Maharashtra Board Practice Set 41 Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Maths Solutions covers the Std 6 Maths Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Class 6 Practice Set 41 Answers Solutions.

6th Standard Maths Practice Set 41 Answers Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes

Question 1.
Write the number of faces, edges and vertices of each shape in the table.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 1

NameCylinderConePentagonal pyramidHexagonal pyramidHexagonal prismPentagonal prism
Faces3 (2 flat + 1 curved)2 (1 flat + 1 curved)6 (5 triangles + 1 pentagon)7 (6 triangles + 1 hexagon)8 (6 rectangles + 2 hexagons)7 (5 rectangles + 2 pentagons)
Edges2 (circular)1 (circular)101218 15

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 Questions and Activities

Question 1.

  1. Take a rectangular sheet.
  2. Bring together its opposite sides. What shape does it form? (Textbook pg. no. 94)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 2
It forms a hollow cylinder.

Question 2.

  1. Take a cylindrical tin.
  2. Take a rectangular sheet with one side equal to the height of the tin.
  3. Wrap it around the tin to cover it completely and cut away the extra paper.
  4. Then unfold it and spread it out on a table.
  5. Take another sheet. Place the tin on it and draw its circular outline.
  6. Cut away the paper around it. Cut out another circle like this one.
  7. Place these discs next to the rectangular paper as shown in the given figure. Which figure is obtained? (Textbook pg. no. 94)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 3
The figure obtained is the net of the closed cylinder.

Question 3.
Can you tell? (Textbook pg. no. 95)
When playing carom, you make a pile of the pieces as shown in the picture. What is the shape of this pile?
If you place a number of CD’s or round biscuits one on top of the other, what shape do you get?
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 4
In all the cases, it will form a cylindrical shape (2 circular faces and 1 curved surface).

Question 4.

  1. Draw a net as shown in figure (a) on a card sheet and cut it out.
  2. Fold along the dotted lines of the square and bring the sides together so that the vertices A, B, C and D meet at a point.

What shape does it form? (Textbook pg. no. 95)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 5
The given net forms a quadrangular pyramid.

Question 5.

  1. Draw a net as shown in figure (a) on a card sheet and cut it out.
  2. Fold along the dotted lines of the triangle and bring the sides together so that the vertices A, B and C meet at a point.

What shape does it form? (Textbook pg. no. 95)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 6
The given net forms a triangular pyramid.

Question 6.

  1. Using a compass draw a circle with centre C on a paper.
  2. Draw two radii CR and CS.
  3. Cut out the circle.
  4. Cut along the radii and obtain two pieces of the circle.
  5. Bring together the sides CR and CS of each piece.

On completing the activity, what shapes did you get? (Textbook pg. no. 95)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 18 Three Dimensional Shapes Practice Set 41 7
On completing the activity, we get an open cone.

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Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला! Textbook Questions and Answers

1. खालील प्रश्नांची एक दोन वाक्यांत उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
विजा केव्हा चमकल्या?
विजा ऐन दुपारी चमकल्या.

प्रश्न आ.
सुटलेला वारा कसा होता?
सुटलेला वारा भणाणवारा होता.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला!

प्रश्न इ.
पाऊस आल्यामुळे आजोबांनी काय केले?
पाऊस आल्यामुळे आजोबांनी छत्री शिवली.

प्रश्न ई.
आलेल्या पावसामुळे बाबांनी चडफड का केली?
बाबांना आधीच उशीर झाला होता व त्यातच पाऊस पडला म्हणून बाबांनी चडफड केली.

प्रश्न उ.
पावसामुळे आईचे कोणते नुकसान झाले?
पावसामुळे आईचे पापड भिजले.


प्रश्न अ.
शब्दातील शेवटचे अक्षर सारखे येणारे शब्द कवितेतून शोधा व लिहा. उदा., वारा-गारा
(अ) कुत्री – छत्री
(आ) गिल्ला – किल्ला
(इ) पापड – चडफड
(ई) पळा – घोटाळा
(उ) कुट्टी – सुट्टी

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प्रश्न आ.
कडकड, चडफड, तडफड यांसारखे आणखी शब्द तयार करा.

  1. धडधड
  2. गडगड
  3. बडबड
  4. खडखड
  5. रडरड
  6. गडबड
  7. पडझड

3. खालील शब्दांचे वचन बदला.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांचे वचन बदला.
(अ) माणूस – माणसे
(आ) गाय – गाई
(इ) दप्तर – दप्तरे
(ई) पाणी – पाणी
(उ) वह्या – वही
(ऊ) पत्र – पत्रे

4. अचानक आलेल्या पावसामुळे तुमची कधी फजिती झाली आहे का? तो प्रसंग वर्गात सांगा. 

प्रश्न अ.
अचानक आलेल्या पावसामुळे तुमची कधी फजिती झाली आहे का? तो प्रसंग वर्गात सांगा.
एकदा ताई आणि मी बाजारात गेलो होतो. अचानक पाऊस आला. छत्र्या नव्हत्या. आम्ही झाडाखाली उभे राहीलो पण पूर्ण भिजलो होतो. रस्त्यात पाणी तुंबले होते. रिक्षा बंद झाल्या होत्या. दोघे कसेबसे घरी पोहोचलो. आईने पापड, मिरच्या वाळवण ठेवले होते. तेही भिजले. बाबांना घरी यायला खूप उशीर झाला. बाहेर वाळत घातलेले कपडेही भिजले. पावसामुळे खूप धावपळ झाली.

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5. अचानक आलेल्या पावसामुळे दिवाळीत तुम्ही केलेल्या तयारीचे कोणकोणते नुकसान होते ते चार-पाच वाक्यात लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
अचानक आलेल्या पावसामुळे दिवाळीत तुम्ही केलेल्या तयारीचे कोणकोणते नुकसान होते ते चार-पाच वाक्यात लिहा.
दिवाळीत आम्ही सर्व मुलांनी मिळून किल्ला बांधला होता. त्यावर शिपाई, रखवालदार ठेवले होते. मातीच्याच प्रतिमा असल्याने त्या तुटून गेल्या. किल्ला ढासळला. ताईने दारात काढलेली रांगोळी पुसली गेली. आमचे फटाकेही भिजले.

6. सुरुवातीला एक वाक्य दिले आहे. तुमच्या मनाने पुढील वाक्ये लिहा. 

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प्रश्न अ.
रिमझिम पाऊस पडत होता.

  1. पाणी झुळझुळ वाहत होते.
  2. खारूताई झाडावर सरसर चढली.
  3. गांधीजी झरझर चालत जात.
  4. आजीचे हात थरथर कापत होते.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला!

प्रश्न आ.
रिक्षा खडखड करत थांबली.

  1. मुले भरभर चालत होती.
  2. पंख्याची घरघर सुरू होती.
  3. हृदय धडधड करीत होते.
  4. पंखांची फडफड थांबली.

7. ‘वारा’ या शब्दाशी संबंधित आलेले शब्द वाचा. त्यांचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा. उदा. भणाणणारा वारा सुटला होता.

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प्रश्न अ.
‘वारा’ या शब्दाशी संबंधित आलेले शब्द वाचा. त्यांचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा. उदा. भणाणणारा वारा सुटला होता.

  1. मंदमंद – पहाटे मंदमंद वारा सुटला होता.
  2. गिरक्या – मैदानात वाऱ्याच्या गिरक्या येत होत्या.
  3. जोरदार – जोरदार मोसमी वारे सुटले होते.
  4. थंडगार – हिमालयाचा वारा थंडगार होता.
  5. झोंबणारा – हिवाळ्यात नदीकाठचा वारा झोंबणारा होता.

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8. पापड कशाकशापासून बनवले जातात याची माहिती आईला विचारून लिहा. 

प्रश्न अ.
पापड कशाकशापासून बनवले जातात याची माहिती आईला विचारून लिहा.
पापड विविध प्रकारचे असतात. उडदाची डाळ, मिरे यांपासून उडदाचे पापड बनतात. तांदळापासून तांदळाचे पापड बनतात. काही पापड पोयांपासून तर काही नाचणीपासून बनतात. साबूदाण्यापासून व बटाट्यापासूनही उपवासाचे पापड बनतात.

9. उन्हाळ्यांमध्ये वाळवून साठवण्याचे कोणकोणते पदार्थ आई करते ते लिहा. 

प्रश्न अ.
उन्हाळ्यांमध्ये वाळवून साठवण्याचे कोणकोणते पदार्थ आई करते ते लिहा.
उन्हाळ्यात वाळवून साठवण्याचे पदार्थ – पापड, कुर्डया, सांडगे, शेवया, मिरच्या, आंबापोळी, फणसपोळी, उपवासाच्या चकल्या, उपवासाचे पापड, आमचूर, बोरकूट इ.

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10. पावसाळा सुरु होताच तुम्ही पावसातून बचाव करण्यासाठी कोणकोणती पूर्वतयारी करता?
उदा. छत्री खरेदी करणे.

प्रश्न अ.
पावसाळा सुरु होताच तुम्ही पावसातून बचाव करण्यासाठी कोणकोणती पूर्वतयारी करता?
उदा. छत्री खरेदी करणे.
1. रेनकोट, चपला खरेदी करणे.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला! 3
2. घराची डागडुजी करणे, दुरुस्ती करणे.
3. वाहने गंजू नये त्यासाठी उपाय करणे.

Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला! Important Additional Questions and Answers

रिकाम्या जागी कवितेतील योग्य शब्द लिहा.
प्रश्न 1.

  1. ……………….. भणाण वारा.
  2. दिवाळीतला ………………..
  3. आजोबांनी ………………..
  4. बाबा गेले ………………..
  5. ……………….. पापड
  6. हसत म्हणाल्या ………………..
  7. ‘………………..’, शाळेला सुट्टी!


  1. कडाड कडकड
  2. खचला किल्ला
  3. शिवली छत्री
  4. करीत चडफड
  5. आईचेही भिजले
  6. मॅडम कुट्टी
  7. चला पळा.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 3 पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला!

प्रश्न 2.
एका शब्दांत उत्तरे लिहा.

  1. ऐन दुपारी चमकल्या
  2. जिकडे तिकडे
  3. भुंकत सुटली सगळी
  4. मुलांनी केला एकच


  1. विजा
  2. गारा
  3. कुत्री
  4. गिल्ला

खालील प्रश्नांची एक दोन वाक्यांत उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
मॅडम हसत काय म्हणाल्या?
मॅडम म्हणाल्या, ‘चला पळा, शाळेला सुट्टी!’

खालील प्रश्नांची दोन-तीन वाक्यांत उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
ऐन दुपारी काय झाले?
ऐन दुपारी विजा कडाड कडकड चमकल्या. भणाण वारा सुटला. जिकडे तिकडे गारा पडू लागल्या व पाऊस
पडू लागला.

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प्रश्न 2.
पावसामुळे काय काय झाले?
ऐन दुपारी पाऊस पडला. दिवाळीतला किल्ला खचला. सगळी कुत्री भुंकत सुटली. आजोबांनी छत्री शिवली. बाबांना आधीच उशीर झाला होता, त्यातच पावसाने घोटाळा केला. ते चडफड करीतच गेले. आईचे पापड भिजले.

प्रश्न 3.
शाळेतील मुलांनी गिल्ला का केला?
अचानक दुपारी पाऊस पडू लागला. सर्व मुलांना मजा वाटली. त्यातच मॅडमनी शाळेला सुट्टी दिली. त्या आनंदात मुलांनी गिल्ला केला.

व्याकरण व भाषाभ्यास:

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांचे वचन बदला.

  1. छत्री
  2. कुत्री
  3. वीज
  4. किल्ला


  1. छत्र्या
  2. कुत्रा
  3. विजा
  4. किल्ले

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जोड्या जुळवा.

प्रश्न 1.

‘अ’ गट‘ब’ गट
1. आजोबा(अ) आई
2. मॅडम(ब) कुत्रा
3. बाबा(क) सर
4. कुत्री(ड) आजी


‘अ’ गट‘ब’ गट
1. आजोबा(ड) आजी
2. मॅडम(क) सर
3. बाबा(अ) आई
4. कुत्री(ब) कुत्रा

शब्दातील शेवटचे अक्षर सारखे येणारे शब्द कवितेतून शोधा व लिहा.
उदा. वारा – गारा

प्रश्न 1.
1. जिकडे
2. आला
1. तिकडे
2. केला

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प्रश्न 2.
‘पाऊस’ या शब्दाशी संबंधित आलेले शब्द वाचा. त्यांचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा.
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  1. मुसळधार – मुसळधार पावसाने पूर आला.
  2. रिपरिप – दिवसभर रिपरिप पाऊस होता.
  3. झराळ – झराळ पावसात आम्ही ओलेचिंब झालो.
  4. धोंधों – धोंधों पावसाने गावाचे नुकसान झाले.
  5. रिमझिम – मुलांना रिमझिम पावसात भिजायला आवडते.

प्रश्न 3.
खालील शब्दांचे समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. खचणे
  2. चडफड
  3. गिल्ला
  4. ऐन दुपारी
  5. भिजणे


  1. ढासळणे
  2. राग
  3. गोंगाट, गोंधळ
  4. भर दुपारी
  5. ओले होणे

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प्रश्न 4.
खालील शब्दांचे विरूद्धार्थी अर्थाचे शब्द लिहा.

  1. भिजणे
  2. आला
  3. शिवणे
  4. खचणे
  5. उशीर


  1. वाळणे
  2. गेला
  3. उसवणे
  4. उभारणे
  5. लवकर

पाऊस आला! पाऊस आला! Summary in Marathi

काव्य परिचय:

प्रस्तुत कवितेत पडणाऱ्या गारा, पावसामुळे आई बाबांची उडालेली तारांबळ, शाळेला मिळालेल्या सुट्टीचा आनंद वर्णन केला आहे.


  1. ऐन दुपारी – भर दुपारी (in the afternoon)
  2. खचला – ढासळला (collapse)
  3. किल्ला – दुर्ग (fort)
  4. जिकडेतिकडे – सर्वत्र (everywhere)
  5. गारा – पावसाच्या पाण्याचे बर्फासारखे खडे (hailstones)
  6. भुंकणे – कुत्र्याचा आवाज (to bark)
  7. चडफड – आतल्या आत राग करणे (to get angry, restlessness)
  8. गिल्ला – आवाज, गोंगाट (noise, shouting)
  9. कुत्रा – श्वान (dog)
  10. शिवणे – (to stitch)
  11. घोटाळा – गडबड, गोंधळ (disorder, chaws)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Class 6 History Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Name the following with reference to the lesson:

The Vedic Civilization Class 6 Question 1.
Women scholars in Vedic literature:
Lopamudra, Gargi, Maitreyi.

The Vedic Civilization Class 6 Questions And Answers Question 2.
Means of entertainment in the Vedic period:
Singing, playing musical instruments, dance, board games, chariot race and hunting.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

The Vedic Civilization Class 6 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board Question 3.
The four ashrams:
Brahmacharyashrama, Grihasthashrama, Vanaprasthashrama, Sanyasashrama

2. Right or wrong?

Class 6 History Chapter 4 Question 1.
Rigveda – Mantras uttered during yajna.

Vedic Age Question And Answer Class 6 Question 2.
Samaveda – Guidance on singing a mantra during yajna rites.

Vedic Civilization Class 6 Question 3.
Atharvaveda – The Veda derived its name from Atharva rishi.

3. Answer in one word each:

Class 6 History Chapter 4 Questions And Answers Question 1.
The language of Vedic literature:

Chapter 4 Class 6 History Question 2.
The meaning of vid:
To know.

Class 6 History Chapter 4 Notes Question 3.
The head of a family:

History Class 6 Chapter 4 Question 4.
The head of shrenis:

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

4. Name the following:

Question 1.
The musical instruments you know:
Guitar, drums, piano (Keyboard).

Question 2.
Two modern ornaments of women:
Earing, necklace.

Question 3.
Today’s means of entertainment:
Movies, computer games, T.V.

5. Answer in short:

Question 1.
What foods were included in the diet of the Vedic people?
(a) The diet of the people mainly consisted of cereals like wheat, barley and rice. From this they made different preparations like java, godhoom, vihi, etc.
(b) They also relished milk, yoghurt, ghee, butter, honey, black gram, lentil, sesame and meat.

Question 2.
Why were the cows priced highly?
(a) Cows were used as means of exchange. They were highly priced.
(b) For the same reason people took great care that their cows should not be stolen.

Question 3.
What was a man expected to do in sanyasashrama ?
The fourth stage was the sanyasharam. At this stage a man was expected to renounce all relations, lead a life in order to understand the meaning of human life and not stay in one place.

6. Write notes on:

Question 1.
The religious ideas during the vedic period.
(a) In the religious ideas of the vedic period, forces of nature such as the sun, wind, rain, lightening, storms and rivers were given the form of deities.
(b) Yajna is the act of offering havi into fire. The Vedic people put offering (havi) into the yajna fire to please the deities.

Question 2.
Houses in the Vedic period.
The houses during the vedic period were earthen or wattle and daub constituents. Wattle means woven lattice of wooden strips which is daubed with clay mixed with cow dung. A house was called griha or shala.

Question 3.
Political system in the Vedic period.
(a) The main duties of a king were to protect the people, collect taxes and run the administration efficiently.
(b) In order to run the administration smoothly, the king appointed various officers like the purohit (priest), the senapati and bhagdugh.
(c) There were four institutions who guided the king – sabha, samiti, vidath and jana.


  • Interview some artisans in your locality and write about them.
  • List the new words in the lesson and find their meaning.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Class 6 History Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization Additional Important Questions and Answers

Name the following with reference to the lesson:

Question 1.
Houses during the Vedic period:
Griha or Shala.

Question 2.
The four varnas:
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra,

Question 3.
Four institutions who guided the king:
Sabha, samiti, vidath and jana.

Right or Wrong?

Question 1.
Brahmanas – Guidance on using vedic mantra in yajna rituals.

Question 2.
Institution who guided the king – Purohit, senapati, bhagdugh.

Answer in one word each:

Question 1.
The head of vish:

Question 2.
The head of jana:

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option:

Question 1.
The civilization that is based on vedic literature is known as _________ civilization.
(a) vedic
(c) samhitas
(a) vedic

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 2.
The Vedas are considered to be our _________ literature.
(a) modem
(b) earliest
(c) medieval
(b) earliest

Question 3.
The _______ were composed by many sages or rishis.
(a) Brahmana
(b) Aryanakas
(c) Vedas
(c) Vedas

Question 4.
Vedic literature is written in _________.
(a) English
(b) Hindi
(c) Sanskrit
(c) Sanskrit

Question 5.
The Rigveda is considered to be the _______ text.
(a) first
(b) second
(c) third
(a) first

Question 6.
The Vedas have been preserved through the ________ tradition.
(a) ancient
(b) oral
(c) printed
(b) oral

Question 7.
The vedas are also called as ________.
(a) Shruti
(b) Mayuri
(a) Shruti

Question 8.
Each verse of the Veda is known as a ______.
(a) Shruti
(b) Maya
(c) Richa
(c) Richa

Question 9.
The Rigveda consists of many ________ composed to praise different deities.
(a) richas
(b) suktas
(c) shruti
(b) suktas

Question 10.
Yajurveda provides guidance about how and when the different ______ must be chanted during the yajna rites.
(a) mantras
(b) yajnas
(c) vedas
(a) mantras

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 11.
The samaveda has contributed in a major way in laying the foundation of Indian _______.
(a) society
(b) music
(c) lifestyle
(b) music

Question 12.
The Atharvaveda is named after Atharva ________.
(a) Rishi
(b) mantra
(c) veda
(a) Rishi

Question 13.
Atharvaveda includes______ to adversities and diseases.
(a) medicine
(b) ways
(c) solutions
(c) solutions

Question 14.
The Atharvaveda provides _________ to the king about how he should administer his kingdom.
(a) solution
(b) guidance
(c) tradition
(b) guidance

Question 15.
The _______ discuss such serious and profound issues.
(a) Vedas
(b) Aranyakas
(c) Upanishads
(c) Upanishads

Question 16.
_________ family system was prevalent in Vedic peroid
(a) Joint
(b) matriarchal
(c) patriarchal
(a) Joint

Question 17.
The grihapati was the of the family.
(a) heart
(b) head
(c) hands
(b) head

Question 18.
The family system was ______
(a) ancient
(b) matriarchal
(c) patriarchal
(c) patriarchal

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 19.
A ________ was called griha or shala.
(a) house
(b) shed
(c) school
(a) house

Question 20.
People in the Vedic period used cotton and woollen ________.
(a) headgear
(b) shawls
(c) garments
(c) garments

Question 21.
In the Vedic period, animal skins were also used as ________ the Vedic period.
(a) Agriculture
(b) Clothings
(c) Trade
(b) Clothings

Question 22.
_________ was the main occupation during determined on the basis of
(a) Agriculture
(b) birth
(c) death
(a) Agriculture

Question 23.
The horse was valued because of its ______.
(a) chariot
(b) speed
(c) beauty
(b) speed

Question 24.
The Vedic people were skilled in taming the _______ and harnessing them to the chariots.
(a) cows
(b) bulls
(c) horses
(c) horses

Question 25.
The head of the guild was known as ________.
(a) Grihapati
(b) Shreshthi
(c) Raja
(b) Shreshthi

Question 26.
A varna was determined by the ________ of the people.
(a) occupation
(b) neighbours
(c) skill
(a) occupation

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 27.
In the later period, the varnas came to be determined on the basis of ________.
(a) bags
(b) birth
(c) shoes
(b) birth

Question 28.
The caste system led to ________ in the society.
(a) justice
(b) equality
(c) inequality
(c) inequality

Question 29.
The Vedic people put _______ into the yajna fire to please the deities.
(a) offerings
(b) money
(c) water
(a) offerings

Question 30.
In the Vedic period, each village had a head known as _______.
(a) grihapati
(b) gramini
(c) nripa
(b) gramini

Question 31.
A group of villages formed a vish, whose head was called ________.
(a) grihapati
(b) purohit
(c) vishpati
(c) vishpati

Question 32.
The head of the jana was known as nripa or _______.
(a) raja
(b) janapad
(c) senapati
(a) raja

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 33.
The ______ consisted of senior citizens of the state.
(a) samiti
(b) sabha
(c) vidath
(b) sabha

Question 34.
After a period of time, the religious stream based on the vedas, smritis, puranas and local traditions came to be known as
(а) Buddhism
(b) Jainism
(c) Hinduism
(c) Hinduism

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is vedic civilization?
The civilization that is based on vedic literature is known as vedic civilization.

Question 2.
Who composed the vedas?
The vedas were composed by many sages or rishis.

Question 3.
In which language is the vedic literature written?
Vedic literature is written in Sanskrit.

Question 4.
Name the veda that is considered to be the first text.
The Rigveda is considered to be the first text.

Question 5.
Name the four vedas.
The four vedas are – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.

Question 6.
What does Rigveda consist of?
The Rigveda consists of many suktas composed to praise different deities.

Question 7.
What does Yajurveda provide?
Yajurveda provides guidance about how and when the different mantras must be chanted during yajna rites.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Question 8.
What does Samaveda provide?
The Samaveda provides guidance on singing Rigvedic verses to a set rhythm and tune at the time of yajna rites.

Question 9.
After whom is the Atharvaveda named?
The Atharvaveda is name after Atharva rishi.

Question 10.
Which texts were written after the Samhitas?
The Brahmana texts, Aranyakas and Upanishads were written after the composition of the Samhitas.

Question 11.
What does Aranyakas consists of?
Aranyakas consists of the reflections or thoughts expressed after meditating with deep concentration in forests or wilderness.

Question 12.
Which family system was prevalent in the vedic period?
Joint family system was prevalent in the vedic period.

Question 13.
Name some women scholars during the vedic period.
Women scholars such as Lopamudra, Gargi and Maitreyi are mentioned in the vedic literature.

Question 14.
What did the diet of the people mainly consist of?
The diet of the people mainly consists of cereals like wheat, barley and rice.

Question 15.
What was the main occupation during the vedic period?
Agriculture was the main occupation during the vedic period.

Question 16.
Name the varnas.
The four varnas are Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.

Question 17.
Which four institutions guided the king?
The four institutions that guided the king are sabha, samiti, vidath and jana.

Question 18.
What is Hinduism?
After a period of time, the religious stream based on the vedas, smritis, puranas and local traditions came to be known as Hinduism.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Vedic Civilization

Answer in short:

Question 1.
What does Atharvaveda consists of?

  • Atharvaveda consists of solution to adversities and diseases.
  • It provides information about medicinal herbs.
  • It provides guidance to a king about the way he should administer his kingdom.

Question 2.
Describe the dress of the people during the vedic period.
People in the vedic period used cotton and woollen garments, they also used clothes made from the barks of trees. Animal skins were also used as clothing.

Write notes on:

Question 1.
Describe four stages or four ashramas.
The four ashramas are brahmacharyashmma, grihasthashrama, vanaprasthashrama, sanyasashrama.

  1. The first ashrama was the brahmacharyashrama or the period of staying with the Guru to learn from him.
  2. The next stage was grihasthashrama, during this period a man would carry out his duties towards his family and society with the help of his wife.
  3. The third stage was vanaprasthashrama when a man was expected to detach himself from the household, retire to a solitary place and lead a very simple life.
  4. The fourth stage was the sanyasashrama, the convention was to renounce all relations, lead life in order to understand the meaning of human life and not to stay in one place.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blanks using proper works:

Question a.
Rubber made by vulcanization is a …………… material.

Question b.
Man-made materials are made by …………… natural materials.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question c.
…………… thread was developed simultaneously in New York and London.

Question d.
Rayon is also known as …………… .
synthetic silk

2. Answer the following questions. 

Question a.
Why did the need for man-made materials arise?
The need for man-made materials arose due to the following reasons:

  1. To meet the needs of an increasing population.
  2. Human nature to try to make life more comfortable.
  3. They can be made available in plenty at a low cost.
  4. The reserve of natural substances is decreasing.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Usec

Question b.
Which are the natural materials obtained from plants and animals?
Leather, jute, wool, cotton, silk are the natural substances obtained from plants and animals.

Question c.
What is vulcanization?

  1. Vulcanization is the process in which rubber is heated with sulphur for three to four hours.
  2. Sulphur is mixed to give hardness to rubber.
  3. The proportion of sulphur depends on the purpose for which the rubber is to be used.

Question d.
Which natural materials are used to obtain fibres?
Cotton, wood pulp and various hydrocarbons obtained from mineral oils are used to obtain fibres.

3. What are we used for?

Question a.
What are we used for?

  1. Soil: It supports plant life and hence indirectly supports all living things. It is used for making clay pot, utensils, bricks etc.
  2. Wood: It is used in paper industry. It is also used to make furniture.
  3. Nylon: It is used to manufacture clothes, fishing nets, ropes, etc.
  4. Paper. It is used in our textbooks, note books, currency notes, etc.
  5. Rubber: It is used in the manufacture of erasers, tyres, rubber toys, rubber bands, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

4. How is paper manufactured? Write in your own words.

Question a.
How is paper manufactured? Write in your own words.
Coniferous trees like pine trees are used to make paper.

  1. The bark of the logs of these trees is first removed and the wood is broken into small pieces.
  2. The mixture of these pieces with some chemicals is kept soaked for a long time to form pulp.
  3. On completion of chemical process, fibrous substances from wood pulp are separated and some dyes are added.
  4. The pulp is then passed through rollers, dried to form paper and finally wound on reels.

5. Give scientific reasons.

Question a.
We must use cotton clothes during summer.

  1. During summer we sweat more due to high temperature.
  2. Cotton clothes absorb sweat.
  3. Synthetic clothes are water repellent. They do not absorb sweat and we feel uncomfortable. Hence we must use cotton clothes in summer.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question b.
We must observe economy in the use of materials.

  1. Due to excessive use of natural substances by human beings to fulfil their needs; they are getting depleted at a faster rate.
  2. At the same time, it takes a very long time for these substances to get naturally formed again.
  3. Hence, we must observe economy in the use of materials so that they are available for the future generation also.

Question c.
Saving paper is the need of the hour.

  1. Saving paper means saving trees as wood is used as the raw material to manufacture paper.
  2. Trees are natural habitat for many Living things.
  3. Trees help in increasing rainfall and water availability. Hence, saving paper helps in saving trees which in turn maintains balance in nature.

Question d.
Man-made materials have more demand.

  1. Man-made substances are waterproof, lightweight and easy for transportation.
    Substances in Daily Use
  2. They are easier to use and can be made available in plenty at a low cost.
    Hence, there is more demand for man-made materials.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question e.
Humus is a natural material.

  1. Humus is obtained from plant and animal wastes.
  2. Micro-organisms act on these wastes and convert them into humus.
  3. Hence, humus is a natural material.

6. Find out.

Question 1.
How is lac obtained from nature?

  1. Lac is a resinous substance secreted from the glands present in the skin of female lac insect.
  2. Lac insects live on the Palash trees. In India lac is mainly produced in the states of Rajasthan and Bihar.

Question 2.
How are pearls obtained?

  1. Pearls are formed when a foreign particle such as a grain of sand or a small particle of rock accidentally enters the space between the mantle and shell of an oyster’s body.
  2. Oysters cannot reject the particle, and as a defence mechanism its produces a shining coating called nacre on the particle layer by layer.
  3. As the shiny layers get added, a pearl is formed.
  4. Cultured pearls are artificially formed by inserting a bead in oyster shell and allowed to coat it with nacre over several years.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use


Question 1.
Visit a rubber, paper or textile industry in your area and collect information about it.

Question 2.
Collect various samples of paper and note their uses.

Question 3.
Use blank pages from old note-books and make a new one.

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks using proper works.

Question 1.
Natural rubber is obtained from …………… of trees.

Question 2.
Changes where the original constituent substances cannot be obtained again from the new substances are called …………… changes.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 3.
A paper factory in Maharashtra is situated at …………… .

Question 4.
Glass can be made from …………… and …………… .
sand, calcium

Question 5.
Botanical name of rubber plant is …………… .
Hevea brasiliensis

Question 6.
…………… obtained from mineral oils are used to make polymer chains.

Question 7.
The maximum production of rubber in India is in …………… .

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 8.
…………… invented the process of vulcanisation.
Charles Goodyear

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Jutea. Animal origin
2. Airb. Plant origin
3. Leatherc. Man-made
4. Cementd. Abiotic


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. Juteb. Plant origin
2. Aird. Abiotic
3. Leathera. Animal origin
4. Cementc. Man-made

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

State whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Question 1.
We can find plastic in nature.

Question 2.
Soap is a man-made substance.

Question 3.
We should reuse available resources.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 4.
Nylon clothes are good summer wear.

Question 5.
Glass is a man-made substance.

Question 6.
In irreversible changes original substances can be obtained again.

Question 7.
Rayon is made up of cotton and wood pulp.

Give two examples of each of the following:

Question 1.
Natural fibres
cotton, silk

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 2.
Synthetic fibres
terylene, rayon

Question 3.
Biotic natural substances
wool, jute

Question 4.
Abiotic natural substances
air, water

Question 5.
Man-made substances.
paper, glass

Classify the following substances in the table given below.
(iron, wood, brick, paper, terylene, stone, jute, air, silk, utensils, plastic, rayon, water, wool, dacron, lac, nylon, pearl)

Natural SubstancesMan-made Substances               Natural FibresSynthetic Fibres
iron, wood, stone, water, lac, pearlbrick, paper, utensils, plasticjute, silk, woolterylene, rayon, dacron, nylon

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use


Question 1.
Natural substances.
Substances available in nature are called natural substances.

Question 2.
Man-made substances.
Man-made substances are new substances produced by processing naturally available resources.

Question 3.
Biotic substances.
Natural substances obtained from living things are called biotic substances.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 4.
Abiotic substances.
Natural substances that are not obtained from living things are called abiotic substances.

Question 5.
Plant-originated substance.
A substance obtained from a plant is called a plant-originated substance.

Question 6.
Animal-originated substance.
A substances obtained from an animal is called an animal-originated substance.

Question 7.
Substances obtained from mineral oil are called hydrocarbons.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Answer the following in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
Why was Rayon named so?
The threads of Rayon have shine and strength. They appeared to be shining bright like the sun’s rays. Hence, they were named ‘Rayon.

Question 2.
How are TV sets, refrigerators, etc. packed? Why?
To pack TV sets, refrigerators, etc. big cartons and thermocol are used. These man-made substances are water resistant, light weight and easy for transportation.

Question 3.
Give the properties and uses of nylon.
Nylon threads have a shine and are strong, transparent and water resistant. They are used to manufacture clothes, fishing nets, ropes, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 4.
What is latex?
Latex is a milky white natural substance produced in the stems of rubber trees.

Question 5.
Name the basic material used to obtain paper.
Wood is the basic material used in the manufacture of paper.

Question 6.
What kind of paper is used for currency notes manufacturing?
Flax fibre is used in the manufacture of currency notes.

Question 7.
Where was the process of making paper invented?
The process of making paper was invented in China.

Answer in brief:

Question 1.
What are the advantages of synthetic fibre?
Advantages of synthetic fibre are:

  1. These fibres can be manufactured on a large scale.
  2. They cost less.
  3. They are strong and durable.
  4. They can be used for a long time.
  5. They are water repellent. They dyy easily.
  6. They are light weight and comfortable to wear.
  7. Clothes made from these threads are wrinkle free and scratch free.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 2.
Give the shortcomings of synthetic fibre.

  1. They are water repellent. Hence, they do not absorb sweat from the skin.
  2. Continuous use of these clothes keeps the skin moist which may cause skin diseases.
  3. Synthetic clothes are uncomfortable to wear especially in summer.
  4. They catch fire easily.
  5. If they catch fire, they stick to the skin and cause skin injuries.
  6. These fibres are not decomposed by micro-organisms.

Question 3.
Write a short note on natural rubber.

  1. Rubber is a natural substance obtained by collecting the latex of certain trees.
  2. The botanical name of this tree is ‘Hevea brasiliensis’
  3. In India, the maximum production of rubber is in Kerala.

Question 4.
What are dacron, terylene and terene?

  1. Dacron, terelyne and terene are synthetic fibres prepared from hydrocarbons.
  2. Various hydrocarbons obtained from mineral oil are used to make polymer chains.
  3. A solution of such polymer is pressed through a strainer with fine holes.
  4. The fibre formed after cooling are long and unbroken threads.
  5. These threads have been named as dacron, terylene and terene.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Natural substances are depleting.

  1. Due to increase in population there is an increase in demand. To meet this demand, natural substances are used to a greater extent.
  2. Due to human nature to make his life more comfortable, he learnt to use natural resources and also began to process them to make new substances. Hence natural substances are depleting at an alarming rate.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
Difference between leather, jute, wool, cotton and soil, water, metals.

  1. Leather, jute, wool are biotic natural substances.
  2. Soil, water, metals are abiotic natural substances.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 2.
How are leather and wool different from jute and cotton?
Leather and wool are obtained from animals while jute and cotton are obtained from plants.

Question 3.
Do you find plastic, nylon, brass or cement in nature?
No, they are all man-made materials.

Question 4.
Can red chillies become green chillies again?
No, the change from green chillies to red chillies is irreversible.

Question 5.
From which substances in nature can we get threads or fibre?
Cotton plant, jute, silkworm.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Question 6.
What are clothes made from?
Clothes are made from yarn obtained from fibre.

Classify the following substances according to their uses:
sand, soap, wool, window glass, bamboo, cotton, bricks, silk, leafy vegetables, cement, fruits, water, sugar.

  • For construction: Sand, window glass, bamboo, bricks, cement.
  • As food: Leafy vegetables, fruits, water, sugar.
  • At home: Soap for cleaning.
  • For clothes: Wool, cotton, silk.

Make a list of objects, each of which can be made from several substances.

TableWood, glass, plastic.
ToysWood, plastic, clay.
UtensilsAluminium, wood, glass, ceramic, plastic.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Complete the table below, showing how substance of daily use are classified.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Science Solutions Chapter 6 Substances in Daily Use 1

  1. Natural
  2. Biotic
  3. Cement
  4. Animal Origin
  5. Cotton

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PETRONET Pivot Point Calculator

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा

Hindi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा Textbook Questions and Answers

अध्ययन कौशल:

विभिन्न धातुओं के नाम और उनसे बनने वाली वस्तुएँ लिखो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 1

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

विचार मंथन:

आराम हराम है
‘आराम हराम है।’ यह नारा देश के पहले प्रधानमंत्री पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने दिया था। नेहरू जी ने यह नारा उस समय दिया था, जब देश स्वतंत्र हुआ था। आलस करना या अत्यधिक आराम करना हमारे लिए नुकसानदेह हो सकता है। परीक्षा का समय हो, तो डटकर पढ़ाई करनी चाहिए। किसी प्रकार की प्रतियोगिता हो, तो उसकी तैयारी करनी चाहिए। सोचो यदि हम परीक्षा की तैयारी करने के बजाय आराम करते हैं, तो परीक्षा में असफल भी हो सकते हैं। हम छोटे से जीव चींटी से भी परिश्रम की सीख ले सकते हैं। वह दिन-रात मेहनत कर अपना भोजन इकट्ठा करती है और बरसात के वक्त आराम से अपनी मेहनत का लाभ उठाती है।

भाषा की ओर:

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में प्रत्यय लगाकर लिखो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 2

  1. सुंदरता
  2. गुणवान
  3. डरावना
  4. उपयोगी
  5. घबराहट
  6. दैनिक

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

सुनो तो जरा |

बस/रेल स्थानक की सूचनाएँ ध्यानपूर्वक सुनकर सुनाओ।
१. बस स्थानक की सूचना:

स्थान: माथेरान एस टी बस स्टैंड।
यात्रीगण कृपया ध्यान दें। माथेरान से मुंबई जाने वाली दो बसों के समय में परिवर्तन किया गया है। सुबह ९ बजकर ३० मिनट पर रवाना होने वाली बस अब १० बजकर ११ मिनट पर रवाना होगी तथा सुबह ११ बजे रवाना होने वाली बस दोपहर १२ बजे रवाना होगी। यात्रियों को होने वाली | असुविधा के लिए हमें खेद है। धन्यवाद!

२. रेल स्थानक की सूचना:

स्थान: दादर रेलवे कार्यालय।
नमस्कार! हम दादर के केंद्रीय कार्यालय से बोल रहे हैं। ट्रैक नंबर दो पर मरम्मत-कार्य चालू होने के कारण आज दोपहर चार बजे तक सी. एस. टी. से माटुंगा की दिशा में जाने वाली सभी डाउन गिाड़याँ ट्रैक नंबर एक से चलाई जाएँगी। यात्रियों को होने वाली असुविधा के लिए हमें खेद है। धन्यवाद!

बताओ तो सही।

थर्मामीटर में किस धातु का प्रयोग होता है, बताओ।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

मेरी कलम से

अंकुरित अनाजों की सूची बनाओ और उपयोग लिखो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 3

सदैव ध्यान में रखो।

प्रत्येक का अपना-अपना महत्त्व होता है।
प्रत्येक वस्तु का अपना-अपना महत्त्व होता है। कोई भी छोटा अथवा बड़ा नहीं होता। बड़ी चीज जितनी उपयोगी है, छोटी चीज भी उतने ही काम की है। बड़ी-बड़ी मशीनों के कल-पूजों को जोड़नेवाले नट-बोल्ट छोटे-छोटे ही होते हैं। सोना अगर कीमती धातु है, तो लोहा मजबूत और रोजाना काम आने वाली धातु है।

जरा सोचो ….. चर्चा करो

यदि खनिज तेल का खजाना समाप्त हो जाए तो…
यदि खनिज तेल का खजाना समाप्त हो जाए, तो यातायात व्यवस्था ठप हो जाएगी। खनिज तेल से पेट्रोल, डीजल, मिट्टी का तेल, कुकिंग गैस, वैसलीन आदि बनते हैं। खनिज तेल के समाप्त होने से सड़कों पर गिाड़याँ नहीं दौड़ पाएँगी। हम यात्रा नहीं कर पाएँगे। रोज-रोज पैदल चलना कठिन काम होगा। ट्रक न चलने से घरों, दूकानों, बाजारों तक सामान नहीं पहुँच पाएगा। हम भूखे-प्यासे रह जाएँगे। एलपीजी गैस जिससे खाना बनाया जाता है, उसके बिना घरों में खाना नहीं बन पाएगा। खनिज तेल कई दवाइयों के निर्माण में काम आते हैं। इनके बिना दवाइयाँ भी नहीं बन पाएँगी। इस तरह खनिज तेल समाप्त हो जाने पर पूरी दुनिया का काम-काज रुक जाएगा।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा


सही या गलत बताओ।

सोना और लोहा प्रश्न उत्तर Question 1.
युद्ध में लोहे के अस्त्र – शस्त्र काम देते हैं।

Sona Aur Loha Question Answer Question 2.
रोटियाँ भी सोने के तवे पर सेंकी जाती हैं। ङ्के

Class 6th Hindi Sona Aur Loha Question 3.
श्रम में ही जीवन की सफलता है।

Sona Aur Loha 6 Standard Question 4.
जो काम करेंगे, उन्हीं का अब सम्मान नहीं होगा।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

Sona Aur Loha Hindi Question 5.
आराम हराम है।

सोना और लोहा हिंदी पाठ Question 6.
हमें घमंड करना चाहिए।


रुपयों (नोट) पर लिखी कीमत कितनी और किन भाषाओं में अंकित है, बताओ।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 4

स्वयं अध्ययन:

सदगुणों को आत्मसात करने के लिए क्या करोगे, इसपर आपस में चर्चा करो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 5

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा


निम्नलिखित शब्दों का रोमन लिपि में लिप्यंतरण करो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 6
i. Dhanush
ii. Mahal
iii. Kursi
iv. Barish
v. Katahal
vi. Khidki
vii. Hathi
viii. Nevala

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित कारकों का अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग करो।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 7
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा 8

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

Hindi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 4 साेना और लोहा Additional Important Questions and Answers

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:

(रक्षा, मूल्य, सेवा, आराम, लद)

6th Standard Hindi Lesson Sona Aur Loha  Question 1.
राजाओं के दिन ……………… गए।

Sona Or Loha 6 Standard Question 2.
तेरी ……………… का भार मुझ पर है।

Question 3.
मैं तो ……………… से रहना चाहता हूँ।

Question 4.
रुपयों में किसी वस्तु का ……………… लगाना व्यर्थ

Question 5.
गरीबों की ……………… करने में मुझे सुख मिलता है।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित बाक्य सही हैं या गलत लिखिए:

Question 1.
युद्ध में लोहे के अस्त्र – शस्त्र काम देते हैं।

Question 2.
रोटियाँ भी सोने के तवे पर सेंकी जाती हैं।

Question 3.
श्रम में ही जीवन की सफलता है।

Question 4.
जो काम करेंगे, उन्हीं का अब सम्मान नहीं होगा।

Question 5.
आराम हराम है।

Question 6.
हमें घमंड करना चाहिए।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-एक शब्द में लिखिए:

Question 1.
सोना किन लोगों का लाड़ला है?
राजाओं और धनिकों का।

Question 2.
अब किन लोगों के दिन आए हैं?
श्रमिकों के।

Question 3.
लोहा किन लोगों का प्यारा है?
किसानों और मजदूरों का।

Question 4.
लोहा किसकी रक्षा करता है?
सोने की।

Question 5.
सोने का रंग कैसा है?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित वाक्य किसने, किससे कहे?

Question 1.
संसार में मैं सबसे सुंदर हूँ।
सोने ने लोहे से कहा।

Question 2.
अच्छा, तू राजा और मैं नौकर?
लोहे ने सोने से कहा।

Question 3.
अरे, लोहे से कैसे पेट भरता है।
सोने ने लोहे से कहा।

Question 4.
मुझसे तो मेहनत नहीं होती।
सोने ने लोहे से का।

Question 5.
छोड़ दूँगा भैया, मगर मेरी रक्षा करना।
सोने ने लोहे से कहा।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-एक वाक्य में लिखिए:

Question 1.
सबको किसकी चाह होती है।
सबको सोने की चाह होती है।

Question 2.
राजा की रक्षा कौन करते हैं?
राजा की रक्षा उसके नौकर – चाकर करते हैं

Question 3.
रोटियाँ किस पर सेकी जाती है।
रोटियाँ लोहे के तवे पर सेंकी जाती है।

Question 4.
जीवन की सफलता किसमें होती है?
जीवन की सफलता श्रम करने में होती है।
Question 5.
लोहे ने सोने को कौन-सा वचन दिया?
लोहे ने सोने को उसकी रक्षा करने का वचन दिया।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

व्याकरण और भाषाभ्यास

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के दो-दो पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए:

  1. राजा
  2. रात
  3. श्रम
  4. नौकर
  5. मकान


  1. नृप, नरेश
  2. रात्रि, निशा
  3. कष्ट, मेहनत
  4. सेवक, चाकर
  5. घर, गृह

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विरुद्धार्थी लिखिए:

  1. राजा
  2. दिन
  3. भीतर
  4. गुण
  5. भला


  1. रंक
  2. रात
  3. बाहर
  4. दोष
  5. बुरा

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 सोना और लोहा

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में कारक को रेखांकित करके उनके भेद लिखिए:

Question 1.
मेरे एक चाँटे से तेरा रूप बदल जाएगा।
से – करण कारक

Question 2.
राजा की रक्षा उसके नौकर – चाकर करते हैं।
की – संबंध कारक

Question 3.
तू तिजोरी से बाहर क्यों आया?
से – अपादान कारक

Question 4.
कोई बड़ा काम करना हो, लोहे के बिना हो ही नहीं सकता।
के – संबंध कारक

Question 5.
श्रम में ही जीवन की सफलता है।
में – अधिकरण

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard

Class 6 English Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the passage aloud.

World Heritage English Workshop Question 1.
Read the passage aloud.

2. You are going to meet a Great Indian Bustard very soon. Prepare at least 10 questions to interview him.

World Heritage Question And Answer 10th Class Question 1.
You are going to meet a Great Indian Bustard very soon. Prepare at least 10 questions to interview him.
Hello! It is nice to meet you! Please answer a few questions:

  1. What can you tell us about yourself?
  2. Where are you and your friends found in India?
  3. When are you the most happiest?
  4. Why are your numbers on a decline across the globe?
  5. Which are the organisations which are supporting you in your struggle for survival?
  6. How can the government play a role to help birds and animals on the verge of extinction?
  7. Whose initiatives have led to increased awareness about the plight of the Great Indian Bustard?
  8. How can media help you in creating awareness about the problems faced by you?
  9. What would you like the children to do to support you in order to survive?
  10. Do you have any message for human beings?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

3. Play the roles of an interviewer and a Great Indian Bustard and write the interview.

World Heritage Class 10 Question 1.
Play the roles of an interviewer and a Great Indian Bustard and write the interview.
(Students to attempt)

4. Write u letter to your friend about the Great Indian Bustard. You may use the following points:
Why we need to protect the bird.
What you plan to do to help the bird.

World Heritage 10th Class Lesson Question 1.
Write u letter to your friend about the Great Indian Bustard. You may use the following points:
Why we need to protect the bird.
What you plan to do to help the bird.

A/18 Deep Mahal,
Sahar Road,
Vile Parle (E),
Mumbai – 400 057,
15th August, 2016.

Dear Rajani,
Hi! Hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness. I am writing this . letter to express my concern about the fact that only the last 200 of the Great Indian Bustards are left in this world.

The animals, birds, insects, trees, rivers, seas and other elements of nature including man are all the part of a link which binds us together, and which keeps us going. It is high time we protect the Great Indian Bustard and other species which are on the verge of extinction.

How right are the words, “Let’s preserve nature, if not for anything else, For the beauty and strength it inspires!”
We can protect the birds by creating awareness through our school magazine. We can write letters to the government officials too. We can discuss this issue with the elders. We can ask our teacher to take us to sanctuaries to have a better understanding of the life of the Great Indian Bustard.

Let us remember: ‘The future lies in our hands. Let us conserve, preserve and protect all the elements of nature.’
Please think about the issue I shared with you.

Yours lovingly,

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

5. Form pairs and decide whether the following statements are those of a Great Indian Bustard or not.

World Heritage Question And Answer Question 1.
Form pairs and decide whether the following statements are those of a Great Indian Bustard or not.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard 1

StatementsGreat Indian BustardSome Other Bird
a. I am the heaviest flying bird in India.
b. I am known as Maldhok or Hoom in Marathi.
c. I live in mountainous regions.
d. I don’t like grasshoppers or beetles.
e. We don’t believe in building nests.
f. Our chick stays with the mother for a period of nearly one year.
g. I am the State Bird of Maharashtra.
h. We have been pushed away from more than 90 per cent of our home regions.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

6. With the help of the internet and other sources, obtain more information about the critically endangered birds and animals in India. Find the names of their sanctuaries.

Some critically endangered birds and animals in India:
‘CR’ or critically endangered birds or animals are those that are likely to become extinct in the wild. We may never see them again.

  • Forest Owlet
  • Indian Vulture
  • Siberian Crane
  • Deoluli Minnow (fish)
  • Asiatic Cheetah
  • Himalayan Wolf
  • Amboli Toad

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

7. Prepare a poster on the need for the conservation of the Great Indian Bustard.

World Heritage English Workshop 10th Standard Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard 2

8. Write a short autobiography of any bird or animal of your choice.

English Workshop Of World Heritage Question 1.
Write a short autobiography of any bird or animal of your choice.
Hello friends! I reside in a dense jungle. I love rains and I express my joy by dancing in the rain. People say watching me dance is indeed a beautiful sight. Yes, I am a peacock. I long to fly in the high blue sky like the pigeon. I wish I could fly above the clouds and beyond. Alas! It is not possible.

But I count my blessings. My beauty and the fact that I am the National Bird of India gives me reasons to rejoice and celebrate. Next time you see a graceful bird with a bright shining tail, dancing to its heart’s content in the rainy seasons, you can be rest assured, it’s me.

I have a humble request. Please preserve and protect us. Many of us – my fellow beings are on the verge of extinction. Please save us else we will soon become a part of history.
Remember: Harmony between man and wild life is the only way to solve all the problems faced by the world.
Come, together let us co-exist.

9. Make a list of the channels available on your TV under the following categories:
News, entertainment, sports, movies, music, etc.
Which are the channels on which you can watch programmes on animals, wildlife, conservation of environment, etc.?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

10. Ask your parents to show you TV programmes on animals, wildlife and conservation of environment on channels like the following:
DD National, National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet.

11. You have won a prize to visit a wildlife sanctuary or National Park in Africa or Australia. Choose a location, read about it. Imagine that you are visiting it and write a letter to your friend about it.

12. Language Study: Identify the following from the list given in the box below :
4 nouns, 4 verbs, 4 adjectives, 4 adverbs, 4 pronouns.

Question 1.
Identify the following from the list given in the box below :
Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard 3

1. bird1. gather1. wonderful1. directly1. we
2. friends2. helps2. healthy2. together2. I
3. humans3. protect3. happy3. away3. you
4. grasslands4. arrive4. afraid4. slowly4. us

Class 6 English Chapter 1.3 Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

4.3 World Heritage Question 1.
Which is the heaviest flying bird in India?
The Great Indian Bustard is the heaviest flying bird in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

World Heritage 10th Class Lesson Workshop Question 2.
How is the female Indian Bustard different from the male one?
The female Indian Bustards are smaller and slimmer than their male counterparts, and their neck is not white.

10th Class World Heritage English Workshop Question 3.
Where do the Great Indian Bustards live?
The Great Indian Bustards live on grasslands and deserts.

Question 4.
Name any two things which are favourite food items of a Great Indian Bustards.
Grasshoppers and beetles.

Question 5.
Rains usher happiness into the lives of the Great Indian Bustards. Pick out proof from the lesson for this statement.
“I dance in joy with puffed feathers and cocked up tail and dropped down wings.”

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 6.
Who are the enemies of the Great Indian Bustard’s eggs and chicks?
Monitor lizards, foxes, dogs, pigs, snakes and eagles are the enemies of the Great Indian Bustard’s eggs and chicks.

Question 7.
What is the difference between the young ones of other birds and the Great Indian Bustards?
The difference between the young ones of other birds and the young ones of Great Indian Bustards is that unlike the young ones of other birds which soon fly away from the nest, the Great Indian Bustard’s mother and chick stay together for nearly a year.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following extract and complete the activities that follow.

Question 1.
Complete the list of things we can do to extend our love and support to help the Great Indian Bustard survive.

  1. Write letters to our leaders and make appeals.
  2. Make drawings and submit it to your teacher.
  3. Discuss with your parents.
  4. Visit a sanctuary.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 2.
Which environmental problem is highlighted in the extract?
The decline of the population of the Great Indian Bustard, driving them to the verge of extinction is highlighted in the passage.

Question 3.
Who suggested that the Great Indian Bustard should be given the status of the ‘National Bird?
Dr. Salim Ali, a friend of Great Indian Bustards suggested that the Great Indian Bustard should be given the status of the ‘National Bird’.

Question 4.
What is the consequence of the growing population of man on the Great Indian Bustard?
The growing population of man has pushed the Great Indian Bustard from more than 90 per cent of their home regions.

Question 5.
Two causes which has led to the decline in the number of the Great Indian Bustard.
Hunting, Electric power-line

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 6.
We used to live in all parts of India. (State the word class of the underlined part.)
all – adjective

Question 7.
We are losing our homes. (Add a question tag.)
We are losing our homes, aren’t we?

Question 8.
We need your support and love in order to survive. (Use not only … but also.)
We need not only your support but also love in order to survive.

Question 9.
Give the verb forms of:
population: populate electric: electrify/electrocute

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 10.
Why should we save animals from extinction?
Animals are also an important element of the food chain. Many species of animals have become extinct. The animals are invaluable. Our existence depends on them, so to stop the links of food chains from breaking, we should save the animals from extinction.

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
I have got a long white neck, brown wings, tall yellow legs and a black cap on my head.
Fill in the chart with Nouns and Adjectives.


Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 2.
Mrs. Bustard is smaller and slimmer than I am. (Pick out the adjectives and state the degree of comparison used.)
Adjective: Smaller
Slimmer: Degree of comparison: Comparative

Question 3.
That’s a very healthy habit! (Pick out the adverb.)
Adverb: very

Question 4.
It helps me to impress my soulmate. (Rewrite the sentence using the underlined word as noun.)
It helps me create an impression on my soulmate.

Question 5.
I dance in joy. (Make it exclamatory.)
How I dance in joy!

Question 6.
The egg looks like a stone. (Pick out the articles.)
Articles: The, a

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Question 7.
We need your support and love in order to survive. (Pick out the noun and state their kind.)
support and love: Abstract Noun

Question 8.
You can discuss this with your parents. (Pick out the modal and state its function.)
can: possibility

Question 9.
Come to see us at a sanctuary. (Pick out the preposition.)
at: preposition

Question 10.
You will only see us in pictures. (Pick out the adverb.)
only – Adverb

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?

Word building.

Complete the table:


Do you know?

Penguins arrive in Mumbai Zoo. Three male and four female humboldt penguins have been brought in from Seoul, Korea. They have been kept in the quarantine section of the Veermata Jijabhai Bhosale Zoo. While the penguins need to be kept in a temperature between 4° and 25° Celsius, the temperature in the quarantine is between 16° and 18° Celsius. The humboldt penguins are between one and three years of age and have a life expectancy of around 20-25 years.

Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard Summary in English

In this lesson, the author acquaints us with the different physical characteristics of the Great Indian Bustard. He also talks about their habitat, their eating habits and other details, apart from providing information about their young ones.

He further elaborates that though it is the State Bird of Rajasthan and despite having ten sanctuaries for their protection, their number is on a decline.

Due to uncontrolled population explosion created by man, the Indian Bustards were being pushed away from more than 90 percent of their home regions.

There are other reasons for their decline in number like hunting, electric shock, loss of habitat etc. With the last 200 of the birds left in the world, the lesson reminds us that the birds need our love and support for their survival. The lesson also enlists various ways in which we can do our part to stop the birds from becoming extinct.


Autobiography is a history of a person’s life as narrated by that person, which could be written or oral. Dr. Pramod Patil has used this method of writing to drive home the plight of the Great Indian Bustards who are on the verge of extinction.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Who’s the Greatest?


  1. impressive (adj) – one which evokes admiration
  2. grasslands (n) – open area in a region covered with grass
  3. deserts (n) – a large, dry, barren region
  4. gulp (v) – swallow quickly
  5. pouch (n) – a sac-like structure in animals, a pocket-like space (here)
  6. resonating (y) – producing a loud, deep sound
  7. swarming (v) – moving in large numbers
  8. sanctuaries (n) – a reserved area for birds and animals to provide them protection
  9. power-lines (n) – used for electric power transmission
  10. predators (n) – animals that hunt, kill and eat other animals

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Class 6 English Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the following sentences carefully and choose the correct meanings.

Question a.
The peacock had gorgeous tail like no other bird.
1. No other bird had a tail. [ ]
2. The Peacock’s tail was more beautiful than any other bird’s. [ ]
3. All birds had gorgeous tails. [ ]
2. The Peacock’s tail was more beautiful than any other bird’s. [✓]

Question b.
Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.
1. You cannot use feathers to make birds. [ ]
2. You can judge something by its outward beauty. [ ]
3. Something that looks beautiful may not really be useful. [ ]
3. Something that looks beautiful may not really be useful. [✓]

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

2. Read the story aloud (or present it) in groups of three – the narrator, the peacock and the crane.

The Peacock And The Crane Questions And Answers Question 1.
Read the story aloud (or present it) in groups of three – the narrator, the peacock and the crane.

3. Imagine you are the Crane. What actions and words of the Peacock would you not like’? Write about it in short.

The Peacock And The Crane Story Question 1.
Imagine you are the Crane. What actions and words of the Peacock would you not like’? Write about it in short.
I didn’t like the way the peacock scoffed at my colourless and dull feathers, calling it pale, and the way he flaunted his colourful tail to make me feel inferior.
I also did not like the way he boasted about his colourful feathers and the remark that he was dressed like a king.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

4. Discuss what a friendly and good- natured peacock would say to a crane. Write his speech. (5-8 lines)

Peacock And Crane Story Question 1.
Discuss what a friendly and good- natured peacock would say to a crane. Write his speech. (5-8 lines)
Hello dear friend crane, people call me gorgeous and praise my colourful feathers. But I understand that it is not our outward appearance which matters. What matters are our innate abilities and our inner beauty. I am proud of the fact that you, my friend crane, can fly and scale such great heights and enjoy the beauty of the earth in all its magnificence. Go bird! Explore the world.

5. Find one more example which shows that a beautiful appearance is not enough.

Peacock Questions Answers Question 1.
Find one more example which shows that a beautiful appearance is not enough.
We as individuals may have extremely beautiful appearance. But if we don’t have a heart to reach out and make a difference in the lives of others, how can we call ourselves beautiful? Inner beauty too is important.

6. List five adjectives and five nouns from the story.

Question 1.
List five adjectives and five nouns from the story.


Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

7. Find five adjectives that end with (a) – ‘ful’ and (b) – “less’ then write the antonym of each.

Question 1.
Find five adjectives that end with (a) – ‘ful’ and (b) – “less’ then write the antonym of each.

Adjectives with ‘ful’WordsAntonyms
Adjectives with ‘less’thoughtlessthoughtful

8. Start a collection of proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known sentence or phrase that gives advice or tells you what is generally true. For example, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means ‘If one does something in time or immediately, it saves a lot of work later’. A proverb is also known as a saying. Here are some proverbs for your collection.

  1. Appearances can be deceptive.
  2. Do not judge by appearance; a rich heurt may be under a poor coat.
  3. All that glitters is not gold.
  4. You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  5. Clothes do not make the man.


  1. Try, try till you succeed.
  2. Slow and steady wins the race.
  3. Still waters run deep.
  4. Make hay while the sun shines.
  5. Pride goes before a fall.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

9. Visit a library. This story is a fable. Find two more fables. Share them with your friends.

Question 1.
Visit a library. This story is a fable. Find two more fables. Share them with your friends.

Class 6 English Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
How was the peacock in the story unique?
The peacock in the story was unique as he had a gorgeous tail like no other bird.

Question 2.
Why did the peacock spread his own colourful tail?
The peacock spread his own colourful tail to show off and for the crane to see and admire.

Question 3.
Which line in the extract tells us that the peacock was extremely pompous?
The line: ‘I am dressed like a king!’ tells us that the peacock was extremely pompous.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Question 4.
What did the crane compare the peacock to?
The crane compared the peacock to any other cock.

Question 5.
What did you learn from this fable?
I learnt from this fable that our physical appearance has very little significance as compared to our capacities, capabilities, abilities and our inner strength.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following extract and answer the questions given below.

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false:
a. The peacock was extremely humble and polite.
b. The crane’s feathers shone in all colours of the rainbow.
a. False
b. False

Question 2.
Who does the fable deal with?
The fable deals with the conceited peacock and the crane.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Question 3.
What tells us that the peacock was extremely boastful?
The peacock spread its shiny feathers in all colours of the rainbow for crane to see and admire. He also compared it to the crane’s pale feathers. He added that he was dressed like a king. This tells us that he was extremely boastful.

Question 4.
How did the crane react to the peacock’s criticism?
The crane agreed with the peacock that his feathers were pale but added that he could fly high above, among the clouds and stars. He could see the beauty of the earth in all its glory, while the peacock lived down there just like any other cock.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Question 5.

Question a.
What did the peacock scoff at?
The peacock scoffed at the crane’s colourless and dull feathers.

Question b.
Fine feathers don’t make fine birds. (Separate the subject and predicate)
Fine feathers Predicate: don’t make fine birds

Question c.
Find the odd word: other, own, my, so
so: The rest are used as adjectives.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Question 6.
Complete the list of adjective words associated with nature:
a. bird               Bird
b. ……………………. Rainbow
c. …………………….. Clouds
d. …………………….. Stars

Language Study

Do as directed:

Question 1.
There was once a very conceited peacock who had a gorgeous tail like no other bird.
(State the parts of speech of the underlined words.)
once, very: Adverbs conceited, gorgeous: Adjectives

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Question 2.
Look at my feather. (State the type of sentence)
Imperative sentence.

Question 3.
I am dressed like a king! (Pick out the article)

Question 4.
That’s true. (Pick out the contraction and state what it stands for.)
that’s : that is

Question 5.
Fine feathers don’t make fine birds. (Add a question tag)
Fine feathers don’t make fine birds, do they?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Make sentences using the following phrases.

  1. to be conceited: We should not be conceited as it mars our beauty, our personality.
  2. to admire: I admire our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the sake of our motherland.
  3. to boast: India can boast of the progress it made in the last few years in the field of science and technology.

Question 7.
Give the noun forms of:
a. conceited : conceit
b. dull : dullness
c. see : sight
d. admire : admiration
e. pale : paleness
f. true : truth
g. high : height

Question 8.
Give the adjective forms of:
a. beauty : beautiful
b. glory : glorious

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane

Letter writing:

Write a letter to your friend who is friendless and all alone because your classmates consider her to be arrogant and proud.

A/1934 Prakruti Sadan,
Sahara Road,
Andheri (East),
Mumbai – 400 099
20th June, 2016.

Dear Rita,
I know it is funny writing to you! After all we meet in school everyday.
I am writing this letter as a continuation of the conversation we had yesterday, wherein you said you were depressed because not many in the class are friendly to you.
Dear friend, remember the real reason lies in your nature. Not to me, but to many, you appear as a person filled with excessive pride. I know they are wrong, but at the same time it is important to come across as a friendly and approachable person.
The way we deal with people and our choice of words, all contribute towards our acceptance by others.
Please don’t misunderstand me, but your words and your actions sometimes forces others to conclude that you are an extremely arrogant and proud girl. So, one way to make more friends is to change your nature.
Remember, I am and will always be your friend.
With love.

Your friend,

The Peacock and the Crane Summary in English

The peacock boasted of having the most gorgeous tail, which shine in all colours of the rainbow, but that too has its own limitations.
The crane possessed colourless and dull feathers, but he was not affected by the peacock’s display of its colourful tail. He was fully aware of its inner potential and what he was capable of. Unlike the peacock, he could fly high above, among the clouds and stars and witness the beauty of the earth in all its splendour.


“The Peacock and the Crane’ through the character of a proud peacock conveys the moral: ‘Fine feathers don’t make fine birds’. In other words, our external appearance has no value if we lack beauty and strength within.

Aware of his blessings, he could happily take the peacock’s criticism in his stride.
Let us remember to develop our self-esteem and self-confidence by understanding that it is not how we look, but what we are capable of, which makes all the difference.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 The Peacock and the Crane


  1. conceited (adj) – very proud, vain, arrogant
  2. gorgeous (adj) – beautiful, magnificent, stunning
  3. scoffed (v) – laughed at rudely and scornfully
  4. dull, pale (adj) – not bright
  5. glory (n) – beauty and splendour
  6. fine feathers don’t make fine birds (phr) – good looks or flashy clothes may not be very important after all.
  7. pompous (adj) – exhibiting self-importance

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 2 बसंती हवा Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

Hindi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा Textbook Questions and Answers

लेखन विभाग

स्वयं अध्ययन:

नीचे दिए गए चित्रों की सहायता से प्राकृतिक सुंदरता दर्शाने वाला एक चित्र बनाकर उसमें रंग भरो।
अपने चित्र के बारे में बोलो।
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा 1
(१) किसान: किसान परिश्रमी होते हैं। उनके परिश्रम से ही सबको अन्न मिलता है।
(२) साँड़: साँड़ खेती के काम आते हैं
(३) वृक्ष: वृक्षों से हमें फल-फूल मिलते हैं। वृक्षों से ऑक्सीजन मिलती है। वृक्ष हमारे लिए बहुत उपयोगी हैं।
(४) पहाड़: भारत में कई ऊँचे-ऊँचे पहाड़ हैं। उत्तर में हिमालय भारत का प्रहरी है। महाराष्ट्र में भी कई पहाड़ हैं।
(५) चिड़िया: चिड़िया बहुत प्यारी लगती है। सुबह होते ही वह दाना चुगने जाती है। शाम को वापस घोंसले में लौट आती है।
(६) झरना: पहाड़ों से गिरते जल को झरना कहा जाता है। यह बहुत ही आकर्षक होता है।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

भाषा की ओर

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा 2
दिए गए शब्दों के लययुक्त शब्द:

  • हवा – रवा
  • बावली – साँवली
  • सरसों – बरसों
  • अलसी – कलसी, तुलसी
  • महुआ – बथुआ


ऋतुओं के नाम बताते हुए उनके परिवर्तन की जानकारी प्राप्त करो और लिखो।
वसंत ऋतु, ग्रीष्म ऋतु, वर्षा ऋतु, शरद ऋतु, हेमन्त ऋतु,शिशिर ऋतु। ऋतुओं में परिवर्तन का मुख्य कारण है – धरती का अपने अक्ष पर घूमते हुए सूर्य की परिक्रमा करना।

सुनो तो जराः 

त्योहार संबंधी कोई एक गीत सुनो और दोहराओ।
होली गीत –
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया
घर घर से ब्रज बनिता आई
कोई श्याम कोई गोरी रे रसिया
आज बिरज ………. में.
इत ते आए कुंवर कन्हाई,
उत ते आई राधा गोरी रे रसिया
आज बिरज ………..में
कोई लावे चोवा कोई लावे चंदन
कोई मले मुख रोरी रे रसिया
आज बिरज में …………..।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

बताओ तो सही: 

‘शालेय स्वच्छता अभियान’ में तुम्हारा सहयोग बताओ।
‘शालेय स्वच्छता अभियान के तहत मेरे विद्यालय में २ अक्टूबर को स्वच्छता अभियान रखा गया था। सबसे पहले एक प्रभात फेरी निकली, जिसमें मैंने भाग लिया। उसके बाद हमने विद्यालय एवं विद्यालय परिसर में साफसफाई की।

वाचन जगत से: 

कविवर सुमित्रानंदन पंत की कविता का मुखर वाचन करो।
गाता खग प्रातः उठकर
सुंदर, सुखमय जग-जीवन
गाता खग संध्या-तट पर
मंगल, मधुमय जग जीवन
कहती अपलक तारावलि
अपनी आँखों का अनुभव
अवलोक आँख आँसू की
भर आती आँखें नौरव

मेरी कलम से: 

सप्ताह में एक दिन किसी कविता का सुलेखन करो।
विद्यार्थियों द्वारा लिखा जाए।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:

Basanti Hawa Question Answer In Hindi Question 1.
नहीं कुछ ……………..

बसंती हवा कविता का प्रश्न उत्तर  Question 2.
गिरी ……………… से फिर, चढ़ी आम ऊपर।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

Basanti Hawa Ke Question Answer  Question 3.
वहाँ ……………… में, लहर खूब मारी।

बसंती हवा प्रश्न उत्तर  Question 4.
हिलाया-झुलाया गिरी पर न ……

बसंती हवा के प्रश्न उत्तर  Question 5.
हिलाई न ……………

बसंती हवा Question 6.
…………….. दो पहर क्या।

Question 7.
सुनो बात मेरी ………………. हवा हूँ।

सदैव ध्यान में रखो

प्लास्टिक, थर्माकोल आदि प्रदूषण बढ़ाने वाले घटकों का उपयोग हानिकारक है।
प्लास्टिक व थर्माकोल जैसे घटक आसानी से नष्ट नहीं होते हैं। इन्हें जलाने पर भी पर्यावरण बहुत प्रदूषित होता है। यदि खुले में घूमने वाले जानवर गलती से इन्हें निगल लेते हैं तो उनकी मौत भी हो सकती है। वर्षा ऋतु में नालों व गटरों के जाम होने की घटना हमें प्राय: देखने व सुनने को मिलती है। इसका मुख्य कारण भी प्लास्टिक व थर्माकोल जैसे घटक ही हैं। हर प्रकार से इनका उपयोग पर्यावरण के लिए हानिकारक है। अत: पर्यावरण को बचाने के लिए हमारी यह जिम्मेदारी बनती है कि हम इनका उपयोग न करें और दूसरों को भी इसके दुष्पपरिणामों के प्रति जागरूक करें।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

विचार मंथन: 

“हवा प्रकृति का उपहार है, यही जीवन का आधार है।
हम सभी श्वास लेते हैं और श्वास छोड़ते हैं। हम श्वास के रूप में ऑक्सीजन ग्रहण करते हैं और श्वास कार्बन डाय आक्साइड के रूप में छोड़ते हैं। पेड़ पौधे कार्बन डाय आक्साइड को पुन: ऑक्सीजन बनाते हैं। इस प्रकार हम ऑक्सीजन के बिना जीवित नहीं रह सकते हैं।

अध्ययन कौशल: 

वायुमंडलीय स्तर दर्शानेवाली आकृति बनाओ।
विद्यार्थी स्वंय आकृति बनाएँगे।

जरा सोचो …. बताओ: 

यदि प्रकृति में सुंदर-सुंदर रंग नहीं होते तो…..?
यदि प्रकृति में सुंदर-सुंदर रंग नहीं होते तो प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य एक दम नीरस होता। हमारे जीवन में भी बिना रंग के सब कुछ सूना-सा लगता। कोई बाग-बगीचे में घूमने नहीं जाता। फूल भी एक ही रंग के अच्छे नहीं लगते।

Hindi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा Additional Important Questions and Answers

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-एक वाक्य में लिखिए:

Question 1.
ऋतुओं का राजा किसे कहा जाता है?
वसंत ऋतु को ऋतुओं का राजा कहा जाता है।

Question 2.
हवा किधर घूमती है?
हवा जिधर चाहती है, उधर घूमती है।

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

Question 3.
हवा ने किसे झकोरा?
हवा ने आम पर चढ़कर उसे झकोरा।

Question 4.
आम से उतरकर बसंती हवा कहाँ पहुँची?
आम से उतरकर बसंती हवा गेहूँ के हरे खेत में पहुंची।

Question 5.
अलसी सिर पर क्या लेकर खड़ी है?
अलसी सिर पर कलसी लिए खड़ी है।

Question 6.
बसंती हवा सरसों को क्यों नहीं हिला-झुला पाई?
बसंती हवा अलसी से हार जाने के कारण सरसों को नहीं हिला-झुला पाई।

Question 7.
कविता में आए हुए लयात्मक शब्दों को ढूँढकर लिखिए:
अलसी – कलसी
सरसों – बरसों
पहर – प्रहर
हिलाया – झुलाया

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

Question 8.
बसंती हवा कैसी है?
बसंती हवा अनोखी, बावली, मस्तमौला, बेफ़िक्र, निडर और अजब है।

Question 9.
बसंती हवा कहाँ-कहाँ घूमती रही?
बसंती हवा ने महुआ के पेड़ पर चढ़कर थपाथप मचाई और धम्म से गिर पड़ी। फिर आम के पेड़ पर चढ़कर उसे झकोरा और कान में ‘कू’ करके वहाँ से उतर कर भागी। वहाँ से गेहूँ के खेत में पहुंची तथा अलसी और सरसों के खेत में घूमती रही।

उचित जोड़ियाँ मिलाइए:

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा 3
१ – ख
२ – क
३ – घ
४ – ड़
५ – ग

व्याकरण और भाषाभ्यास:

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए:

  1. फ़िक्र
  2. मुसाफिर
  3. अजब
  4. पेड़
  5. निडर
  6. हार


  1. चिंता
  2. यात्री
  3. विचित्र
  4. वृक्ष
  5. अभय
  6. पराजय

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के लिंग बदलिए:

  1. बावली
  2. अनोखी
  3. बड़ी
  4. खड़ी


  1. बावला
  2. अनोखा
  3. बड़ा
  4. खड़ा

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए:

  1. निडर
  2. ऊपर
  3. बड़ी
  4. चढ़ी
  5. हार


  1. भयभीत
  2. नीचे
  3. छोटी
  4. उतरी
  5. जीत

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 बसंती हवा

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में अनुस्वार -” या अनुनासिक लगाकर शब्द लिखिए:

  1. हू
  2. बसती
  3. नही
  4. मे
  5. अनेको
  6. सरसो
  7. पहुची
  8. वहा
  9. गेहुओ


  1. हूँ
  2. बसंती
  3. नहीं
  4. में
  5. अनेकों
  6. सरसों
  7. पहुंची
  8. वहाँ
  9. गेहुँओं

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव Textbook Questions and Answers

1. का ते लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
रिमाने आनंदाने उड्या मारल्या.
आगगाडीने मामाच्या गावाला जायचे म्हणून रिमाने आनंदाने उड्या मारल्या.

प्रश्न आ.
मुलाने बाळाला मांडीवर घेतले.
मावशींच्या मांडीवर बसलेले बाळ खुदकन हसले म्हणून मुलाने बाळाला मांडीवर घेतले.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न इ.
मुलाचे मन आनंदाने थुईथुई नाचू लागले.
पानांची सळसळ, नदीची खळखळ, पक्ष्यांची किलबिल, गाईंचे हंबरणे, पशु, पक्षी, शेते पाहून मुलाचे मन आनंदाने थुईथुई नाचू लागले.

प्रश्न ई.
मुलांना गहिवरून आले.
आजीच्या हाताचा थरथरणारा स्पर्श खूप प्रेमळ अन् बोलका होता म्हणून मुलांना गहिवरून आले.

2. ‘सुट्टी कधी संपली, ते आम्हांला समजलेच नाही.’ असे मुलाला का वाटले? तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
‘सुट्टी कधी संपली, ते आम्हांला समजलेच नाही.’ असे मुलाला का वाटले? तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
सुट्टीत विहिरीवर पोहायला जाणे, शेतात बागडणे, आंब्याच्या झाडावर चढून कैऱ्या, पाडाचा आंबा तोडून खाणे, बैलगाडीतून मामाबरोबर फेरफटका मारणे, कधी शेतावर तर कधी आमराईत मामाबरोबर फिरायला जाणे या सर्व मजेत सुट्टी कधी संपली ते मुलांना कळलेच नाही.

3. वाचा. सांगा. लिहा.
नादमय शब्द उदा., छुमछुम, झुकझुक.

प्रश्न अ.
वाचा. सांगा. लिहा.
नादमय शब्द उदा., छुमछुम, झुकझुक.
फडफड, खडखड, सळसळ, खळखळ, खुळखुळ, थुईथुई

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

4. खालील शब्दाचे समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.
(अ) वारा, (आ) तोंड, (इ) रस्ता, (ई) आई, (उ) शेत

प्रश्न अ.
वारा – पवन, वायू

प्रश्न आ.
तोंड – मुख, चेहरा

प्रश्न इ.
रस्ता – मार्ग, सडक

प्रश्न ई.
आई – माता, जननी

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न उ.
शेत – शिवार

5. जोड्या जुळवा.

प्रश्न अ.

‘अ’ गट‘ब’ गट
1. आगगाडी(अ) खुळखुळ
2. पैंजण(ब) खडखड
3. घुंगूरमाळा(क) झुकझुक
4. बैलगाडी(ड) खळखळ
5. पाणी(इ) छुमछुम


‘अ’ गट‘ब’ गट
1. आगगाडी(क) झुकझुक
2. पैंजण(इ) छुमछुम
3. घुंगूरमाळा(अ) खुळखुळ
4. बैलगाडी(ब) खडखड
5. पाणी(उ) छुमछुम

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

6. गाईचे हंबरणे’ तसे खालील पशुपक्ष्यांचे आवाजदर्शक शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
गाईचे हंबरणे’ तसे खालील पशुपक्ष्यांचे आवाजदर्शक शब्द लिहा.
(अ) बकरी – बेंऽ बेंऽ
(आ) वाघ – डरकाळी
(इ) बेडूक – डराँव डराँव
(ई) कुत्रा – भुंकणे
(उ) मांजर – म्याँव म्याँव करणे
(ऊ) मोर – माओ माओ

7. खालील वाक्प्रचाराचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील वाक्प्रचारांचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा.
(अ) खुदकन हसणे – बाळ खुदकन हसले.
(आ) गाढ झोपणे – आई गाढ झोपली होती.
(इ) कडकडून भेटणे – अमेरिकेतून आल्यावर मी भावाला कडकडून भेटलो.
(ई) टुकुटुकु पाहणे – बाळ सर्वांकडे टुकुटुकु पहात होते.
(उ) आनंदाने थुईथुई नाचणे – काळे मेघ पाहून मोर आनंदाने थुईथुई नाचतो.
(ऊ) गहिवरून येणे – निरोप देताना मला गहिवरून आले.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

8. बाजारहाट’ यासारखे आणखी काही जोडशब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
बाजारहाट’ यासारखे आणखी काही जोडशब्द लिहा.

  1. धावपळ
  2. नातीगोती
  3. पाटपाणी
  4. नरमगरम
  5. भाजीपाला
  6. धुणीभांडी
  7. गणगोत

9. तुम्ही एखादे चांगले काम केले आहे त्या प्रसंगाचे अनुभवलेखन करा.

प्रश्न 1.
तुम्ही एखादे चांगले काम केले आहे त्या प्रसंगाचे अनुभवलेखन करा.
आमच्याकडे घरकामासाठी येणाऱ्या बाईच्या मुलीला मी रोज खाऊ देतो. ती दुसरीत असल्याने तिचा अभ्यासही घेतो. तिची आई काम करेपर्यंत गाणी, कविता शिकवतो. कधी कधी गोष्टीची पुस्तके वाचून दाखवतो. मी तिला चार वया व काही पेन्सीलीही दिल्या आहेत. तिच्यात अभ्यासाची गोडी निर्माण करण्याचा मी प्रयत्न केला आहे. खाल्लेल्या गोळीचा कागद कचरापेटीत टाकायला शिकवले. नखे कापायला व स्वच्छ रहायला शिकवले. तिच्यात बरीच सुधारणा आहे. या चांगल्या कामाने मला समाधान मिळाले.

10. तुमच्या घरातील व्यक्तींबरोबर सुट्टीच्या दिवशी

प्रश्न 1.
तुमच्या घरातील व्यक्तींबरोबर सुट्टीच्या दिवशी
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 1

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

11. खालील शब्दांसारखे दोन – दोन शब्द लिहा. 

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांसारखे दोन – दोन शब्द लिहा.
(अ) सळसळ – (1) मळमळ (2) जळजळ
(आ) भुरभुर – (1) फुरफुर (2) गुरगुर
(इ) लुकलुक – (1) झुकझुक (2) टुकटुक
(ई) खडखड – (1) धडधड (2) बडबड

12. हे शब्द असेच लिहा.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 2

प्रश्न 1.
हे शब्द असेच लिहा.
उद्या, उन्हाने, तल्लीन, स्टेशन, स्वागत, वाऱ्यांच्या, तेवढ्यात, येणाऱ्या, रस्त्याला, कोंबड्यांचा, स्पर्श, प्रेमळ, दुसऱ्या, कैऱ्या, सुट्टी, आंब्याच्या.

13. खालील शब्द आपण कधी वापरतो?

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 3
आपण एका वस्तूबद्दल बोलू लागलो, की त्यास एकवचन म्हणतो आणि अनेकांबद्दल बोलू लागलो, की त्यास अनेकवचन म्हणतो.
उदा., एक झाड – अनेक झाडे.
खालील शब्दांच्या जोड्या वाचा व समजून घ्या.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 4

  • कृपया – विनंती करताना.
    उदा. ’कृपया, मला एक पेन्सिल दे.“
  • माफ करा – क्षमा मागताना.
    उदा. ’माफ करा. तुम्हांला चुकून धक्का लागला.“
  • आभारी आहे – आभार मानताना.
    उदा. ’तू मला पेन्सिल दिलीस, त्याबद्दल मी आभारी आहे.“

14. खालील वाक्यातील नामांना अधोरेखित करा.

प्रश्न अ.
बाबांचा सदरा उसवला.
बाबांचा सदरा उसवला.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न आ.
सुमनने गुलाबाचे रोपटे लावले.
सुमनने गुलाबाचे रोपटे लावले.

प्रश्न इ.
पाकिटात पैसे नव्हते.
पाकिटात पैसे नव्हते.

प्रश्न ई.
मुले बागेत खेळत होती
मुले बागेत खेळत होती.

प्रश्न उ.
समोरून बैल येत होता.
समोरून बैल येत होता.

प्रश्न ऊ.
सरिता व फरिदा चांगल्या मैत्रिणी आहेत.
सरिता व फरिदा चांगल्या मैत्रिणी आहेत.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न ए.
पंकजने परीक्षेत पहिला नंबर मिळवला.
पंकजने परीक्षेत पहिला नंबर मिळवला.

Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव Important Additional Questions and Answers

खालील वाक्यात रिकाम्या जागा भरून वाक्ये पुन्हा लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. पायांतले …………… छुमछुम वाजवत ती घरभर फिरली.
  2. आगगाडी ………… करत चालली होती.
  3. तिचा चेहरा …………. दिसत होता.
  4. मी ……………. मांडीवर घेतले.
  5. स्टेशनवर ………….. घेऊन मामा आला होता.
  6. बैलांच्या गळ्यातील …………. खुळखुळ वाजत होत्या.
  7. मन …………… थुईथुई नाचत होते.
  8. आम्ही …………………. बिलगलो.
  9. आमची ………….. कधी संपली ते आम्हांला समजलेच नाही.


  1. पैंजण
  2. झुकझुक
  3. प्रसन्न
  4. बाळाला
  5. बैलगाडी
  6. घुगूरमाळा
  7. आनंदाने
  8. आजीला
  9. सुट्टी

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

का ते लिहा.

माझा अनुभव प्रश्न उत्तर प्रश्न 1.
रिमाचे डोळे लुकलुकत होते.
खिडकीतून येणाऱ्या उन्हामुळे रिमाचे डोळे लुकलुकत होते.

Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 6 Solutions Chapter 2 प्रश्न 2.
सुट्टी कधी संपली, ते मुलांना समजलेच नाही.
पोहणे, बागडणे, आंबे खाणे, शेतात-आमराईत जाणे या सर्व मजेत सुट्टी कधी संपली ते कळलेच नाही.

खालील प्रश्नांची एका वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

माझा अनुभव प्रश्न 1.
मावशींच्या मांडीवर कोण बसले होते?
मावशींच्या मांडीवर छोटेसे बाळ बसले होते.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

Maza Anubhav Question Answers प्रश्न 2.
स्टेशनवर बैलगाडी घेऊन कोण आला होता?
स्टेशनवर बैलगाडी घेऊन मामा आला होता.

अनुभव समानार्थी शब्द मराठी प्रश्न 3.
शेतातली पिके कशी डुलत होती?
शेतातली पिके वाऱ्यावर मंद मंद डुलत होती.

Maza Anubhav In Marathi प्रश्न 3.
घरी येताच कोणी स्वागत केले?
घरी येताच मामीने स्वागत केले.

आनंदी समानार्थी शब्द मराठी प्रश्न 4.
आजीने मुलांचे लाड कसे केले?
आजीने मुलांच्या डोक्यावरून, तोंडावरून प्रेमाने हात फिरवून मुलांचे लाड केले.

प्रश्न 5.
मुले कोठे पोहायला जात?
मुले विहिरीवर पोहायला जात.

प्रश्न 6.
सुट्टी संपल्यावर सगळे कुठे परतले?
सुट्टी संपल्यावर सगळे गावी आपल्या घरी परतले.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न 7.
मुले मामाबरोबर कुठे फिरायला जात?
मुले मामाबरोबर आमराईत फिरायला जात.

प्रश्न 8.
मामाच्या मुलांची नावे लिहा.
राजू आणि चिमी ही मामाच्या मुलांची नावे आहेत.

खालील प्रश्नांची दोन-तीन वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
मामाच्या गावातील सायंकाळचे वर्णन करा.
घरी जाण्यासाठी सर्व बैलगाडीत बसले. तोवर सायंकाळ झाली होती. पाने सळसळत होती. पाण्याची खळखळ, पक्ष्यांची किलबिल, शेतात चरणाऱ्या गाईंचे हंबरणे, बकऱ्यांचे बेंऽ बेंऽ ऐकू येत होते. शेतातील पिके वाऱ्यावर मंद मंद डुलत होती.

प्रश्न 2.
मामाच्या घरी सर्वांचे स्वागत कसे झाले?
मामा स्वत: बैलगाडी घेऊन स्टेशनवर घ्यायला आला होता. घरी येताच मामीने तोंडभर हसून सगळ्यांचे स्वागत केले, राजू व चिमी ही मामाची मुले वाटच पहात होती. ते सगळ्यांना कडकडून भेटले. आजी हळूहळू काठी टेकवत आली व तिने मुलांच्या डोक्यावरून, तोंडावरून प्रेमाने हात फिरवला.

व्याकरण व भाषाभ्यास:

  • एकवचन – जेव्हा आपण एका वस्तूबद्दल बोलतो तेव्हा ते एकवचन असते.
  • अनेकवचन – जेव्हा आपण अनेक वस्तूंबद्दल बोलतो तेव्हा ते अनेकवचन असते.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

खालील शब्दांचे वचन बदला.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. आंबा
  2. आगगाडी
  3. केस
  4. खिडकी
  5. पीक
  6. धुंगूरमाळ
  7. पान
  8. घर
  9. पक्षी
  10. चेहरा
  11. नदी
  12. परीक्षा
  13. कैऱ्या


  1. आंबे
  2. आगगाड्या
  3. केस
  4. खिडक्या
  5. पिके
  6. घुगूरमाळा
  7. पाने
  8. घरे
  9. पक्षी
  10. चेहरे
  11. नदया
  12. परीक्षा
  13. कैरी

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

खालील वाक्यातील नामांना अधोरेखित करा.

प्रश्न 1.
मुलांनी खाऊ खाल्ला.
मुलांनी खाऊ खाल्ला.

खालील शब्दांचे समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांचे समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. धमाल
  2. बिलगणे
  3. झुळूक
  4. छोटे
  5. बागडणे


  1. मजा
  2. प्रेमाने जवळ येणे
  3. वाऱ्याची लहर
  4. लहान
  5. खेळणे.

प्रश्न 2.
‘गाईचे हंबरणे’ तसे खालील पशुपक्ष्यांचे आवाजदर्शक शब्द लिहा.

  1. कोल्हा
  2. चिमणी
  3. कोकीळ
  4. कावळा


  1. कुई कुई
  2. चिव-चिव
  3. कुहू कुहू
  4. काव-काव

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न 3.
खालील शब्दांसारखे दोन दोन शब्द लिहा.

  • सरसर – (1) झरझर (2) घरघर
  • झपझप – (1) धपधप (2) रपरप

प्रश्न 4.
खालील वाक्प्रचारांचा वाक्यात उपयोग करा.
तल्लीन होणे – मालिनी सतार वाजवताना तल्लीन होते.

लेखन विभाग:

प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्द आपण कधी वापरतो? (कृपया, माफ करा, आभारी आहे.)
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 5

  1. कृपया येथे माझे सामान ठेवाल कां?
  2. माफ करा माझ्या हातून कप फुटला.
  3. आपण मला मदत केलीत, आभारी आहे.

प्रश्न 2.
तुमच्या वर्गात तुम्ही कोणते सुविचार लिहाल?

  1. प्रयत्न केल्याने यश मिळते. अपयशाने खचू नका.
  2. निसर्ग तुमचे भविष्य आहे. त्याची काळजी घ्या. निसर्ग जपा. झाडांशी मैत्री करा.
  3. चांगला आहार मन, बुद्धी व शरीराला पोषक असतो.
  4. खूप वाचा. खूप शिका. मोठ्यांचा आदर करा.
  5. अंधश्रद्धेला बळी पडू नका. ज्ञानाची ज्योत पेटवा.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

प्रश्न 3.
बागेत तुम्ही कोणते सुचना फलक पाहता?
Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव 6

प्रश्न 4.
सामाजिक समस्यांवर आधारित घोषवाक्ये लिहा.

  1. पाणी जीवन आहे. जपून वापरा.
  2. नका तोडू वृक्ष, रहा नेहमी दक्ष.
  3. निसर्गाचा ठेवा मान, राखा पर्यावरणाचे भान.
  4. वीज, पाणी, पेट्रोल, डिझेल ही साधनसंपत्ती; नका करू नाश, नाहीतर ओढवेल आपत्ती.
  5. कापडी पिशव्यांची साथ खरी; प्लॅस्टिक नको दारोदारी.

माझा अनुभव Summary in Marathi

पाठ परिचयः

प्रस्तुत पाठात वार्षिक परीक्षा संपल्यानंतर मामाच्या गावाला जाण्याचे प्रवासवर्णन व मामाच्या गावात पोहचल्यावर केलेली मौजमजा शब्दचित्रीत केली आहे. उन्हाळ्याच्या सुट्टीचा आनंद कसा लुटला याचा अनुभव मांडला आहे.


  1. झुळूक – वाऱ्याची लहर (breeze)
  2. छोटे – लहान (small)
  3. गाढ झोपणे – शांत झोपणे (deep sleep)
  4. हंबरणे – गाईचा आवाज (bellow)
  5. प्रेमळ – प्रेमाने भरलेला (loving)
  6. धमाल – मजा (enjoyment, great fun)
  7. बागडणे – खेळणे (to play)
  8. कैऱ्या – कच्चे आंबे (raw mangoes)
  9. पाडाचा आंबा – अर्धवट पिकलेला आंबा (half riped mango)
  10. आमराई – आंब्यांची बाग (mango orchard)

Maharashtra Board Class 6 Marathi Solutions Chapter 2 माझा अनुभव

वाक्प्रचार व अर्थ:

  1. तल्लीन होणे- दंग होणे, गुंग होणे
  2. गहिवरून येणे – मन भरून येणे
  3. कडकडून भेटणे – प्रेमाने मिठी मारणे
  4. गाठणे – जाऊन भेटणे
  5. बिलगणे – प्रेमाने आलिंगन देणे

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Class 6 History Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer in one sentence:

Janapadas And Mahajanapadas Class 6 Questions And Answers Question 1.
What is meant by janapada?
Small city states came to be known as janapadas.

Janapadas And Mahajanapadas Class 6 Answers Question 2.
What is meant by mahajanapada?
Some janapadas gradually became stronger and expanded their geographical bounderies, such janapadas came to be known as Mahajanapadas.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Janapadas And Mahajanapadas Class 6 Question 3.
Where was the first Buddhist council held?
The first Buddhist council or sangiti was held at Rajgriha.

Janapadas Class 6 Question 4.
Who introduced the system of standard weights and measures?
The Nandas introduced the system of standard weights and measures.

2. Can you name the following?

Janapadas And Mahajanapadas Class 6 Pdf Question 1.
Some part of today’s Maharashtra was occupied by this janapada.

Question 2.
This was an assembly of the senior citizens of a janapada

Question 3.
This was the venue of discussion.

Question 4.
Gautam Buddha belonged to this janapada.
Shakya Republic

Question 5.
They had a four-column army.
The Nanda Kings

3. Match the following:

Question 1.

Column AColumn B
(1) Sangiti
(2) Dhanananda
(3) Pataligram
(a) Ajatshatru
(b) Parishad
(c) Mahagovind
(d) Nanda king

1 – b
2 – d
3 – a

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

4. Make a table showing the various kingdoms in the Indian sub-continent and their capitals.

Kingdoms in the Indian sub-continentCapitals
VatsaKosam, Kaushambi
MallaKushinagar and Pavapur
PanchalAhichhatra and Kampilya


  • Visit a nearby fort and find out the following:
  1. Type of the fort
  2. In whose reign it was built
  3. The Killedar………..
  4. The main feature.
  • Find out the different arms and services of the Indian Army.
  • Complete the following table:
    S.noName of the
    LocationCapitalName of the most important king
    (1)At the foot of the Himalayas.
    (4)Region around the cities of Patna, Gaya.

Class 6 History Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas InText Questions and Answers


Question 1.
Find out the different arms and services of the Indian Army.
Combat Arms :

  • Infantry
  • Armoured Corps
  • Regiment of Artillery

Supporting Arms :

  • Army Aviation Corps
  • Corps of Engineers
  • Corps of Signals
  • Mechanized Infantry
  • Army Air Defence

Services :

  • Army Education Corps
  • Army Medical Corps
  • Army Ordinance Corps
  •  Army Postal Service Corps
  • Army Service Corps
  • Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers
  • Corps of Military Police
  • Judge Advocate Generals Department
  • Army Dental Corps
  • Remount and Veterinary Corps
  • Other Services

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 2.
Complete the following table:

S.noName of the
LocationCapitalName of the most important king
(1)At the foot of the Himalayas.
(4)Region around the cities of Patna, Gaya.


S.noName of the
LocationCapitalName of the most important king
(1)The Kosala MahajanapadaAt the foot of the Himalayas.ShravatiKing Prasenjit
(2)VatsaThe region around Prayag that is Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.KosamKing Udayana
(3)AvantiMalwa region of Madya Pradesh.UjjayaniPradyot
(4)MagadhaRegion around the cities of Patna, Gaya.RajgrihaKing Bimbisara

Class 6 History Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option:

Question 1.
The period from about 1000 BCE to 600 BCE is considered to be the ______ period.
(a) medieval
(b) Vedic
(c) post-Vedic
(c) post-Vedic

Question 2.
The ______ came into existence in the post-Vedic period.
(a) janapadas
(b) mahajanapads
(c) angas
(a) janapadas

Question 3.
The janapada called Ashmak occupied a part of today’s _______.
(a) Karnataka
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Bihar
(b) Maharashtra

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 4.
Some of the janapadas were monarchies, while others were ________.
(a) republics
(b) independent
(c) dependent
(a) republics

Question 5.
Every janapada had its own ______.
(a) library
(b) palace
(c) coinage
(c) coinage

Question 6.
Some janapadas gradually became stronger and ______ their geographical boundaries.
(a) contracted
(b) expanded
(c) built
(b) expanded

Question 7.
By sixth century BCE, _______ Mahajanapadas acquired special importance.
(a) fifteen
(b) sixteen
(c) seventeen
(b) sixteen

Question 8.
Ajatshatru was the son of _______.
(a) Chandragupta
(b) Shishunag
(c) Bimbisara
(c) Bimbisara

Question 9.
The kingdom of Magadha prospered during the reign of ______.
(a) Ajatshatru
(b) Bimbisara
(c) Chandragupta
(a) Ajatshatru

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 10.
Ajatashatru became the ______ of Gautam Buddha.
(a) leader
(b) follower
(c) descendant
(b) follower

Question 11.
The first Buddhist Council or sangiti was held at ______.
(a) Rajgriha
(b) Ashmak
(c) Panchal
(a) Rajgriha

Question 12.
The foundation for the new _______ Pataligram of Magadha was laid during Ajatshatru’s period.
(a) city
(b) palace
(c) capital
(c) capital

Question 13.
_______ was probably in the vicinity of today’s Patna city.
(a) Pataliputra
(b) Vatra
(c) Avanti
(a) Pataliputra

Question 14.
A noteworthy successor of Ajatshatru was the Magadha king _______.
(a) Dhananand
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Shishunag
(c) Shishunag

Question 15.
Nearly the entire region of northern India came under the ______ of Magadha.
(a) control
(b) influence
(c) subjection
(a) control

Question 16.
The _____ ruled the Magadha Empire between 364 BCE and 324 BCE.
(a) Guptas
(b) Nandas
(c) Mauryas
(b) Nandas

Question 17.
The Nandas set up a good ________ system necessary to run the huge empire.
(a) political
(b) financial
(c) administrative
(c) administrative

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 18.
The Nandas also ________ the system of standard weights and measures.
(a) introduced
(b) exploited
(c) destroyed
(a) introduced

Question 19.
King _______ was the last king of the Nanda dynasty.
(a) Nanda
(b) Dhanananda
(c) Bimbisara
(b) Dhanananda

Question 20.
Chandragupta Maurya won ______ and ended the Nanda regime.
(a) Pataliputra
(b) Kashi
(c) Ashmak
(a) Pataliputra

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
Which period is considered to be the post- Vedic period?
The period from about 1000 BC to 600 BC is considered to be the post-Vedic period.

Question 2.
When did the janapadas come into existance?
The janapadas came into existence during the post-Vedic period.

Question 3.
Around which region did the janapadas spread?
The janapadas spread from today’s Afghanistan which is to the north west of the Indian subcontinent to Bengal and Odisha in the east and to Maharashtra in the south.

Question 4.
Which janapada occupied a part of today’s Maharashtra?
The janapada called ‘Ashmak’ occupied a part of today’s Maharashtra.

Question 5.
What is the organisation of senior citizens called?
The organization of senior citizens is called gana-parishad.

Question 6.
What was the work of the gana-parishad?
The members of the gana-parishad came together for discussion and made decisions regarding administrative issues.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 7.
What was the place where the gana-parishad met called?
The place where the gana-parishad met and took decisions was known as the ‘Santhagar’.

Question 8.
From which Republican state did Gautam Buddha hail?
Gautam Buddha hailed from the Shakya Republic.

Question 9.
How many mahajanapadas had acquired special importance in the sixth century BCE?
Upto the sixth century BCE, sixteen mahajanapadas had acquired special importance.

Question 10.
Name some powerful mahajanapada.
Some of the powerful mahajanapadas were Kosala, Vatsa, Avanti and Magadha.

Question 11.
Who was Bimbisara’s son?
Bimbisara’s son was Ajatshatru.

Question 12.
Whose ardent follower did Ajatshatru become?
Ajatshatru became the follower of Gautam Buddha.

Question 13.
When was the foundation for the new capital Pataligram laid?
The foundation for the new capital Pataligram of Magadha was laid during Ajatshatru’s period.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

Question 14.
Which ancient city was in the vicinity of today’s city of Patna?
The ancient city Pataliputra was in the vicinity of today’s city of Patna.

Question 15.
Who was the successor of Ajatshatru?
A noteworthy successor of Ajatshatru was the Magadha King Shishunag.

Question 16.
Which kingdoms did King Shishunag annex?
King Shishunag annexed the kingdoms of Avanti, Kosala, and Vatsa to Magadha.

Question 17.
State the period of Nanda rule.
The Nandas ruled the Magadha Empire between 364 BCE and 324 BCE.

Question 18.
Describe the army of the Nanda Kings.
The Nanda Kings had a huge four column army of infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants.

Question 19.
Who was the last king of the Nanda dynasty?
King Dhananand was the last king of the Nanda dynasty.

Question 20.
How did the Nanda dynasty decline?
During Dhananand’s reign, an ambitious youth Chandragupta Maurya won Pataliputra and brought about an end to the Nanda regime.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 6 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas