central idea of the poem. The child in the poem wants to observe and imitate the life led by his/her father. Hence the I child requests the father to be more considerate towards his/her needs.
4. Rhyme Scheme: The rhyme scheme of the stanzas is ‘abeb’.
5. Figure of Speech: Alliteration and metaphor
6. Special Features: This poem is a dramatic monologue. Dramatic monologue is a kind of poem in which the speech does not reveal the poet’s own thoughts. Instead, the thoughts of the character speaking are expressed.
7. Favourite Lines: My favourite lines from the poem are:
“I’m following in your footsteps And I don’t want to fall.”
Then I will have a little child Who’ll want to follow me.
8. Why I like the poem: I like this poem for its sheer simplicity. There is not a single difficult word in the poem. This helps me understand the poem fully. Even the implied meanings are easy to guess.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Observe the forms given on page 100 of the textbook and fill in your details:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career 1

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

2. Write in your own words:

Question (a)
Why does the bank need so many details of its customer?
The bank has to be sure that the customer is not a fraud. The money deposited or withdrawn should be legal. The government has to be notified about various things. Letters have to be sent to the customer’s home/office or some information given to him about the transactions in his account. For all these reasons, the bank needs many details of its customers.

Question (b)
What problems do customers face when they have to make a cash deposit at a bank?
First of all, the customer has to go to the bank during banking hours, which may not be convenient. He then has to stand in a queue, fill in the details in the paying-in-slip, etc. There may be a long queue or the staff may be few or slow, leading to a long wait. These are some of the problems that customers face when they have to make a cash deposit at a bank.

Question (c)
What are the latest modern methods of depositing money in your own or somebody else’s account?
The latest modern method is net banking, that is, operating your account through your email or cell phone to transfer or deposit money.

3. Make a word web of at least 12 words related to banking.

Question 1.
Make a word web of at least 12 words related to banking.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career 1.1

English Workshop:

1. Find from the lesson the antonyms of the following:

Question 1.
Find from the lesson the antonyms of the following:

  1. afterwards
  2. careful
  3. confidently
  4. cheerful


  1. afterwards × beforehand
  2. careful × irresponsible
  3. confidently × timidly
  4. cheerful × sepulchral

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

2. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.

  1. The detective solved the mysterious crime.
  2. In the examination, I did not know the answer, so I wrote something.
  3. He was dizzy and he shambled into the room.
  4. While arguing with his elders he had a fearfully quick temper.
  5. The sight of a snake rattles me.
  6. As soon as I cross the threshold of my home, I greet my family.

3. Using the following points frame a character sketch of the narrator.

Question 1.
Using the following points frame a character sketch of the narrator. Support each character trait with instances from the lesson:

  1. Diffident and timid
  2. Unusual behaviour
  3. Ignorant about banking
  4. Nervous and careless
  5. Economical

Character sketch of the author:

The author was a diffident and timid person. Everything about the bank made him nervous; in fact, he was so nervous that he did not even know what he was doing and what he was signing. He behaved in an unusual manner, shambling into the bank and talking in a gloomy voice as if he had a secret. It was also unnecessary for him to ask the manager whether he could talk to him alone. He was quite ignorant about banking, and too nervous to seek the right guidance.

He did not know how to open an account or write a cheque correctly. He made careless mistakes because of his overwhelming nervousness. First, he wrote the wrong figure on the cheque. Even after realizing the mistake, he did not attempt to correct it. He was careful in spending his money, and saved enough to keep it in silver dollars in a sock at home.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

4. Rewrite the following in indirect speech:

Question (a)
“Can I see the manager?” I said.
“Certainly,” said the accountant.
I asked the accountant whether I could see the manager. The accountant replied that I could certainly do so.

Question (b)
Rewrite the following in indirect speech:
“Good morning,” I said and stepped into the safe.
“Come out,” said the manager coldly.
I wished the manager a ‘good morning’ and stepped into the safe. The manager coldly ordered me to come out.

Question (c)
Rewrite the following in indirect speech :
…… the words seem to mean, “Let us do this painful thing while the fit is on us.”
…….. the words seem to mean that they should do that painful thing while the fit was on them.

Question (d)
“What! Are you drawing it all out again?” he asked in surprise.
“Yes, the whole thing,” I said.
He asked me in surprise whether I was drawing it all out again. I replied in the affirmative and confirmed that I was drawing out the whole thing.

Question (e)
“How will you have it?” he said.
“In fifties,” I said.
He asked me how I would have it. I replied that I would have it in fifties.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

5. Read the statement given below, and write first your views and then the counterview, in two separate passages: ‘Online/Net banking is better than going personally to the bank for transactions.’

Question 1.
Read the statement given below, and write first your views and then the counterview, in two separate passages: ‘Online/Net banking is better than going personally to the bank for transactions.’

Online/Net banking is certainly better than going personally to the bank for transactions. You do not have to wait for banking hours or worry about bank holidays. You do not have to stand in a queue or deal with indifferent staff. With net banking, the service is immediate – when you want it, and where you want it. You can operate your account from anywhere in the world. You will get all the information about your transactions at the click of a button. You can do the banking transactions in the cosy privacy of your home. There is no wastage of any sort, and complete privacy to what you are doing. Yes, net banking is worth it, any day!


Net banking? Certainly not. If you do all your transactions through a cell phone or a computer, where is the personal touch that is so necessary in our lives? No doubt, you may get things instantly, but is this all there is to life? Besides, if you have a problem, can you discuss it with a computer or a phone? And if you think your accounts are secure and private, that is a myth. Any reasonably good hacker will be able to hack the account and siphon off all your money before you have any idea that it has happened. You have to be extremely cautious and knowledgeable about the ins and outs of net banking to do it successfully. How many people do we have in our country who are so proficient? No, give me normal, face-to-face, personalised banking any day.

6. Read the story ‘Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend’ by P. G. Wodehouse.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
What makes the narrator nervous at a bank?


Complete the following web:
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career 2

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
What word should the writer have avoided in his request to see the manager?
The writer should have avoided the word ‘alone’ in his request to see the manager.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Question 2.
Why was the manager alarmed?
The manager felt that the writer had some awful secret to reveal. Hence he was alarmed.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentence as a simple sentence :
If I attempt to transact business there, I become an irresponsible idiot.
On attempting to transact business there, I become an irresponsible idiot.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Have you been to a bank? If so, how did you feel about it? If not, would you like to go there?
Yes, I have been to a bank, but not alone. I have gone there with my mother, and I was completely confused. She told me to just follow her quietly, and that is what I did! of course, as soon as I am eighteen I will learn all these things and manage my own bank account.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Write whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. The manager was very rude to the narrator in the beginning – False
  2. The narrator was one of Pinkerton’s men – False
  3. The narrator was not a detective – True
  4. The narrator was a young Gould – False

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Who did the manager think his visitor was?
The manager thought his visitor was one of Pinkerton’s men.

Question 2.
What was the accountant’s name? What was he asked to do?
The accountant’s name was Mr Montgomery. He was asked to deal with the narrator’s business.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find from the lesson the antonyms of the following:
1. withdraw
2. public
1. withdraw × deposit
2. public × private

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson:
There was a huge painting kept neatly at the side of the room.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Rewrite using the noun forms of the underlined words:
1. He concluded now that I was the son of Baron Rothschild.
2. I propose to deposit fifty-six dollars now.
1. He came to the conclusion now that I was the son of Baron Rothschild.
2. My proposal is to make a deposit of fifty-six dollars now.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Why do you think the manager spoke ‘coldly’ to the narrator?
When the narrator said that he wanted to speak to the manager alone, the manager was alarmed because he thought that the narrator was a detective who had come to find out something. When the narrator said that he was not a detective but had come to open an account, the manager thought that he was a very rich man who would deposit a huge amount of money in the bank.

But when the narrator mentioned he wanted to deposit the princely sum of fifty-six dollars, the manager got angry and spoke coldly to him for having wasted his precious time.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Complete the paragraph :
I went up to the accountant’s wicket and poked the ball of money at him with a quick, convulsive movement as if I was doing a conjuring trick.

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
What procedure did the author have to follow to open the account?
To open an account, the author had to first give the money to the accountant. He then had to write the sum on a slip and sign his name in a book.

Question 2.
What error did the author make in the cheque?
The author wrote a cheque for fifty-six dollars instead of six dollars. This was the error.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Match the words in Column A with the nouns in Column B:

1. invalid (a) pale
2. ghastly (b) millionaire
3. hollow (c) thing
4. painful (d) voice


  1. invalid – millionaire
  2. ghastly-pale
  3. hollow – voice
  4. painful – thing

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.
Not having eaten the whole day, I was feeling dizzy, and the classroom swam before my eyes.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentence as a simple sentence, beginning ‘Going …’ ; I went up to the accountant’s wicket and poked the ball of money at him with a quick, convulsive movement.
Going up to the accountant’s wicket, I poked the ball of money at him with a quick, convulsive movement.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you feel nervous when you have to go to a strange place and talk to strange people?
Yes, I do. I think I should get over this nervousness and learn to be calm and confident. I am trying hard to do so, because I know that this is what is needed in the world today.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Number the sentences correctly in their order of occurrence in the story:

  1. The clerk prepared to pay the money. [3]
  2. I caught the echo of a roar of laughter. [4]
  3. I made a wretched attempt to look like a man with a fearful temper. [2]
  4. “Are you not going to deposit any mort?” asked the clerk, astonished. [1]

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Did the author correct the error he had made In the cheque?
No. he did not.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Question 2.
Why did the author pretend to appear like a bad-tempered man?
The officials at the bank were astonished by the writer’s behaviour. The writer was terribly nervous, and he thought that if he could look as If he had been Insulted and was hence withdrawing his money, they might not laugh at him. Hence he pretended to appear like a bad-tempered man.

Question 3.
What decision has the author taken after the episode at the bank?
After the episode at the bank, the author has decided that he will not keep his money ¡n a bank any more. He will keep his money in cash in his trouser pocket and his savings in silver dollars in a sock.

Activities based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Find from the lesson the antonyms of the following:
1. spending
2. happiness
1. spending × saving
2. happiness × misery

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.
There was a roar of laughter when the comedian cracked a joke.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Is the author’s last decision wise?
No, the author’s last decision is not wise. It is risky to keep money in the trousers pocket or in a sock; the money could be stolen. On the contrary you will get interest on the money if you keep it in a bank.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Simple Activities:

Question 1.
Write two compound words of your own.
doorway, moonlight

Question 2.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase ‘in some alarm’.
The man looked at the gun in his friend’s hand in some alarm.

Question 3.
Spot the error and correct the sentence:
The manager being a grave, calm man.
The manager was a grave, calm man.

Question 4.
Pick out a gerund from the given sentence and use it in your own sentence:
All the clerks had stopped writing.
Sentence: The girl began writing very late.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Question 5.
Identify the type of sentence:
Come in here.
Imperative sentence

Question 6.
Pick out the word which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word:
sepulchral-clear, pleas, crease, lurch.

Question 7.
Form the present and past participle of a verb in which the last letter is doubled.
plan-planned, planning

Question 8.
Write the following words in alphabetical order:
prepared, pocket, painful, presume
painful, pocket, prepared, presume

Medium-Level Activities:

Question 1.
Use the following word and its homophone in two separate sentences: write
(a) I love to write poems and stories.
(b) We must always try to do the right thing.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Question 2.
“Are you not going to deposit any more?” said the clerk, astonished. (Rewrite using indirect speech.)
The clerk asked in astonishment whether I was not going to deposit any more.

Question 3.
I was writing the cheque. (Use the future perfect tense of the verb.)
I shall have written the cheque.

Question 4.
Prepare a word register of four words related to bank.
bank – deposit, cheque, passbook, draft, account, withdrawal, credit, cashier, debit.

Challenging Activities:

Question 1.
I went up to the wicket marked ‘Accountant’.
(Rewrite as a complex sentence.)
I went up to the wicket which was marked ‘Accountant’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.4 My Financial Career

Question 2.
“Can I see the manager?” (Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function.)

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 2.1 Invictus Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

Let’s introspect!

1. Think and respond with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. When you are faced with a very serious problem or some grave danger, what do you experience?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus 1

Write about your feelings and reactions In 4-5 lines. You may describe your feelings and reactions usIng other words than those given here.

Form groups of four. Discuss what you actually feel and do In difficult situations and some of the things you could do and would like to do In those situations.

Question 1.
Think and respond with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. When you are faced with a very serious problem or some grave danger, what do you experience?
(Students can attempt this activity on page 27 of the textbook on their own.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Question 2.
Write about your feelings and reactions In 4-5 lines. You may describe your feelings and reactions usIng other words than those given here.
[Students may write this based on responses made in (a).]
(Some other words you can use to describe your feelings and reactions :fear, nervousness, uncertainty, lack of confidence, aggressiveness, insecurity, courage, optimism, despair, etc.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Question 3.
Form groups of four. Discuss what you actually feel and do In difficult situations and some of the things you could do and would like to do In those situations.
In difficult situations :
(a) What I actually feel and do :

  1. feel frightened and corf used
  2. feel depressed and cry
  3. run away and hide
  4. tell lies or blame others.

(b) What I could do and would like to do :

  1. be calm and brave
  2. accept the situation and look for solutions
  3. take due responsibility for what has happened
  4. share my problems and look for support. (Students can add their own points and discuss this activity in groups.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

2. Guess what the following symbolize and match the pairs : 

Question 1.
Guess what the following symbolize and match the pairs :

1. a tall mountain (a) beauty
2. a dark night (b) freedom
3. a rose (c) deep distress
4. sunrise (d) anger
5. a flying bird (e) strength/firmness
6. thunder (f) hope


1. a tall mountain (e) strength/firmness
2. a dark night (c) deep distress
3. a rose (a) beauty
4. sunrise (f) hope
5. a flying bird (b) freedom
6. thunder (d) anger

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

English Workshop:

1. Choose the correct option :

Question a.
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole.
i. There is a pit between two poles which you cannot see at night.
ii. I am in a pit that is covered with a black sheet.
iii. The circumstances are as bad as they can be, with nothing to hope for from any corner.
iii. The circumstances are as bad as they can be, with nothing to hope for from any corner.

Question b.
In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.
i. I fell down and cried aloud.
ii. I have not expressed my grief even when I had to suffer great pain.
iii. I freed myself from a difficult situation and cried.
ii. I have not expressed my grief even when I had to suffer great pain.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Question c.
Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head is bloody …
i. I have suffered many setbacks and losses, for which there was no reason.
ii. I got hurt due to my own faults.
iii. My enemies hit me till I started bleeding.
i. I have suffered many setbacks and losses, for which there was no reason.

Question d.
And yet the menace of the years, Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
i. My enemies threaten me but cannot find me.
ii. A great bully found me once, but shall not find me in future.
iii. Even though I am growing old, I am not, and shall not be, afraid.
iii. Even though I am growing old, I am not, and shall not be, afraid.

Question e.
How charged with punishments the scroll….
i. The scroll is very expensive.
ii. I may have to pay for many of my mistakes.
iii. I have to pay money as punishment.
ii. I may have to pay for many of my mistakes.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Question f.
I am the master of my fate.
i. I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life.
ii. My fate is my master.
iii. I am the master of this world.
i. I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life.

Question g.
I am the captain of my soul.
i. I am the captain of a team.
ii. My soul is the captain of my team.
iii. My actions are the result of my own feelings.
iii. My actions are the result of my own feelings.

2. Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.

Question 1.
Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
Rhyme scheme: abab.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

3. Read the poem ‘Where lies the land ……..’ by A.C. Clough.

Question 1.
Read the poem ‘Where lies the land ……..’ by A.C. Clough.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 2.1 Invictus Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
What is the poet thankful for?
The poet is thankful for his unconquerable soul.

Question 2.
What does the poet have full control over?
The poet has full control over his fate, his soul and his life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Question 3.
Which lines show that the poet has suffered his hardships bravely?
The lines that show that the poet has suffered his hardships bravely are :
i. I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

ii. In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have neither winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed.

Question 4.
What is meant by ‘the place of wrath and tears’?
‘The place of wrath and tears’ means the place of anger and sadness. That is, the world where we live.

Activities based on Poetic Devices :

Question 1.
‘Under the bludgeonings of chance’. Pick out and explain the figure of speech from this line.
Personification – Chance (fate) is personified. It is said to be beating the poet violently with a club.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Invictus

Paragraph Format :

The poem ‘Invictus’ is by William Ernest Henley. The Rhyme Scheme of the poem is abab. One example of a Figure of Speech is Personification: ‘In the fell clutch of circumstance’, ‘Circumstance’ is personified. It is said to be clutching wickedly.

‘Invictus’ is a powerful poem. It is all about showing courage in the face of death, and of the will to survive with dignity in the face of severe hardships. The poet stresses that he alone is responsible for his actions, and though he has been battered by fate, he has not been conquered.

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Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 1.5 The Necklace Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up :

Talking About Myself :

1. Write a few lines about yourself – your name, appearance, family, the place where you live, your school, your friends, neighbours, relatives, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, what you are good at, etc.

Now create an imaginary ‘persona’ for yourself. It can be quite different from your real self. Or, you may choose a fictional character – a character from a novel, story, etc. Write a few lines about this imaginary persona and introduce yourself in that role.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 1

Question 1.
Write a few lines about yourself – your name, appearance, etc. Then create an imaginary ‘persona’ for yourself. It may be quite different from your real self. Or you may choose a fictional character and introduce yourself in that role.
(Only a few lines have been given here. Students can expand the paragraphs as they wish.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 2

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

My Dream Possession :

Is there something that you would like to own more than anything else? Describe your dream possession with the help of the following points. You may add your own points, too.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 3

Question 1.
Is there something that you would like to own more than anything else? Describe your dream possession with the help of the following points. You may add your own points, too.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 4

Part – I

English Workshop :

1. Read each of the following sentences aloud. Write who said it and to whom.

(a) “Look, here’s something for you.”
(b) “Why, the dress you go to the theatre in!”
(c) “I would rather not go to the party.”
(d) “Choose, my dear.”
(e) “You have nothing else?”
(f) “Would you lend lue this, just this?”
(g) “What ! … how ! … That’s impossible!”

Question a.
“Look, here’s something for you.”
Mathilde’s husband said this to Mathilde.

Question b.
“Why, the dress you go to the theatre in!”
Mathilde’s husband said this to Mathilde.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question c.
“I would rather not go to the party.”
Mathilde said this to her husband.

Question d.
“Choose, my dear.”
Answer: Madame Forestier said this to Mathilde.

Question e.
“You have nothing else?”
Mathilde said this to Madame Forestier.

Question f.
“Would you lend me this, just this?”
Mathilde said this to Madame Forestier.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

2. Write a few lines about what Mathilde had and what she dreamt about.

Question 1.
Write a few lines about what Mathilde had and what she dreamt about.
Mathilde had plain dresses and a shabby, poorly furnished house. She dreamt of a grand. palatial mansion, with vast rooms and inviting smaller rooms, perfumed for afternoon chats with close friends.

3. Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde.
(a) Mathilde was beautiful, and so she wanted to marry an aristocrat.
(b) Mathilde was sad because she did not get any luxuries.
(c) Mathilde felt that her house was shabby and poorly furnished.
(d) Mathilde wanted other people to envy her.
(e) Mathilde was not happy to see the invitation.
(f) Mathilde wanted a new dress for herself.
(g) Mathilde borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend and wore it to the party.
(h) Mathilde lost the necklace.

Question a.
Mathilde was beautiful and so she wanted to many an aristocrat.
I think that this is a natural but childish wish. What Mathilde does not realize is that happiness does not lie in money or status. It depends on the character of a person.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question b.
Mathilde was sad because she did not get any luxuries.
I feel sympathetic towards Mathilde. Everyone wants luxuries, but not everyone can get them. Mathilde should have realized this and been content with whatever she had. She should have tried to improve her living conditions in some way.

Question c.
Mathilde felt that her house was shabby and poorly furnished.
This shows Mathilde’s inability to deal with reality. Mathilde should have tried to make the house a home by keeping it clean and doing things with love, instead of looking at the material things that were there.

Question d.
Mathilde wanted other people to envy her.
This is a very natural feeling. To some extent, we all want others to admire and envy us; but Mathilde should have kept this feeling under control.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question e.
Mathilde was not happy to see the invitation.
This Is a natural reaction on her part, for she wanted to be well-dressed and look pretty when she went to an important party. However, she should not have disappointed her husband by immediately showing her unhappiness. She could have later presented her case less bluntly.

Question f.
Mathilde wanted a new dress for herself.
Mathilde was young and pretty and wanted new things. But she should have first asked her husband what he had saved the money for, and then decided what was more important – her dress or his gun. He was very generous and she should also have shown some genuine consideration.

Question g.
Mathilde borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend and wore it to the party.
Mathilde should not have borrowed such an expensive necklace just to show off. One should never borrow expensive things from others.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question h.
Mathilde lost the necklace.
Mathilde was very thrilled by her own triumph at the party. She forgot everything in the revelry. In my opinion, she should have taken care and not been so Irresponsible, especially when she was wearing borrowed jewels.

4. Prepare a formal invitation using the following format:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 5

Question 1.
Prepare a formal invitation using the format given on page 21 of the textbook.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 6

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

5. Read the following :

  • The necklace
  • an error
  • all these things
  • another woman
  • one evening
  • her husband.

1. In all these phrases we see some words used before the nouns.

2. They specify or make it clear what noun we are talking about. These words that are used at the beginning of a noun phrase are known as determiners.

3. Determiners include articles (a, an, the), possessive pronouns (my, our, your, her, etc.), demonstratives (words like this, that), quantifiers (much, many, etc.), numerals, etc.

4. Write your phrases using each of type of determiner.

Question 1.
Write your own phrases using the possessive pronouns ‘my’, ‘his’ and ‘your’.
my daughter, his clothes, your umbrella

Question 2.
Write your own phrases using the articles a, an, the.
a house, a flower, an invitation, an enquiry, the Arabian Sea, the Himalayas

Question 3.
Write your own phrases using the ; demonstratives (this, that, these, those) :
this tree, that building, these flowers, those hills.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 4.
Write your own phrases using the following quantifiers :
1. much
2. many
1. much trouble, much hope
2. many apples, many trees

Part – II

1. Complete the following table.  

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 7

Question 1.
Complete the following table.
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Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 9 Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 10

2. Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde :

Question a.
Mathilde despaired over the loss of her necklace.
Mathilde was frightened that she had lost a j valuable necklace and she would have to replace it. She realised her mistake in borrowing such a valuable jewel. Anyone else in her place would have felt the same.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question b.
Mathilde wrote a note to her friend as dictated by her husband.
I think that Mathilde realized her foolishness and was now willing to listen to whatever her husband i said to make good the loss of the necklace.

Question c.
Mathilde and her husband decided to replace the necklace.
Yes, that was the right thing to do, for Mathilde had borrowed the necklace. Madame Forestier had been generous to give it. Mathilde could not allow her friend to suffer a loss because of her foolishness.

Question d.
Mathilde returned the diamond necklace to her friend.
There was no other option for her under the circumstances. Mathilde was foolish but honest. She also had enough pride not to want to be in debt.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question e.
Mathilde did not tell her friend about the loss and the replacement.
I think that Mathilde was proud and did not want to accept her carelessness in front of her friend.

Question f.
Mathilde worked very very hard to pay the debt.
I appreciate Mathilde for working very hard even though she did not like it. She did this in order to pay off the debt which she had got into because of her foolishness in borrowing the necklace.

Question g.
Mathilde and her husband paid off the debt in ten years.
I respect both Mathilde and her husband for working so hard for so many years, and living in poverty in order to pay off the debt. They did not take any easy way out.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question h.
Mathilde told her friend about the lost necklace.
Maybe it was a foolish action on Mathilde’s part. Mathilde will now feel terrible when she knows that she wasted ten years of her life struggling to replace the imitation necklace.

3. Form pairs. Discuss how ‘Part II’ of the story could have been different. Write your storyline in the form of bullets showing the main events.

Question 1.
Form pairs. Discuss how ‘Part II’ of the story could have been different. Write your storyline in the form of bullets showing the main events.

4. Imagine what must have happened after Mathilde’s friend discovered that the diamonds were real. Do you think she would return the necklace to Mathilde? Would that make Mathilde happy?

Question 1.
Imagine what must have happened after Mathilde’s friend discovered that the diamonds were real. Do you think she would return the necklace to Mathilde? Would that make Mathilde happy?
Mathilde’s friend, Madame Forestier, has been shown to be a kind-hearted and generous woman. She was also rich. So she would have probably returned the necklace to Mathilde. Mathilde, proud but greedy, would probably have taken it and been happy. But she would have been unhappy over the lost years of her youth.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

5. Discuss the following and write about each in your own words in 5-6 lines.
(a) What would you do, if something like this happens to you?
(b) What opinion do you form about Mathilde’s husband from her story?
(c) Which events in the story (Part I and Part II) changed Mathilde’s life?

Question 1.
Discuss the following and write about each in your own words in 5-6 lines.
(a) What would you do, if something like this happens to you?
(b) What opinion do you form about Mathilde’s husband from her story?
(c) Which events in the story (Part I and Part II) changed Mathilde’s life?

6. Read, recall and remember. Read the table of verb forms given below.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace 11

The base form is used as an infinitive: You may go. She will go, in orders: Go home; and in the simple present tense: I go to school. We go home. Do you go there every day? The children/They go up, etc.

Note that we use the ‘-s form’ with ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, third-person singular subjects to show the simple present.

The past tense form has ‘-ed’ at the end. But many commonly used verbs have different past tense forms.
Examples: came, went, spoke.

The ‘-ing’ form is known as the present participle. It is used with forms of ‘be’ to show continuous action
Examples: I am eating You were eating She was eating It is also used in certain constructions like He sat copying a manuscript.

The past participle used with forms of ‘have’ shows completed action –
Examples: I have eaten. They have come, etc.
It is also used in certain constructions like ‘They looked at each other, stunned! It is also used in passive constructions.
(a) Make a table of verb forms for your own reference. Try to arrange the verbs in alphabetical order. Keep adding new verbs to your table from time to time. When you write, check your work to see whether you have used the correct verb form.
(b) List at least 10 verbs, the last letter of which is doubled in the present participle.
Example: put – putting
(c) List at least 10 verbs, the last letter of which is doubled in the past participle.
Example: write – written
(d) List at least 10 verbs, the last letter of which is doubled in the past tense form.
Example: sob – sobbed.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

7. Read: ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry.

Question 1.
Read: ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O. Henry.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 1.5 The Necklace Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passages carefully and complete the activities:

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Write whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Mathilde was born into a rich family. False
  2. Mathilde was content with what she had. False
  3. Mathilde had no rich dresses or jewels. True
  4. Mathilde was wedded to an aristocrat. False

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Why was Mathilde married to a ‘minor official’?
Mathilde, a pretty and charming girl, was born into a family of clerks. She had no means of becoming known, understood, loved or be wedded to an aristocrat. So she was married to a ‘minor official’,

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Why did Mathilde weep with misery after visiting her schoolmate?
Mathilde had no rich dresses and no jewels, and these were the only things she loved. She found that her schoolmate, who was rich, had all the things that she, Mathilde, wanted so desperately. Hence, she wept with regret, despair and misery after visiting her schoolmate.

Activity-based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Match the following nouns with their adjectives :

1. minor (a) house
2. shabby (b) mansion
3. palatial (c) friends
4. close (d) official


1. minor (d) official
2. shabby (a) house
3. palatial (b) mansion
4. close (c) friends

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
She dreamed of a grand, palatial mansion. (Frame a wh-question to get the underlined words as the answer.)
What did she dream of?

Question 2.
She suffered because of her shabby house. (Rewrite using the noun form of the underlined word.)
Her suffering was because of her shabby house.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Personal Response :

Question 1.
Is anyone entitled to all the luxuries of life due to reasons of birth or other innate qualities?
No, I don’t think that a person is entitled to all the luxuries of life due to reasons of birth or other innate qualities. A person must work hard to acquire the luxuries and not get them just because of his birth. Only when he/she works hard will he/she I know the real value of things.

Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
What did the envelope hold?
The envelope held an invitation for a party at the Ministry of Education.

Question 2.
Was the husband a considerate person? How do we know that?
The husband was very happy to give Mathilde the invitation to the party for he felt that she would be pleased. When she began to cry, he was distressed to see her tears. When he realized that she wanted to buy a dress for the party, he sacrificed the money he had saved to buy himself a gun for a hunting summer with friends. He gave her the money for her new dress. This shows that the husband was a considerate person.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Activity-based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Match the words with their meanings :

1. triumph (a) shocked
2. computing (b) stammered
3. stunned (c) calculating
4. stuttered (d) victory


1. triumph (d) victory
2. computing (c) calculating
3. stunned (a) shocked
4. stuttered (b) stammered

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
He hadn’t thought of that.
(Add a question tag.)
He hadn’t thought of that, had he?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph.
(Replace the underlined phrase with an adverb.)
One evening her husband came home triumphantly.

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
Why did Mathilde go to her friend’s house and tell her of her distress?
Mathilde wanted to have jewellery to wear for the party. She did not have any, but she knew that her friend was rich and would have a good collection of jewels. So she went to her friend’s house and told her of her distress so that she could borrow some jewellery from her.

Question 2.
What did Madame Forestier’s large box contain?
Madame Forestier’s large box contained jewellery.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 3.
Which sentences tell us that Mathilde greatly desired the necklace?
The following sentences tell us that Mathilde greatly desired the necklace :

  1. Her heart began to beat with uncontrolled desire. Her hands trembled as she took it. She fastened it around her neck and stood lost in ecstasy.
  2. Then she asked anxiously, hesitating, “Would you lend me this, just this?”
  3. She threw her arms around her friend’s neck rapturously, then fled with her treasure.

Activities based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Write down two adjectives from the passage that describe Mathilde :
sad, restless (anxious, strange).

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Write down the adjective forms of:

  1. ecstasy
  2. fashion.


  1. ecstasy – ecstatic
  2. fashion – fashionable.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
She kept asking, “You have nothing else?” (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence.)
She kept asking, “Is this all you have?”

Question 2.
“You’ve been acting strange these last three days.” (Rewrite as a negative sentence.)
“You’ve not been acting normally these last three days.”

Personal Response :

Question 1.
Try to express the thoughts that must have passed through Mathilde’s mind on seeing the necklace?
On seeing the necklace, Mathilde must have thought: “Oh, how beautiful I will look with these diamonds round my neck I will be the prettiest woman at the party. All the others will crowd round me and admire me. I will be the most elegant and gracious woman there. Everyone will envy me!”

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Simple Factual Activity :

Write who said the following sentences and to whom :

Question 1.
“What! … how! … That’s impossible!”
Mathilde’s husband said this to Mathilde.

Question 2.
“What’s the matter?”
Mathilde’s husband said this to Mathilde.

Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
Why did Mathilde not notice the loss of her necklace earlier? ;
Mathilde was a great success at the party. She was full of joy for she was prettier than all the other women. She danced wildly, with passion, forgetting everything in the triumph of her success, floating in a cloud of happiness. In all this excitement, she did not notice the loss of her necklace.

Activities based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Pick out four adverbs ending in ‘-ly’ from the passage.
wildly, finally, sadly, suddenly.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Write the adverb forms of the following :

  1. pretty
  2. elegant
  3. gracious
  4. impossible


  1. prettily
  2. elegantly
  3. graciously
  4. impossibly.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Rewrite the following conversation in Indirect Speech :
“You could wear flowers,” he said. “They are very fashionable at this time of the year.”
He said that she could wear flowers, and s that they were very fashionable at that time of the year.

Question 2.
She threw her arms round her friend’s neck.
(Pick out the subject and predicate.)
Subject – She
Predicate – threw her arms round her friend’s neck.

Language Study Activities
(based on vocabulary and grammar)

Simple Activities :

Question 1.
Write two compound words of your own.
daydream, candle-stick

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase ‘with an air of triumph’
The magician drew out a rabbit from the hat with an air of triumph.

Question 3.
Spot the error and correct the sentence :
You’ve be acting strange these last three days.
You’ve been acting strange these last three days.

Question 4.
Pick out the infinitive from the given sentence :
He had been saving that exact amount to buy a gun.
to buy

Question 5.
Identify the type of sentence :
What is the matter?
Interrogative sentence

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 6.
Pick out the word that cannot be formed using the letters of the given word :
fashionable – fashion, blush, sheaf, shine

Question 7.
Form a present participle in which the last letter is doubled.
control – controlling

Question 8.
Write the following words in alphabetical order :
stuttered, treasure, strange, tormented.
strange, stuttered, tormented, treasur

Question 9.
Make a word chain of 4 adjectives : charming →
charming → gracioussaddelicate elegant.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Medium-Level Activities :

Question 1.
Mathilde saw some bracelets. (Use simple future tense of the verb.)
Mathilde will see some bracelets.

Question 2.
She threw the invitation on the table. (Change the voice beginning ‘The invitation ’.)
The invitation was thrown on the table by her.

Question 3.
One evening her husband said to her, “What’s the matter?” (Rewrite using indirect speech.)
One evening her husband asked her what the matter was.

Challenging Activities :

Question 1.
When they were finally in the street, they could not find a cab.
(Pick out the clauses and state the type.)
they could not find a cab – Main Clause, when they were finally in the street – Subordinate clause.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
“Would you lend me this, just this?”
(Pick out the modal auxiliary and state the function.)
would – permission

Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
What efforts did Loisel make to find the necklace?
Loisel and Mathilde searched through her clothes to find the necklace. But they could not find it. Then Loisel went out and walked back over the whole route they had taken to see if he could find it. He went to the police, to the newspapers to offer a reward, to the cab companies, and everywhere that the tiniest glimmer of hope led him.

Question 2.
What was the arrangement with the jeweller? Do you think it was fair?
Madame and M. Loisel found the string of diamonds they were looking for. The price was thirty- six thousand francs. They needed time to raise that much money, and they pleaded with the jeweller not to sell it to anyone for three days. They made an arrangement that the jeweller would buy it back for thirty-four thousand francs if the other necklace was found before the end of February. Yes, I think the deal was quite fair.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 3.
Why did Madame Forestier speak coldly to Mathilde?
Mathilde had returned the borrowed necklace after a long delay. Madame Forestier felt that she should have returned it sooner for she, Madame Forestier, might have needed it. She probably felt that Mathilde had taken advantage of her goodness and hence spoke coldly to her.

Activities based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
What is implied in the expression ‘a hollow, pale figure’?
It means an unhappy, exhausted person.

Question 2.
Give the meaning of the following expressions :
1. a glimmer of hope
2. her mind blank.
1. a glimmer of hope – a slight chance of success.
2. her mind blank – without having any thoughts.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 3.
Make sentences of your own using the following expressions :
1. lost all hope
2. sick with grief and anguish
1. The rescuers have lost all hope of saving the trapped animal.
2. When Meena’s cat died, she was sick with grief and anguish.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentences as compound sentences :
1. They went from jeweller to jeweller, looking for a necklace like the other one.
2. At the end of one week they had lost all hope.
1. They went from jeweller to jeweller and looked for a necklace like the other one.
2. It was the end of one week and they had lost all hope.

Simple Factual Activity :

Complete the following sentences :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. The dreadful debt must be paid.
  2. They rented a garret under the roof.

Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
What is meant by the horrible life of the very poor?
The horrible life of the very poor means the very difficult and tiring life of the very poor, who have to live in terrible conditions and work extremely hard to make ends meet.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Activity-based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives from the passage :

  1. ………… life
  2. ………… labours
  3. ………….. debt
  4. ……………. linen


  1. horrible life
  2. odious labours
  3. dreadful debt
  4. dirty linen.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentences as assertive sentences :
1. What would have happened if she had not lost that necklace?
2. How little is needed for one to be ruined or saved!
1. She wondered what would have happened if she had not lost that necklace.
2. Very little is needed for one to be ruined or saved.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
What contrast is implied by the use of necklace. She wanted to tell her that she had been the word ‘still’ in still young, still beautiful, still through some hard times because of her friend and charming?
It means that Mathilde looked old after ten years. while Madame Forestier looked young. beautiful and charming even after ten years.

Question 2.
Why did Mathilde decide to speak to her friend?
Mathilde felt emotional. She decided to speak to her friend and tell her the story of the necklace. She wanted to tell her that she had been through some hard times because of her friend and her necklace. She also felt proud that she had tricked her friend and given her not the same necklace she had borrowed but a similar one.

Activity-based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Give the noun forms of the following :

  1. charming
  2. astonished
  3. familiarly
  4. remember


  1. charming – charm
  2. astonished – astonishment
  3. familiarly – familiarity
  4. remember – remembrance.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Pick out the main clauses in the following sentences :
1. You say that you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine.
2. One day, as she was walking in the Champs Elysees, she saw Madame Forestier.
1. You say – Main Clause.
2. One day she saw Madame Forestier – Main Clause.

Language Study Activities
(based on vocabulary and grammar)

Simple Activities :

Question 1.
Write two compound words from the lesson.
newspaper, money-lender.

Question 2.
Punctuate :
she went up to her and said good morning jeanne
She went up to her and said, “Good morning, Jeanne.”

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 3.
Make a meaningful sentence using the following phrase : before the end of February
The snow had vanished before the end of February.

Question 4.
Spot the error and correct the sentence : They was dropped off at their door.
They were dropped off at their door.

Question 5.
Use the word ‘stopping’ as a present participle it in your own sentence.
Stopping on the way, she bought some groceries.

Question 6.
Identify the type of sentence: Oh, my poor Mathilde!
Exclamatory Sentence

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 7.
Find out two hidden words from the given word : familiarly
familiarly – familiar, family (frail, rally)

Question 8.
Form a past participle in which the last letter is doubled.
beg – begged

Medium-Level Activities :

Question 1.
“I’m going back,” he said.
(Rewrite in indirect speech.)
He said that he was going back.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Each month they had to pay some loans. (Change the voice.)
Some loans had to be paid each month by them. / Each month some loans had to be paid by them.

Question 3.
Use the word ‘made’ and its homophone in two sentences of your own.
(a) The salad was made in the hotel for a special occasion.
(b) Suman always treated her maid with courtesy.

Question 4.
It seemed to be exactly what they were looking for. (Rewrite using the past perfect progressive tense of the underlined verb.)
It seemed to be exactly what they had been looking for.

Challenging Activities :

Question 1.
Use the following word in two separate sentences, once as a noun and once as a verb :clasp
(a) I lost a valuable bracelet as the clasp was weak, (noun)
(b) I saw the poor woman clasp the doctor’s hands in gratitude, (verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 2.
Madame Forestier, astonished to be addressed so familiarly, did not recognize her.
(Rewrite as a compound sentence.)
Madame Forestier was astonished to be addressed so familiarly and did not recognize her.

Grammar Focus:

Question 1.
Make a table of verb forms for your own reference. Try to arrange the verbs in alphabetical order. Keep adding new verbs to your table from time to time.
(Students may attempt this on their own.)

Question 2.
List at least ten verbs, the last letter of which is doubled in the present participle.
sit – sitting, dig – digging, run – running, hit – hitting, knit – knitting, bat – batting, forget – forgetting, jog – jogging, begin – beginning, plan – planning.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 The Necklace

Question 3.
List at least ten verbs, one last letter of S which is doubled in the past participle.
bite – bitten, fall – fallen, hide – hidden, rot – rotten, stop – stopped, prefer – preferred, rub – rubbed, slip – slipped, bar – barred, occur – occurred.

Question 4.
List at least ten verbs, the last letter of which is doubled in the past tense form.
rob – robbed; knot – knotted, flit – flitted, jog – jogged, tip – tipped, tug – tugged, beg – begged, emit – emitted, rot – rotted, plan – planned.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 4.5 Tansen Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

Question (a)
Indian Classical Music consists of many Ragas. Find out from an expert or from the internet, the names of at least 10 Ragas and the time they are sung to produce greater effect.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen 1

Name of Raga Effective when
1. Pahadi evening
2. Bhairav sung in the morning
3. Deepak evening
4. Malkous small hours of the morning
5. Yaman sunset to late evening
6. Bhimpalasi late afternoon to sunset
7. Kedar late evening to midnight
8. Jog small hours of the morning
9. Bhairavi often at the end of a long musical performance.
10. Gaud Malhar monsoon

(Students can find more information from the Internet.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Question (b)
Archaic words are those that are no longer used in a language, but sometimes their usage adds a historical or old-times flavour to a piece of writing.

  1. behold – look
  2. afeared – frightened
  3. forsooth – indeed
  4. hither – this place

Now find out some archaic words from your mother tongue or another language that you are proficient in and write down at least ten of them, and against each, their modern equivalent and meaning in English.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen 2

Archaic word Modem equivalent Meaning in English

(Students can find out from their parents or other elders, and attempt this in their own mother tongue.)

Question (c)
There are many legends about the ‘nine gems’ in Akbar’s Court. Can you name some of the nine gems and the stories associated with them?
The nine gems of Akbar’s court were:

  1. Abu’l Fazi ibn Mubarak
  2. Raja Todar Mai
  3. Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana
  4. Raja Birbal
  5. Mulla Do-Piyaza
  6. Faizi
  7. Fakir Aziao-Din
  8. Tansen and
  9. Raja Man Singh I.

There Eire plenty of Akbar-Birbal stories and those of Akbar and Tansen that are famous.
(Students can read these stories either from the library or from the internet.)

English Workshop:

1. Pick out the archaic words from the poem and give their modern equivalents:

Question 1.
Pick out the archaic words from the poem and give their modern equivalents:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen 3

Archaic Words Modem Equivalents
1. thy your
2. thine yours
3. ’twere it were
4. o’er over
5. thee you

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

2. Write who said the following words, to whom, and when:

Question 2.
Write who said the following words, to whom, and when:
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

The expression/sentences Who said it To whom When
1. “Ah, no, to thee I sing: he sings to God.” Tansen Akbar When Akbar asks him to sing the same musical composition that Ostad had sung, in the same way.
2. ‘What theme this is that holds the soul enchanted.’ Akbar Tansen When Akbar hears the beautiful musical composition that Ostad had sung.

3. Rearrange the following in their proper order as in the poem. Write the serial number against each line:

Question 1.
Rearrange the following in their proper order as in the poem. Write the serial number against each line:
(The answer is given directly.)
(a) The Ostad sang the Malkous Raga enchantingly. [6]
(b) Akbar followed Tansen, dressed miserably. [4]
(c) I request you to sing such a song that I will experience unmatched joy. [9]
(d) Ostad was nowhere to be seen. [8]
(e) O Divine Teacher, please gift us the joy of your song. [5]
(f) One day, the singer sang Deepak Raga in the court. [1]
(g) Akbar expressed his wish to meet the Teacher. [3]
(h) He experienced heavenly delight. [7]
(i) Tansen sings to please the earthly king but Ostad devotes his songs to God. [10]
(j) She sang Raga Malhar, which had a cooling effect. [2]

4. Write the reason in your own words:

Question (a)
Akbar strongly desired to hear Ostad (the teacher) sing.
Akbar was enraptured with Tansen’s singing. He said that Tansen’s teacher must be and divine for Tansen to have learnt to sing so magically under his coaching. Akbar then felt that Ostad’s singing would be even better, and so he strongly desired to hear Ostad sing.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Question (b)
Akbar had to dress like a slave.
Akbar badly wanted to meet Tansen’s teacher and hear him sing. However, the teacher did not think it worthy to sing to kings, and hence Tansen suggested that it would be better for Akbar to meet him as a poor slave. Therefore Akbar changed his kingly attire and wore the robes of a poor man.

Question (c)
After the song, Ostad had vanished.
Ostad vanished because he probably did not; want to hear any praise or any demands for more songs.

Question (d)
Ostad’s song was more elating than Tansen’s songs.
Ostad’s song was more elating than Tansen’s songs because Tansen sang to Akbar, a human being, while Ostad sang to God.

5. What message does the poet wish to convey through this narrative poem, ‘Tansen’?

Question 1.
What message does the poet wish to convey through this narrative poem, ‘Tansen’?
The poet wishes to convey that one can reach great heights in one’s field if one becomes unworldly and devotes one’s talents to someone or something higher than mere human beings.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

6. Summarise the poem in your own words in 8-10 lines, highlighting only the main points.

Question 1.
Summarise the poem in your own words in 8-10 lines, highlighting only the main points.


Tansen was a singer in Akbar’s court. One day, he sang the Deepak Raga so well that Akbar was enraptured. He wished to meet the teacher at whose feet Tansen had learnt to sing so magically. However, the teacher lived in a remote cave in the Himalayas. He shunned wealth and disdained to sing to earthly kings. Akbar donned the clothes of a slave and went with Tansen to meet him. On their request, Ostad sang the Malkous Raga. It was so enchanting that Akbar felt as if he had been transported to Heaven. Soon after this, Ostad vanished. Akbar asked Tansen whether he could sing the same musical composition that Ostad had sung. Tansen replied that he could not, for he, Tansen, sang to earthly kings, while his Ostad sang to God.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 4.5 Tansen Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. Akbar was fond of music. True
  2. Malhar is the Song of Fire. False
  3. Akbar rewarded Tansen for his singing. True
  4. Tansen did not come back to normal. False

Question 2.
Write who said the following words, to whom, and when:
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

Utterance Who said it To whom When
“Mighty thy teacher must be and divine.” Akbar Tansen After hearing the wonderful Deepak Raga.
“He dwells within a cave of Himalay.” Tansen Akbar When Akbar praised Tansen and asked him about his teacher.
“As you desire, Huzoor.” Tansen Akbar When Akbar told Tansen that he wanted to see the teacher and hear him sing.
“O Holy Master, bless us with thy song!” Akbar and Tansen The teacher When they met the teacher in the mountains.

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
How did Akbar reward Tansen for the ecstatic effect of his singing?
Akbar rewarded Tansen by praising him, gifting him a lot of jewels and calling him the chief jewel in his diadem.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Question 2.
What happened to Tansen when he sang the Deepak Raga with great fervour?
When Tansen sang the Deepak Raga with great fervour, his body burst into flames and burnt like a pyre.

Question 3.
How did he (Tansen) come back to normal again?
He(Tansen) came back to normal again when a maiden sang Malhar, the song of cold water, and put out the fire.

Question 4.
What does the incident tell us about Tansen’s singing?
The incident tells us that Tansen’s singing was whole-hearted, magical and divine.

Question 5.
What did Tansen tell Akbar about his teacher?
Tansen told Akbar that his teacher stayed in a remote cave in the Himalayas, far away from the unworthy crowds, scorning worldly wealth. He did not think it worthy to sing to kings, and hence Tansen suggested that it would be better for Akbar to meet him as a poor slave.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Question 6.
What was the magical effect of Ostad’s rendering the Malkous Raga?
When Ostad sang the Malkous Raga, the birds and beasts gathered around, enchanted with the song. Akbar felt waves of heavenly rapture. He felt his soul was enchanted and his heart was filled with delight.

Question 7.
What happened before Akbar could come out of his trance?
Ostad had vanished before Akbar could come out of his trance.

Question 8.
Why did Tansen’s singing not produce the same effect as that by Ostad?
Tansen’s singing did not produce the same effect as that by Ostad because Tansen sang to Akbar – a human being – while Ostad sang to God.

Activities based on Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Pick out the rhyming pairs of words in the first six lines.
Rhyming words: Court – Fort, bells – tells, gem – diadem.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Question 2.
‘His voice rang like the sound of silver bells.’ Pick out and explain the figure of speech in this line.
Simile: His voice is compared to the sound of silver bells, with the use of the word ‘like’.

Question 3.
Pick out the rhyming words in the last six lines of the extract. What is the rhyme scheme?
Rhyming words are: slave – cave, feet – sweet, long – song. The rhyme scheme is aa, in rhyming couplets.

Question 4.
Pick out the figure of speech in the sentence:
‘He felt the waves of heavenly rapture roll.’
The figure of speech is Alliteration; repetition of the sound of the letter ‘r’.

Point Format (for understanding)

  • Title: Tansen
  • Poet: Hazrat Inayat Khan
  • Rhyme Scheme: The poem is in rhyming couplets. So the rhyme scheme is aa.
  • Figure of Speech: Alliteration. ‘Tell me, Tansen, what theme this is that holds’. Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figures of speech are Simile and Inversion.
  • Theme/Central idea: This narrative poem depicts Akbar’s appreciation of Tansen’s singing, his meeting with Tansen’s teacher, and what he felt during this meeting. The final lines lead to the climax of the narration.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.5 Tansen

Paragraph Format:

‘Tansen’ by Hazrat Inayat Khan is a narrative poem depicting Akbar’s appreciation of Tansen’s singing, his meeting with Tansen’s teacher, and what he felt during this meeting. The final lines lead to the climax of the narration.

The poem is in rhyming couplets. So the Rhyme Scheme is aa. A Figure of Speech : Alliteration: ‘Tell me, Tansen, what theme this is that holds’ – Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figures of speech are Simile and Inversion.

The poet wishes to convey that one can reach great heights in one’s field if one becomes unworldly and devotes one’s talents to someone or something higher than mere human beings. The story is told systematically and logically and can be easily understood.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 2.5 Autumn Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

1. What changes do you see in nature in each of the following seasons? A few sentences are given below as examples. Use these and your own to describe a season appropriately.

  • New grass sprouts.
  • We see mist in the morning.
  • Tender leaves shoot out on plants or trees.
  • There are sudden showers and
  • Migratory birds return. hailstorms.
  • The sun shines brighter than before.
  • Trees blossom.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn 1

Question 1.
What changes do you see in nature in each of the following seasons? Use the sentences given on textbook page 49 and your own to describe each season appropriately.
(a) Summer:

  1. Migratory birds return.
  2. The sun shines brighter than before.
  3. Many trees blossom.
  4. Humidity in the air increases.

(b) Winter:

  1. We see fog in the morning.
  2. Nights become longer and the days shorter.
  3. There may sometimes be hail or snow in some places.
  4. Humidity levels in the air decrease.

(c) Monsoon:

  1. New grass sprouts.
  2. Tender leaves shoot out on plants and trees.
  3. There are sudden showers and hailstorms.
  4. There is the fresh smell of wet earth.

Question a.
Name the six seasons according to the Indian calendar. Which of these seasons is equivalent to Autumn?
The six seasons according to the Indian calendar are :
Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad, Hemant and Shishir. Sharad Ritu is equivalent to Autumn.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

Question b.
What changes do we see in the life of human beings when the season changes? Write with reference to their (a) clothes (b) diet
(c) celebrations.
(a) clothes :
Points :

  1. summer: wear cotton clothes – loose garments – head protection like caps, turbans – open shoes – goggles – long-sleeved shirts, blouses for protection from rays of sun, etc.
  2. winter: sweaters, mufflers, closed shoes, sometimes gloves, socks, etc.
  3. monsoon : light synthetic clothes – rubber or plastic footwear – umbrellas or raincoats, etc.

(b) diet :
Points :

  1. summer : more liquids-fresh fruits and juices – less spice, less oil, light diet, etc.
  2. winter : more oil, heavy food – hot food – special types of food which provide warmth – etc.
  3. monsoon : only cooked food – boiled water – less liquids – more foods that will give internal warmth, etc.

(c) celebrations :
Points :

  1. summer – Many Hindu festivals like Holi, Gudi padva, holidays – harvest festivals – family get-togethers, etc.
  2. winter – many weddings, parties – festivals like Diwali, Christmas, New Year, etc.
  3. monsoon – many festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, farmers’ festivals, busy season for farmers, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

2. Guess what is personified and fill in the gaps. Choose from the brackets.
(Sun, alarm, bird, car, wind, stars, machine)

Question 1.
Guess what is personified and fill in the gaps with words from the brackets :
(sun, alarm, bird, car, wind, stars, machine) (The answers are given directly.)
(a) The weary ……… was also petrol – hungry.
(b) The playful …….. whistled among the trees.
(c) The annoying ……. screamed at 5 am.
(d) The naughty …….. winked at me from above.
(e) The rising ……. stretched its arms.
(f) The cheerful …… sang as it perched on a tree.
(g) The tireless …….. hummed as it worked hard.
(a) The weary car was also petrol-hungry.
(b) The playful wind whistled among the trees.
(c) The annoying alarm screamed at 5 a.m.
(d) The naughty stars winked at me from above.
(e) The rising sun stretched its arms.
(f) The cheerful bird sang as it perched on a tree.
(g) The tireless machine hummed as it worked hard.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

English Workshop:

1. Find three lines each, that contain images of nature in the autumn season. ..

Question 1.
Find three lines each, that contain images of nature in the autumn season :
(a) During daytime
1. ……………………..
2. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
(b) At night
1. ……………………..
2. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
(a) During daytime :

  1. With nodding rice-stems in her hair.
  2. And lilies in her face.
  3. In flowers of grasses she is clad.

(b) At night :

  1. A diadem adorns the night! Of multitudinous stars.
  2. Her silken robe is white moonlight.
  3. And on her face (the radiant moon).

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

2. Pick out words from the poem that describe the following. List them in Column ‘A’. Substitute each of those describing words with another word/phrase of the same meaning.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn 2

Question 1.
Pick out words from the poem that describe the following. List them in Column A. Substitute each of those describing words with another word/ phrase of the same meaning.

A (Poetic words) B (Your own words)
1. The Autumn A maiden fair A beautiful maiden
2. Stars Multitudinous Numerous, Countless
3. Moonlight White Silvery
4. Cooing of birds A bracelet’s tinkling A musical sound

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

3. Find one example of each of the following from the poem :

Question 1.
Simile – Birds greet her with their cooing glad, Like a bracelet’s tinkling sound.

Question 2.
Metaphor – The Autumn comes, a fair maiden.

4. Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.

Question 1.
Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
The rhyme scheme is ababcdcd.

5. Think and write in your own words.

Question a.
Why is the maiden Autumn said to wear rice stems in her hair?
Probably the harvest of the rice crop is just over at the beginning of Autumn; hence the maiden Autumn is said to wear rice stems in her hair.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

Question b.
How can the tender maiden Autumn become a full grown woman? What change in nature does it imply?
When the Autumn season is just beginning, Autumn is a tender maiden, young and graceful. As the season progresses and sets in properly, she becomes a full grown, mature woman. It implies that time has passed and the season has changed.

Question c.
Why do you think that birds greet the autumn season gladly?
Probably the birds enjoy the cool autumn after the hot summer. They may also get more grains and seeds to eat.

6. Compare the Indian Monsoon season to a powerful king of a prosperous kingdom. Write down a few similarities. Use them to compose a poem of your own.

Question 1.
Compare the Indian Monsoon season to a powerful king of a prosperous kingdom. Write down a few similarities. Use them to compose a poem of your own.
(Students may attempt this on their own.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

7. Which is your favourite ‘Nature’ poem from your mother tongue? Write the poem and try to translate it into English. Your translation can be in the form of a poem or a paraphrase.

Question 1.
Which is your favourite ‘Nature’ poem from your mother tongue? Write the poem and try to translate it into English. Your translation can be in the form of a poem or a paraphrase.
(Students may attempt this on their own.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

8. Read the ode ‘To Autumn’ by the famous poet John Keats. ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness…’

Question 1.
Read the ode ‘To Autumn’ by the famous poet John Keats. ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness…’

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 2.5 Autumn Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following poem carefully and complete the activities:

Simple Factual Activity:

1. Complete the web:
(The answers are underlined directly.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn 3

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What is the cooing of birds compared to?
The cooing of birds is compared to the tinkling song of a bracelet.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

Question 2.
How does Autumn dress up at night?
At night Autumn wears a twinkling crown made of countless stars. Her robe of silk is the white moonlight, set free from the cloudy patches.

Question 3.
Why is Autumn called a ‘maiden fair’?
Autumn is said to be slender and graceful. She has adorned herself by having rice-stems in her hair and lilies in her face. She is dressed in flowers of grasses. Hence, she is called a ‘maiden fair’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Autumn

Paragraph Format:

In the poem ‘Autumn’, the poet Kalidas has lovingly and picturesquely described the advent of the Autumn season. The original poem in Sanskrit is translated into English by Prof. A. W. Ryder.

The Rhyme Scheme is ababcdcd. A Figure of Speech that stands out is Alliteration: ‘She seems a slender maid, who soon…’. Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘s’. Other figures of speech are Simile and Metaphor.

The poet has compared Autumn to a slender and graceful maiden who has adorned herself in various ways.
The poem is enchanting because of the imagery and the beautiful, imaginative description of Autumn. It shows us the imagination of the poet. Autumn is personified in the entire poem and compared to a slender and graceful maiden.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. How will you react in the following situations?

Question (a)
Your Science teacher tells you plants exposed to the sunlight grow faster than those always in the shade.
Points: change the location of your plants – disbelieve her, try some experiments, etc.

Question (b)
Your aunt tells you not to go for a job interview because it’s a no moon day, that very same day.
Points: you ignore her words – you listen to her words – you ask for proof etc.

Question (c)
Your friend argues with you that Mount Everest is not the highest peak in the world.
Points: you pity his ignorance – you believe him – you look up the internet to check, etc.

Question (d)
A stranger at your door claims to be a magician and promises your mother to turn all her silver jewellery into gold.
Points: you slam the door – you call the police – you try to trick him, you give the gold, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

2. What do you notice about the following pairs of words?

Question (a)
What do you notice about the following pairs of words?

  1. act naturally
  2. liquid gas
  3. open secret
  4. sound of silence
  5. sweet sorrow
  6. original copy
  7. only choice
  8. growing smaller

They are all contrasting pairs of words used together. Such contrasting pairs of words that go together are called Oxymorons.

Now try to add a contradictory word (Oxymoron) to the following:

Question (a)
What a ……………… mess you’ve got us into!
What a wonderful mess you’ve got us into!

Question (b)
It’s a …………… imitation of a diamond necklace.
It’s a genuine imitation of a diamond necklace.

Question (c)
My trip to Matheran was a …………. holiday.
My trip to Matheran was a working holiday.

Question (d)
With such heavy makeup, she looks ……………. ugly.
With such heavy make-up, she looks pretty ugly.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (e)
A ……………. crowd gathered to see the magic show.
A tiny crowd gathered to see the magic show.

Note:- Contrasting words that go together are examples of the language device called Oxymoron.

English Workshop:

1. The following expressions are a combination of a noun preceded by a describing word.
Replace the describing words with as many others as you can, that go with the underlined nouns.
eg. silly mistake, grave mistake, careless mistake, obvious mistake etc.

Question (a)
fatal mistake
silly mistake, grave mistake, careless mistake, obvious mistake.

Question (b)
foreign customs
established customs, local customs, traditional customs, age-old customs.

Question (c)
unappetizing diet
nutritious diet, healthy diet, unhealthy diet, strict diet, balanced diet, staple diet, vegetarian diet.

Question (d)
plentiful supply
sufficient supply, regular supply, continuous supply, irregular supply.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (e)
simple device
complicated device, expensive device, helpful device, useless device, clever device, ingenious device, safety device.

Question (f)
savage controversy
raging controversy, bitter controversy, unending controversy, fierce controversy.

Question (g)
modern technique
new technique, conventional technique, advanced technique, simple technique.

Question (h)
foolish custom:
quaint custom, ancient custom, Indian custom, accepted custom.

2. Use the following idioms/expressions in sentences of your own.

Question (a)
to be prone to …………………………………
We are prone to infections during monsoon.

Question (b)
to have a difference of opinion ………………………
If you have a difference of opinion with someone, you must settle it amicably.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (c)
to go beyond …………………………….
The fight between the two women was going beyond the limits of decent behaviour.

Question (d)
to have a beneficial effect ……………………………………
Exercising regularly has a beneficial effect on the body.

Question (e)
to have a bias ………………………………
We should not have a bias against foreign ideas.

Question (f)
to undo ……………………………………..
“Do not undo all the good that I have done,” said the psychiatrist to the woman.

Question (g)
to be wary of ………………………………..
One should be wary of schemes which promise to make one rich overnight.

Question (h)
under the influence ……………………………….
He committed the crime when he was under the influence of alcohol.

3. Say ‘WHY’?

Question (a)
One should avoid getting angry about a difference of opinion.
One should avoid getting angry about a ; difference of opinion because if one gets angry, it will show that one’s belief is going beyond what the evidence indicates or states.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (b)
The writer found his stay abroad very profitable.
The writer found his stay abroad very profitable because it helped him to become aware of foreign ideas and customs and diminish the intensity of his insular prejudice.

Question (c)
The writer grew less dogmatic and more open-minded.
When the writer was young, he lived for some time outside his country. He became aware of foreign ideas and customs. This made him grow less dogmatic and more open-minded.

Question (d)
Men declaring that they are saints write letters to the writer.
The writer is a renowned person. The men who declare themselves as saints want the writer to mention them in his lectures so that they get some free publicity. Hence they write letters to the writer.

Question (e)
The writer claims that all false beliefs need not be replaced by cold science.
The writer claims that all false beliefs need not be replaced by cold science because if this is done, the world would lose some of its interest and variety.

4. Make sentences of your own to show the difference of usage of the following words:

Question (a)
1. device
2. devise
1. Today, we make use of various devices to help us.
2. Mothers must devise ways of keeping their children out of mischief.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (b)
Make sentences of your own to show the difference of usage of the following homophones :
1. advice
2. advise
1. It is very easy to give advice but difficult to follow it.
2. The teacher advised the girl not to waste time.

Question (c)
Make sentences of your own to show the difference of usage of the following homophones:
1. practice
2. practise
1. Dowry is an evil practice prevalent in India.
2. I have to practise every day if I want to win the dance competition.

5. When a family member is very ill for long, the grandmother of the family urges everyone to send for a person who claims he can cure victims of black magic. Compose a dialogue with her, in which her granddaughter politely convinces her that she should not believe in such things.

Question 1.
When a family member is very ill for long, the grandmother of the family urges everyone to send for a person who claims he can cure victims of black magic. Compose a dialogue with her, in which her granddaughter politely convinces her that she should not believe in such things.

  • Grandmother: What a situation! Now that you have tried all your fancy modern medicines, listen to me. Call Cureybaba.
  • Granddaughter: Who is he? Never heard of him.
  • Grandmother: I am certain that your mother is the victim of black magic. Cureybaba will cure her. You saw him at our neighbour’s house a few days back. He is bald and …
  • Granddaughter: Grandma, for Heavens Sake! Mom was ill, no doubt, but her illness has been diagnosed and it is easily curable! There are plenty of medicines in the market.
  • Grandmother: She’s been ill for so long now! Granddaughter: Oh, Grandma, only for two months! The diagnosis took long.
  • Grandmother: Cureybaba will cure her in one sitting.
  • Granddaughter: Listen, Granny dear, these people are all frauds. If your Cureybaba was so good, why doesn’t he get some hair on his head – we know he wears a wig – or cure his horrible cough? Why doesn’t he cure his own mother who is so ill? And has he cured that poor little girl next door? No, he hasn’t. He’s a fraud, Granny.
  • Grandmother: But … but, ……….
  • Granddaughter: Granny, there’s no such thing as black magic. You know that full well. You have seen enough of these ‘babas’ being exposed. Then why ………….
  • Grandmother: Oh, OK. If you say your mother’s 5 illness can be cured by modern medicines easily, I will forget Cureybaba and black magic. Now that I come to think of it, our other neighbour was telling me how he cheated somebody the other day ……….
  • Granddaughter: There you are, Granny!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

6. List the various ways of avoiding error 1 mentioned in the passage.

Question 1.
List the various ways of avoiding error 1 mentioned in the passage.
The various ways of avoiding error are:

  1. make observations yourself
  2. make yourself aware of your bias
  3. be on your guard when you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion.

7. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, what does it indicate?
If an opinion contrary to my own makes me angry, it indicates that I am subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as I do.

Question (b)
What are the most savage controversies about?
The most savage controversies are about ! those matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.

Question (c)
What are the benefits of travel?
Travelling helps you to become aware of foreign ideas and customs. You begin to accept them and get rid of your own narrow outlook.

Question (d)
Is the influence of foreign customs always beneficial?
No, not always. Very often, the influence of foreign customs can be harmful and we must be cautious while following them.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (e)
What are the advantages of an imaginary argument with a person having a different bias?
The advantage of an imaginary argument with a person having a different bias is that it is not subject to the limitations of time and space. One can have this argument at any time and at any place.

Question (f)
Why should one be wary of opinions that flatter one’s self-esteem?
One should be wary of opinions that flatter one’s self-esteem because there may be opinions with abundant evidence to prove the exact opposite to what one believes.

Question (g)
How does fear lead us to error?
Fear leads us to error by making us do things like inventing rumours of disaster in wartime, imagining objects of terror, such as ghosts, or by creating belief in something comforting, like the elixir of life, or heaven for ourselves and hell for our enemies.

Question (h)
Write down the way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage.
The way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage is to try to conquer fear.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

8. What is the meaning of ‘intellectual rubbish’?

Question 1.
What is the meaning of ‘intellectual rubbish’?
This is an oxymoron, where the writer has used contrasting or contradictory words that go together. The writer uses the phrase to describe all false beliefs, baseless opinions, dogmatism, fears and superstitions of various kinds. People follow certain beliefs, ideas and customs without inquiring into their validity. Sometimes, many of these beliefs and customs lead to evil and suffering in the world.

9. Find the opposites of the following:

Question 1.
Find the opposites of the following:

  1. cautious
  2. dogmatic
  3. contrary
  4. savage
  5. beneficial
  6. reasonable
  7. hypothetical
  8. cruelty
  9. immune


  1. cautious × reckless (incautious)
  2. dogmatic × open-minded
  3. contrary × same
  4. savage × mild
  5. reasonable × unreasonable
  6. hypothetical × real
  7. beneficial × harmful
  8. cruelty × kindness/compassion
  9. immune × vulnerable

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

10. Write an imaginary dialogue contesting opposite views on a topic of your choice, e.g. ‘Girls should learn to do all the housework and not boys.’

Question 1.
Write an imaginary dialogue contesting opposite views on a topic of your choice, e.g. ‘Girls should learn to do all the housework and not boys.’

  • Topic: Girls should learn to do all the housework and not boys
  • Myself: Mom, what is this? Why should I learn to do the housework, and not Rohan?
  • Mom: You are a girl. Girls have to look after the ! house.
  • Myself: Why? Don’t boys live in a house?
  • Mom: A woman can look after a home better than a man.
  • Myself: That’s ancient history, Mom! Haven’t you heard of something called gender equality?
  • Mom: These new-fangled notions of yours!
  • Myself: And these notions of only girls having to do housework are all man-made. Look at the west – men and women both do housework. (… and so on. Students can complete this imaginary dialogue.)

(Some topics for imaginary dialogues: should school students be permitted to bring cell phones to school/should coaching classes be banned/should the weight of school bags be monitored/should there be entrance exams for professional courses/should i there be uniforms in schools and colleges.)

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Complete the following statements:

  1. Thinking that you know when in fact you don’t is a fatal mistake.
  2. If the matter is one that can be settled by observation, you must make the observation yourself.
  3. Many matters are less easily brought to the test of experience.
  4. Most of mankind has passionate convictions on many matters.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What erroneous notion did Aristotle have? What does his example convey to you?
Aristotle had the erroneous notion that women had fewer teeth than men, when in fact he didn’t verily it. His example conveys to us that we must be cautious. We must not think that we know something for sure till we make the observation ourselves.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Underline the pronouns in the following sentence:
I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles, because I have been told that they do.
I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles, because I have been told that they do.

Question 2.
Rewrite the sentence replacing the gerund with an infinitive:
Thinking that you know when in fact you don’t is a fatal mistake.
To think that you know when in fact you don’t is a fatal mistake.

Personal Response:

1. What do you feel when:

Question (a)
Someone opposes your strong belief.
I generally get angry but later on I think about it and try to analyse the whole issue.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question (b)
Someone insists that 2 + 2 = 5.
I merely laugh at him/her or feel pity at his/her ignorance.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Write if the following statements are True or False:

  1. The writer lived in many countries in his youth – True
  2. It was a Chinese custom for the women to have small feet – True
  3. The Manchus followed the Chinese custom – True
  4. Travelling increases the intensity of insular prejudice – False

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
How can you prevent yourself from developing a dogmatic attitude?
You can prevent yourself from developing a dogmatic attitude by becoming aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
List the various ways of avoiding error mentioned in the passage.
The various ways of avoiding error are:
1. become aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own
2. travel, and if you cannot, seek out people with whom you disagree and talk to them.

2. Use the following idioms/expressions in a sentence of your own.

Question 1.
to become aware of:
I became aware of the bear only when it growled loudly.

Question 2.
Find the opposites of the following :
1. diminishing
1. diminishing × increasing

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Replace the gerund in the following sentence with an infinitive:
It is a good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism.
It is a good way to rid yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined part as the answer:
This reflection should generate a certain caution.
What should generate a certain caution?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think that traveling helps us to become more tolerant and understanding?
Yes, it certainly does. It shows us the way different people live, their ideas and customs, the difficulties they face and the way they solve these difficulties. It gives us a much broader view of life.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Complete the following web:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Write down the way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage.
The way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage is to have imaginary arguments with people having different bias.

Activities based on Vocabulary.

Question 1.
good plan
cunning plan, thoughtful plan, well-made plan, secret plan, master plan, career plan.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
It is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias. (Rewrite the sentence beginning ‘Imagining
Imagining an argument with a person having a different bias is a good plan.

Question 2.
You may never meet anyone who holds this opinion. (Rewrite the sentence as a simple sentence.)
You may never meet anyone with/having this opinion.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Have you ever had an imaginary argument with anyone?
Yes. I often have an imaginary argument with my mother. In my imagination, she asks me why have got peor marks in some particular subject and I reply. Then she says something else and I counter that one as well. We argue. I Imagine what she well say and provide the answers.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Be wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.
  2. We are all persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others.
  3. We try to show that the merits possessed b our nation are really important ones.
  4. We think that the demerits of our own country are comparatively trivial.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What two examples does the writer give to those who have opinions that flatter their self-esteem?
The writer says that if a man points out that most poets and men of science are male, a woman can say that most criminals are also male. The second example he gives is that of general human conceit. For this, we need to remind ourselves that other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to Jelly-fish.

Question 2.
What is the only way to tackle such self-pride?
The only way to tackle such self-pride is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet In a little corner of the universe, and that other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourseLves as we are to Jelly-fish.

Question 3.
Why should one be wary of opinions that flatter one’s self-esteem?
One should be wary of opinions that flatter one’s self-esteem because there may be opinions with abundant evidence lo prove the exact opposite to what one believes.

Question 4.
Write down the way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage.
The way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage Is to be wary of opinions that hatter your self-esteem.

Use the following Idioms/expressions in sentences of your own….,

Question 1.
to deal with:
The lawyer had to deal with a large number of court cases.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
Give the noun forms of the following:

  1. flatter
  2. abundant
  3. rational
  4. argue


  1. flatter – flattery
  2. abundant – abundance
  3. rational – rationality
  4. argue – argument

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentences adding question tags:
1. The question is inherently insoluble.
2. Self-esteem conceals this from most people.
1. The question is inherently insoluble, isn’t it?
2. Self-esteem conceals this from most people, doesn’t it?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think that there are living beings superior to man in other parts of the universe?
Yes, I do. The universe is so huge. There is probably a whole lot of life elsewhere that is superior to us. There may also be a lot of life inferior to us, too. We should not make the mistake of thinking that ; we are the greatest.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Write whether the following statements are Right or Wrong:

  1. Fear has many forms. Right
  2. Fear operates directly and indirectly. Right
  3. You must never admit your own fears to yourself. Wrong
  4. We can become wise only when we conquer fear. Right

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What two evils does fear lead to? How can one overcome fear?
Two evils that fear leads us to are superstition and cruelty. One can overcome fear by firstly admitting one’s own fears to oneself and then guarding oneself against their myth-making power.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What two evils does fear lead to? How can one overcome fear?
Two evils that fear leads us to are superstition and cruelty. One can overcome fear by firstly admitting one’s own fears to oneself and then guarding oneself against their myth-making power.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
How does fear lead us to error?
Fear leads us to error by making us do things like inventing rumours of disaster in wartime, imagining objects of terror, such as ghosts, or by creating belief in something comforting, like the elixir of life, or heaven for ourselves and hell for our enemies.

Activity-based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Match the adjectives in Column A with the nouns in Column B:

1. specific (a) effort
2. vague (b) terrors
3. difficult (c) beliefs
4. religious (d) fear


  1. specific – terrors
  2. vague – fear
  3. difficult – effort
  4. religious – beliefs.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Fear is the main source of superstition. (Rewrite beginning ‘It is ……………)
It is fear that is the main source of superstition.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
Until you have admitted your own fears to yourself, you cannot hope to think about other matters. (Rewrite using ‘only when
Only when you have admitted your own fears to yourself, can you hope to think about other matters.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What are the things you are afraid of?
I am generally afraid of things regarding my education. I am afraid that I will not do well in my j exams and not get a seat in the college of my choice. I am also afraid that I will be separated from my friends and will not be able to make new friends at a new place. I will be lost without friends.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Primitive magic has the purpose of securing safety either by injuring enemies or by protecting oneself by talismans, spells or incantations.
2. Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What is the aim of primitive magic?
The aim of primitive magic is to secure safety, either by injuring enemies or by protecting oneself by talismans, spells or incantations.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
What are the two ways of avoiding fear?
The two ways of avoiding fear are:
1. by persuading ourselves that we are immune from disaster and
2. by the practice of sheer courage.

Question 3.
Write down the way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage.
The way of avoiding error mentioned in the passage is to avoid fear in various ways.

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Use the following idioms/expressions in sentences of your own.
1. at a certain point
1. Rhea realised at a certain point during the argument that it was better to keep quiet.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Poltroons are more prone to cruelty than brave men, and are also more prone to superstition.
(Rewrite using not only … but also…….)
Poltroons are not only more prone to cruelty than brave men, but also more prone to superstition.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 2.
Science has now lessened the belief in magic.
(Pick out the verb and state its tense.)
has lessened – present perfect tense.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
How do you try to overcome your fears?
I try to overcome my fears by telling my parents and friends about them and getting their advice and support. I also pray to God and this helps me the most.

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Write whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Superstitions sometimes add to the gaiety of life. True
  2. The writer used to give lectures. True
  3. The ‘prophetess’ walked on water successfully. False

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
How did the prophetess befool her believers?
The prophetess announced to her numerous | followers that she possessed the power of walking on water, and that she proposed to do so at 11 o’clock on a certain morning. On that day, she asked them whether they were all convinced that she could walk on water. When they replied in the affirmative, she said that then there was no need for her to prove herself. Thus she fooled her believers.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Rewrite the following sentences as compound sentences:
1. Although I did not enroll myself among his worshippers, his letter gave me pleasure.
2. I received once a communication from the god Osiris, giving me his telephone number.
1. I did not enroll myself among his worshippers but his letter gave me pleasure.
2. I received once a communication from the god Osiris and he gave me his telephone number.

Simple Activities:

Question 1.
Write two compound words from the lesson.
steamboat, self-esteem

Question 2.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase ‘of great importance’.
It is of great importance to understand the rules of the land.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 3.
Spot the error and correct the sentence:
Fear have many forms – fear of death, fear of the dark, etc.
Fear has many forms-fear of death, fear of the dark, etc.

Question 4.
Pick out a gerund from the given sentence:
You may never have an opportunity of meeting anyone who has this opinion.
meeting – gerund

Question 5.
Identify the type of sentence:
Mahatma Gandhi deplored railways and steamboats.
Assertive sentence

Question 6.
Find out two hidden words from the given word : hypothetical
hypothetical – poetic, poetical (topic, topical).

Question 7.
Form the present and past participle of a verb in the lesson in which the last letter is doubled.
admit-admitted, admitting

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 8.
Write the following words in alphabetical order:
dogmatism, dominion, deplored, device.
deplored, device, dogmatism, dominion.

Medium-Level Activities:

Question 1.
Use the word ‘spell’ in two separate sentences, the word having different meanings (homographs).
(a) “Be sure that you spell every word correctly,” said the teacher.
(b) The witch was angry and cast a spell over the princess.

Question 2.
She announced to her numerous followers that she possessed the power of walking on water.
(Rewrite using direct speech.)
She announced to her numerous followers, “I possess the power of walking on water.”

Question 3.
The rational man will admit that there is no right answer.
(Use the future perfect tense of the verb.)
The rational man will have admitted that there is no right answer.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Intellectual Rubbish

Question 4.
Science has now lessened the belief in magic.
(Change the voice beginning ‘The belief. ’.)
The belief in magic has now been lessened by science.

Challenging Activities:

Question 1.
Although I did not enroll myself among his worshippers, his letter gave me pleasure. (Pick out the clauses and identify the type of sentence.)
his letter gave me pleasure – main clause
Although I did not enroll myself among his worshippers – subordinate clause. Complex sentence

Question 2.
Use the two words ‘evidence’ and ‘opinion’ in a single sentence of your own.
In the opinion of the judge, the evidence was false.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Building a Story :
Form groups of eight. The group leader prepares slips of paper for each of the seven points given below and distributes them among the others. The group sits in a circle, taking their seats according to the number on the slip they have. Then each one completes the sentence on his/her slip without sharing it with the others. The group leader collects the slips and reads all the sentences aloud as one continuous passage. Does the story make sense? The group then works on the story to make it more meaningful and interesting.

This game may be played again, changing the groups, to form new stories.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy 1

1. Once there was a ……………………….
2. Who lived in a ……………………….
3. He/She ate ……………………….
4. She/He went ……………………….
5. There she/he saw ……………………….
6. She/He was …………………………
7. That is why ……………………….

Question 1.

  1. Once there was a ……………………….
  2. Who lived in a ……………………….
  3. He/She ate ……………………….
  4. She/He went ……………………….
  5. There she/he saw ……………………….
  6. She/He was …………………………
  7. That is why ……………………….


  1. Once there was a beautiful princess.
  2. Who lived in a dirty old shoe in a park.
  3. He/She ate nails and screws and paper.
  4. She/He went on a plane to the Arctic Circle.
  5. There she/he saw green mountains, lush forests and thundering waterfalls.
  6. She/He was very happy to go to Mars in the spaceship.
  7. That is why the doctor gave me the bitter medicine.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

The sentences as one continuous passage :

Once there was a beautiful princess who lived in a dirty old shoe in a park. She/He ate nails and screws and paper. She went on a plane to the Arctic Circle. There she saw green mountains, lush forests and thundering waterfalls. She was very happy to go to Mars in the spaceship. That is why the doctor gave me the bitter medicine.

The sentences read as one continuous passage do not make sense. However, if we make changes in the story, the passage will make sense.

  1. Once there was a beautiful princess.
  2. Who lived in a beautiful palace in a large forest.
  3. She ate only fresh fruits, vegetables and salads for every meal.
  4. She went on a voyage to the Arctic Circle.
  5. There she saw frozen seas, ice bergs and a variety of sea animals.
  6. She was thrilled to see so many different things, which she had never seen before.
  7. That is why she decided to visit a new place every year.

When we put these sentences given above as a continuous passage, they form a small and sensible story.
(Students can play the game again, changing the groups, to form new stories.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy


(a) Why? : Form groups of five. Choose a familiar character from any one of the epics you know. One person from the group plays the role of that character. Others in the group frame questions related to that character’s life. The condition is that all the questions should begin with ‘Why …?‘. They interview the character using these ‘Why -?‘ questions. Practise and present the interview in the classroom.
(b) How? : Follow the above procedure. Now all questions should begin with ‘How -?‘
(c) Prepare a short script of your interviews.

Question a.
Form groups of five. Choose a familiar character from any one of the epics you know. One person from the group plays the role of that character. Others in the group frame questions related to that character’s life. The condition is that all the questions should begin with a ‘Why…’? They interview the character using these ‘Why?’ questions. Practice and present the interview in the classroom.
Example: Questions for Lord Rama. Epic: Ram ay an

  1. Why did you marry Sita?
  2. Why did your father ask you to leave the kingdom?
  3. Why did your stepmother want you to leave the kingdom?
  4. Why did Lakshman accompany you to the forest?
  5. Why did Lakshman leave Sita alone in the hut?

Question b.
How? : Follow the above procedure. Now all questions should begin with ‘How -?‘
Example :

  1. How did you marry Sita?
  2. How many brothers did you have?
  3. How did your stepmother make you leave the kingdom?
  4. How did Ravana trick Sita?
  5. How did Hanuman help you?

Question c.
A short script of the interviews:
Example :

Question 1.
Why did your father ask you to leave the kingdom?
My father fulfilled my stepmother Kaikeyi’s wish and banished me from Ayodhya.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 2.
Why did your stepmother want you to leave the kingdom?
My stepmother Kaikeyi wanted her son Bharat to become the king. This would not have been possible if I had been in Ayodhya. Hence she wanted me to leave the kingdom.

Question 3.
Why did Lakshman accompany you to the forest?
Lakshman loved me and wanted to ensure my safety in the forest. Hence he accompanied me to the forest.

Part – I

English Workshop:

1. Read the passage and name the following.

(a) He composed the Illiad and Odyssey: ……………….
(b) He persuaded Helen to elope wjth him: ……………….
(c) She was wife of the King Menelaus: ……………….
(d) He led the defence of Troy for nthe years: ……………….
(e) He was killed by a poisoned arrow that entered his heel: ……………….

Question 1.
(a) He composed the Illiad and Odyssey: ……………….
(b) He persuaded Helen to elope with him: ……………….
(c) She was wife of the King Menelaus: ……………….
(d) He led the defense of Troy for nine years: ……………….
(e) He was killed by a poisoned arrow that entered his heel: ……………….
(a) He composed The Iliad and – The Odyssey Homer
(b) He persuaded Helen to elope with him. Paris
(c) She was the wife of King Menelaus. Helen
(d) He led the defense of Troy for nine years Hector
(e) He was killed by a poisoned arrow that entered his heel. Achilles

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

2. Find antonyms of the following from the passage.
(a) barren × ……………..
(b) offended × ……………..
(c) cowardly × ……………..
(d) peace × ……………..
(e) surrender × ……………..
(f) exposed × ……………..
(g) defenceless × ……………..

Question 1.
Find antonyms of the following from the passage.
(a) barren × ……………..
(b) offended × ……………..
(c) cowardly × ……………..
(d) peace × ……………..
(e) surrender × ……………..
(f) exposed × ……………..
(g) defenceless × ……………..
(a) barren × fertile
(b) offended × pleased
(c) cowardly × brave
(d) peace × war
(e) surrender × attack
(f) exposed × protected.
(g) defenceless × safe.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

3. From other sources find synonyms of the following words used in the story.
(a) great (hero)
(b) beautiful (woman)
(c) fight (verb)
(d) rich (city)
(e) safe
(f) strong (city)
(g) brave

Question 1.
From other sources find synonyms of the following words used in the story.
(a) great (hero)
(b) beautiful (woman)
(c) fight (verb)
(d) rich (city)
(e) safe
(f) strong (city)
(g) brave
(a) great – gallant (hero)
(b) beautiful – entrancing (woman).
(c) fight – attack (verb)
(d) rich – prosperous (city)
(e) safe – sheltered.
(f) strong – well-protected (city)
(g) brave – courageous.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

4. Correct the following sentences using facts from the passage.
(a) Troy traded in cattle and grass, with other cities.
(b) During war, Trojans jumped over the fort gates to fight die enemy.
(c) Helen eloped with Menelaus.
(d) Troy was attacked because it was a strong. rich city.
(e) The Greek armies and heroes always defeated the Trojans.
(f) Both the enemies were eager to continue fighting.
(g) The great heroes avoided one another.
(h) Achilles was killed by an arrow that pierced his heart.

Question a.
Correct the following sentences using facts from the passage.
(a) Troy traded in cattle and grass, with other cities.
(b) During war, Trojans jumped over the fort gates to fight die enemy.
(c) Helen eloped with Menelaus.
(d) Troy was attacked because it was a strong. rich city.
(e) The Greek armies and heroes always defeated the Trojans.
(f) Both the enemies were eager to continue fighting.
(g) The great heroes avoided one another.
(h) Achilles was killed by an arrow that pierced his heart.
(a) Troy traded in goods and grain with other cities.
(b) During the war, Trojans came out of the open fort gates to fight the enemy.
(c) Helen eloped with Paris.
(d) Troy was attacked because its Prince Paris had! persuaded Helen, the wife of a Greek king Menelaus, to elope with him.
(e) Sometimes the Trojans seemed to have the better of the fight and sometimes the Greeks.
(f) The Trojans were tired of being shut up in their city and the Greeks were longing to see their homes again.
(g) Sometimes there were single fights, between two great heroes.
(h) Achilles was killed by an arrow that pierced his heel.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

5. State the counter-action for the following actions.

Question 1.
State the counter-action for the following actions.
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Action Counter-action
1. Helen eloped with Paris. Greece declared war against the Troy.
2. The Greeks sailed to Troy and attacked it. The Trojans fought hard and the siege continued for ten years.
3. Hector was killed by Achilles. Achilles himself was killed later by a poisoned arrow.
4. The siege continued for ten long years. The Trojans fought hard and the fighting went on daily.

6. From either of our two Indian epics, find out which battle/war lasted the longest? Write down about its cause, the enemy armies, its heroes, its duration and the final outcome.

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7. Complete the following sentences with reference to the passage.
(a) Epics are long poems that ………………… .
(b) They may be composed and sung or recited for many years before …………….. .
(c) Nobody knows for certain who ………………………….. .
(d) It is believed that ……………. Homer, who ………….. and who ……………… to all who ……………. .
(e) At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida, from which ………….. .

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with reference to the passage.
(a) Epics are long poems that ………………… .
(b) They may be composed and sung or recited for many years before …………….. .
(c) Nobody knows for certain who ………………………….. .
(d) It is believed that ……………. Homer, who ………….. and who ……………… to all who ……………. .
(e) At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida, from which ………….. .
(a) Epics are long poems that relate the deeds of a great national hero or a great national war.
(b) They may be composed and sung or recited for many years before they are actually written down.
(c) Nobody knows for certain who the author of these early epics is.
(d) It is believed that The Iliad and The Odyssey were composed and recited by a blind poet named Homer, who lived about 900 BCE and who wandered from one Greek city or village to another, singing his poems to all who would receive him in their homes.
(e) At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida, from which flowed many rivers and streams.

Underline the clauses in the above sentences and also the words that link or connect the clauses.

Question 1.
Epics are long poems that relate the deed of a great national hero or a great national war.
Epics are long poems – Clause
that relate the deed of a great national hero or a great national war – Clause

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 2.
They may be composed and sung or recited for many years before they are actually written down.
They may be composed – Clause (they may be)
sung – Clause (they may be)
recited for many years – Clause
before they are actually written down – Clause

Question 3.
Nobody knows for certain who the author of these early epics is.
Nobody knows for certain – Clause
who the author of these early epics is – Clause

Question 4.
It is believed that The Iliad and The Odyssey were composed and recited by a blind poet named Homer, who lived about 900 BCE and who wandered from one Greek city or village to another, singing his poems to all who would receive him in their homes.
It is believed – Clause
that The Iliad and The Odyssey were composed – Clause
(that The Iliad and The Odyssey were)
recited by a blind poet named Homer – Clause
who lived about 900 BCE – Clause

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 5.
At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida, from which flowed many rivers and streams.
At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida – Clause
from which flowed many rivers and streams – Clause

Part – II

1. Find and write the Greek and Trojan names used in the story (Part I and II).

Question 1.
Find and write the Greek and Trojan names used in the story (Part I and II).

2. List all the words related to ‘war’ from both parts of the story.

Question 1.
List all the words related to ‘war’ from both parts of the story.

3. Note the following constructions carefully and then use them to express your ideas:

Question 1.
Note the following constructions carefully and then use them to express your ideas:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy 4

4. Put the following events in the order in which they took place. Number them accordingly.

Question 1.
(a) The Trojans found a Greek man under the big wooden horse. [ ]
(b) They broke down part of the wall and brought the horse in. [ ]
(c) The cunning Odysseus thought of a plan. [ ]
(d) The Greeks burnt their tents and sailed away. [ ]
(e) Troy was burnt down. [ ]
(f) The Greeks built a big wooden horse. [ ]
(g) The great heroes hid inside the horse. [ ]
(h) The priest warned the Trojans not to break the wall. [ ]
(i) The Trojans were happy to see the Greek ships go. [ ]
(j) The Trojans slept soundly. [ ]
(k) The Greeks came out of the horse and opened the gates. [ ]
(l) The Greek army entered the city. [ ]
(a) The Trojans found a Greek man under the big wooden horse. [f]
(b) They broke down part of the wall and brought the horse in. [h]
(c) The cunning Odysseus thought of a plan. [a]
(d) The Greeks burnt their tents and sailed away. [d]
(e) Troy was burnt down. [i]
(f) The Greeks built a big wooden horse. [b]
(g) The great heroes hid inside the horse. [c]
(h) The priest warned the Trojans not to break the wall. [g]
(i) The Trojans were happy to see the Greek ships go. [e]
(j) The Trojans slept soundly. [i]
(k) The Greeks came out of the horse and opened the gates. [j]
(l) The Greek army entered the city. [k]

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

5. Form pairs. Imagine you are a pair of Trojans and you have come to know about Odysseus’s plan. Make a counter plan to defeat the Greeks. Write down your plan as you would explain it to your fellow Trojans.

Question 1.
Form pairs. Imagine you are a pair of Trojans and you have come to know about Odysseus’s plan. Make a counter plan to defeat the Greeks. Write down your plan as you would explain it to your fellow Trojans.

6. Identify one example of a main clause and one example of a dependent clause from page 46. (Read the entry regarding clause in the Language Study pages.)

Question 1.
Identify one example of a main clause and one example of a dependent clause from page 46. (Read the entry regarding clause in the Language Study pages.)
Many of the Trojans were killed before they could put on their armour.
Many of the Trojans were killed – Main Clause before they could put on their armour – Dependent Clause

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

7. Be a writer.
(a) Now read the beginning and end of a sci-fi story given below and complete the story using your imagination.

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Question a.
Now read the beginning and end of a sci-fi story given below and complete the story using your imagination.
‘The Magic Glasses’
After ten years of diligent experimenting on ‘light’, Jayant, a brilliant scientist, created a pair of eye-glasses that would enable him to see through all opaque objects, doors, walls, metal structures, etc. .
On Monday, he put on his ‘magic’ glasses and stepped into the busy street outside …

Everything seemed normal – the traffic, the crowds, etc. Suddenly, Jayant tripped over something and he looked down. It was the metal covering of a manhole. As he looked, he saw a strange sight. There were three little children below, deep under the footpath! How was that possible? Why was no one helping them? They were crying and wailing, sitting in the mess inside the drain. He looked up, and then realized that he had seen them because of his magic eye-glasses.

“Come on, help!” he shouted. “There are children trapped under this footpath, inside this drain!”
Several people stopped. “How do you know?” asked a non-believer.
“What is going on here?” asked an officious- looking policeman.
“Don’t talk – just help!” snapped Jayant, trying to prise open the manhole cover. It was heavy, and several good Samaritans stepped forward to help. Within a few moments, the heavy lid was in their hands.
Everyone peered into the dark, gloomy and smelly drain. They could hear the faint sounds of crying. “I’m going down,” said Jayant. “Those little ones will not be able to bear the poisonous gases much longer.”
With the help of the cooperative by-standers, Jayant went down into the manhole and rescued the little kids – all of whom were below the age of five. Everyone clapped when he came out, dirty and smelly, with the three half-conscious kids.
And so, Jayant received the ‘State Award for Brave Citizens’. ………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question b.
Read the following and observe the use of tenses.
‘Last week I witnessed a strange accident. Let ¡ne tell you about it. The signal flashes green. Vehicles start from the opposite direction. They ¡nove fast. Suddenly a speeding motorcyclist tries to cut across, from the wrong side. He is about to collide with a loaded truck. He applies the brakes. He falls and slides out with his bike from under the truck. He comes out unscathed on the other side.’ When an event, which has occured in the past, is narrated in the Present Tense to create a dramatic effect its Tense is called the ‘Dramatic Present Tense’ Now try to relate Jayant s sci-fI story, in brief, in the dramatic past tense.
Jayant wears his magic glasses and steps into the street. He trips over a manhole and looks down. What! Are there three little kids trapped inside the drain under the footpath? Jayant looks around for help, but there are non – believers around him. He tries to prise open the manhole cover. Suddenly, willing hands help him.

The cover is open, and they hear the sounds of children crying. Jayant bravely lowers himself down the dirty drain. He soon rescues the three kids trapped inside. As he hands over the kids to the policeman, the people around clap for him. He is a hero. Jayant later receives the ‘State Award for Brave Citizens’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passages carefully and complete the activities :

Simple Factual Activity :

1. Name the following :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. The language of The Iliad and The Odyssey : Ancient Greek
  2. The language of The Mahabharata : Sanskrit
  3. The most beautiful woman in the world : Helen of Troy.

2. Complete the following sentences :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. Odysseus thought of a plan to obtain victory.
  2. Troy was taken, not by force but by a trick.
  3. Two great heroes, Menelaus and Odysseus, entered the horse.
  4. Only one man was left behind to persuade the Trojans to drag the horse into their city.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

3. Write the correct number against the sentences in the order in which it happened :

  1. They found a Greek with his hands tied together. ]2]
  2. Let us make a hole in the wall and drag the horse in. [4]
  3. They saw the huge, wooden horse. [1]
  4. The Greek told them his tale. [3]

4. Complete the web:
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)
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Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
How were epics transmitted from generation to generation?
Epics were transmitted from generation to generation through songs and recitals for many years before they were actually written down.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 2.
Why is Homer honoured with the title ‘Father of European Poetry?’
It is believed that the two great epics of European literature, The Iliad and The Odyssey, were composed and recited by Homer. Hence he has been honoured with the title ‘Father of European Poetry’.

Question 3.
How did Odysseus plan to defeat the Trojans ?
Odysseus advised the Greeks to build a great wooden horse, big enough to hold men inside it. Some of their best fighters would hide inside the horse. Then they would burn their tents and pretend to sail away in their ships. But instead of sailing away, they would return at midnight. One man would be left behind with the horse to persuade the Trojans to drag the horse into their city.

After the horse with the soldiers had entered the city, at the appropriate time, the door in the horse would be opened and the soldiers hiding inside would attack Troy. The gates would be opened to allow the remaining Greek soldiers from the ships into the city. The combined force of the Greeks would defeat the Trojans and they would destroy the city of Troy.

Question 4.
What was the reason for Troy to rejoice and celebrate?
The Trojans rejoiced and celebrated because after ten long years, the siege was finally over. The tents of the Greeks had been burnt. The shore was deserted. The Greek ships had all gone. The Trojans could go out on the plain and move around as they pleased.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Activities based on Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Find the synonyms of the following words used in the story :
famous – well-known

Question 2.
Write the adjective forms of the following words :

  1. hospitality
  2. hero
  3. history
  4. poem


  1. hospitality – hospitable
  2. hero – heroic
  3. history – historical
  4. poem – poetic.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
Write from the passage words that sound the same (homophones) as the following :

  1. grate
  2. sale
  3. would
  4. site


  1. great
  2. sail
  3. wood
  4. sight.

Question 4.
Use the phrase ‘enough to’ in your own sentence :
Our school auditorium was big enough to hold a grand function.

Question 5.
Give one word from the passage for :

  1. great surprise
  2. pulled out forcibly


  1. great surprise – astonishment
  2. pulled out forcibly – dragged

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 6.
Use these phrases in your own sentences :
(Please refer to textbook page 47 for examples.)

  1. tired of
  2. afraid of
  3. too … to …


  1. We were tired of the long wait for the bus.
  2. The children were afraid of the commotion.
  3. The bed was too big to be kept in the room.

Question 7.
Use the phrases in your own sentences :

  1. so … that
  2. as soon as
  3. all that day
  4. in order to


  1. The teenagers were so excited that it was difficult to control them.
  2. I opened my umbrella as soon as it began to rain.
  3. Though their mother shouted at them, the girls lazed about all that day.
  4. We have to work hard in order to do well in life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Change the voice of the following sentences :

  1. It is believed that The Iliad and The Odyssey were composed by Homer.
  2. Nobody knows who the author of these epics is.


  1. People believe that Homer composed The Iliad and The Odyssey.
  2. It is not known who the author of these epics is.

Question 2.
When the Trojans are asleep, we will attack the city. (Pick out and name the clauses.)
we will attack the city – Main Clause.
When the Trojans are asleep – Subordinate Adverb Clause of Time.

Question 3.
The Greek leaders decided to follow the advice of the wise Odysseus. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined part as the answer.)
Whose advice did the Greek leaders decide to follow?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 4.
Rewrite the sentence using ‘no sooner than’ :
As soon as they were hidden by an island, they had lowered their sails.
No sooner were they hidden by an island, than they had lowered their sails.

Question 5.
Rewrite the sentence using ‘too … to’ :
They were so excited that they paid no attention to his words.
They were too excited to pay any attention to his words.

Personal Response :

Question 1.
Have you seen any of the stories mentioned in the passage in TV serials or movies?
Yes, I have seen both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata as TV serials.

Question 2.
Who are considered to be the authors of the epics ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ respectively?
Sage Valmiki is considered to be the author of ‘The Ramayana’ and Ved Vyasa is considered to be the author of ‘The Mahabharata’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
What do you think about Odysseus?
I think that Odysseus was cunning and used underhand methods to win the war. The war should have been fought and won honestly, not by the use of a trick. Odysseus should not have given such advice and the Greeks should not have taken it.

Question 4.
What, do you think, is needed for a city to be prosperous?
To be prosperous, a city must be well situated and have good natural resources, like water and fertile land. It should be safe from enemies. The people and the rulers should be intelligent, sensible and honest. They should also be hard-working. If all these factors are present, then a city will become prosperous.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 5.
Do you think that wars can solve problems?
No, they cannot. Problems can be solved only by sitting around a table and sorting out the disputes. The practice of ‘an eye for an eye’ will only end up making the whole world blind. Wars kill people and destroy civilizations.

Question 6.
Do you think the Greeks and Trojans were superstitious? Give reasons for your answer.
There is nothing to indicate that the Greeks were superstitious. But the Trojans were superstitious and believed that the wooden horse would bring them luck if they dragged it into their city.

Question 7.
How could the fall of Troy been avoided?
The fall of Troy could have been avoided if the Trojans had been wise enough to detect the ‘wooden horse plot’ hatched by the Greeks. They should also not have been stupid enough to believe the silly story told by the lone Greek. They should at least, have listened to their wise priest who had warned them that the horse could be a trick to destroy Troy.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 8.
What do you think the Trojans should have done when they found the horse?
The Trojans should not have believed the Greeks. They should have been cautious and examined the horse minutely. They should also not have been superstitious enough to bring the horse into the city, expecting good luck. They should have heeded the words of the wise priest.

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
How did the location of Troy help it to grow into a very rich, prosperous city?
Troy was well situated. In front of it was the sea over which sailed the ships of Troy, carrying goods and grain. At the back rose the high peak of Mount Ida, from which flowed many rivers and streams. The valleys were well-watered and fertile. Cattle fed on the rich grass of the meadows while sheep fed on the slopes of the hills. Thus, it was well situated, both for commerce and agriculture, and grew into a rich, prosperous city.

Question 2.
How were the Trojans protected during wartime?
The Trojans had built a strong wall around the city so that no enemy should attack them from the sea. There were huge gates in the wall. In times of war, the gates would be closed, and then the city was like a strong fortress, quite safe from all attack.
It was thus protected by the walls around it as well as by the hills behind.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
Was it enough to use the wooden horse to hide? What was done to make the Trojans take it inside the city?
It was not enough to use the wooden horse to hide. It had to be taken inside the city. To achieve this, a Greek, who had been left behind for this very purpose, said that the horse had been left behind as an offering to the god of the sea. It had been made very big so that the Trojans could not take it inside their city. If they did so, the luck would go to the Trojans and not to the Greeks. When they heard this, the Trojans wanted to take the wooden horse inside the city, and they broke their walls to do so.

Question 4.
How did the cunning Greek explain the presence of such a large wooden horse?
The cunning Greek said that the Greeks who had left were afraid of the long voyage home. They had made the horse and left it behind as an offering to the god of the sea. It had been made very big so that the Trojans could not take it inside their city. If they did so, the luck would go to the Trojans and not to the Greeks.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 5.
What was the cause of the ten-year-old war between the Greeks and the Trojans?
Paris, a prince of Troy, had persuaded Helen, wife of a Greek King called Menelaus, to elope j with him. He had brought her to Troy. The Greeks wanted to take revenge on Troy for the wrong done to Menelaus. This was the cause of the ten-year-old war between the Greeks and the Trojans.

Question 6.
What reckless, thoughtless step did the Trojans take?
The reckless/thoughtless step that the Trojans took was to break down part of their wall and drag the wooden horse into the city. They also celebrated and slept soundly.

Question 7.
How did the Greeks enter the city of Troy?
When the cunning Greek who had been left behind saw the Greek fleet returning to the shores of Troy, he crept to the wooden horse and gave the signal. The side of the horse opened, and the Greeks who were inside climbed out and opened the gates. * The whole Greek army entered the city.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 8.
How did the Greek ships remain hidden from Troy?
As soon as the Greek ships were hidden : by an island, they lowered their sails and dropped anchor. Thus they remained hidden from Troy.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Round their city the Trojans had built a strong wall. (Pick out the verb and state its tense.)
had built – past perfect tense.

Question 2.
The wall was so broad that people could stand on it. (Pick out the modal auxiliary and state what it indicates.)
could – indicates ability.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
Pick out the clauses from the following sentence and state their type :
He spoke and told them this false tale.
He spoke – Main Clause.
(He) told them this false tale – Main Clause.

Question 4.
Rewrite the sentence using ‘which’ :
They saw on the sands the huge, wooden horse.
They saw on the sands a huge horse which
was made of wood.

Question 5.
He had brought her to Troy.
(Rewrite beginning ‘She …’)
She had been brought to Troy (by him).

Question 6.
The fighting went on daily, but the siege did not end. (Rewrite replacing the underlined word with its verb form.)
They fought daily, but the siege did not end.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 7.
Write two present participles from the passage, used as adjectives. Also, write the nouns they modify:

Present Participles used as Adjectives Nouns they modify
1. leaping flames
2. weeping women
3. sleeping Trojans

Simple Activities :

Question 1.
Write two compound words of your own.
walking stick, fire engine

Question 2.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase : ‘among the hills’
The tribal communities living among the hills are very poor.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
Spot the error and correct the sentence :
It is believe that The Iliad and The Odyssey were compose by Homer.
It is believed that The Iliad and The Odyssey were composed by Homer.

Question 4.
Pick out a present participle from the given sentence :
The valleys were fertile, with corn growing in the fields.
present participle – growing.

Question 5.
Identify the type of sentence :
But all the kings and heroes had declared war against the Trojans.
Assertive sentence

Question 6.
Find out two hidden words from the word ‘hospitality
hospitality – hospital, soapy, (spoil, host)

Question 7.
Form a present participle in which the last letter is doubled.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 8.
Write the following words in alphabetical order.
great, grain, final, fight
fight, final, grain, great.

Question 9.
Make a word chain of four more abstract nouns:
revenge →
revenge → empathy → youth → health → humility

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 10.
Write two compound words of your own.
policeman, washing machine

Question 11.
Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase : ‘to follow the advice’
Our parents told us to follow the advice of the counseller.

Question 12.
Spot the error and correct the sentence :
Paris himself were killed, also by a poisoned arrow.
Paris himself was killed, also by a poisoned arrow.

Question 13.
Use the word ‘sleeping’ as a gerund in your own sentence :
I love sleeping.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 14.
Identify the type of sentence, and state ; whether it is affirmative or negative :
The Greeks have gone and the walls are no longer necessary.
Assertive sentence (negative)

Question 15.
Find out two hidden words from the word :
celebration – liberate, berate, (clear, brain).

Question 16.
Pick out the verb from the following that forms its past participle by doubling the last letter :
mail, cut, hit, rot
rot (rotted)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 17.
Arrange these words in alphabetical order :
wooden, walls, terror, tower
terror, tower, walls, wooden

Medium-Level Activities :

Question 1.
Use the word ‘peak’ and its homophone in two separate sentences :
(a) Mt. Everest is one peak I wish to climb.
(b) I might take a peek at the proposed site.

Question 2.
The Trojans fought hard. (Use the past perfect progressive tense of the verb.)
The Trojans had been fighting hard.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 3.
Prepare a word register for all the words related to ‘war’ from the lesson.
war-enemy, attack, fortress, soldiers, siege, battles, armies, heroes, fought, fighting, killed, taken, victory, fighters, terror, death, weapons, armour, conquerors.

Question 4.
Use the word ‘sail’ and its homophone in two separate sentences :
(a) The sea gull sat on the sail of the boat.
(b) There is a wonderful sale at the mall this week.

Question 5.
The Greeks burned their tents.
(Use the present perfect tense of the verb.)
The Greeks have burned their tents.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 6.
“ But why did the Greeks make such a huge horse?” some of the Trojans asked.
(Rewrite using reported speech.)
Some of the Trojans asked why the Greeks had made such a huge horse.

Question 7.
Prepare a word register of all the Greek and Trojan names in the story.
Greek and Trojan names – Odysseus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Troy, King Priam, Hector, Helen, Aphrodite, Iliad, Odyssey, Achilles, Homer, Ilium, Aegean Sea, Mount Ida, Greece, Paris.

Challenging Activities :

Question 1.
Use the word ‘force’ as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences.
(a) The policeman had to use a lot of force ; to open the door, (noun)
(b) Parents should not force children into careers j that the children do not like, (verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 The Fall of Troy

Question 2.
The Trojans too fought hard and the siege j continued for ten long years. (Pick out the clauses j and write the type of sentence.)
The Trojans too fought hard – Coordinate Clause the siege continued for ten long years – Coordinate Clause ; Compound Sentence

Question 3.
Use the words ‘rejoicing’ and ‘voyage’ in a single sentence.
There was a lot of rejoicing by the seamen on the voyage home.

Question 4.
It may be a trick that will ruin us. (Pick out the modal and state its function.)

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ …

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ … Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ …

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ … Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Add sentences to those given in the passage to illustrate the uses of ‘have’ :

(a) To show possession
(b) To indicate relationship
(c) To refer to eating/drinking
(d) To show ownership
(e) To refer to events, activities and experiences
(f) To refer to a physical condition

Question 1.
Add sentences to those given in the passage to illustrate the uses of ‘have’ :
(a) To show possession :

  1. I have a new motorcycle.
  2. The children have identical school bags,
  3. My neighbour has three dogs.

(b) To indicate relationship :

  1. I have a sister in Holland.
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. I have an aunt who is a singer.

(c) To refer to eating/drinking :

  1. We usually have dinner at eight o’clock.
  2. May I have that last piece of cake?
  3. Have some juice if you are thirsty.

(d) To show ownership :

  1. Our building has two lifts.
  2. The company has two manufacturing units.
  3. They have retail outlets throughout the country.

(e) To refer to events, activities and experiences :

  1. We had a wonderful time at the picnic.
  2. They have a funfair in their building every month.
  3. Our children had a drawing exam yesterday.

(f) To refer to a physical condition :

  1. My friend had fever last night.
  2. My mother has a toothache quite often.
  3. I have a broken nail which is painful.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ ...

2. Look up the following verbs in a good dictionary. List at least 20 different uses of each. You may include their use with different prepositions, adverbs or in idioms.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.4 Have you thought of the verb ‘have’ 1.

Question 1.
Look up the following verbs in a good dictionary. List at least 20 different uses of each. You may include their use with different prepositions, adverbs or in idioms.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

English Kumarbharati 9th Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. After your SSC Exams/Result you may have to take a decision regarding the choice of a career. What factors will you consider? Choose from the block below and complete the web-diagram.

  1. Is the option easy/difficult?
  2. Your capability
  3. Your likes/dislikes
  4. Friends’ decision
  5. Parents’ profession
  6. Your skills/inborn talents
  7. Study the ‘Job Profile’ carefully
  8. Easy money
  9. Possible difficulties
  10. Your ultimate aim

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 1

2. Form pairs or groups of four. Think of the situations when you have to choose between two things. Make a list of those situations. Then:

Question a.
Discuss how to decide what to choose.
Points: ask parents – teachers – read articles – speak to others – think carefully, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question b.
Write what you feel when your decision proves right.
Points: happy – confident, etc.

Question c.
Write what you feel when you regret the decision.
Points: unhappy – depressed – courageous, loss of confidence, etc.)

English Workshop:

1. Read the poem again. Does it have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout?

Question 1.
Read the poem again. Does it have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout? Write down the rhyme scheme of every stanza separately.

  1. 1st stanza ……………….
  2. 2nd stanza ……………..
  3. 3rd stanza ………………
  4. 4th stanza ………………


  1. 1st stanza – abaab
  2. 2nd stanza – abaab
  3. 3rd stanza – abaab
  4. 4th stanza – abaab

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

2. Write the symbols that are used in the poem to represent the following ideas:

Question 1.
Write the symbols that are used in the poem to represent the following ideas: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
a. Choice of two options ………………….
b. I made a rare choice ……………………
c. Equally good options ……………………
d. It was tempting and needed to be tried …………….
e. Some other time ……………………
a. Choice of two options: two roads diverged.
b. I made a rare choice: I took the one less travelled by.
c. Equally good options: just as fair.
d. It was tempting and needed to be tried: It was grassy and wanted wear.
e. Some other time: Another day.

3. Rearrange the following facts in the proper order and fill in the flow chart.

Question 1.
Rearrange the following facts in the proper order and fill in the flow chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 2
a. He chooses the one barely travelled.
b. Choosing the lesser-used road has made a great difference.
c. He observed one, as far as he could.
d. The traveller came to a fork in the road.
e. He planned to travel along the previous one some other time.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 3

4. Think and write in your own words.

Question a.
In which season does a greenwood turn j to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season?
A greenwood turns to a yellow wood in j autumn. The stage in our life that can be compared to that season is middle age.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question b.
Why does the traveller choose the road less travelled? What attribute of the traveller does it bring out?
The traveller chooses the road less travelled because it seemed just as good as the other one and I
he felt it needed to be used. The traveller seems to be adventurous. He has an independent mind and does not want to follow what others have done.

Question c.
Why does the traveller doubt that he shall ever come back?
The traveller feels that he will be so busy in his life with one thing leading to another, that he may not be ever able to come back.

Question d.
If you were in the traveller’s place, which road would you choose? Justify your choice.
If I were in the traveller’s place, I would choose the road that was more travelled. I would not want to go on a strange road which many have not travelled by. I am not adventurous. I feel that there is safety in doing what others are doing or have done.

5. From any collection of classic poetry or the internet, find another famous poem by Robert Frost titled ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’. Try to understand the symbolism used in that poem in 8-10 lines.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question 1.
From any collection of classic poetry or the internet, find another famous poem by Robert Frost titled ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’. Try to understand the symbolism used in that poem in 8-10 lines.

6. Write a letter to your friend or cousin telling him/her about a difficult choice you have recently made.

Question 1.
Write a letter to your friend or cousin telling him/her about a difficult choice you have recently made. Tell your friend/cousin how his/her example helped you to take a decision.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 4
Flat No. 3
‘Maria Mansion’
Pereira Nagar
Mahim 400 016
5th July 2020

Dear Sandeep,

Hi! How are you? I tried calling you, but your number : seems to have changed. Do let me have your new number.

Last week I had to make a rather difficult choice. I | had to choose between football and my studies. No guesses which one I chose – my studies, of course! I have made up my mind to give up football for the next two years. I will play in friendly, casual matches, j but nothing serious. I will also stop my regular daily I practice.

It’s been a very difficult decision to make, but then I j remembered what you had done. You too had given up cricket for two years, hadn’t you? And then you I picked up the threads again in college, when you had j more time. This is what has inspired me to make my j decision. Thanks, Sandy.

Will tell you more details when I meet you next.

Your loving friend,

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

7. Collect quotations on the topic ‘Choice’.

Question 1.
Collect quotations on the topic ‘Choice’.
‘Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it is a choice between where you should be and where you want to be.’
Present the quotations in a beautiful hand on cardpaper.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activity.

1. The poet made his decision about which road to take very quickly – False
2. The season was Autumn – True
3. The poet wished he could travel along both the roads – True
4. He took the road which had been used more – False

Complex Factual Activity.

Question 1.
Why does the poet feel sorry?
The poet feels sorry that he cannot travel along both the roads at the same time.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question 2.
Did the poet choose the road quickly?
No, the poet did not choose the road quickly, He stood for a long time at the fork before he took a decision.

Question 3.
Was one of the roads better than the other?
No, both were equally good.

Activities based on Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Does the poem have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout?
Yes, it does.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Simple Factual Activity.

Question 1.
Complete the following statements: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. The poet took the road less travelled by.
  2. He kept the first road for another day.
  3. He will be telling all this ages and ages later.
  4. His choice has made all the difference.

Complex Factual Activities.

Question 1.
Does the poet tell us what difference it made?
No, he doesn’t.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Activities based on Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Pick out and explain an example of inversion from the extract.
Inversion: ‘And both that morning equally lay in leaves ……… . The correct prose order is: And both lay equally that morning in leaves ………. .

Point Format (for understanding)

  • Title: The Road not Taken
  • Poet: Robert Frost
  • Rhyme Scheme: abaab.
  • Figures of Speech: Alliteration. ‘Though as for that the passing there.’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figure of speech is Inversion.
  • Theme/Central Idea: The poem Is about the journey of life and what the poet decides when he is at the crossroads. He tells us about a time that he came across two roads that diverged In a wood.

He knew that he could not travel both, so he took the road which was not as well-travelled as the other. It made a difference in his life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Paragraph Format.

This famous poem ‘The Road not Taken’ is by the equally famous poet Robert Frost.

The Rhyme Scheme of the poem is abaab. One Figure of Speech is Alliteration : ‘Though as for that the passing there.’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figure of speech is Inversion.

The poem is about the journey of life, and what the poet decides when the path forks off in two directions. He knew that he could not travel both, so he took the road which was not as well-travelled as the other. This made a difference in his life.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions